One Direction Pregnancy Serie...

By oranjejuice

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***COMPLETED (This is a new and improved version of my old series. I suggest reading this one.) ... More

01 ~ Finding Out
02 ~ Telling Him
03 ~ Morning Sickness
04 ~ First Doctors Appointment
05 ~ Telling His Family
06 ~ Telling the Boys
07 ~ Starting To Show
08 ~ Mood Swings
09 ~ Cravings
10 ~ Gender Predictions
11 ~ Finding Out The Gender
13 ~ The Public Finds Out
14 ~ Talking About Names
15 ~ Song He Sings
16 ~ Nursery
17 ~ He Talks to the Baby
18 ~ How You Sleep
Bonus ~ Harry
19 ~ Last Vacation
20 ~ He Talks About You and the Baby
Bonus ~ Liam
21 ~ Talking to His Family
22 ~ Baby Shower
A/N ~ Question
23 ~ Arguments
24 ~ You're In Pain/Sore
Bonus ~ Liam
25 ~ Interacting With the Baby
26 ~ Your Favorite Part of the Pregnancy
27 ~ His Favorite Part of the Pregnancy
Bonus ~ Niall
28 ~ Picking a Birthing Plan
29 ~ Stress/Fear
30 ~ He Gets Protective
31 ~ Last Minute Preparations
32 ~ Labor Part 1
33 ~ Labor Part 2
34 ~ Labor Part 3
35 ~ Delivery
Baby Series!!
A/N ~ Please Read!!!

12 ~ First Kick

15.4K 218 19
By oranjejuice

Harry ~ You held up a small blue onesie with white polka dots up in front of your face, admiring how small is was. Harry smiled at you from the driver's seat, both hands staying on the wheel. He stole a glance at you every few moments as you took all the items you had just bought out of the shopping bag that was at your feet. Harry had called a boutique in the city and told them he would pay for them to close so you and him could go shopping. You thoroughly enjoyed yourself; it was the first time that you were able to go shopping for the baby without being papped and mobbed by fans. It was nice having the whole shop to yourselves.

You and Harry spent a lot of money there, so your whole boot and the second row of the car were filled. Harry had picked out most of the clothing, said his daughter would always have something nice to wear. He threw things in the cart, and you followed him around with a trolley. You put some things back and got a different size of some things, but you realized he had really nice taste for 'women's fashion. You joked, saying that he would have to start shopping for you.

You also bought a bouncer seat, a swinging chair, and a small rocking crib for beside your bed when the bean was small. You and Harry had started calling her that a few months ago, when you were still in the first trimester and didn't know that the baby was a girl. The Bean was your nickname for her, and you had a feeling it would carry on long into her life.

"That one is my favorite," Harry said when you held up a pink floral button up. The material was silky and it closely resembled the type of shirts he wore. It was one of your favorites, too, but you wouldn't admit it to him; you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right.

"I know it is," you smirked, turning to hide your expression.

"You like it too, don't you?" He cooed, reaching over to squeeze your thigh. You knew exactly what expression he wore on his face, but you stayed looking out the window with you arms crossed over your chest. "After all that at the store..."

"Harry, the price on it was close to 200 pounds," you explained, turning to him. You couldn't hide your smile so his just grew.

"Yeah but look how adorable it is! I stick by my decision."

"It's impractical, I mean...a baby in a 200 pound shirt! All babies do is stain their clothes."

"But it's cute. Besides, we have enough money for things like this." Harry smiled. He usually wasn't one to make such spontaneous, impractical purchases, unless of course it had to do with fashion. He was always one to put fashion ahead of money. If he liked a piece of clothing, he would buy it no matter the price. He also got a lot of free, big brand name items because of his fame and he loved it.

You had a realization today while shopping. You realized that Harry would do anything for the baby, anything for his little princess. He bought so much for her. You could tell that she would always have the best. Harry didn't spend money just to spend it. He did make some wise purchases today that he really thought about before committing to. The hours before your shopping trip he spent on the laptop researching brands of baby products and reading reviews on products. He made a list of the necessities. Harry would always make sure his baby had the best.

"I'm glad you bought it. Today was nice, thank you for that. I can't wait to see you holding our baby girl," you told him, grasping his free hand tightly. You were stuck in some traffic with a mixed CD playing on the car's expensive sound system. The take out food was in the back seat and the smell was amazing. Today had gone perfectly and you had such a nice day alone with your husband. "I know you're going to be an amazing father."

"I'm actually really nervous about that. What if I mess up?"

"Every parent messes up on the first kid. People say the first kid is always the 'test' kid. Most of the time they turn our alright," you said, and Harry chuckled.

"I guess you're right, but I wish we didn't have to mess up."

"We can't be perfect, darling. Our baby can't either. Flaws are alright, as long as we learn from our mistakes."

"Always so wise, aren't you?" Harry laughed and leaned over to press a kiss to your temple. You cherished the contact, melting into his touch. He wrapped his arms around you just as he pulled up to a traffic light.

"Our baby is going to be perfect, though, flaws and imperfections and all." You smiled at his words, placing your hand over your stomach. Harry put one hand next to your's as he began to drive again. He kept it there are he drove, waiting until the next light to put the other hand there.

"Is she moving right now?" Harry asked.

"A bit. Not any kicks, but she is moving. Can you feel it?"

"No really. I'm jealous that you get to feel her move all the time."

"I'll trade places if you like!" You joked, laughing out loud. Harry smiled and shook his head, taking his remark back. Just as you began to calm down, you felt a blow to the inside of your stomach. You were surprised by the contact, but were so happy. You knew it was your baby kicking. You looked to Harry, who looked like he had seen a ghost.

"I felt it," he whispered, and a car horn beeped behind him. He was quick to press the pedal and move forward, but he didn't loose his awe. When you got home and sat down on the couch with the take out food, Harry wouldn't keep his hands off your stomach. He was so excited that his baby girl had kicked. He didn't pressure her to kick again, but rather hoped that she would do it again on her own. You were glad your husband was there the first time you felt her kick, and he was glad too.

Niall ~ "How was your little trip home?" Niall asked as you drove back to the hotel. You just returned to touring with Niall after staying a week in the UK. You were planning to only stay for, at the most, 2 days, but you ended up staying 8. After your appointment for the baby, you met up with some of your friends for lunch the day you were supposed to leave, and then your mom called, and you just had to see her. Soon, you had plans for the next few days and you wanted to stay a bit longer.

"It was nice. I met up with a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time. And I stopped by your place a few times to check up on it, and by my place also. It's so dusty at both places, it's so strange to walk in and realize how long you've been gone." You sighed, leaning your head onto his shoulder.

"Strange, innit?" He nuzzled his nose into your hair and inhaled. He had missed you so much while you were away. He's gotten so used to having you on tour with him that he constantly felt like he was forgetting something the whole time you were gone.

"I can't wait to go back for good, even though this is fun. It'll be nice to stay in one place for more than a week."

"This is the tour life, fun but awful." You laughed at his bored tone and snuggled closer to him, placing both your hands protectively over your stomach. While you were back in the UK, you had to be extra careful not to be seen. When you were on tour with Niall, you were always in a controlled environment with guards and management around. Back home it felt like you were a prisoner. You couldn't walk the streets like you wanted to or enjoy a lunch at a restaurant. Even walking to your car was scary.

Being seen would mean a lot of drama and turmoil in the media surrounding Niall and the boys. It was known that you were Niall's girlfriend, but not his pregnant girlfriend. Management wanted to wait a while until the media was told, and wanted to news to be delivered with control. For once, you and Niall agreed with them, and decided to keep your pregnancy a secret from fans and media. That meant that as soon as you were showing the slightest bit, any tourism or going places where you could be spotted was out of the question. If you were outside where you could be photographs, such as at a stadium or leaving a hotel, there was extra security around making sure there were no paps.

It was a stressful situation, and when you told your doctor she explained the risks. You were going to have to try and relax more, stay in hotels more rather than going to the boys' shows, do some yoga, get a massage. It could be fun, but it would mean less time with the person you loved most.

Niall noticed how your hands rested on your stomach, and he pulled them away. "Darling, no need to worry about that for a while. We have a few shows here, so its just from the hotel to the stadium. Safe."

"I know, but I'm still programmed for being back home with no security. It was so much to think about."

"You were careful back home right? No public stuff?"

"So careful. I don't want this out any more than you or management do. Not until we're ready."

"Nice, good. And what did the doctor say?" Niall asked, placing his hand over your stomach where yours had rested moments ago.

"We talked about this on the phone, twice." You sighed, putting your hand over his.

"I know, but I want to hear it again."

"The baby is growing really good. We should be able to-" You stopped your sentence when you felt a  subtle twitch in you stomach. You pushed Niall away and tried to focus on feeling your baby's movements. Your doctor had told you that first time moms can start to feel their baby move around a this point in the pregnancy, and you were about to tell Niall that. She said that you might even feel a kick.

"Is everything all right? Why are you making that face?" Niall asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Feel," You grabbed his wrist and placed his hand right where you just felt a kick again, hoping for another one from your angel.

"Feel wha- oh," his words trailed off as he felt the small movement in your stomach. "Was that...?"

"Yeah, I think so," you answered, beginning to get choked up. Tears were welling in your eyes at the sight of the awe on your boyfriend's face. He couldn't stop smiling. You were so happy that you were able to spend this moment, your baby's first kick, with his or her father. The moment was perfect, sealed with a kiss on the lips and a tight embrace.

The rest to the ride to the hotel, Niall was preoccupied with trying to get the baby to kick again. He tapped his finger tips on your skin, pressed lightly with his palm, even held the flashlight on his phone up to your stomach. His face lit up again when the baby did, and he wouldn't stop until he felt another one, and again, and again. Niall was so excited for the baby, and you couldn't blame him; you were too.

Liam ~ (I'm not going to write anything for Lima Bean for this part, but a bonus for this story is coming up soon :) not really much I can write about a first kick when there's no actual pregnancy yet)

Louis ~ "Goodnight, Lou," you whispered in the darkness, feeling around the bed for his hand. You finally found it and grasped it tightly in your own, squeezing his fingers gently in your palm.

"G'night love. Please though, don't stay up thinking all night, yeah? Get some rest," he told you. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at your silhouette.

"I'll try, but I can't make any promises." You yawned and turned over so you were facing him. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and rubbed your belly. His hands were cold on the bare skin of your abdomen, but you didn't mind. His touch felt nice.

"Try. You've been so exhausted lately, and it isn't good for you or the baby. Both Lottie and Fizzy have asked me if you were feeling ill." His family was still staying with you and they were all down the hall. You could still hear the television down stairs since Daisy was up late watching a talk show, and you weren't used to the noise. Usually, when Louis was with you in bed, the rest of the house was silent. Hearing noise while you tried to sleep was a bit unsettling.

You'd have to get used to it. When the baby came, if  he came, there would be a lot of noise during the night. Freddie was old enough now that he didn't wake up during the night. From the day you brought you baby home to the day he left for university, you would always have to worry about him and if he would need you during the night. Even while he was at uni, he could call at any hour. Even with Freddie, he left during the summer to stay with his mom. You didn't know if you'd ever have a sound night's sleep again.

"Lottie's asked me a couple times, I think she's spreading rumors," you joked lightly, snuggling into his chest. He kept his arm draped protectively around your waist, waiting for you to drift off to sleep before he could. He wanted to make sure you slept.

"Are you still awake?" you asked sleepily, your voice low. You heard him grumble and you smiled. "Go to sleep, I'm almost there."

"Can't, not until you do."

You sighed, and flipped over so your back was to him. He kept his arm in place, except now his hand was resting firmly on your swollen belly. You were close to sleep when you felt a slight flutter in your stomach. It jolted you awake even though you'd been able to feel the baby moving around lately. It just felt like butterflies in your tummy when he did flips and you were still waiting for him to kick.

Louis had been waiting to. he was getting impatient, especially when he read a few weeks ago that you should be able to feel the baby kicking at this point in the pregnancy.

You closed your eyes, hoping to drift off into dreamland, when the baby kicked. It almost felt like a muscle twitch that you couldn't control, or like someone ran their finger tip across you skin, but on the inside. You knew what it felt like from your experience with your other two pregnancies, and you had learned from them what a kick felt like and how to distinguish it from gas or hunger pangs. You were surprised that your baby was kicking so hard so early, but never the less you were a bit excited.

Softly, you jabbed Louis with your elbow, trying to wake him. Even though he said he wouldn't fall asleep until after you did, he fell asleep twenty minutes ago. You weren't surprised by this, considering he had been out in the garden playing football with his siblings for hours, and then watching an intense game of footy while trying to watch the younger kids. He also helped you and his sisters cook, and had been yelled at and criticized the whole time, in a loving way of course.

"Wha- what? I'm up, awake I am," he said suddenly when you gave him a hard blow to his gut.

"He kicked," you told him, moving his hand to where you had previously felt it.


"The baby, dumb ass." you chuckled, waiting until you felt it again. Suddenly, he kicked again and you turned to face you husband. With tears in your eyes, you asked, "Did you feel it?"

"I think so, a little bit. Yeah, I did!" He exclaimed, putting his other hand next to the one that was already on you stomach, hoping to feel it again. Your tears kept flowing, but Louis hadn't noticed yet. You tried to stay quiet, hoping all the emotions would pass.

"Darling? Are you upset?"

"No, I'm happy," you said, sitting up. You wiped your eyes and your nose, trying to stop blubbering. "He's alive. Our baby is growing strong and he's alive."

"I know, and I'm happy too. I'm happy that you're finally happy"

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