My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arsh...

By amira039303

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My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 3
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 5
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 6
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 7
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 8
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 9
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 10
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 14
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 15
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 17
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 18
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 19
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 23
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 24
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part II)
Chapter 26 (Part I)
Chapter 26 (Part II)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part I)
Chapter 30 (Part II)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Maha Update)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II) Teaser...
Chapter 50 - Part II (Last Chapter)
Epilogue A
Epilogue B
Epilogue C
Nominations/Thank you Note

My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16

10K 438 8
By amira039303

"You will do anything?" he asked with a smirk.

"Of course," Khushi said with a confident smile on her face.

"ANYTHING?" Arnav asked, taking a step closer to Khushi.

"Y-yes," replied Khushi, slightly unsure now.

"You sure?" Arnav asked in a husky voice, his breath washing over Khushi's face.

"H-h-haa-an," replied an uncertain Khushi.

Arnav's smirk grew wider as he saw Khushi getting nervous. He stepped even closer, making Khushi take a step back - or at least try to. She tried to step back, only to have her legs hit the bed, making her fall back due to the unexpected impact. Arnav tried to catch her, but he was too late. Instead he himself got pulled and fell on Khushi, his lips landing on hers by accident.

Time froze.

They froze.

Both of their minds went blank.


They remained in that position for a few moments, both unable to move.

Khushi was the first one to come back to her senses. When she realised their position, she gave a push on Arnav's chest, but she wasn't strong enough to be able to push him off her. But she did however manage to bring him back to this world.

As soon as he gained his senses back, Arnav removed his lips from hers, and brought himself off her, coming to stand up, looking everywhere but at Khushi.

Seeing her struggle to get up through the corner of his eye, he outstretched his hand towards her for her to take it, still looking away from her.

Khushi looked up at his hand, unsure of whether she should take the help or not. A few moments after struggling to get up herself, she gave up and clasped his hand.

Arnav pulled her up at once, causing her to land on his chest, while he steadied her with his free hand by holding her waist.

As soon as she was steady, Arnav himself stepped away this time. He had to get away from here. Otherwise he would end up doing something he would deeply regret later.

Without a word he walked towards the door, wanting to get out as soon as possible. However, just as he was going to step out of the door, he turned back, and muttered a quick, "s-s-so-sorry," before walking out.

"What was that?!" Arnav berated himself. What was he doing back there?! He'd k-k-kis-sed her!! Arnav found it hard to even THINK the word.

Even though Arnav had so many girls throwing themselves at him, he'd never bothered to even give them a single look. Till date, he had never been in a relationship with any girl. Forget relationship - he hasn't been on a single date! Anything to do with the feelings of love and desire were completely alien to him.

So all his new-found feelings towards Khushi confused the hell out of him. Now standing outside the house, he could still feel her soft lips on his. The sensation made his lips tingle. What were these feelings?

The kiss was an accident and he knew that. But what puzzled him was why he hadn't pulled away faster. Why couldn't he move? Or rather, why didn't he wantto move? Why did it all just feel so... right? Why?

He didn't know the answer to any of these questions. But one thing he did get the gist of was that he was getting attracted to Khushi. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he couldn't hide from the fact that those few seconds had done something to him. He'd wanted to do so much more that even he himself couldn't understand - and to be honest he didn't want to understand.

He couldn't let this go on. It was forbidden territory.

He wouldn't let this go on, Arnav decided. No matter what. Even if it meant distancing himself from Khushi.

Meanwhile, upstairs Khushi didn't know how to react. In fact she was shocked. Why wasn't she feeling repulsed with his touch? Why didn't she feel impure? Had it been any other man on earth, she knew she would have definitely felt disgusted by what had just occurred, even though it was an accident. But why didn't she feel that way with Arnav?

The feel of his lips on hers was still fresh in her mind... And it just felt so... she didn't even have words to describe it. But she knew one thing. She definitely didn't feel anything negative about what had just happened - and that scared her.

Was she... was she... was she... in l-love with Arnav?

No of course not, she berated herself. You can't just fall in love in a few days! That's not possible. No. She can't be in love.

But then... what was this feeling then? If it wasn't love, then is it just... lust?

NOOO! Her heart rebuked her instantly. This was definitely not lust. This feeling was so pure. It was anything but lust.

Khushi just didn't know what to think of everything. The more she sought for answers the more questions she came up with, bringing her into a deeper pit of confusion. So she decided she would just ignore this whole thing and pretend as though it didn't happen. She would just forget it and continue her friendship with Arnav.

But that was easier said than done because the very next moment the centre piece of all her problems walked through the door again, making the incident which happened a few minutes ago replay in her head again. And again. And again.

So much for wanting to forget, she thought.

Arnav had wanted to leave the house and go on a drive to clear his thoughts. But then he stopped remembering what had happened in his absence only a few hours ago.

No. He couldn't risk it. Right now Khushi's safety was the most important thing and he would be damned if he let these stupid feelings come in between him and his duty. He couldn't risk her safety at any cost.

So Arnav decided to go back upstairs - even if that meant coming face to face with Khushi again. However, as he went up the stairs it clicked in his brain that actually there was a way of keeping close to her and not having to face her...

When Khushi saw Arnav come into the room through the corner of her eyes she hoped against hope that she wouldn't have to face him and speak to him - it was just too awkward and she wasn't ready. She sent up so many prayers in those few seconds to Devi Maiyya that Devi Maiyya's ears would definitely have hurt.

As if Khushi's prayers were answered, Arnav went straight past Khushi without acknowledging her, up to a set of curtains. He pushed aside the curtains to reveal a set of sliding doors leading to a beautiful poolside surrounded by a huge variety of flowers. The poolside was glowing with the moonlight's touch.

Khushi watched in awe of the sight before her. It had never occurred to her before that there could be something beyond those curtains - she had always been busy with one worry or another so she never got the chance to explore the room properly. But now looking at the view, she was awestruck.

Unaware of all of this Arnav went out to the poolside and sat near his plants, where he felt closer to his mother. His heart was still at war with his brain regarding the kiss and his plants were just what he needed to find a little bit of solace.

Although Khushi had promised herself that she would forget about the kiss, her heart just would not comply. The more she tried to forget about it, the more it came back to memory. But somehow, the view of the poolside seemed to calm her heart a little.

Unconsciously she started walking towards the sliding doors by the poolside, completely mesmerised by the sight.

She was about to take a step over into the area itself, but then stopped herself. She could see Arnav sitting by the plants, looking at them slightly lost and confused. That's when it hit her that Arnav was just as affected by the kiss as she was. He was just as confused as her. And she also knew why he sat by his plants. She knew he was trying to draw the comfort of his mother. And she didn't want to invade that space of his that he needed right now.

So Khushi stayed by the sliding doors, leaning against it, and crossed her arms under her chest as she gazed at the stars.

They both stayed in their places for God knows how long.

Arnav, who had been aware of Khushi's presence, waited for Khushi to go and sleep as it was probably past 3 or 4am in the morning. However, after a while it occurred to him that Khushi didn't seem to have any plans of budging. So he decided to take things into his own hands.

"Khushi it's really late. You should sleep now." Arnav said in a low voice but loud enough for Khushi to hear.

On any other occasion Khushi would have asked Arnav to sleep too but today things were just too awkward so she decided to just obey what he said.

Khushi made herself comfortable in bed but she couldn't get to sleep. She just couldn't sleep alone. So she turned on her side, gazing at Arnav who was still sitting by the plants.

Arnav could feel her gaze on him and he waited for it to fade when she would sleep. He knew she couldn't sleep alone, but then she could clearly see him by the pool which was adjacent to the bed room, so he hoped that would be good enough - even though he knew that he was probably hoping too high. But he eventually realised that it definitely wasn't going to happen.

He sighed. He got up to go back into the room, and seeing this Khushi immediately closed her eyes pretending to sleep. Arnav came and laid on the recliner, which was still very close to the bed, exactly where he'd left it yesterday.

And soon, both of them drifted off to sleep, content that they were together.

The next day, the both talked to each other as normal - both completely ignoring yesterday's kiss. Even though Arnav had decided to avoid Khushi, it just wasn't possible with Khushi being her blabbering self again. She was obviously making an effort to move forward forgetting the incident so he decided not to make it harder for her and just go with the flow.

Days passed with Arnav and Khushi following a daily routine they had managed to create for themselves.

Arnav would always wake up an hour before Khushi and just lie there admiring her sleeping figure for a while - somehow that made him feel at peace, giving him a good start to the new day.

Then he would shower and freshen up and go into his study room to work on his laptop and complete his business work. Meanwhile, by this time Khushi would have woken up herself and freshened up before going into the kitchen to make breakfast with the help of Hari Prakash.

She would then call up Arnav for breakfast around 8 a.m. and they would all sit down and have breakfast together. Most of the time Dadi wouldn't join, but on the occasional days she did, she didn't speak a word against Khushi - well that's a little bit of a lie because she would try, only to get shut up by Arnav's piercing glares.

Then Khushi would go and sit by the poolside or bedroom and entertain herself by reading books or watching Salman Khan's movies, while Arnav would be busy with his work in his study.

Then again, she would go down and make lunch and call down Arnav so they could have lunch together. After that, they would both go back to what they were doing before.

Whenever Arnav had a bit of spare time, he would join Khushi and they would sit down, just talking about their likes and dislikes - well it was always Khushi doing the talking but Arnav was just as happy to sit down and listen to her. Somehow it just made him feel satisfied to see her smiling and being talkative, just as she had always been. It gave him immense happiness to see her so carefree and comfortable around him. There were times when she would miss her Buaji and Jiji but he would console her saying that this separation is just temporary.

Every day Arnav would quickly sneak out of the house around the evening time to buy jalebis or gol gappe or chane or other roadside snacks that Khushi loved. He would then give it to her as a surprise, and every day she would give him the same reaction. A big smile would form on her face before she would give him a big, tight hug in her happiness, and then she would grab the box out of his hand and finish it all within a few minutes (offering him a little bit in between too of course). And Arnav never gets tired of seeing this reaction over and over. When she smiles and gives him that hug... he felt like he was over the moon. He felt like he had achieved something big. He felt like he could even die to see that one smile on her face. It just made his day.

After they both have dinner, both of them would set off for their' bedroom and they would just sit and chat for a while and eventually they would go to bed with him on the recliner and her on the bed.

During the night, he had a habit of dangling his left hand from the recliner, which would then land on the bed next to Khushi. And somewhere during the night Khushi would hold onto his arm and place her head on his palm.

And then the same routine would start the next morning...

Days passed like this, and Khushi was loving this sense of normalcy that had creeped into their lives. She felt happy again - not like she was on the run away from a creepy murderer called L75 who was craving to kill her.

And today, was another normal day - or so they all thought.

Little did they know, that in a few hours that they were to face another rollercoaster that would shake up their lives...

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