We Might As Well Just Fuck

By Kaylor-Love

120K 4.3K 1.6K

"And I’m not trying to stop you, love. If we’re gonna do anything we might as well just fuck." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

7.6K 324 54
By Kaylor-Love

"It's just that building right there," Karlie said, a hand extended out as she pointed at an old looking apartment building with brick walls. Taylor slowed down her car before coming to a complete stop, at what looked like an entrance to the building.

"Is this okay?" Taylor wondered, as she gestured to the do the building's door.

"Yeah, my place is just on the second floor," Karlie glanced at the building again before turning to look back at Taylor, "Again, thank you. Who knows how long I would've been stranded there if you hadn't shown up."

The blonde shrugged, "I was just at the right place at the right time, I guess. Maybe get your motorcycle checked out, though."

"Yeah I should probably call someone about that..." Karlie seemed to be lost in thought for a second, before shaking her head. "Anyways, thanks again."

She was almost completely out of the car when she turned back, an excited look on her face, "Why don't you come in? I'll make you a drink! An actual one, not the basic crap you usually drink," Karlie said with a wave of the hand, "A 'thank you' drink."

Taylor couldn't help but feel amused by the girl before her. Had anyone else told her what Karlie just said to her, she would've felt offended, but it was hard to feel that way when it was said with such enthusiasm. "Maybe next time," she said as she took out her phone, quickly glancing at the time, "It's almost 3am, I should be getting home."

"I won't take 'no' for an answer," Karlie said as she fully exited the car, "Come on." She said before closing the car's door, not giving Taylor an option.

Taylor rolled her eyes at the brunet, but, nevertheless, parked the car and followed Karlie into the building.

"So how long have you been living here?" Taylor wondered as they made their way to the second floor.

"About a month now," Karlie replied easily.

Soon the two were standing outside Karlie's door as she unlocked it. Taylor silently yawned as she waited, the night's activities had worn her out. She quickly rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands, hoping it would wake her up.

"Well this is my home," Karlie said as she led the blonde inside, "Make yourself comfortable. And sorry about the mess." She said with a sheepish grin.

There wasn't anything special about the place, it was obvious the taller girl hadn't finished unpacking yet. Taylor didn't say anything, and simply followed Karlie into the kitchen.

"Take a seat there," Karlie gestured to one of the stools by the kitchen bar, "Meanwhile, I'll make you a proper drink. I didn't take a mixology class just to serve beer all day."

Taylor lightly smiled at the girl's rambles and did as she was told, taking a seat on one of the stools. She quickly noticed a stack of large yellow envelopes, Karlie Kloss printed on them.

"They're my résumé," Karlie said, noticing the blonde's curious look. "All the modeling jobs I've done and such." She said with a shrug as she gathered different ingredients. "It's mostly just small local jobs from when I lived in Boston."

"Oh, when did you move to LA?" Taylor wondered as she placed her head on the bar, only to lift it quickly back up, not wanting sleep to catch her.

"A month ago," Karlie said with a laugh, "The dream is New York, but LA is a good starting point." Taylor nodded, letting the girl know she was listening. "I was only in Boston because my parents wanted me to finish college." As she talked, Karlie prepared Taylor's drink. The blonde wasn't sure what she was making, but she noticed Karlie using whiskey and that was enough for her to happily drink it. "They were disappointed when I moved here after graduation instead of doing something with my degree, I guess they assumed I would've dropped the modeling thing by now."

"Why didn't you?" Taylor wondered, it seemed kind of useless to get a degree and then pursue a career she had no chance of knowing if it would work out. Then again, the blonde hadn't even bothered with college.

"I love coding, and I'm sure one day I'll get a job in that field, but right now I just want to travel the world, you know? Do something exciting and unique," a smile appeared on the girl's face as she explained, "I want to enjoy my youth while I can, before I have to settle for a 9 to 5 job like everyone else."

That was something Taylor could understand, she herself had never wanted to be stuck in a boring job that she hated. It was one of the reasons she had skipped college and just followed her gut and hoped for the best. It had also helped that she had her parents' college saving for her, at her disposal.

"My parents just don't get that," Karlie continued, "And neither does my boyfriend. He really hated my move to LA." Karlie shook her head, as if shaking a bad memory. "And he definitely does not support my career choices."

"Is he back in Boston?" Taylor inquired.

Karlie nodded, "He's getting a PhD. He's one of those people that actually likes school, and the idea of getting a boring job," she said rolling her eyes, "Honestly, I just don't get him."

"He sounds like a keeper," Taylor said dryly, though she wasn't sure why.

Karlie snickered, "My parents' sure think so. Anyways, enough of that," she said as she poured the drinks, "here you go. Its whiskey sour, I used to hate whiskey until I tried it this way."

Taylor looked at the drink which had a cherry and a slice of lemon in it. She could feel Karlie's eyes on her, awaiting her feedback. She slowly took a sip and was instantly surprised by how much she enjoyed it.

"This is good shit," Taylor noted before taking a bigger sip.

"Of course it is," Karlie said looking pleased as she took a sip of her drink. "What about you?"

"What about me?" Taylor asked cautiously.

"How long have you been living here?" The brunet asked, making her way around the kitchen bar to sit next to Taylor on one of the stools.

"Since I was 18, I guess," she said, turning to look at Karlie who was now sitting next to her.

"Where did you move from?" The brunet asked as she twirled the cherry around.

"Tennessee," Taylor said, figuring she would answer the aspiring model's questions as long as she could answer them in a vague manner.

"I never pictured you as a southern belle," Karlie said teasingly.

"Neither did I," Taylor said with a lopsided grin.

"Is that why you moved to LA?"

"That, and there weren't enough lesbians in the south. At least none that would admit to it." Taylor said, giving Karlie a conspiratorial smile.

Karlie lightly shook her head, a small laugh escaping her.

"Anyways, I should probably let you get some sleep," Taylor said, already getting up. Karlie quickly following suit.

"Okay, let me just put these in the sink and I'll walk you out," Karlie said, grabbing the now empty glasses.

As Karlie walked back to the other side of the bar, Taylor's eyes fell back to the pile of résumés on the counter. Without thinking twice about it, she grabbed one of them and stuffed it under her jacket when Karlie had her back turned.

"You know, I think I can figure my way out of here, I'll just walk myself out," Taylor said, already starting to make her way out of the kitchen. "Thanks for the drink."

Before Karlie could protest, Taylor was already halfway out of the apartment, holding her jacked close to herself.

N/A: The feedback for this story has been AMAZING and I just wanted to thank you guys for it, again :). I'm glad you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Xx.

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