My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arsh...

By amira039303

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My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 3
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 5
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 6
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 7
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 8
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 9
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 10
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 14
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 15
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 17
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 18
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 19
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 23
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 24
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part II)
Chapter 26 (Part I)
Chapter 26 (Part II)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part I)
Chapter 30 (Part II)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Maha Update)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II) Teaser...
Chapter 50 - Part II (Last Chapter)
Epilogue A
Epilogue B
Epilogue C
Nominations/Thank you Note

My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)

11.1K 456 11
By amira039303

Arnav hadn't read the contents of the file yet because he thought that he and Khushi could read it together.

So when they were sitting on the sofa comfortably, he passed the file to Khushi and just said, "Open it."


"Arnavji, you can just tell me what's in the file. No need to give me the file itself," she said.

"I know Khushi, but I don't know what's in it either."

"Huh? You haven't read it?" she asked, surprised.

"Have I spent a minute away from you since I got that file?" he questioned back, his voice unintentionally turning husky.

Khushi blushed. Of course!' Khushi thought. He hadn't even touched the file after Akash bhai had given it to him yesterday. He'd only picked it up a minute ago and straight away he had given it to her.

Suddenly she felt a little apprehensive of opening the file alone. She had no idea what was inside...

She inched closer to Arnav, yearning for his support.

And Arnav, understanding her plight, put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer, silently giving her the strength she needed.

Khushi opened the file, and there on the first page there were only two words in bold on the page. SHASHI GUPTA.'

"What is this?" she asked Arnav. "Why does it have my papa's name on this?"

"Read it and see." That was the only reply she got from Arnav.

As she turned the pages, all she saw was incidents that happened in her father's lives. There were even a few incidents from her father's childhood, but most of it was from his business life.

As she briefly skimmed over the information, she guessed that it was some kind of background check on her father.

And then after a few more pages, there was another page saying, "KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA."

And this came as an even bigger shock to Khushi. Why did he do a background check on her?

Instantly a sprout of doubt rose in her mind. Did he not trust her? Is that why he wanted information on her? All that trust that they had built up together - was that all a lie?

But then the very next minute, she pushed those thoughts out of her head. No, she can't judge things without hearing him out. Trust isn't always just about trusting the other person with unknown matters. Sometimes trust is about trusting the other person to trust you as well. And Khushi was not going to let go of that trust that she had on Arnav.

"Arnavji, what is this?" she turned to him. "Why have you done a background check on my dad?" she asked. "And most importantly why did you do a check on ME?" she questioned, searching his eyes. "If you wanted to know about me then you could have asked ME, why go and do a background check???"

"Why are you silent?" she asked, the very next second, without even giving him a chance to speak.

"I can only speak if you stop speaking, Khushi," his eyes glinting with amusement, with no reflections of the seriousness in Khushi's voice.

But Khushi was just not in the mood for jokes. "This is serious Arnavji."

Arnav sighed. Who would have known? The once workaholic ACP Arnav Singh Raizada aka ASR, no longer wants to work because he wants to spend quality time with a special someone. And here that special someone is focused only on work. *Sigh*

"I know Khushi," he finally answered, squeezing her shoulders slightly. "Before I explain about the file, I need to tell you a few things about your case," he said.

Khushi nodded, with no idea of what to expect.

"Khushi remember the day those goons were chasing you?"

"Haan, the day I met you for the first time," she said, smiling at the memory.

And Arnav couldn't help but return her smile when she said that. But then he got back to the matter at hand, the next moment.

"Right. Do you know whose goons they were?" he questioned.

"Probably that L75's right?" Khushi answered.

"No they weren't." he replied.

Khushi's eyebrows furrowed. "Then whose?"

"Shyam Manohar Jha's," he replied, his eyes hardening when he said the name.

"Who is that? And why would he send goons behind me?" she asked, very confused.

"Khushi do you remember that guy who used to come to your sweet shop every Sunday, to buy jalebis for his mother?"

"Of course I do! Karanji, how can I forget him? He's such a nice guy you know? His mother has a terminal illness so he is doing everything he can to keep her happy in her last days. Did you know, he comes to our sweet shop every Sunday even though it takes him 3 hours to get there?! And that too just because his mum likes Lucknowi sweets! His mum is so lucky to have a son like him..." she said, praising Karan.

Arnav clenched his hands into fists, hearing praises for another man from her mouth.

"Neither is that bast*** nice and nor is he sweet," he said between gritted teeth.

"Arnavji!" Khushi exclaimed. She was absolutely outraged - he just swore and that too at Karanji who was such a nice person! "Arnavji, don't talk about him like that! He's my friend!" she told him.

Arnav's anger was reaching its peak now, seeing her arguing with HIM for another man.

"Khushi," he said in a warning tone.

But Khushi ignored the warning completely and just carried on, "Do you have any idea how much of an amazing guy he is? He's helped me with many things over the time I've known him, and have you seen how caring he is over his mother? I'm not going to just sit here while you curse such a nice-"

Arnav just stood up and started striding away before she could finish. Arnav's anger had no limit right now after hearing so much from her mouth about another man. There was so much he wanted to do right now but he controlled himself and decided to just walk away. If he opened his mouth, then he would definitely make the situation worse by saying something he didn't mean in his anger

But Khushi wasn't having that. Her anger also rose seeing Arnav walking away while she was still speaking.

She got up and strode up to him and pulled at his arm, making him turn back towards her.

But what she saw surprised her slightly.

He was looking at her, seething in anger.

Normally she would have mellowed down a little, seeing his rage, but today she was too angered herself to pay too much attention to that.

"Aapki himmat! Jab hum baat karrahein hain, toh hamaari taraf dekhiye! Hamaari baat ab tak khatam nahi hui hai! (How dare you?! When I'm talking to you, then look at me! I haven't finished yet!)"

"Arnav Singh Raizada jo chaiye kar saktha hai. Or main ASR hoon. AR Designs ke CEO. Mere paas bohot saara kaam hai, or tumhaari yeh stupid bakwaas sunne keliye mere paas time nahi hai. (Arnav Singh Raizada can do anything he wants. And I'm ASR. CEO of AR Designs. I have a lot of work, and I have no time to listen to your stupid rubbish.)" he spat harshly.

Khushi was shocked. Where was her Arnavji gone? This was not him speaking. This was ASR speaking.

"What the hell Arnavji! I'M speaking rubbish? It's not me who's speaking rubbish but YOU! The moment you open your mouth, the only thing that's coming out is your arrogance and your ego! What has happened to you?! You weren't like this before! First you speak rubbish about Karanji and now you're showing me attitude. What's wrong with you?!" she shouted in frustration.

"What's wrong with me?" he snickered sarcastically. "What's wrong with me?" he repeated mockingly.


And with that he let go of her shoulders, almost pushing her away from him before walking away from her.

Khushi stood there bewildered by what he'd just said - or shouted even...

He was jealous... He was jealous!!!

A small smile made its way onto her lips. He was angry because he was possessive of her... And that thought made her heart jump up in joy!

Before he could make his way to the elevator like he always does, Khushi ran after him until she was standing in front of him, blocking his way.

Arnav stopped walking seeing her in front of him. But then the next second he was about to step around her when she sidestepped to block his way once more.

Before he could try moving again she said, "You were jealous," a hint of a smile playing around her lips. It wasn't a question - just a mere statement.

Arnav hadn't expected that from her, but now that she'd said it, he wasn't going to let her mock him with his feelings. "In your dreams," he sniggered, trying to cover up the blunder he'd made a minute ago, telling her his feelings. "Why would I be jealous over YOU? Stop dreaming Khushi, the world doesn't revolve around you."

And with that he meant to walk away but Khushi didn't let him. She'd seen right through his lie so she stepped forward and grabbed his collar, pulling him towards herself before pushing him against the nearest wall.

Arnav was caught unaware for a second as he hadn't expected that move from her, so he had no choice but to comply.

Khushi pulled him by the collar slightly while plastering her body to his, tip toeing so that she could meet his eyes.

"If you weren't jealous then what were the words that you uttered a few minutes ago?" she asked.

"I lied," he said, looking away.

"Acha? (Oh really?) So it doesn't matter if I praise another man?"

"No," he said, stubbornly looking away.

"So it doesn't matter if I stand this close to another man?"

Just hearing those words, Arnav's anger rose but he gulped it down before saying, "No."

Khushi hugged him so tight that there wasn't even space for air between them.

"So it doesn't matter if I hug another man like this?" she asked, tightening her arms further.

Arnav's hands fisted by his sides at the thought, but still he said, "No."

Khushi took a deep breath, mustering up as much courage as she could to do what she was about to do next.

She stood up on her tiptoes and lightly brushed her lips against his lips. Staying in that position, she spoke against his lips, "So it doesn't matter if I kiss another man?" Arnav was almost shaking with anger by now but he remained silent.

Khushi could tell his control was breaking so without breaking the contact between their lips, she took both of his hands and places it on her waist and whispered, "So it doesn't matter if I let another man touch me like THIS," and she emphasised her point by pressing his hands into her waist more.

And that did it.

Arnav slammed his lips on hers, taking her lips into a rough kiss.

He grabbed her tresses with one hand while pressing his other onto her lower back, pulling her closer while he bit her lips in a dominating manner, marking her as his.

Within seconds Arnav pushed Khushi against the wall, switching positions, making sure that she didn't get hurt in the process. He pressed himself against her with urgency while he sucked on her sweet nectar.

This is exactly what Khushi had wanted and expected. She wanted him to kiss her without hesitation. She wanted him to take her, knowing that she was his. She wanted him to impose his rights on her. And that's why she had riled him up, taking him up to the peak of his anger so that he would act on his instinct.

And he had reacted just as she had expected. And now she wanted to let him know that she was HIS, and his only.

Khushi was responding just as vigorously, pulling at his hair and collar roughly while she bit his lips with possession.

Their tongues were fighting for dominance and both of them explored each other tirelessly, unable to get close enough to each other.

Soon what started out as a rough kiss eventually turned into a soft expression of their love.

Both of them now soothed each other's lips, licking and sucking the areas they'd bitten harshly.

Neither wanted this to end, but the necessity of air made them take their lips away from each other.

But even then, Arnav couldn't get enough and he started placing moist kisses all over Khushi's neck, making her moan in pleasure.

Minutes later, Arnav's head was buried in crook of Khushi's neck, while they were both breathing hard from the exchange.

When both of their breathing came back to normal, Arnav growled, "You're mine."

Khushi smiled with her arms still wound around him, but didn't reply.

Arnav lifted his head up from her neck and his eyes darkened as he gazed at her with an intensity that almost shook her. He squeezed her waist with possession before saying, "You. Are. Mine," punctuating each word.

Khushi eyes twinkled when she replied, "Yours," without breaking their eye contact.

Then she brought her hands up to cup his face tenderly.

"Arnavji, you never have to be jealous of anyone. And I mean ANYONE. I'm always yours. No one can come between us. Not Karanji and not any other man. For me, you will always be the one. My Arnavji. And I will always be your Khushi. No one else's," she said with finality. Then she got up on her tiptoes circling her arms around his neck, "Now engrave that into that little police brain of yours Mr Raizada," she said, pecking his lips softly at the end.

Her words calmed the raging storm in Arnav's heart instantly, replacing the fierce envy with bubbling happiness.

He didn't reply but leaned forward to rest his forehead on hers, smiling contentedly with closed eyes, just enjoying the moment with her.

A few moments later, Khushi spoke up, interrupting their peaceful moment.

"Arnavji?" she called, causing him to lift his head up from hers and look at her, his eyes questioning.

"You still haven't completed your explanation about my case and the file yet - I guess we got distracted..." she said.

The second she mentioned distracted,' Arnav's gaze shifted, lingering on her swollen lips, making Khushi blush.

Both had the same memory running in their heads and unconsciously both of them were leaning in towards each other.

But then just as their lips were about to meet, Arnav realised what they were doing, and as much as he wanted to kiss Khushi senseless right now, he knew that they needed to get this case matter over with.

Khushi deserved to know everything and he will make sure that it happens.

So just as their lips were about to touch, Arnav bent down and lifted Khushi up into his arms, surprising her with the move.

Khushi didn't say a word as she was embarrassed that he didn't reciprocate and she was caught in the heat of the moment. She just avoided Arnav's gaze when he looked down at her, but the darkening red hue on her cheeks gave her away.

But then Arnav just took them towards the couch again, and instead of seating her next to him, he sat down and placed her in his lap, cradling her like a baby.

He softly pecked her lips and said, "As much as I want to devour your lips right now," Khushi blushed with his words which were filled with so much raw passion, "you deserve to know about this case. And if we get distracted now, we will be distracted all day..."

And Khushi knew what he meant so she simply nodded, but her blush still didn't fade one bit.

"So... where were we? Before we got... umm... distracted?" he asked.

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