Forgotten Love | Logan Hender...

By ilove4dorks

93.9K 2.3K 406

Logan Henderson had always loved one girl, Carter Johnson. They were hopelessly in love until a freak storm k... More

Forgotten Love -A Logan Henderson Love Story-
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 ~Final Chapter~

Chapter 27

1.8K 50 6
By ilove4dorks

I stepped out of the airport and flagged down a taxi. I wrapped my varsity jacket tight around me. I so wasn't used to Virginia weather. I got in the taxi and closed the door.

"Withers' Orphanage For Children and Teens." I told him. He didn't say anything, just drove off. My legs tapped up and down. I was nervous. I was finally going back. I wasn't staying. I was going to adopt Casey. When I left she was 7. Now she would be 8. I missed her birthday. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice we were here.

"20 dollars." I handed over a 20 and got out. I buttoned up my jacket. My beat up converse wouldn't move. I looked up at the building. It looked exactly the same as when I left. Same brick walls, gray door and shutters. I took a breath and walked up the stone steps. I knocked on the big door. I heard some bustling inside before the door opened to reveal Mrs.Withers.

"What do y- Carter is that you?!" She exclaimed, shocked.

"It's me Mrs.Withers." I gave a small wave.

"Get your behind in here! What could you be doing here?" I followed her into the familiar foyer.

"I'm here to get Casey. I'm adopting her." She stopped abruptly and spun around.

"'You're here for Casey? You still live here! You ran away with that Ryan kid! Why would I possibly let you do that?!"

"I didn't run away with him. I ran away from him. Things happened that you'd never known of, okay? I had to get away and I did. I know my past now. My name's Carter Nicole Johnson, I'm 21, I have a boyfriend who I'm very happy with, and I have a job as a model in L.A. Don't you you assume things before you know the story." I said coldly. She looked shocked but recovered.

"And what type of things made you run away, huh? I took you in when no else did!"

"RYAN BEAT ME, OKAY?!" I yelled, loosing it. Her look softened. "You and those stupid ladies were too dumb to realize where all my bruises came from. I'm here for Casey. I made a promise and I'm getting here whether you like it or not." I pushed past her and went to the kitchen. No one was there. I turned and headed up the stairs. I opened the door and there they were. Everyone that's been my friend or bullied me in my time here was sitting on their bed or doing chores. Everyone's eyes looked at me. They were whispering.

"Is that Carter?"

"She was a geek!"

"What the heck is she doing here?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm back and I have a memory. Stop your whispering." I said, annoyed. "Where's Casey?" Everyone was silent. "I said, where's Casey?"

"Gone. That boyfriend of yours, Ryan, killed her." A boy spoke up.

"You're lying!" I yelled, my voice cracking.

"She's really gone. Go to the cemetery down the street." He said.

"YOU'RE LYING!" I yelled, running out of the house. My feet led me to the cemetery. And there it was, right in the front. A small little grave with one flower.

Casey Bloom

Loving Child and Orphan

Sister to Carter Johnson

Rest in Peace, Little Bird

My breath hitched in my throat at the last to sentences. They actually had me as her sister. I called her Little Bird. The tears hadn't came yet but at the moment I broke into a million pieces. Sobs and gasps were coming uncontrollably from my shuddering body. I had failed. I said I'd come back. I was supposed to protect my Little Bird. And now she's gone and it's all my fault. If I hadn't told her about Ryan then she would be here today, in my arms. I don't know how long I saw there, leaning on the stone, crying, sobbing, just breaking. I don't know how long I sobbed and cried but when I was done it was pitch dark outside. The only thing coming from me were gasps. Dried tears streaked my face. I could move, but I wouldn't. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I started screaming and thrashing.

"Get off me!" I screamed, trying to throw punches.

"Carter, CARTER!" The voice yelled at me. I froze. It was Logan. He sat down next to me. "What are you doing here?" I bit my lip. His eyes drifted to the stone. "I'm sorry, Carter. Maybe it's for the best." And I lost it, again.

"NO IT'S NOT, LOGAN! SHE'S GONE! CASEY IS GONE!" I screamed at him, breaking into hysterics. I sobbed again but then I couldn't breathe. Just shudders and my lungs wouldn't move.

"Carter, Carter?! What's wrong?!" I heard Logan say but it echoed like it was distant. I didn't know what was happening but I soon saw black and heard nothing.


"We lost her again!"

"1,2,3 clear!"


"We are!"

"1,2,3 clear!" I felt a shock and could breathe.

I opened my eyes to see 3 people standing around me. A nurse was fighting Logan off. I coughed.

"We got her!"

Logan stopped fighting but he wouldn't take his eyes off me.

"L-Logan." I managed to get out before I passed out, again. I woke up again in, I hate to say it, a hospital bed. "Get me out of here, please." I sighed when I noticed Logan staring out the window. His head snapped towards me and his arms wrapped around me.

"Can't. Breathe." He jumped away.

"Sorry." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So are you gonna tell me exactly what happened?" I asked, curiously.

"I'll get the doctor." He said, standing up. I sighed. So he didn't want to tell me himself? Was it that bad? A doctor walked in, clipboard in hand.

"Good to see you're away Carter. You can leave soon but I need to talk with you first." He said, sitting on the swivel chair. Logan sat on the edge of the bed. I scooted up to sit straight.

"Well?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're very lucky your boyfriend here brought you in time. Any later and there could've been serious damage. I'm sorry to say but you've developed an anxiety disorder. You had a panic attack." Wait, what?

"I have anxiety?" I asked in disbelief. Logan grabbed my hand.

"As long as you take your medicine, that I'll have to prescribe, you'll be fine." I admit it, I was shocked.

"Oh okay. Thank you." I said quietly.

"I'll go send the request now." He got up and left the room. I stayed silent.

"Well?" Logan broke the silence.

"I'm shocked I can tell you that. But with everything going on I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack." I laughed.

"Let's hope you don't. I already booked our flight. We leave for L.A in 2 hours."

"Well then lets go." I stood up and took off the hospital gown, which was on top of my clothes. I grabbed my bag off the floor. I grabbed Logan's hand and we walked to the elevator. In the lobby we signed out and got the prescription. I was ready to go back home and get away from this place. 


Well that was drama-ish. im posting in school cuz someone *cough zoe cough* was "mad" soooo yep

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