Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Une...

By BigPimpinPooh

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What Happens when life throws you into a spiralling down fall and misconceptions of youth. Most feel hopeless... More

Chapter 1 - A Better Life or So It Seems
Chapter 2 - Just Like Any Other Day
Chapter 4 - Party So That All Is Forgotten
Chapter 5 - Karmas A Bitch isn't it
Chapter 6 - Summers For Loving, Right?
Chapter 7 - New Year, Same Story
Chapter 8 - The Mind Of A Deceiver
Chapter 9 - Pain is Pleasure
Chapter 9 part 2 - Pain Is Pleasure
Chapter 10 - The 1st Hit Never Counts
Chapter 11- Your My Hero
Chapter 11 part 2 - Your My Hero
Chapter 12 - When Lies Turn Into The Truth
Chapter 13 - The Road To Recovery
Chapter 14 - Love Thats Right Like A Glove
Chapter 15 - She Completes Me

Chapter 3 - Home sweet home, Not

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By BigPimpinPooh

I wake to find that I am still lying on the kitchen floor (what a

bitch); once I focus on my surroundings I hear shouting. I rise

kind of disoriented and head towards what I am sure is my

mother and sister. I look around the corner to see for sure and

no surprise it’s them, I stay around the corner not wanting my

presence known just yet. From what I can understand this is

because of me, well fucking great I can never do anything right.

The yelling gets louder so I snap out of my thoughts to


Sister (Mercedes) – what the fuck is wrong with you? You can’t

just go around hitting people because you feel it’s your “right”!

Mom – I’ll do whatever I damn well please because you and

that little bitch are mine!

Mercedes – well you may feel that way, but I’ll be damned if I

come home to a sister passed out in the kitchen again. What

the fuck did you do to her anyways she’s been out for the 4

hours I’ve been home and I’m pretty sure even longer.

What the fuck 4 hours? Let me look at the time shit I’ve been

out since like 11 and its 6.

Mom – what I did doesn’t matter she deserves whatever comes

her way; she’s been nothing but a problem since she was


Mercedes - if you felt that way why didn’t you stay off your

back and keep your legs close, is saying no that hard for you (I

can hear the hatred in her voice)

Mom – you will not talk to me like that as long as you live

under my roof (I can hear her walking, then smack my sister, ok

enough of this)

Me – don’t touch her!!

Mercedes – (rubbing cheek) its ok, when did you wake up?

Me – about 10 minutes ago, don’t fight with her you know it’s


Mom – so you’re both just going to act like I’m not here, ok I

see what I’m going to have to do, Mercedes…..

Mercedes – what?

Mom – pack you stuff your leaving my house tonight I will not

have my kids disrespecting me in my own home.

Me – if she goes I do too because I sure as hell don’t want to be

with you.

Mom – if you leave I’ll just have the police bring you back (she

grins), did you forget you’re a minor?

Mercedes – its ok just call me if she hits you again, and I’ll be

here in no time.

Me – I love you! Don’t leave me with her; she’s going to try to

kill me!

Mom – stop being so dramatic I won’t lay a hand on you

(winking at me, my stomach turn’s at what I know is going to


Mercedes – come on help me pack I don’t want to look at her

face anymore……

We pack for about 2 hours; she rises and comes to hug me. I cry

because she is the only one to that has stuck by me. I begin to

beg her again to take me, she says now but that she will come

back for me once she has her own place. I walk her to the door

and she hugs me and makes me promise to be good even if she

provokes me. I don’t say anything at first and just watch her

walk out the door, after a moment I yank open the door and

run down the sidewalk and yell I promise. And soon after I

break and cry on the ground, because it was too late she never

heard the promise. I don’t know how long I was on the ground

but it was raining once I snapped out of my daze.

I stand and head back inside, to whatever my mom in her sick

head has in store for me. I just have to remember to go to my

happy place this time; hopefully it doesn’t hurt that much this

time. She tends to get over angry and become a lot rougher

then needed. I walk in but don’t see her at first; I don’t let this

fool me for I know she’s hiding somewhere. And speak of the

devil here she is sitting in the living room looking so smug; I just

wanted to smack the shit out of her. As I turn towards the stairs

I hear her call me back, damn I really thought she wasn’t going

to do this tonight. Once there she begins to speak…

Mom – I don’t know why you look surprised I told you I wasn’t

done with you yet.

Me – (backing away slightly) I thought you said you weren’t

going to lay a hand on me.

Mom – I know and I’m not (walks towards me and punches me

in stomach)

Me – (crumbled on the floor) ……….

Mom – get up and take off your clothes, and head to the


God I hate when she makes me go down there, getting up I

walk downstairs and start to remove my clothing. I’ve got to be

quick if I do it too slow this will be a lot worst, and I just have to

go to my happy place.

Mom – come over here and give me your hands (puts hand

cuffs on my wrist and locks me to banister so I can’t run)

Me – (try to save myself one last time) But mom it really wasn’t

my fault this time, please don’t do this!

Mom - …….. (Goes to closet and pulls out whip, lifts it and

delivers 1st hit)

Me – owww

I begin to cry but force myself to stop and go into the most

beautiful memory I have. I was about 5 and we were living in

Maryland still, I was really sick and it looked like I wasn’t going

to make it. My mom rushed me to the Hospital and never left

my side, I guess I must have passed out because I woke up and

was looking at my mom with blood shot eyes looking at me. I

asked what was wrong and her reply was that she was afraid

that she was going to lose me; I promised her that I’d never

leave her and she promised to love me forever. What I find

ironic about this is I loved and love her so much and so I let her

beat me the way she does, what choice do I have? If I tell

anyone besides my best friends they’ll take me away and I’ll

never see her again. I can feel myself coming backing into

reality as I feel her removing the hand cuffs, then the pain of

the beating hits me and I hit the floor from the shear amount

of pain.

Mom – Your lucky It was only a hour this time because I have

to get ready for work, Mop up this blood and go to you room I

don’t even want to look at you.

Me – (sniffling) okay

Once I managed to rise I cleaned up and went to my room. As

weird as this is going to sound this wasn’t even that bad, it

could’ve been a lot worst she at least avoided my face this

time. In my room I head straight to my bathroom and lock the

door and ran the shower water. I open the cabinet and take

out my razor like I did the night before, after removing my

clothes I step into the shower and just let the water wash off

the blood, it burned like hell but it’s a pain I’ve become

accustomed to. After I’m sure the cuts are clean, I look at my

leg another popular cutting spot of mine and start. I do this about ten times but around the 3rd cut I didn’t even feel it. I

just liked the feeling of helplessness being lifted with each cut.

With each drop that hits the water I see a velvet flow of my

pain being washed down the drain. I see no more pain; I feel

no more pain, for when I have my razor at hand I am immune

to these things.

I step out of the shower once I’m sure the bleeding has

stopped and head into my room and see my phone lit up. It’s a

text from Daren inviting me to a party and to meet him and

Stephanie in 20 minutes, I think for a moment and say fuck it

what’s the worst the bitch can do she already beat me and she

won’t be home until tomorrow morning. I text back ok see you

guys in a few, now what to wear getting dressed was a task but

I ignored to pain, I look at myself for a minute and decided I

looked good and there was no visible signs of injury so I’m set.

Daren’s House

Once I’m there, we only have to wait about 5 minutes before

Stephanie arrives too. They both look at me weirdly before

asking what happened at school; I lie and tell them that Kerri

and I got into a fight over seats at lunch. I’m not sure why I lied

but I don’t see the point in telling them the truth it’s not like

I’m a lesbian or anything I just like sleeping with girls, that’s not

a crime? They drop that but start with more questions that I

didn’t feel like answering, the only one I answered was did I get

punished for getting suspended and I told them yes. Stephanie

being the person she is freaked out and asked to look me over I

refused and Daren just looked pissed and asked me if I wanted

to just stay in. I said hell no let’s get out of here.

The Party

The party wasn’t that far it was near the location of the last

party so I was all for it. And boy was I happy that I came

because as soon as we walked in the music was blasted and I

could see plenty of people I wanted to meet tonight. As I head

to the drinks I saw my pray for the night, after I got my drink I

went towards the girl but was interrupted by this guy. I was

about to get pissed but looked at him a little better and

thought what the hell he’s cute too might as well use him. He

says hello and asked me to dance, I can see he’s happy I gave

him the time of day. I feel a little bad I’m just going to use him

for sex and never talk to him again but whatever. I see

tonight’s going to be a good night ……………


OK guys this was chapter 3 I hope you all liked it. I

was trying to show you guys a little more about

why Natasha’s the way she is and show how life at

home is. Anyways tell me what you think about

her and about the way she behaves.

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