Purely Arrogant | ✓

By QueenOfTheDorks

8M 282K 90.2K

He's popular. I have one friend. He's outgoing. I'm quiet. He has a girlfriend. I'm alone. I'm shy and he'... More

Chapter 1: Eradication
Chapter 2: Impression
Chapter 3: Exhalation
Chapter 4: Adjustation
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Chapter 6: Orientation
Chapter 7: Communication
Chapter 8: Intrusion
Chapter 9: Fascination
Chapter 10: Preservation
Chapter 11: Observation
Chapter 12: Condemnation
Chapter 13: Exaggeration
Chapter 14: Preparation
Chapter 15: Education
Chapter 16: Flirtation
Chapter 17: Interrogation
Chapter 18: Hesitation
Chapter 19: Exasperation
Chapter 21: Frustration
Chapter 22: Administration
Chapter 23: Explanation
Chapter 24: Solidification
Chapter 25: Abrasion
Chapter 27: Consolation
Chapter 28: Contemplation
Chapter 29: Humiliation
Chapter 30: Admiration
Chapter 31: Indignation
Chapter 32: Devestation
Chapter 33: Exclamation
Chapter 34: Dissipation
Chapter 35: Desperation
Chapter 36: Irritation
Chapter 37: Cooperation
Chapter 38: Temptation
Epilogue: Graduation
Three months later...
A little insight into the future....
Two Million!
Saving Annalise / Life Update

Chapter 20: Attraction

167K 6.7K 1.7K
By QueenOfTheDorks

"Okay girls, change of plans for the packing this time!" Aunt Jen basically screamed.

It was Friday evening, and Eliza and I were about to start packing. Or as I like to call it: The most stressful and chaotic two hours of my life. We both sat on the sofa, afraid to move or speak. We just obediently listened to aunt Jen and nodded when she wanted us to. Even though I was pretty sure Eliza was dying to say something.

"Your wedding dresses, shoes and accessories are going in one big luggage which will be with me. All of us will share that luggage. The rest of the things you pack will go in one backpack-" She continued

"But-" Eliza tried interrupting

"There is no but. You and Juliette will fit your clothes in one backpack. I will have my own backpack. Argue and I kill you. We are there for two days, and one of the days is a wedding. You will both pack one outfit and one pair of pyjamas each. Including the clothes you wear today, that should last you the weekend." She finally finished, staring at both of us in a way which screamed 'Challenge me. I dare you.' Of course that look was sent mostly to Eliza, considering she would be the one stupid enough to argue.

"But mom-"

And yes. She fucking argued.

"Eliza no buts!" Aunt Jen yelled which caused is both to freeze and listen. She told us we had two hours before the guys were here and that she would kill Eliza if she packs more than necessary.

We both then ran upstairs before aunt Jen could stop and continue lecturing us. Packing honestly didn't take that long for me, about 25 minutes at most. I packed my dress and shoes, along with the jewellery I wanted to wear, placing it in the large luggage. Once I had done that, I began packing my one outfit and pyjamas. My outfit consisted of a black high waisted skirt, black leggings and a black long sleeved top. My pyjamas were Harry Potter pyjamas with the Gryffindor logo on it and purple pants. The pyjamas were a huge disappointment considering I was in Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor but they were super cute so I went with them anyway.

For the plane journey I just stuck with a pair of jeans and a one shoulder sweater, both black of course. Matched with my leather converses which I had bought recently and fallen in love with almost instantly. I quickly changed before folding my outfit for Sunday and neatly placing them in the backpack.

I walked into Eliza's room with the backpack in my hand, intending to give it to her, with the thought that she would be done packing too.

She wasn't.

Instead she was surrounded by her entire closet content, which was sprawled across the floor. She looked extremely frustrated and like she was going to cry.

I wouldn't have been surprised if she did.

I cleared my throat slightly and watched her as she snapped her head towards me and practically growled at me. I held up my hands in mock surrender before placing the bag on her bed and sitting besides her.

"Did your closet explode?" I teased

"I'm torn between outfits. I have seven. And I can't pick between them and I'm going to cry. Juliette shoot me, life would be so much simpler if I wasn't actually alive" She whined

"Okay..." I began, extending out the 'y's'. This was weird, even for Eliza. "You've picked pyjamas right? That's a start" I replied patronisingly in attempts to help her.

"Yeah, it's on my bed somewhere" She muttered, pointing lazily at her bed which was also surrounded by random materials of clothing.

I searched the bed a little to see a t shirt and a pair of cotton shorts folded neatly besides the pillow. The shirt was huge and said 'Nirvana' across the chest area. It smelled distinctly of cologne and it looked way too huge to actually be Eliza's.

"Why does it smell so good?" I asked holding it to my nose and sniffing it.

"It's Jordan's" she said absent-mindedly as I dropped the material onto the bed.

"Gross, I actually like the smell of the weirdo" I muttered playfully

"Will you ever actually like him?" She asked.

"I like him!" I gasped "I like him almost as much as I like dark chocolate"

She send me a monotonous look before rolling her eyes "you hate dark chocolate" she stated

I shrugged "well I guess that speaks for itself"

"He's like your big brother Juliette" She smirked slightly "You don't think I know that you spoke to him whilst we were broken up?"

I rolled my eyes "He was heartbroken, like a little lovesick puppy, I had to speak to him"

"I know you like him Juliette, be honest you see him as a brother" She continued smirking

"Yeah, the annoying one who doesn't leave you alone even if you've tied him to a chair and gagged him" I basically groaned as I noticed the smirk which wasn't leaving her stupid face.

"It's okay, I love him and that's enough" She smiled

"I'm gonna puke" I replied in a monotonous tone

"No you're not! Come on!" She whined "help me!"

I sat down besides her and helped her narrow down her outfit from seven to three and believe me it was not easy. It was like fighting a shark for a fish. Impossible and life threatening. But I finally managed to do it without losing any limbs and without having tear drops all over my jeans. When I decided I couldn't bare helping her decide on the clothing any longer, I dropped the clothing onto the floor and walked out. Of course Eliza wasn't happy with my decision but I was too exhausted to care.

Eliza however couldn't exactly say anything to me, because coincidentally, as soon as I stood up the doorbell rang. I skipped down the stairs to see aunt Jen welcoming both Levi and Jordan in. I ran down the stairs and stood at the door to see Jordan grinning from ear to ear.

"oh no" I muttered before I sprinted across the room

He chased after me, catching up to me fairly quickly and crushed me in a hug "Awe I missed you so much Juliette! I haven't seen you in ages"

"You saw me in school" I muttered angrily, fighting him slightly as I attempted to get out of his hug, my voice came out pretty mumbled.

"Awe you're just like my little sister. She doesn't like my hugs either" He continued as I kneed him to get away from him.

He groaned in pain whilst I smirked in victory

"Go make out with Eliza or something" I exhaled once he let me go.

"Yes! I got permission!" Jordan celebrated before running up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes in amusement before I saw Levi who was leaning against the doorframe smirking slightly. "You don't like hugs?" He asked

"Hug me and I will scream" I threatened taking a step back, my heart beat accelerating slightly.

What? I wasn't lying.

"I wasn't going to hug you, I'm not evil" He laughed as I sighed in relief.

"Could have fooled me" I muttered teasingly

"What's that?" He asked in amusement. A grin overtaking his facial features.

"Nothing" I denied quickly "Come on, you can put your stuff in Eliza's room, assuming she cleaned it up" I added, changing the subject.

He raised an eyebrow "Cleaned what up?"

I sighed "Long story, come on" I instructed. I began walking up the stairs, Levi following closely behind me.

I quickly skipped up the stairs, Levi's footsteps echoing behind me as I panted slightly when I got tot the stop of the stairs.

"You're really unfit" Levi commented

"You say that like I didn't already know" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"You should probably go to the gym you know, work out a little" He joked

I scoffed "Like I need to lose anymore weight"

He rolled his eyes at my statement, clearly frustrated, although smiling anyway "Gym doesn't just help you lose weight, it will actually build muscles, make you a little healthier"

"No chocolate?" I asked childishly

He shook his head solemnly "No chocolate" he repeated

"Why would anyone do that?" I asked myself more than him.

"Not everyone is hot and muscular like me" He grinned narcissistically

I snorted "Please, like you have muscles"

"Feel my arm" He suggested

"I'd rather not."

We stopped our conversation when I realised Levi's luggage was still in his hand, and however 'muscular' he claimed to be, I could tell it was pretty heavy.

"Come on" I laughed "Let's go put your bag down"

He shrugged, following me into Eliza's room. I decided against knocking, considering she was probably still covered in her clothing, crying about what to choose. I opened the door, however, to see something I never wanted to see ever again. Jordan and Eliza making out.

"Gross, gross! My eyes! I'm scarred for life, someone kill me now!" I screamed, covering my eyes with my hands as Jordan and Eliza sprang apart. I could distinctly hear Levi laughing besides me really loudly, gasping for air. I removed my hands from my face to see Jordan and Eliza both bright red.

"You could have knocked" Eliza muttered, blushing profusely.

"I should have knocked" I muttered "Jordan, have you no shame?"

"Hey" He replied, his blush slowly fading as he held up his arms in mock surrender "You gave me permission"

"It was a figure of speech" I replied, rolling my eyes, although I was secretly glad that they were actually being cute and couple-y after their break up.

Silence stretched between the four of us before Eliza started glaring at me, basically telling me to get the fuck out.

Wow rude.

"Well this was fun." I sighed awkwardly "Levi, you can put your stuff in my room" I answered, walking out of Eliza's room and heading towards mine.

"Do they do that often?" Levi asked in amusement.

"More than they'd be willing to admit" I sighed, although I still couldn't get Eliza's look of pure embarrassment out of my mind.

"They're a cute couple" Levi commented. I opened my bedroom door as Levi ran around me and jumped onto my bed, lying on top of it.

I laughed "what is it with you and my bed?"

He shrugged, sitting up"I think I might be obsessed with it"

I blinked "I think that would be creepy if I didn't know you too well"

He grinned "In a platonic way, that is" he adjusted before continuing "So when are we setting off?"

I sighed "Honestly? I have no idea" I sighed, taking a seat besides him on the very edge of the bed.

It was a risk, but I think I wanted to take it. There wasn't a huge gap between us, maybe less than arms length. But it was enough to allow me to breath. I was sat at the very edge of the bed and even though there was still a significant distance, Levi still look surprised. He froze for a slight moment, before continuing with his speech, I think he was trying to not make this a big deal.

It was a huge deal.

But he doesn't need to know that.

"You don't know?" He asked, trying to sound like himself but you could tell he was still a little shocked.

I shrugged, attempting to get the attention away from where I was sitting, to anything else. "It's usually just whenever aunt Jen says so"

"You seem so prepared for someone who began packing two hours ago" He smiled, bumping my shoulders slightly. His bare arm touched mine, as I shivered, goosebumps travelling up my arm.  His skin contacted mine for less than a second, but I- for whatever reason -found my stomach churning.

I shook my head of the thoughts that clouded my head. "How did you know I started packing two hours ago?'

He chuckled "The state of your room" He replied simply before speaking again "It's usually much neater"

I rolled my eyes playfully "I didn't know you noticed things like that"

He semi-smirked, semi-smiled. "I always notice things about you." 

"You should really stop flirting with me" I muttered, after a moment of silence. "You might just make me fall for you"

And I didn't deny the truth in the statement.

He smiled again "Maybe that's my plan, book girl"

I think I'm falling for Levi Knight; and I'm falling hard.


Written: 30/09/15
Posted: 1/1/2016

Happy New Year guys!

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