By Cee_Lov

104K 3.5K 339

"Love don't love nobody." After experiencing heartbreak in an abusive relationship at only eighteen, Stephani... More

Copyright Notice
Characters (Immediate)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Author's Note
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven (Part II)
Part II
Chapter 11 Follow-Up
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
The Truth About All For You
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Are You There?
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
For You I Will
Coming Soon
Private Chapters
Keep Up

Chapter Twenty

1.3K 76 3
By Cee_Lov

Quanni's POV

*Knock Knock*

"Skye, come on mama. You'll be late for  school if you don't get up now." Entering her room, I go to open the curtains and blinds revealing the crisp Fall weather.

This is my favorite time of the year; not too hot and not too cold. Perfect for any girl like me that loves to dress up. Fall and Winter fashion is the best in my opinion.

"Mommy, I don't feel good." Slowly she peeled the covers back from her little body as sat up in the bed.

"Oh my goodness, look at you!" Her pajamas were drenched in sweat.

I rushed over and felt her forehead with the back of my hand. She was burning up.

"Tell me exactly what's bothering you mama?" I say pulling her onto my lap.

She rested her head on my chest in an attempt to go back to sleep.

"My head hurts, I'm sleepy and it's coooold." She slowly replied to me.

With her in my arms I went back into my bedroom to call her teacher and let her know that Skye would be absent today.

"Good Morning Sweets, good morning baby girl." Rich smiled coming out of his closet.

"Hi baby." I whisper softly and reach up to kiss him with my face away from the phone.

"What's wrong with- damn." He scrunched his eyes after feeling Skye's forehead.

"Exactly, she's on fire." I say after hanging up with Mrs. Nash.

She told me that she would excuse Skye for today and the remainder of the week if need be. She was also going to bring her work by so she wouldn't be behind. As nice as she is to Skye, I regret putting her on blast that day about her marriage. Oh well; know what you're doing before you come for me.

Before putting Skye in the tub I fed her a small bowl of soup to check if she could hold any food down. Just as I suspected, it came right back up. After her bath I got her dressed and turned on the television for her in the playroom while I fed the twins and got dressed myself.

"You excited about your first day back?" Rich asked coming in to the nursery.

I haven't done a clinical since I had the twins. That was a month and a half ago. Thankfully I had requested to do them four days a week this year instead of two since I didn't know how my pregnancy would turn out; meaning I'm not behind at all.

"Uh, I'm not going." I answer, looking down into Bunni's eyes.

She gripped my finger with a smile on her face while I fed her.

"What?" He quickly turned to me with Deuce in his arms.

"I have to take Skye to the Doctor at 8:30." Looking at him I try my best to seem convincing but he wasn't buying it.

"I'm not even gonna go there with you." He sighed and left the room without another word.

"Looks like Ms. Skye has an early case of the Flu." The physician said upon entering the room.

"I thought so, but I was hoping otherwise." I say rubbing her back for comfort.

"I knew I should've gotten her shot done already." Rich shook his head and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Yea it's come around pretty fast this year. The good thing is you caught the signs early and scheduled her visit. Some parent just mistake those symptoms as the stomach virus." He stated.

"Nursing school has its advantages." I say sarcastically, earning a look of disapproval from Rich.

Lately I've been dropping hints to Rich about me taking a break from Nursing so that I could be home with the twins. At least until I'm comfortable enough to send them to daycare. He is not trying to hear it.

"Oh you're into Nursing? What area?" He leaned on the counter smiling.

"Yes sir, I'm currently in my sophomore year here at DNI. I'd really like to do pediatric." I smile answering him while putting Skye's blouse on over her T-shirt.

"Well with knowledge like yours, any doctor would be glad to have you on board when your finished; Including me."

My mouth flew open as I exchanged looks with Rich. He simply smirked and took Skye out of my hands.

"Wow really?" I asked to make sure he wasn't playing me.

"Absolutely. Some of my best trained new nurses don't pick up on symptoms as quick as you do. Give me a call when you're near your completion." He said writing out Skye's prescription.

"Still thinking about a break?" Rich whispered softly in my ear.

Without answering I cut my eyes at him and smiled slowly.

"Alright, have her take this every four to six hours until there isn't any. She should be feeling better soon." He assured Rich and I handing me the prescription.

I tucked it into my purse and got up to exit behind Rich.


"Yes sir?" Peeking my head back into the room.

"Looking forward to hearing from you soon." He pointed his pen and smiled.

Nodding my head back and smiling in response, I leave the office. After picking up Skye's prescription I decided to stop by McDonald's and pick up breakfast since I didn't have a chance to cook this morning. I picked up something from Statbucks for Rhea too since she stayed with the twins while we were at the doctor's office with Skye; that girl is the real MVP. I owe her.

"Steph, it's 9:25. If you don't leave now you'll be late." Rich warned from the doorway of the Nursery.

I sighed and look back at him before responding.


He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"Tell daddy what's wrong."

"I can't do this... I can't leave my barely two month old babies and have a clear conscious. Plus Skye is sick. Why would I be away from home all day knowing that?" I whined laying my head on his chest.

"I've got everything under control sweets, go grind." He lifted my chin and looked me in my eyes.

"But I don't want tooooo." I said nearly in tears.

"What happened to you not putting school on hold?"

"That was before they were actually here." Looking at their faces, I got sad all over again.

"Well they're here and you're going back."

"But-" I tried to protest but he simply held up his hand for me to be quiet.

"But nothing. You're too close to the finish line for you to give up now. You got one of the best doctors in Dallas already checking for you, and you wanna quit? Nah, you can get that out of your head now." He folded his arms and looked at me seriously.

I didn't even know what to say.

"So go on and  take your little self in there and get your things so you can go." He pointed.

"Okay daddy." I smirked, kissed his chin, and switched to the door.

He can think he runs things if he wants to, I don't mind. He said just what I needed to hear. I've worked too hard to give up everything now; how would that look to my babies? So as much as I'll miss the Reynolds crew, I'm gonna go grind with them in mind.

Grind now, play later.

This is the shortest chapter I've written in a long time. Sorry, but in order to finish the book this is probably how they'll be for now on.

Good stuff, just more chapters and less pages you'll have to swipe through. I win, you win. Lol.

Share. 😘

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