My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arsh...

By amira039303

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My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 3
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 5
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 6
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 7
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 8
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 9
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 10
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 14
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 15
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 17
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 18
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 19
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 23
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 24
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part II)
Chapter 26 (Part I)
Chapter 26 (Part II)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part I)
Chapter 30 (Part II)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Maha Update)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II) Teaser...
Chapter 50 - Part II (Last Chapter)
Epilogue A
Epilogue B
Epilogue C
Nominations/Thank you Note

My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20

9.9K 443 7
By amira039303

"After everything, this is what you think of me! You thought so cheaply of me. And here I thought that we..." He looked at her with the hurt of betrayal clear in his eyes.

Khushi was shaking her head vigorously with tears streaming down her eyes, look at the hurt and agony in his eyes. No. She hadn't meant it in that way. She didn't doubt him. Never. That wasn't her intention at all. She opened her mouth to try and make him understand but he didn't give her the chance.

"THIS WAS A BLOODY MISTAKE!" And with that he turned around and strode away.

"Arnavji!" Khushi called desperately. She called his name over and over but he was in no mood to stop. Khushi ran behind him, her tears flowing endlessly, trying to follow him into the elevator to try and talk to him and make him understand but she was just a second too late.

The door of the elevator closed in her face before she could step in.

And she was left all alone.

"Arnavji! Arnavji!" she called, desperately banging on the closed door of the elevator, but to no avail.

"ARNAVJI!!!!!" she cried.

She slid down to the floor sobbing. She sat there and cried her heart out. For him. For her. For THEM.

What had she done?


Why? Why did this have to happen to him? Why was he given hope when he didn't want any? And when he finally started to hold onto it, it was snatched away. Just like always.

Why was life always so cruel to him?

No that's not the question he was meant to ask. He knew life was cruel. He had known this fact ever since the death of his mother. But why had he allowed himself to feel hope? Why had he allowed Khushi into his life? Into his heart? Why???

In these past few weeks he felt himself enjoying life for once. The loneliness he had once felt had slowly started to dissipate.

There wasn't any significant changes in his routine. He was still doing the normal, routine things that he had done for the past few years of his life. But somehow Khushi's presence had changed the feel of it all. He started to look forward to their moments together after doing his work. He looked forward to eating the food made by her hands. He looked forward to going out and buying her favourite snacks for her. And he looked forward to that one hug that she always gave him at seeing her favourite snack in his hands.

Khushi had changed his life by making him want to live. She made him realise that there was a chance of happiness for him out there.

But he should have known.

It was all an illusion.

A cruel joke that life had played on him.

How could he have even thought that he had a chance at happiness?

Khushi had come to mean so much to him in these few weeks she had been with him. She was an angel sent by his mother. His precious, innocent angel. And he had thought that he had also come to mean something to her. A friend.

But no. None of it was true! How could it be when she didn't even have an ounce of trust in him?! No relationship works without trust. And here she had questioned his basic morality! She had thought of him so cheaply! How could he ever trust her friendship after that! Was it all a lie?

How could she do this to him? How could she even THINK of him in such a bad light? After everything they had gone through together, is that what he looked like to her? Some kind of cheap criminal who earns money using all the wrong methods?

She had compared him to THEM! The people who he hated most in his life. She had classed him as one of THEM!

It hurt to see her question him like that, not trusting him. It hurt his ego. His pride. His whole existence.

If you had been completely truthful about who you were then she wouldn't have questioned you like this, one part of Arnav's brain told him.

But then the other part thought, that still doesn't mean she had to distrust me. Being my friend as she had claimed, she should have trusted me. But she didn't.

All Arnav felt was pain. And frustration at himself for letting this happen.

He didn't want to feel! He needed a distraction!

He looked around his cabin; his eyes finally settling on the table filled with work he had missed out on in the past few weeks.

He rushed to the table, and buried himself with work. Trying to forget.

That day was an awful day for many employees. Arnav was barking orders into the phone, yelling for the smallest mistakes and throwing his wrath at many people for their carelessness.

ASR had always been known for his ruthlessness when it came to business, BUT only when it came down to it. He was known as the best businessman of India for a reason. He wasn't impulsive and he never made decisions based on feelings - not that he really had many feelings before because they were all buried but I'm sure you guys get the point. ASR takes his decisions with a calm and calculative mind. However, at the same time if one of his employees make even the smallest mistake, he makes sure they get a severe punishment.

But today, he was shouting at pretty much everyone and everything. No one had ever seen ASR this way. Normally he was dangerous only if you make a mistake. But today, it was like he was ready to burn anything and anyone who comes into his hands.

That day ASR stayed in his cabin until 9pm, way after office hours. In fact the office was basically empty. He just didn't want to stop working. Because he knew, if he did then all he would be able think of would be Khushi's words.

But he knew he had to go back up now. Their friendship may or may not exist anymore but his responsibility still remained. She was down there all alone - he knew she was safe there but she hadn't eaten anything since lunch. And he wasn't going to let her starve. Even though he had brought in groceries into the penthouse earlier on in the day, he doubted she would have cooked anything for herself.

He called in Akash, who was also still in the office. Akash was a really loyal and sincere worker of AR Designs. He always stayed at office until Arnav did if Arnav decides to stay in late.

Akash had been there with Arnav right from the start when Arnav first started off his business. When Arnav first met Akash, he found him as a graduate who was not only jobless, but also homeless.

Akash was from quite a poor family who gave everything they could just to get Akash educated. And eventually Akash graduated with a degree in business, fulfilling his parents' dream. But unfortunately his parents died soon after and Akash was still unemployed because of his lack of work experience. He had no money as his poor family hadn't been able to save anything for him and he got kicked out of the house his family had been living in. This led him onto the streets.

By the third day, he was starving and he fainted while crossing the road. Had it not been for Arnav who pulled him out of the way just in time, he probably would have died.

Arnav took care of him, provided him with food and allowed him to stay with himself in the tiny rented room he had lived in at the time. After getting to know about Akash in the first few days, Arnav asked Akash whether he wanted to help with his budding business and Akash had accepted the offer immediately.

And from then on Akash had always supported Arnav every step of the way while growing his business. Akash respected Arnav and was always grateful to Arnav for saving his life. Akash always felt that he owed his life to Arnav and he was willing to do anything for him.

Arnav and Akash never really showed what they felt for each other, but if Aman is like Arnav's closest friend, then Akash is like Arnav's brother. In fact Akash is the only one other than Arnav himself who knew about both of Arnav's professions.

Anyways, going back to the present, Arnav called Akash into his cabin and asked Akash to order dinner for two people.

Once Akash brought the dinner inside his cabin, Arnav sent Akash off home before reluctantly taking the lift up to the penthouse, taking the dinner along with him.

As soon as the lift doors opened, the first thing he saw was Khushi sitting on the floor right next to the lift.

"Come and have dinner," Arnav said in a flat voice, while he walked past her figure towards the dining table in the kitchen area, not wanting to face her. He put the food down on the dining table waiting for her to join him.

However, hearing no reply or movement from her side, he stopped walking and turned around.

Khushi's head and body was leaned against the wall next to the lift. She had tear streaks all over her face, her hair was messed up, and her eyes were closed.

"Khushi?" Arnav called, trying to wake her up.

Seeing no response from her, he walked up to her quickly and called out again a little louder, "Khushi!"

Again there was no response. Now Arnav was starting to feel worried.

He was about to shake her by the shoulders a little to try and wake her up, but as soon as he touched her shoulders, he realised her skin was a little too warm even through her salwar material. He quickly put his hand on her forehead only to find it burning hot.

"Damn it!" he swore, running his hands through his hair frustrated. He then swiftly picked her up in his arms and took her to the bed, laying her down on it.

She shivered at the loss of his warmth. Noticing this Arnav took out a blanket from the cupboard and covered her with it.

He quickly went to get the cold compress and laid it on Khushi's forehead.

He sat down next to her, waiting for her to wake up and cursing himself for putting her in this situation. It was all his fault! How could he leave her alone for almost 8 hours in a new place! What was he thinking?! Damn him!

Looking at her fragile, weak, frame all his anger flew out of the window.

Nothing else mattered except her right now. Not his ego, not his pride and not his anger. Only her.

All he could think of was that he couldn't lose her.

How could he have let this happen? He was meant to protect her! And he had failed miserably. Damn it!

Even if she'd misunderstood him, she was still his angel. The angel who his mother had sent for him. The angel that had taught him to smile again. The angel that had made him want to live.

And what had he given her in return? Pain. Only pain.

Why did he always do this to her? He always ended up hurting her. His stupid anger always manages to over-ride all his sanity.

Today, his anger cost Khushi's health. And tomorrow? It will cost Khushi's life.

And all of this was because of his stupid emotions! Why did he have to get so close to her? Why??? Had he maintained his distance with her, her question would never have hurt him! And she wouldn't be in this state now!

He bloody cared too much!

And it was affecting her badly.

He had to maintain his distance from now on, he decided. He wouldn't let her affect him anymore. She will only just be another case for him. His full focus will now just be on solving the case and handing her back to her family safely.

Yes. This was the right decision.

He won't let himself get emotionally attached to her. That would solve all the problems and it's best for everyone that way.

But little did Arnav know that his heart was already lost to her, and there was nothing he could do to take it back.

Yes he was right - he bloody cared too much.

And it was too late to go back.

After a while Khushi stirred awake, a little disorientated and confused. She turned her head slightly to find an anxious Arnav asking her how she was feeling.

"I-I'm fine," she replied in a croaky voice.

"Arnav-ji. E-e-ear-earlier I d-didn't mean it th-that w-way... I..."

"Shhh. It's ok. We can talk about that later when you're better ok?" replied Arnav.

Khushi was about to protest but Arnav wouldn't hear any of it and he just helped her sit up on the bed. "Here, take this tablet," he said, a tablet in his hand ready for her to take.

But Khushi just shook her head in return.

"Don't be stubborn Khushi, you need it. Now take it," Arnav said sternly.

"I don't take tablets for fever." That's all she said.

After a few tries, Arnav gave up. He didn't want to scream at her in this state.

That's when he remembered something. When he was younger and he used to get fever, his mother used to give him milk mixed with turmeric and pepper. And he used to get better pretty quickly. So he turned the TV on for Khushi to watch and told her to stay put before going into the kitchen to make the hot drink.

He returned a few minutes later with the drink. He sat down next to her on the bed and held the glass up to her lips, feeding her the milk himself.

When he was satisfied that she had drunk the whole lot, he helped her get back into bed and tucked her in so she could sleep some more.

All through this Khushi just followed obediently, not wanting to anger him.

When he cleaned up the glass and turned the TV back off, he noticed Khushi was asleep but had started to shiver again.

He looked in the cupboard to see whether there were any more blankets but there were none. Since he was the only one who used the penthouse, he never kept more than one blanket.

"Damn it!" he cursed. He didn't want to disturb Akash at this time. He had stayed way over time in office just for him and he wasn't about to call him at 11pm just to get a blanket.

He looked back at a shivering Khushi, wondering what he should do to help, when an idea popped up in his brain.

He was a little hesitant to act on it though...

What would she think in the morning? And didn't he decide to maintain his distance from her?

But then another part of him told him that he was only doing this to help her out when she was ill.

So he walked around the bed to get in from the other side, and got under the blanket with Khushi.

He put his one arm around Khushi's waist and pulled her towards himself, while cradling her head to his chest with the other hand. And Khushi automatically cuddled closer to him, rubbing her cheeks against his chest and putting her arm around him, subconsciously trying to get closer.

Within a few seconds Khushi's shivering stopped thankfully, but Arnav was starting to feel agitated.

The feel of her body cuddled against his, made him feel sensations he hadn't felt before. It was like a million sparks going off all over his body. And he wanted more. He wanted to get even closer to her - how that would be possible he didn't know because her body was already practically plastered against his, but he couldn't ignore the sensations.

It wasn't like he hadn't hugged her before - in fact it was an everyday thing for them. But lying next to her in bed with her body against his... it just felt so intimate. He had never felt this way with any other girl - but then again he hadn't ever touched another girl, let alone hugged one.

He wasn't stupid to not know what he was feeling - he knew he was physically attracted to Khushi. It's just that he had never felt that pull towards anyone else - not even the hundreds of models who he had worked with and were considered much prettier than Khushi.

These sensations were foreign to him and he never thought that he would feel them for anyone. But now he did, he didn't know how to deal with them... How to stop them...

As he was lost in thought, still trying his best to control his desires, Khushi moved again, trying to get into a more comfortable position. And Arnav could only tighten his arms around her in an attempt to control his hands from moving elsewhere and to stop those weird stirrings in him as her body rubbed against his.

Staying away from this Khushi was going to harder than expected, he realised...

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