Jurassic World Fanfiction...

By Crypt_of_Legends

333K 6.6K 1.9K

"Asset 2067..." "Rebecca" Owen interrupted "Rebecca" Clair said sternly " is our most dangerous attraction h... More

Ch 1. Im Rebecca
Ch 2. Flight Rebecca Down
Ch 3. Meet princess Hoskins
Another A/N
Ch 4. The Indominus Rex
Ch 6. Welcome to Jurassic World
Ch 7. This Is The Part Where I Break Free
Ch 8. You Shoot me Down But I wont Fall
Ch 9. How Could You
Ch 10. I Trust You
Happy Back to The Future Day
Ch 11. Memories
New story
Hey guys
Ch 12. I might only have one match, but i can make an explosion
Ch 13. You sit on a throne of lies
Ch 14. Cause for the first time in forever, i will be right here
Im sorry
Ch. 15 Almost there
Ch. 16 I really dont have a title for this chapter.
Ch. 17 Final Performance
Ch. 18 The End
Sneak peak

Ch 5. Lets put on a Show

12.9K 323 121
By Crypt_of_Legends

A/N her guys quick note, this is the last back story chapter so next.... We get to the incredibly awesome movie. YAY.
Thanks for all the awesome comments by the way, you guys ROCK! Anyways ENJOY
-Tyler Rae
P.s I finally figured out how to bold. Eeeeeeedp

Owens POV

Today's the big day, Rebecca has her first performance. I remember arguing with Clair about this 3 months  ago.

Flash back

I was working on my motorcycle when Clair's car came into view.
"Owen just the man I needed to see"
She said with a calm smile.
"What do you need" I asked
"Well" she dragged it off before starting again.
"You see, Asset 2067..."
"Rebecca" I quickly interrupted
"Rebecca" Clair said sternly " is our most dangerous attraction here, so she needs to be tested"
"Tested? What do you mean by tested" I asked curiously
Clair hesitated.
"We want to see how she works with people"

After that there was a big fight, but in the end I gave in. I'm still not sure if Rebecca's ready, I mean we've practiced for weeks but I'm still nervous on how she will react.

She rarely shifts back to her human form any more and I haven't been able to see her in a while.

Man she's probably pretty mad at me.

After a while of ridding my motorcycle, I got to Rebecca's enclosure. There was a huge truck there to transport 'Becca to her performing paddock.

I could hear shouts of frustration and gruffs coming from the enclosure and went inside.

What I saw almost made me laugh, Rebecca (still in Dragon form) was refusing to get in the truck. Which would be pretty hard seeming as she is 40 feet tall already.

"Owen" I herd.

I turned me head seeing Barry run up to me.

"What is it" I asked

He started to laugh a little. "Rebecca won't get in the truck" he stated.
"I can tell" I said back.
We both started laughing as we made our way over to Rebecca.

When she saw me she stopped completely. She blinked for a minute than sat down and turned away from me.

"What you pouting now" I called to her.
She started making noises while lifting her mouth in a mocking manner.

"Aw you gonna cry you big baby boo" I said with a smile.
She turned her head to me and pulled a 'really' face. But she gave in and laid down next to me, her head on the ground. Her head was still taller than me, I mean I barley made it to her snout. So I better not tick her off or I might not make it out with both my shoes.

I slowly came up to her and put my hand on her nose. "Come on 'Becca, we need to go or we'll be late" I told her.
Her eyes went down and she turned her head a bit.

"I'll let you ride with me if you come" her head shot up at that and she immediately stood up and started jumping around happily.

"Ok, ok calm down" I told her. She immediately shifted to her human form and ran out the door.

"Come on slow poke" she shouted.

I laughed as I met her by my motorcycle.
"Can I drive" she asked excitedly
"Let me think.......sure"




We finally made it to her Paddock and got inside. I could see people gathering around in a log with a window. Since the people don't know she is part human, they do that to make them feel safe. Suddenly Rebecca turned to me scared.

"Owen I can't do this" she said shaking her head.

"You'll be fine 'Becca" I said assuringly
"But, what if they don't like me"

"Come on they'll love you, I mean who wouldn't love you" I asked her

"Cows, goats, Alan Grant" she went on.

I just grinned at her, then hugged her."You'll do great". She nodded her head than entered the grove of trees and shifted. When she came out a bunch of people started taking pictures and 'awwwwing' at her. She turned to the instructor of her new paddock.

It was a girl named 'Jess' who I'd only met twice before but she seemed really nice and worked well with 'Becca, from what I've heard.

Jess raised her hand up and 'Becca opened her wings, people got even more excited, even though they won't be able to see her fly.

They did some other things and then they brought out a goat, since it was small enough it wouldn't fill her up so she could do it multiple times.

People got excited as she walked over to the goat. She usually aye already dead meat so I don't know how
She will react. As she got closer I swear her eyes went red as she bent down and swallowed the goat whole. When she turned my way her eyes were stormy grey as usual, maybe I was seeing things.

I left after the second showing to go to the raptor paddock. After a while I heard that Rebecca did fantastic all day long and that the people lived her, thou they had some trouble getting her back to the enclosure, everything was good.

Life was good.

Little did i know was in the next year and a half things would be different, very different.


Woo goo. Two chapters in one day. High five to whoever got the 'How to Train your Dragon' reference. Sorry this chapter was short I'm just excited to get the the next part. So put on your pants, cause it's gonna be Awesome.

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