You Are My Sunshine

By BubblySoccer

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You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky's are grey ft. Joe Hart More

Chapter One: Telling the Father
Chapter Two: Awkward Situations
Chapter Three: Slowing Coming Around
Chapter Four: Telling the Parents
Chapter Five: Joe's Decision
Chapter Six: Falling Apart
Chapter Seven: Public Backlash
Chapter Eight: Here to Help
Chapter Nine: Meeting Gabriella's Parents
Chapter Eleven: Don't Rush Yourself
Chapter Twelve: Growing Closer
Chapter Thirteen: Middle of the Night
Chapter Fourteen: The Christmas Party
Chapter Fifteen: A Lot of Charles
Chapter Sixteen: Merry Christmas
Chapter Seventeen: Not Interested
Chapter Eighteen: Going to be Okay
Chapter Nineteen: The Home Birth
Chapter Twenty: Little Elena Hart
Chapter Twenty-One: Leaving Hospital
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Parental Problem
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Charity Night
Chapter Twenty-Four: You Are Amazing
Chapter Twenty-Five: Gabriella's Decision
Chapter Twenty-Six: Back to Work
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Adam Stanley
Chapter Twenty-Eight: You Are My Star
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Marking Territory
Chapter Thirty: Manchester City vs Stoke City
Chapter Thirty-One: Accident or Not
Chapter Thirty-Two: Family Dinner
Chapter Thirty-Three: Leaving for France
Chapter Thirty-Four: England vs Russia
Chapter Thirty-Five: Flying to France
Chapter Thirty-Six: Relaxing by the Pool
Chapter Thirty-Seven: England vs Slovakia
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Sneaking About
Chapter Thirty-Nine: England vs Iceland
Chapter Forty: Exploring France
Chapter Forty-One: England vs France
Chapter Forty-Two: The Rehearsal Dinner
Chapter Forty-Three: Holiday in Monaco
Chapter Forty-Four: The Surprise
Chapter Forty-Five: Family Gathering
Chapter Forty-Six: Getting Closure
Chapter Forty-Seven: Elena's First Christmas
Chapter Forty-Eight: Ava Sophia Hart

Chapter Ten: Georgina's Downfall

1.8K 52 28
By BubblySoccer

Georgina smiled to herself as she collected her suitcase, she'd had an amazing time on her month long holiday; she was a little sad that it was over but she knew that it was time for her to get to work again. 

Georgina was going to make sure that Joe never strayed from her again, she was so sure that he would be begging for forgiveness when he saw that she had come back to him; she would make him work for it and she already had her eye on some expensive gifts that he could get her. 

Sticking her key into the front door lock, Georgina frowned when the door didn't open and she tried her key several more times in an attempt to get inside her home. 

"What the hell?" Georgina whispered wondering for a moment if Joe had changed the locks, she pursed her lips not pleased with the idea of him doing it without telling her. 

Georgina went to knock on the door when Louise opened it, she stared at Joe's mother wondering what the hell she was doing here; she didn't like this and was going to give Joe an earful when she got a hold of him. 

"Louise... it's great to see you again," Georgina greeted forcing a smile, she had never been fond of Joe's parents and she knew that it couldn't be a good sign if they were here in Manchester; she guessed Joe had been broken up after she had left him. 

Louise didn't say a word, she couldn't believe that Georgina was showing her face here after what she had done to her son; she gritted her teeth resisting the urge to slap Georgina for all the trouble that she had caused. 

"Okay... is Joe home?" Georgina asked peeking in to the house when Louise didn't say anything, it had been a long day and she wanted to relax before dealing with her wayward fiancé. 

Louise raised an eyebrow realising that Georgina wouldn't have seen the morning paper, she hadn't been able to believe what she had read and she felt ill just talking to Georgina.

"You haven't seen the papers have you?" Louise guessed moving to grab the nearest paper and hand it to Georgina, she was glad that Joe wasn't here right now; Gabriella had a doctor's appointment and he had gone with her. 

Georgina furrowed her brow taking the paper from Louise, she stared down at the main headline and her stomach dropped at the sight of a stripper on the front cover; it was someone that she knew quite well and it made her sick. 

Louise moved to dump the black bin bags at Georgina's feet, it was filled with her stuff and she knew that Joe didn't want Georgina staying in his home anymore; she had nearly destroyed things for him and after this he wanted nothing to do with her. 

"Hart's fiancée snorted coke off my abs," Louise repeated watching Georgina, she couldn't believe what the stripper had told the papers and it was even worse than the story that Georgina had told about Gabriella and Joe. 

Louise was just glad that Joe was ending things, he didn't want anything to do with Georgina and he asked his parents to deal with her; he couldn't stand the thought of being near her after what she had done. 

"I need to speak to Joe," Georgina demanded, she needed to make this right and ensure that he didn't believe what the papers were saying; she didn't know why the stripper had spoken up but he had and he wouldn't be the only one to come forward. 

"Joe's not here... he's done with you," Louise said before she slammed the door in Georgina's face, she was almost glad that he had Gabriella; she couldn't wait to meet the woman that was carrying her grandchild. 

Georgina screamed and started banging on the door, this wasn't over until she said it was over.


Joe sighed flicking through the newspaper, his stomach turned wondering how he hadn't known about all of this; his stomach churned knowing that he had been so sure about marrying Georgina, but now he didn't even know her. 

Joe guessed that he was lucky, the story that the stripper was telling made him sick to the stomach and he knew that it would only reflect bad on him if he was ever linked with Georgina again. 

There would already be people thinking that Joe had partook in the drug taking; he could only imagine what he would have to deal with now and he wasn't going to let Georgina back into his life. 

Joe shook his head and leant back on his bed, he smiled deciding to focus on his little girl and he couldn't believe that Gabriella was twenty-three weeks into her pregnancy and he couldn't wait for their little girl to be born. 

Joe peeked at the pictures of Gabriella's scans that he had, he hadn't been able to stop himself from putting them up; he liked to be reminded about the small being that was going to come into the world in a few months' time. 

Nothing was going to be more important to him than the little girl that was going to be his daughter, Joe wasn't going to let anything get in the way and he wanted her to have everything in life that was possible. 

Joe couldn't wait to hold his daughter in his arms for the first time, he wanted to be there when she was born and he prayed that there wouldn't be a match to get in the way; he wanted to share the moment with Gabriella. 

The last thing that Joe wanted was anything getting in the way, he had cut ties with Georgina and he knew that she was going to be a problem; she wasn't important anymore and she was going to be nothing but trouble. 

Joe just hoped that Georgina would back off, her father would be wanting a word with her after the recent headlines; she was his only child and he wouldn't stand for the slander that was going on in the press right now.


Georgina huffed dragging her bags behind her, her cards had been rejected from the Hilton and no other hotel would take her in; she'd had no choice but to come home to her father's house since Joe wasn't answering her calls. 

Georgina pouted, she didn't know why Joe was ignoring her when she only wanted a chance to explain herself; she was going to kill the stripper when she got a hold of him for ruining her life. 

Georgina stepped into her father's mansion, she dumped her things on the floor and ignored the greeting from her step-mother; she hated the woman that had replaced her mother in her father's life. 

"We need to have a chat Georgina," Alexander Jones stated stepping into the hallway holding the latest newspaper, his eyes firmly fixed on his daughter and he knew that she had some explaining to do about this. 

Alexander had a lot riding on his daughter marrying Joe Hart, he knew for a fact that there was no way that Joe would marry Georgina now after all this had come out. 

Georgina would have had Joe by the balls if she had played her cards right after his cheating scandal, however she had been petty and now it didn't matter when everyone knew her dirty secrets. 

Alexander didn't know what Georgina had been thinking when she had sold that story, he would have dealt with Gabriella and Joe would have been all hers; she would have done better to call him than the press. 

Georgina sighed following after her father, she dreaded to think what he would say about all of this; she had messed things up and she knew that she was going to have to explain her way out of it.

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