The Nerd Is Back Bitches! (CU...

By dreamyperson

307K 6K 783

What will happen if the nerd you just always bully before comes back? Not only that, she's now the super-hott... More

I'm going back BITCHES!
Goodbye America, Hello BITCHES
Nerd is that you?
The Nerd and the Jerk Finally meets.
The Nerd's Best friend
The Flirt is here.
The Flirt The Nerd and The Jock crossed paths.
The Nerd's name
Back of Flirt
The Oreo!
Want some Tampons?
First Love
Ring That Bell.
Could This Day Gets Any better?
Cat Fight
Good And Bad Day
I Love You Nerd [END]

Date with the Jerk.

8.6K 186 21
By dreamyperson

It's been days since the prank war begun.

Jonathan and I were doing subtle pranks on each other. Nothing big and noticeable we don't want mom and grams knowing our childish little feud.

I just had lunch and I'm in my room trying to finish the unread books I have, Jonathan and Sam are probably in the living room playing video games. I'm 5 chapters away from finishing the book when my phone vibrates, my phone's screen light up and it shows Will's name.

I sent him a text the night he treated my ankle so we have a way of communicating well. He has been sending me text though, for the past days and I ignore most of them.

I sit up and finally read Will's message

"How's your foot?"

"A lot better thanks 2 u."

"I did what I could, watching The Good doctors made me think of wanting to be in the field of medicine."

"Ha! Watching B99 made me want to be a cop. Dat won't b happening tho."

"Gotta practice on ur landing first ;)"

"HA. HA. HA. funny"

"So anyway, about the date." Will texted, then another one came "Want to go to the movies with me?"

I didn't send him a text right away, I ponder for a minute thinking if I should accept. I just want the date to end honestly but I am also not in the mood to go out. I mean, if I keep dragging this it'll just be a pain in the ass. Better get it over with.

"sure, I'm free @ the moment anyway. Wer 2 meet up?"

"Um...hw bout @ da park?"

"Cool, see U there"

"Cool, will wait 4 U."

I close the book I'm reading and hop down my bed and place it back on my bookshelf. I walk to my closet and search for a date clothes.

I don't want him to think that I wore a specific dress or clothes for him. But I also don't want to look like a mess. I keep shoving some clothes away looking for the right dress until I found a nude color maxi dress. It's a long dress up to my ankles but it has a slit on the right side that goes all the way up to my mid-thigh.

I threw the dress on my bed and jump in the shower. I didn't bother washing my hair since it'll take me twice the time to get ready. I iron my hair and put on some light makeup, it's a hot day I don't want to feel like my face is melting.

I clip the right side of my hair to give it a little of style. I look at myself in the mirror one last time then I grab my bag and my phone and go downstairs. I haven't told Jonathan about this situation and I hope he doesn't notice me when I walk to the living room.

"Whoa! Why are you all dolled up?" forget noticing me, I freaking bump into Jonathan. He was in the kitchen getting some water, the stairs are in between the kitchen and the living room. He frowns at me and drinks his water, "So?" he asks again.

"I uh... Have a date."

"Okay... with who?"

"Uh.. none of your business," I said casually as I walk past him and walk towards the door. I slip on my sandals and exit the door, I could still feel Jonathan's stare behind my back.


When I got there, Will was there already waiting for me. He's on his phone looking into something but he keeps looking around him looking for me.

I stop walking and hide behind a tree. I should keep him waiting, has he ever got stood up by a girl before?

I don't think so...

What if I stood him up today?

My phone vibrates again in my bag,

'I'm on my way see u there.'

I frown at my phone, uh... what? On my way my ass! You're already here!

I text him back,

'Hey, going 2 take awhile. Something came up. U alrdy there?'

'Oh, sure take ur time. Still, at the house don't worry.'


'Yeah, besides I know hw girls take 2 long preparing'

I didn't reply instead I look for a bench where I can watch him while I make him wait a bit longer for me.

30 minutes already passed and he's still there, waiting for me.

Why isn't he leaving?!

Why is he still there waiting for me?

Is it because I'm this Elizabeth he's so interested in and not my old Elizabeth?

If I was the girl he knew before, I bet he would have left a couple of minutes ago. I hate how he's showing this affection to me who came back to get my revenge!

I decided to show up, I jog my way to him and pretend to be out breath so he would think that I run up here.

"Hey!... S-sorry... I took... Too long" I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand and fan myself with my palm.

"No worries!" he smiles and stands up, "I just got here like 5 minutes ago"

It took me all my strength to not cringe at him.

"Great! So where to now?" I just want this ridiculous date to be over with!

"I hope you like horror movies cause I already bought us a ticket." Will fish out the movie tickets inside his pocket.

"Who doesn't!" I smile at him,

"Great, let's go." Will grab my hand and he starts walking dragging me with him. I just look at our hands, his palm is rougher now. We used to hold hands too, I loved it, it made me feel like I was special to him.

I want to snatch my hand away and scream at him, yell at him for breaking my heart. I want him to feel how I felt. But I didn't, I suck it up and keep quiet.

We arrive 10 mins earlier, that gave us time to buy some snacks. We go in line for the movie Insidious 2. There were a lot of people in line with us, we finally get to go in and go to our seats. The movies start and it is indeed fucking scary.

I guess I'm sleeping with my lights on tonight

After scaring ourselves we agreed on hanging out in the arcade. I just happen to love arcades, their retro, and fun and it also brings back memories.

We are at the basketball game, I shoot the last ball in the hoop and it went in. I pump my arm in the air in excitement "And that's how you throw a ball Will." I said to him teasingly.

He looks a little surprised at me "Wow, you're good."

"Hell yes, I am." I grab another arcade coin and push it inside the basketball game, the lights lit up again and the music starts playing. "I'm going to destroy your record." Will said as he steps in and grabs a ball.

He throws the ball and it went in the hoop, he looks at me proudly "Oh man, you are so going to lose." he picks up another ball again and throws it, it went it making the game applaud for him again.

He picks up another one but before he could throw it someone calls his name, "William? Oh my God, is that you?" I didn't have to turn around to know who it is. I take a quick glance at Will and I swear he cursed under his breath. Will turns around and place the ball back, "Pams, hey, long time." Will said with an annoying tone in his voice.

Pammy, of course, decides to ignore that and approach him, wrapping her arms around his neck "Aww, baby why the long face?" she asks him, Will shove her gently "Pams, seriously, you need to stop calling me that." Will said, more irritated now.

"But I used to call you baby all the time."

"Used too, you can't call me that now." Will emphasize on the word used too, Pammy finally looking at me but she looks at me from head to toe and probably judging me in her head right now "Cause of her?" she gestures at me.

I smile at her sweetly and extend my hand, "Nice meet you, I'm Elizabeth." I introduced myself, Pammy quickly looks at me but this time she looks a bit shock and caught off guard. She looks at Will, then at me, and back at Will again.

Pammy scoffs a laugh, "Really Will?"

"Pams, don't start. Just leave will you." Will commands, Pammy just laughs and shakes her head "You never change do you," Pammy looks at me and studies my face "such a weird feeling, I'll see you around bunny." she says to me before turning around and walking away while swaying her hips.

Ugh... can't unsee that shit

"Sorry, you had to see that, I have a really frustrating relationship with her." Will gestures at Pammy, "You dated her?" I ask, "Sadly yes, I was young and stupid." Will sighs.

I gave a reassuring tap on his back "We've all been there once." especially me.


My date with Will finally ends, he still offered to drive me home and of course, I said no. He asks me if I would like to go out again sometime. I said I'll think about it.

I arrive home near dinner time, mom is in the kitchen helping grams prepare dinner. I walk towards them and gave them both a kiss on the cheeks. I didn't notice Sam and Jonathan who were sitting on one of the stools "Where's my kiss?" Jonathan joke, "No kisses for either of you." I point at him and Sam.

Sam gave me a look and says "I don't want your kisses, goodbye."

"I still want it," Jonathan says to me and I just give him a dry look, "Nathan shut up."

"Oh okay, I don't get a kiss but Will can?" Jonathan suddenly said it made mom stop chopping and Same stop eating. I look at him a bit confused and shock, "Uh what?" I finally said to him. Jonathan fish out his phone and shows me a pic of me and Will in line for the movies "Steven sent this to me," he turns off his phone "So that's all for him?" he gestures at my dress.

"Elizabeth, what are you really up too?" mom asks me while Sam continues to eat as if he's watching a movie.

"Okay, both of you calm down. First of all-" I look at Jonathan "This-" I gesture at my dress "Is not for him, it's for me and second I'm just being nice. Will was the one who treated my ankle, it's just a thank you date." I explain to both of them.

"Yeah right." Sam whispers under his breath but I heard it, I slap him in the shoulder "You're not helping asshole"

Sam just made a face at me and I roll my eyes at him "Okay we'll talk about this after dinner." mom gave me a look, "You guys leave my kitchen and go fight elsewhere, dinner will be ready soon." mom said to us three and we comply. Jonathan, Sam and I go to the living room and wait for them to finish.

Mom and grams finished making dinner after 25 minutes, we all ate and mom lectured me about my motives. I listened, but that doesn't mean I will comply though.

I go to my room to get ready for bed, I showered and changed into my pjs. I was just going to climb into my bed when I notice a cockroach near it. I stand frozen for a second before bolting out of my room and screaming like a maniac.

It made everyone step out of their room to check what is happening,

"Why are you shouting?!" Mom asks with concern

"What's the commotion?" Jonathan asks as if he was startled.

"Why are you shouting dear?" Grams asks

"What now Eli?" Sam asks a bit annoyed

I'm still a bit spooked, "Yuck! Oh my God! There's a cockroach in my room!" I point at my room "We need to burn my room asap before a cockroach infestation starts." I said seriously but it only made Mom and Sam groan and Jonathan and Grams laugh at me.

"That's the reason you're shouting?" mom asks, "YES, mom there's a cockroach in my room!" I repeat. "You shouted like you were being murdered for christ sake! I'm not dealing with this, good night." mom goes back to her room and close the door.

"Nooo! Mom! Let me sleep with you, just for tonight."I knock frantically on her door but she kept it shut and ignore me. I turn to look at Sam, "No. You're on your own." he closes his door as he goes back to his room.

I look at grams, "Sweetie, I would love too but I only have a single bed." grams smiles at me "We'll take care of the cockroach tomorrow." grams goes back to her room and I'm left in the hallway with Jonathan.

"For the record, you can stay in my room." he said nonchalantly, I turn to look at him, "Why can't you just go into my room and kill the pest?" I ask him.

"You know I'm being a nice friend here, you decide. Take my offer or you can go back to your room where there's a cockroach that can crawl on you anytime during your sleep." Jonathan has this shit-eating-grin on his that makes me a bit pissed at him.

"Fine! I'll sleep with you." I say in defeat.

Jonathan's lips curl up into a wicked grin " What?! you should have said so earlier! I don't have any condoms with me, you fine with that?" I shot him a look and he backs away as he raises both of his arms up, "Kidding, kidding, come on let's go to sleep." he nudges his head towards his room.

I enter his room and close the door behind me, Jonathan jumps on the bed and turn to look at me as he pats the space beside him. I roll my eyes at him, "You should just go and sleep in the living room." I say to him as I climb over the bed.

"You sleep in the living room then," he says back,

I grab the blanket and get underneath it, I nudge the blanket even more to me but Jonathan nudges it back.

"Uh, my blanket. If you want to share it with me you have to come closer," he said and he lays down and nudges the blanket even more.

"This is my house." I reminded him

"Uh... no. This is your grandmother's house, not yours. So don't give me that my house, my rules bullshit." he said in an as-a-matter-of-fact voice. I just lay down beside him and scoot a bit closer, I turn my back on him and he tugs the blanket more on his side, making me scoot even closer to him now. He tried to tug it once more but I tug back.

"Nathan..." I warn him, he chuckles and said "Night Eli."

I think it's going to be a long night for me.






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