The Daughter Of Rachel Mason...

By _X_Sammii_X_

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Chloe left Max after their fight in Scotland. She took their daughters back to Rochdale. Not only is there Au... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four

Chapter Thirteen

170 4 0
By _X_Sammii_X_

Chapter Thirteen.

It was the Monday after the weekend in which Chloe found out about Max and Helen sleeping together. Max had made it up to Chloe by buying her something she had always wanted.

Chloe had managed to get Aubree and Isla ready for school while Emily lounged in her bouncer. Max came down and kissed Chloe passionatley on the lips. "Daddy, do you always have to kiss my mummy?" Isla asked. Max smirked over at Isla.

"I do yes," Max said. Isla pouted and Chloe smiled at her.

Tom and Charlotte made their way into school.

"I can't be bothered," Charlotte said. Tom chuckled and kissed her hard. Tom pushed her up against the wall and kissed her harder.

Suddenly, someone coughed. They quickly pulled away and saw Max and Chloe smirking at them.

"Put him down," Chloe said. She had a grin on her face causing Charlotte to blush.

"He's too damn irresistable," Charlotte told her. Chloe rolled her eyes but smiled. "You know how it is Chloe," Charlotte whispered.

Chloe, Charlotte, Max and Tom were sitting in the staffroom. Max had Chloe up the corner away from everyone. "Seriously though Max stop. Anyone could see," Chloe said. Max smirked and kissed her passionatley.

The door to the staffroom opened and Helen walked in, she looked rather cheerful. "Morning all," Helen said. Chloe looked up and immediatley felt anger. Max grabbed Chloe's wrist to stop her moving. Chloe looked over at Tom who was pretending to hug Charlotte to try to keep Charlotte from slapping Helen.

Eddie and Rachel came in. Eddie saw Charlotte struggling.

"Tom what the hell are you doing to my daughter?" Eddie asked. Helen looked over.

"Wow, didn't expect that to happen. Shouldn't you be with Charlotte's mum instead of Rachel?" Helen asked. Charlotte felt her eyes water and she stormed out of the staff room.

"You Hopewell made a massive mistake by doing what you did. I won't forget it," Chloe said. She went after Charlotte.

Eddie and Rachel were confused. "What's been going on? Why does Chloe suddenly have it in for Helen?" Rachel asked. Tom shook his head so Rachel turned to Max. "Well?".

Max rolled his eyes. "You're better off not knowing," Max told her. Rachel wasn't letting go of the situation.

"Max, if you've hurt Chloe in anyway I will find out," Rachel warned.

Chloe was fuming she hated Helen Hopewell with a passion. "Calm down Chloe, Helen isn't worth it," Charlotte said.

"She shouldn't have said that about you! Eddie loves my mum," Chloe said to Charlotte.

"Just shut up about it okay!" Charlotte yelled. She walked off. Chloe was now confused. Charlotte never acted like this - she was always so concerned about what made Eddie happy, especially as the wedding was tomorrow. But something was wrong with Charlotte.

Chloe walked back into the staff room and Eddie went over to her.

"Is Charlotte okay?" Eddie asked.

"No. I don't know what's wrong with her," Chloe admitted.

"I'll talk to her," Eddie said. Chloe shook her head.

"Don't," Chloe replied. She went over to Max and hugged him tightly

"Are you alright Max asked. Chloe nodded and she kissed him passionatley in front of Helen.

Charlotte sat in the creche with baby Chloe and Emily. Emily was the spitting image of Aubree. Baby Chloe was playing with the building blocks. Charlotte smiled at them both.

Helen and Chloe stood glaring at each other. Chloe couldn't keep calm. It seemed that Helen was winding her up. Helen got up and walked out. Chloe sighed in relief and Rachel went over to her.

"What's happened?" Rachel asked. Chloe looked around.

"Where did Eddie and Tom go?" Chloe asked.

"They went to talk to Charlotte," Rachel said. Chloe ran to find them. She knew Charlotte would start to distance herself if they asked her to open up.

Max walked to his office to see Helen there. "What do you want?" Max asked. Helen sighed.

"All you had to do was love me Max, I needed you," Helen said. Max rolled his eyes.

"Leave," Max told her.

Chloe caught up with Eddie and Tom. "Wait!" Chloe yelled. Tom and Eddie turned to her.

"What?" Tom asked. Chloe sighed.

"If you confront Charlotte you'll make her clam up," Chloe told them. Eddie knew Chloe had a point.

Charlotte stayed with Emily and baby Chloe. She felt peaceful when she was with the two youngest.

Helen was trying to seduce Max. "I told you to leave!" Max yelled. Helen took off her top. Max turned his head to face the window.

"Leave now!" Max yelled. Chloe heard Max yelling at someone to leave from outside his office. Chloe went in and saw Max ignoring Helen and telling her to leave. Chloe smiled at Max staying loyal to her but grabbed Helen.

"Get this into your thick head. He doesn't love you Helen. He never has. All the times you thought he loved you, you were wrong he was with me," Chloe said. Helen got her top back on and left.

"Chloe that shouldn't have happened," Max told Chloe. Chloe sighed and turned to Max.

"I know but you can always make it up to me tonight," Chloe said. Max smirked.

"Why wait until tonight? I could simply lock the door," Max said. Chloe grinned as Max did lock the door.

Charlotte decided to head back to the staffroom. Tom was teaching so she couldn't talk to him. Walking through the school she saw Helen. "Aw Max turn you down again?" Charlotte asked. She had a hatred for this woman.

"Max only turned me down because of the tart he's with now," Helen told Charlotte.

Max had unzipped Chloe's dress while she unfastened his trousers. They were getting heated and Max laid Chloe on the sofa.

Charlotte went to the staff room and saw Eddie there.

"Hey honey. I'm just looking through last minute wedding stuff," Eddie told her. Eddie kissed her cheek before walking out to his classroom. Charlotte grabbed the pages of the wedding and stuffed them in the bin.

She turned around and saw Chloe.

"What were you doing?" Chloe asked. Charlotte faked a smile.

"Eddie asked me to throw something away for him," Charlotte replied. Chloe wasn't convinced.

"Throw what away?"

Charlotte sighed. "Just an old book," Charlotte said.

Max was sitting in the office and Tom walked in. "Fancy going for a pint tonight?" Tom asked. Max looked up and nodded.

"Sure," Max replied.

Chloe wasn't convinced that Charlotte was throwing an old book away but she didn't want to go riffling through the bins. Max and Tom came in. "What's wrong with you?" Tom asked. He noticed Chloe's dishevlled appearance.

"Charlotte's ruining Eddie and my mum's wedding," Chloe said. Tom was shocked.

"I'll talk to her," Tom said.

Chloe grabbed his arm.

"No! I warned you," Chloe said. Tom sighed and got the stuff out of the bin for Chloe. Chloe began to cry slightly. Max held her.

"Why is she doing this?" Max asked. Chloe shrugged.

"I just hope she doesn't ruin tomorrow," Chloe said.

"She won't," Max promised. Tom nodded.

"Charlotte wants Eddie to be happy. He's happy with Rachel," Tom said. Chloe nodded but she was still upset.

Charlotte was looking for someone. She needed to take her anger out on someone. She saw the perfect person - Helen.

"Helen!" Charlotte called. Helen turned to look at Charlotte.

"What?" Helen asked. Charlotte gave a fake smile.

"Why are you so obsessed with a man who will never be yours. He gets so much pleasure from being with Chloe," Charlotte said.

Helen slapped Charlotte. Charlotte was shocked.

"You will never be happy," Helen said. Charlotte took her car keys out of her pocket and went to the car park.

Chloe went looking for Charlotte and couldn't find her. She wasn't in her classroom or with the kids.

"She's left with the car," Tom said to Chloe. Chloe sighed and rang her.

"Charlotte Clarkson, answer me this very moment. Where the hell are you?" Chloe hung up. Tom looked at her. "Voicemail," Chloe told him. Max received a phonecall so he went to answer.

"Isla's had an accident at school. They want you to fetch her," Max said. Chloe groaned.

"I'll fetch her and bring her here for a bit," Chloe told him. Max nodded.

Charlotte sat in the cafe drinking a hot chocolate. All she had ever wanted was Eddie to be happy.

Chloe had collected Isla who had banged her head and she was taking her for some lunch. "Mummy there's Charly!" Isla squealed.

Isla ran over to Charlotte. "Hi ho Charly," Isla said, that was her new way of greeting people.

Charlotte saw Isla and jumped. She knew Chloe would be with her. Chloe came over before Charlotte could walk away.

"Wanna explain why you have a red mark on your face?" Chloe asked Charlotte.

"I deserve it okay. I don't want to talk to anyone," Charlotte said.

"Open up to me Charlotte we're sisters," Chloe said. Charlotte shook her head. She knew what she would say would tear Chloe to pieces.

"I can't," she whispered.

"Yes you can. I told you before - you can tell me anything," Chloe said. Charlotte shook her head.

"You'll all hate me," Charlotte cried. Isla frowned.

"Don't cry Charly. Only Mily can cry!" Isla said. Chloe gave Isla some money and told her to get herself a biscuit.

Eddie and Rachel sat together in the staffroom. Max came in with Tom. "We're two teachers down temporarily. Charlotte is having some personal space and Chloe is collecting our daughter," Max said. Rachel frowned.

"What's wrong with them?" Rachel asked.

"They'll tell us when we're ready. So Eddie, could you cover Charlotte's classes and Rachel could you help Eddie as Chloe would have helped Charlotte?" Max asked. They nodded and went to Charlotte's classroom.

Charlotte still refused to tell Chloe. Charlotte knew that she wouldn't let Eddie get married to Rachel. That would break Chloe's heart if she knew.

"You need to tell me otherwise I'll set Isla on you and she's a vicious little thing aren't you baby?" Chloe said. Isla giggled and hugged Charlotte causing Charlotte to faintly smile.

"I don't want everyone to hate me," Charlotte said. Chloe sighed.

"No one will hate you," Chloe told her. Charlotte nodded.

"They will."

Max and Tom went to check on Emily and baby Chloe. "Do you plan on having more kids with Charlotte?" Max asked. Tom shrugged.

"I don't know. What about you and Chloe?"

"Chloe always told me when she wanted more," Max said. Tom held Baby Chloe in his arms as the bell for the end of school rang.

Rachel met with Chloe and Charlotte for the hen night. Charlotte wasn't in the mood but she faked a smile for Chloe an Rachel.

"Who's got the girls Chloe?" Rachel asked. Chloe smiled.

"Childminder," Chloe replied. Rachel smiled and got some drinks in.

Max and Tom were sitting in the pub waiting for Eddie. "Charlotte's been funny all night. Its like she doesn't want Eddie to marry Rachel," Tom said.

"I'm sure she does," Max said. Tom sighed.

"If you say so," Tom mumbled. Eddie came in and sat beside Tom. Max knew Eddie was thinking the same thing as Tom.

Charlotte and Chloe sat with Rachel. Charlotte wasn't drinking or eating. Rachel was worried.

"Charlotte are you okay?" Rachel asked. Charlotte nodded.

Chloe was getting concerned. When Rachel had gone for some more drinks Chloe took Charlotte to one side. "Look Charl, try and cheer up," Chloe said. Charlotte didn't say anything but downed her drink.

Max took a step outside to call Chloe. He needed to make sure she wasn't drinking. Tom sighed, he wanted a relationship like what Chloe and Max had.

Max came back in and continued his drink. "Is Chloe okay?" Tom asked. Max nodded.

"She's fine. Had to make sure she wasn't drinking," Max replied. Tom smiled.

"I hope Charlotte doesn't do anything to ruin tomorrow," Tom said. Max sighed.

"She won't."

Charlotte wasn't in the mood to be at Rachel's hen do. She came for Chloe and that was it. Chloe noticed that Charlotte had been withdrawn and it was concerning her.

Chloe and Max had been sending each other texts all night. "Can't you leave her alone for one night?" Tom jokingly asked. Max smirked.

"I can't. Not when she's promising stuff," Max told him.

*The Next Morning*

Everyone was on their way to the wedding. Tom and Charlotte were busy getting the kids in the car.

"We're going to be late," Charlotte complained.

"You didn't care much last night," Tom said. Charlotte glared at him before getting in the car. Tom sighed and got in too.

Chloe had gotten the kids in the car and she went to look for Max. "I know you're reminicising about last night but get moving," Chloe said. Max turned and smirked.

"You were incredible last night. A reminder of why I fell in love with you," Max told her. Chloe grinned.

"Ah so you're using me for sex," Chloe said. Max smirked.

"Partly the reason."

Arriving at the church Chloe saw Charlotte with Tom and the kids. "Is Charlotte okay?" Max asked. Chloe shrugged.

"I don't know," Chloe said. Chloe was shaking. "I'm scared."

"She won't do anything," Max promised. Everyone took their seats and Chloe sat with Max and the kids up near the front. Charlotte sat with Tom and the kids in the middle of the church. The music started to play and everyone stood up. Charlotte felt angry.

Once everyone sat down the minister began.

"Today we are gathered to marry Rachel Mason and Edward Lawson. If anyone knows any reason why these two should not be joined together please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Charlotte immediately stood up.

"He can't marry her!" Charlotte shouted. Chloe was shocked. So was Eddie. Tom grabbed Charlotte and pulled her out of the room.

"Er, shall I carry on?" The minister asked. Eddie and Rachel both nodded.

Chloe was angry and hurt. She knew Charlotte would end up doing something to ruin the wedding. "Calm down," Max whispered in her ear. Max's voice sent shivers down her back.

"Stop being hot," Chloe whispered. Max smirked and they carried on watching the wedding.

"What the hell was that?" Tom asked. Charlotte was crying.

"He can't marry Rachel! He just can't!" Charlotte yelled. Tom rolled his eyes.

"Well its clear that he is!" Tom told her. Charlotte glared at him.

"He should be with my mum."

The ceremony was over and Chloe ran outside. She saw Charlotte and Tom standing there. She walked over to Charlotte. Chloe slapped Charlotte hard. Tom pulled Charlotte into the car and got the kids strapped in.

When they all arrived at the reception. Charlotte sat quietly. When the food was handed out Charlotte went outside. Helen was out there.

"Obviously you have a crush on your own father. You're disgusting," Helen said to Charlotte. Charlotte slapped Helen across the face. Helen went inside as Eddie came out.

"What are you doing Charlotte?" Eddie asked. Charlotte turned to him.

"Why did you marry Rachel?" Charlotte asked. The tears streamed down her face.

"I love Rachel. I thought you loved her too," Eddie replied. Charlotte shook her head.

"I loved my mum! She's the one you should have married!" Charlotte said.

Aubree and Taitlyn were sitting under the food table playing. "My daddy says my mummy is good at doing sex," Aubree said. Taitlyn giggled.

Chloe was looking at Max and she decided that she wanted him. Walking over she whispered in his ear. "Come with me."

Max put his drink down and took Chloe off.

They were looking for the toilets. But they found Eddie and Charlotte yelling. Max went to get Tom and Rachel. They all went out and talked to them.

Taitlyn and Aubree were running around the place with the other kids. Helen went over to Taitlyn.

"Your mum is in love with your grandad," Helen said and walked off. Taitlyn began to cry because she was upset and confused.

"Don't listen to the stupid lady Taitlyn," Aubree said. Taitlyn nodded but she was still upset.

"My mummy love grandad," Taitlyn said.

"Talk about killing the mood," Chloe mumbled to herself.

"Charlotte your mum isn't with us anymore," Tom said. Chloe knew that was the wrong thing to say so did Max

"Nicely handled Tom," Max said. Charlotte punched Tom. Chloe grabbed her.

"Sort yourself out!" Chloe yelled.

"No!" Charlotte yelled.

"I hate you!" Chloe shouted back.

Charlotte felt her heart breaking. She ran inside and ran out the back door. She got into the car and drove off. She wasn't coming back.

Tom went over to the kids. Eddie went too. Tom noticed Taitlyn was crying.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Tom asked.

"Mummy doesn't love you. She loves grandad. She wants to marry grandad," Taitlyn said. Tom and Eddie were both shocked.

"Who told you that?" Tom asked. Taitlyn pointed over to Helen. Tom ran over to Helen. Chloe noticed and followed.

"Aren't you amazing? Saying that to a five year old?" Chloe said. Helen grinned.

"You or that other tart don't deserve those brats," Helen told her. Chloe was getting angry.

Tom and Max were looking for Charlotte. "I can't believe what's happened," Tom said. Max sighed.

"It will be fine. Charlotte's just angry," Max told him. Tom shook his head.

"She's more than angry," Tom said.

Helen was winding Chloe up. "How could Max ever love you? You're a disgraceful excuse for a mother," Helen said.

Chloe punched Helen. Helen left the wedding. Chloe walked into Max and Tom.

"Where's Charlotte?" Chloe asked.

"We don't know," Max admitted. Chloe began panicking.

"What are we going to do?" Chloe asked. Max held her. Tom tried ringing Charlotte. Charlotte answered but she was drunk and Tom could hardly hear her.

Eddie went looking for Charlotte. The kids were following him. Tom went over to him in a panic.

"We need to find Charlotte," Tom said to him.

"Chloe, keep the kids with you," Eddie said. Chloe rolled her eyes.

"I wanna look for her! I need to apologise," Chloe told him. Eddie reluctantly nodded.

Charlotte was dancing with a mystery guy. Chloe and Max arrived in the club where Charlotte was. "She's there," Max said. Chloe walked over to her.

"Come on Charlotte. You're missing a great event," Chloe told her. Charlotte glared.

"What do you care?"

Chloe felt upset. "I care because I love you Charlotte," Chloe said. The tears were streaming down her face. "Please Charlotte," Chloe told her.

Charlotte felt dizzy. She knew she was about to be sick.

"I'm going to be sick," Charlotte said. Chloe grabbed Charlotte's arm and pulled her outside. Eddie sighed in relief once he saw Charlotte.

Rachel was minding the kids. She explained to Taitlyn that Charlotte only loved Eddie as her father. Taitlyn was happy. Rachel was ready to make it up to Charlotte.

Max took Chloe and Charlotte back to the wedding reception. "I need to apologise to Rachel," Charlotte slurred. Chloe watched as Charlotte stumbled out of the car.

"You owe me from earlier," Chloe said.

Rachel was feeding Emily as Chloe was with Charlotte. Aubree came running over. "I need to find my daddy!" Aubree said. Rachel smiled.

"He'll be here soon," Rachel told her.

"Why do you think I owe you?" Max asked. Chloe grinned.

"Because we were stopped earlier," Chloe replied. Max smirked and pulled Chloe closer to him.

Charlotte stumbled into the room and fell. Rachel ran over to her and helped her up. Her finger was bleeding.

"Ow!" Charlotte mumbled. Rachel picked her up and brought her over to the table. All the kids hugged her tightly.

"Are you okay love?" Rachel asked. Charlotte nodded.

"I'm so sorry I ruined today," Chloe said. Rachel smiled.

"Its fine. We just want you to be happy," Rachel told her. Charlotte held the kids tightly.

Max was trying to keep Chloe entertained but Chloe was getting tired. "Chloe, wake up," Max said. Chloe opened her eyes.

"I'm awake," Chloe told him. Max smirked and kissed her passionatley.

Chloe smiled and cuddled into Max.

"Right, we're going home," Max said. Chloe whined but nodded. Chloe and Max went into the room and saw something that made Chloe smile widely.

Eddie, Rachel, Tom and Charlotte were all sitting around the table cuddling with the kids.

Chloe walked over to her mum and Eddie. Is everything okay?" Chloe asked. Charlotte nodded.

"Yeah its all good," Charlotte replied. Chloe grinned.

"I never meant what I said. I don't hate you," Chloe said. Charlotte smiled and hugged Chloe. "Come for lunch tomorrow, bring Tom and the kids."

"I'd love too," Charlotte replied.

*The Next Morning*

Chloe was lying in bed. She was tired as Max kept her up. Max was downstairs with the girls. The doorbell rang causing Chloe to groan.

Max let everyone in. "When is Chloe coming down?" Taitlyn asked. Max smiled.

"When she's ready," Max told her.

Taitlyn and Aubree snuck upstairs to Chloe's room. They were wanting to try on Chloe's makeup.

Max got a box of toys out of the cupboard for the kids to play with. They were all playing and Max decided to ask Tom about Charlotte.

Charlotte played with the kids. She put on a Disney movie for Emily and Baby Chloe.

"We can't wake my mummy up. My daddy kept her awake till late," Aubree told Taitlyn. Taitlyn giggled.

"Okay!" Taitlyn said.

Aubree and Taitlyn had taken Chloe's makeup into Aubree's room. Max and Tom were sitting outside while Charlotte played with the kids.

Max had just made some coffee and was back outside with Tom. Chloe came out wearing her pyjama shorts and vest top. "Morning sleepyhead," Tom said. Chloe glared and sat on Max's lap.

"Baby I want you," Chloe whispered to Max. Max smirked.

"That's why you're so tired. You can wait until tonight," Max said. Chloe pouted and went to find Charlotte.

Charlotte was playing with TJ. TJ started to giggle and talk. Chloe smiled before speaking. "Hey you."

Charlotte looked up and smiled. "Hey."

"Where's Aubree and Taitlyn?" Chloe asked.

Charlotte shrugged and Chloe went upstairs to find them.

"Shh, someone's coming!" Aubree said. Her bedroom door opened and Chloe came in.

"What have you two done?" Chloe asked. Aubree started giggling. "This isn't funny Aubree," Chloe told her.

Max and Tom were talking about how to make Charlotte be happy again. Charlotte came out holding Emily and baby Chloe toddling beside her. "Max this little one was looking for you," Charlotte told Max.

Max smiled and took Emily from her. Tom took Baby Chloe and Charlotte went to look for her.

Chloe wiped off the makeup on Taitlyn and Aubree. Charlotte walked in.

"What did they do?" Charlotte asked.

"They used all my expensive makeup," Chloe said. Charlotte felt like it was her fault. She walked out of the house with TJ, Jake and Jacob.

Charlotte went to the shops to buy all the makeup back. TJ kept licking the lipstick cases.

"TJ no, you can't do that," Charlotte said. TJ giggled and kissed his mummy.

Chloe told Aubree to tidy up her room. Isla went in to wind her up. "Daddy says you're naughty," Isla said. Aubree looked at Isla.

"No he didn't!" Aubree shouted. Isla giggled.

"Yes he did. You used mummy's makeup. That's naughty," Isla said. Chloe came in.

"Isla leave her alone," Chloe said. Isla pouted.

"I'm sorry mummy."

Max had brought Isla's bouncer outside for her. "Did you know Emily was premature?" Tom asked. Max shook his head.

"Chloe never mentioned that," Max said. Tom nodded and told Max.

"She was born four months early. She was so ill and weak," Tom told him. Max was annoyed that Chloe never told him.

"Could you keep an eye on her?" Max asked. Tom nodded

Max went to find Chloe. He found her in the bedroom putting all her makeup back.

"Isn't there something you're forgetting to tell me about my youngest daughter?" Max asked. Chloe was shocked and dropped the rest of her makeup.

Charlotte went back to the house. Lillie and Taitlyn ran over to her and the rest of the kids.

"Mummy. Daddy outside and Max and Chloe fighting," Lillie said. Charlotte ran upstairs with the bag of makeup for Chloe.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Chloe asked. Max rolled his eyes and approached Chloe.

"You didn't tell me that Emily was born four months premature and she was so ill she nearly died," Max said. Chloe was trying to not cry.

"I'm sorry, the pregnancy wasn't easy," Chloe said. Max was confused.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"I didn't have you Max!" Chloe said. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Max felt bad now and held Chloe tightly.

"I needed you," Chloe whispered in Max's ear.

"I'm sorry," Max said. He kissed Chloe's forehead and rubbed her back. "I'm so sorry."

Charlotte stood by the door and knocked. Max and Chloe both looked.

"This is for you. I'm sorry about my daughter," Charlotte said. She handed Chloe the bag and left to go and find Tom.

Chloe looked at Max. "I should go and talk to Charlotte," Chloe said. Max nodded but before Chloe could leave Max took her hand.

"I'm never leaving you again," Max told her. Chloe smiled and hugged him.

"Emily's fine now. She's a bit small for her age but then Aubree was too," Chloe said. Max nodded.

Tom knew he may have caused the row between Chloe and Max but he knew Max had a right to know his daughter was ill when she was newborn.

Charlotte sat with Tom and cuddled into him. "Why did you tell Max about Emily being ill?" Charlotte asked.

"If it was me, I would want to know," Tom said. Charlotte smiled slightly.

"I love you Tom," Charlotte said.

"I love you more."

Chloe smiled at Tom and Charlotte cuddled together watching the kids play.

Max came up behind Chloe and hugged her.

"We're all happy together again," Max said. Chloe smiled.

"Eddie and Rachel are coming over with Leah for dinner. I need to give Charlotte the money for this stuff though," Chloe replied. Charlotte turned and saw Chloe and Max. She smiled over at them.

Taitlyn and Aubree were drawing in Aubree's room. "I love my daddy," Taitlyn said. Aubree giggled.

"I love my daddy too," Aubree said.

Chloe was making drinks in the kitchen when Isla came up to her. "Mummy, I want to go to daddy's school," She stated. Chloe smiled.

"You will when you're older," Chloe told her. Isla giggled.


Max was feeding Emily while Charlotte played with baby Chloe.

Aubree and Taitlyn were in the bathroom washing up when they saw something in the bin. "What's that?" Taitlyn asked. Aubree shrugged.

"My mummy had one when she had Emily in her stomach," Aubree said.

Taitlyn lifted it up and read it.

"" Taitlyn read. Aubree giggled and brought it downstairs. Taitlyn ran after her. Max saw the pregnancy test in Aubree's hand.

"Where did you get that?" Max asked. Aubree giggled.

"In the bathroom bin," Aubree said.

Max took the pregnancy test and went to Chloe. Charlotte and Tom kept the kids busy.

Chloe was doing Isla's hair when Max came in. Chloe spotted the pregnancy test in Max's hand in the mirror.

"Isla, that's your hair done. Go play with Aunty Charlotte and Uncle Tom," Chloe said. Isla kissed Chloe's cheek before running out of her bedroom.

"What's this Chloe?" Max asked. Chloe didn't know what to say. "Chloe,"

"Its a pregnancy test, I thought you knew that," Chloe said. Max sighed.

"Is it yours though?" Max asked. Chloe didn't speak, instead she ran into the bedroom.

Max went downstairs to talk to Charlotte. "Is Chloe okay?" Charlotte asked. Max didn't know what to say.

"Look, can you talk to her. She's shutting herself off," Max said. Charlotte smiled and nodded.

Charlotte went upstairs and opened the bedroom door. Chloe was sitting on the bed staring at her feet.

"Talk to me," Charlotte said. She laid beside Chloe.

"I'm pregnant again. My mum will kill me and so will Max."

"They won't. Honestly, Tom would kill me for having more kids," Charlotte said. Chloe smiled slightly.

"That's true," Chloe said. Charlotte smiled and hugged Chloe.

Max and Tom were sitting with the kids.

"Chloe's pregnant again," Max announced. Tom smiled.

"That's brilliant though!" Tom said. Max looked over.

"Do you want to have more kids with Charlotte?"

"I'd love to but we have six already," Tom said. Max smiled and looked at Emily.

"Chloe's scared about being pregnant again," Max told Tom. Tom smiled.

"She will be. Its her fourth baby," Tom told him.

Chloe was crying slightly. "How can I be pregnant again, Emily's not even one yet," Chloe said. Charlotte smiled.

"Its all the sex you have. You don't wear protection," Charlotte told her. Chloe giggled.

"I'm scared though. I can't handle anymore kids," Chloe admitted.

"I have six. I'm struggling. But I wouldn't want it any other way," Charlotte said.

"I don't know if I want this baby," Chloe said. Charlotte swallowed her anger.

"At least all your kids are alive," Charlotte whispered before walking out. Charlotte needed some time on her own. The memories of having a still born baby were coming back to her. She decided to walk to the park.

Tom heard someone leave. Max went upstairs to see if it was Chloe who left. Tom took the kids over to his house for Janeece to mind, as she was their baby sitter now.

Eddie saw Charlotte leave Chloe and Max's house in tears. He got into the car with Leah and drove to find her while Rachel went over to Chloe and Max's.

Eddie caught up with Charlotte and they saw her sitting on the park bench. "I'll talk to her Leah," Eddie said.

Charlotte was crying. "Right what's all this about?" Eddie asked. Charlotte sighed.

"I just remembered my baby girl - who died," Charlotte said. Eddie pulled Charlotte close to him.

"Look darling, no one has forgotten her," Eddie said. Charlotte cuddled into Eddie.

Chloe wasn't telling anyone she was pregnant. She didn't want too. Part of her was thinking about an abortion but she had been through that before.

"Mummy, are you having a baby?" Isla asked. Chloe was speechless.

"I am," Chloe said. Isla smiled widely.

Charlotte cried into Eddie.

"I was stupid to get pregnant," Charlotte said. Eddie couldn't believe what Charlotte had just said.

"Don't say that," Eddie said.

"It's true," Charlotte said. When Charlotte walked away from Eddie, Leah went over to her.

"Charlotte, you shouldn't regret your babies. They're amazing. Both you and Chloe shouldn't," Leah said. Charlotte cuddled into her sister.

"I love you small fry," Charlotte said.

Rachel was annoyed that Chloe was pregnant yet again. "Chloe, what do you intend to do now?" Rachel asked. Chloe was confused.

"How do you mean?"

Rachel sighed. "You're pregnant with your fourth baby. You need a plan," Rachel said. Chloe started crying.

"Leave me alone," Chloe said. She went outside. Max glared at Rachel.

"Well done," Max said.

Rachel sighed and glared at Max.

"You know, Eddie and I shouldn't have got married. Maybe it would have saved all these problems," Rachel said. What she didn't know was Eddie was just behind her.

Charlotte and Leah went to the garden with Tom and Max. Chloe smiled at them. Charlotte didn't smile. She knew it was her fault that Eddie and Rachel were fighting.

Chloe was still crying. Max tried to cheer her up but nothing could be done. Tom noticed Charlotte had been down too. "Look girls, why don't you go shopping. Get out the house for a bit," Tom suggested. Chloe shrugged.

"Whatevs," Chloe said. Charlotte smiled, Chloe knew how to make her smile.

Rachel was distracting herself by feeding Emily. "Rach, she's fine and obviously not hungry. We need to talk," Eddie said. Rachel sighed and put Emily in her bouncer.

Chloe and Charlotte were sitting in Chloe's car. "Chloe, what do you wanna do with the baby?" Charlotte asked.

"I want to keep it. I want to watch it growing up with the rest of my girls," Chloe said. Charlotte smiled and held Chloe tightly.

"Is it my fault Eddie and Rachel are fighting?" Charlotte asked.

Eddie and Rachel sat in the living room.

"Eddie I'm sorry," Rachel said.

"You know, my daughter comes first. Yours should too," Eddie said. Rachel felt bad.

"I'll ring Chloe and talk to her. Eddie, maybe you should spend a bit of time with Charlotte and Leah. I'll spend a bit more time with Chloe," Rachel said. They agreed and Rachel went to phone Chloe.

Chloe didn't answer the phone to Rachel. "Look, your mum is worried that you're not going to cope," Charlotte said. Chloe began crying again.

"Damn hormones," Chloe cried. Charlotte laughed.

"Chloe's not answering," Rachel said. Eddie sighed and held Rachel.

"Rach, I don't mean anything by this but when you had Chloe did you want her?" Eddie asked. Rachel was gobsmacked.

Max and Tom were sitting with the kids. Isla was boasting about her new baby brother or sister. "My mummy is having another baby! And its going to be mine," Isla said. Lillie giggled.

"Rach, answer the question - did you want Chloe?" Eddie asked again. Rachel sighed.

"Eddie, you have to understand I was young when I was pregnant with her," Rachel said.

Eddie sighed.

"Did you want her?" Eddie yelled.

"No!" Rachel shouted. Eddie shook his head.

"I wanted Charlotte. You see the difference here?" Eddie asked. He told Leah to go over to Charlotte's house with him.

Rachel had enough. She grabbed the phone. It rang and rang. Finally someone answered.

"Hello, Rochdale Police Department. How can I be of help?" the man asked.

Rachel took a deep breath. "I want to report domestic abuse. My daughter, Chloe Tyler was domestically abused by her husband, Max Tyler."

Rachel had told the police everything and they said they would speak to Max. Rachel hung up and sighed. She didn't know what Chloe and Charlotte heard her say she didn't want Chloe.

Chloe went upstairs and broke down crying. Charlotte went up to her. "Are you okay?" Charlotte asked. Chloe shook her head.

"My mum didn't want me," Chloe said. She broke down crying.

Charlotte held Chloe tightly.

"Shh," Charlotte said and rocked Chloe. Chloe eventually calmed down.

"I guess I deserve it for not really wanting Aubree at the start," Chloe said.

"Don't you dare ever say that. You don't deserve this. If you want, you and Max can stay at ours," Charlotte replied. Chloe smiled slightly.

"Thanks. I'm sorry about the fighting between my mum and Eddie."

"It's fine. Look, grab the kids and your husband. Bring them over to our house for a movie night," Charlotte suggested. Chloe nodded and smiled.

"I'd love that."

Rachel was trying to find the courage to talk to Chloe. Heading upstairs she went into the bedroom. "Hiya love," Rachel said. Chloe turned and felt anger hit her.

"GET OUT!" Chloe yelled.

Max, Tom and the kids heard Chloe yelling so Max went up. "What's happened?" Max asked.

Rachel was shocked. "Chloe what's wrong darling?" Rachel asked. Chloe went for Rachel.

"You should have had an abortion!" Chloe yelled.

Charlotte felt her heart break. She grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled her out of the room.

"Take the kids over to my house with Tom. Max and I will be over soon," Charlotte said. Chloe grabbed the kids and Tom followed her.

"Never go near Chloe again," Max said.

"Never go near Eddie. You broke his heart," Charlotte said. They closed the door on Rachel and walked over to Charlotte and Tom's house. They got to the driveway.

"You go on in. I need to clear my head," Charlotte said.

Charlotte began walking and suddenly felt sick. She wondered whether her mum actually wanted her. If she was Eddie's daughter, her mum probably didn't want her. But her mum definitely wanted Leah. Charlotte felt angry at the world. She kicked and punched a tree until she broke down crying on the ground beside it.

Max went into the house. Chloe ran over to him.

"Where's Charlotte?" Chloe asked.

"She went for a walk," Max said. Chloe looked to see Rachel standing on the doorstep of her house.

"What type of mum doesn't want their daughter?" Chloe asked. Max sighed.

"Don't think on it," Max said. Chloe looked up and kissed him.

"I bloody love you," Chloe said. Max smirked just as the doorbell rang.

Charlotte was heading back home when she saw the police care. Immediatley she thought the worst had happened. Running over she let the police in.

"Max Tyler, you're under arrest for the suspicion of domestic abuse against your wife. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence something which you later rely on in court," the officer said.

Chloe was shocked. "Who made this call?" Chloe asked.

"We're not at liberty to say ma'am," the officer said. Chloe scoffed.

"He's never hurt me, not once!" Chloe yelled. Charlotte had to keep Chloe calm. Max was taken off in the police car. "Max has never hurt me. Not once," Chloe said. Charlotte sighed.

"Chloe he hit you once," Charlotte reminded her. Chloe shrugged.

"That was my fault though! I provoked him too," Chloe said. Chloe saw her mum standing on the doorstep. "She did this!" Chloe said. Charlotte looked to see Rachel.

"Ignore it Chloe. She's not worth it," Charlotte said.

Chloe stayed over with Charlotte that night as she didn't want to be alone. Chloe lay in bed wanting Max back with her. She would do anything to be in his arms. 


A/N ~ Huge thanks to StrangeDesires for helping to write this update.

Well; Rachel was a bit harsh in this update but she'll get better soon.

I don't know when the next update will be. 

Remember - Stay Strong 

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