I don't know, I just...

By reezasparx

414 10 4

"when you are in pain,you either being taken care of or you take care of others" I paused a second and sa... More

1. Leaving the loved ones
2. Finding Friends
3.fault is mine
4. The Dinner
5. Change?
6. Reasons Behind
7. Almost perfect
8. You are my date
10. The date
11. It is not right
12. The Proposal
13. The day she left
14. some colour
15. little home

9. It is time we meet

13 1 0
By reezasparx

"I should have guessed it. He is been so sweet to you. Never getting mad at you. Always joke around you. Tease you. He is been so happy after you entered in the picture. Oh I am so stupid I should have seen it coming. I hoped for you to be his life but dropped it thinking it may not happen, but you guys made it happen. Thank you so much. But seriously guys you shouldn't have hid it from me. I am so happy for you."

 Reez is literally shouting and I froze to hear all that she is saying. I cant believe this is happening to me. Where did all this coming from? I held my head with both of my hands.

'is she really thinking what she thinking?'

'she really think that I and walter?'

"oh oh oh hold your horses there" walter said to her.

'I really get these expressions 'hold your horses?''

"she looks like she is having a nervous breakdown" he said pointing at me. And for the reality I am having one. Reez looked att me confuse.

"look there is nothing like you think. She is coming so that she can stop me if I end up beating the shit out of him if he does anything that I think is a bad move. And it is not a date between me and her. She is coming just to keep me company. So stop hallucinating. She is already sensitive with that date word. Please don't scare her any more. She is doing us a favour so that you can be happy which makes me happy" he said all this in one go. His voice started with explaining and went to complaining and ended with care. He is one such person.

I see reeza face fell and is now guilty.

"I am sorry" she muttered slowly.

"you are doing a lot of things for me and I am just an idiot to hurt you. I know how much it hurt you, all these date and love without parents knowledge. I should have thought before talking. I am sorry " she said with a sad voice.

I wanted to comfort her but something is wrong with me I am still in shock. I am feeling dizzy.

"reez I am sleee.." my eyes closed without my permission.

When I woke up I am in my bed. Reez sat next to me with watery eyes.

"reez its no" I tried to say not her fault but interrupted by her.

"It Is my fault priya you have not ate anything since last night and I have to shock you by saying stupid things. It is so damn my fault" she said the last words very loudly.

Okay isn't she being too much. May be I was down by the shock she gave me but, its not so big that she have to cry. Oh my god where are the drama directors. They are missing the performance of the century here.

Sorry reez I don't have any choice.

"reez stop acting like the lead actress of a daily soap back at my home. I will not talk to you if don't stop thinking of yourself as the main villain. Just chill for a second. I almost killed you guys and still roaming like I didn't. just get inspired by me. And one more thing I did ate today with walter"

"that is just cake and mocha" this walter deserves the name i gave him wall. He is just tall and strong like it and no brain.


I looked at him like 'are you stupid' and he shut his mouth then I looked at reez.

"just don't ever say that you are sorry to me. If you did you know me" wow I sound like a kidnaper talking to the victim.

"okay boss I wont. " she smiled saying.

"how much time I was out" I asked as I didn't see val around.

"four hours" both of them replied.

'you let them worried for four freaking hours' my mind scold me.

"oh my god four hours. I must be the one who should be sorry for making you worry all along. Now did you guys ate?"

"yeah we did" the nervous reez lied. Poor girl, like she can lie to me.

"order something before I scold you again" I said in my 'don' tone. Then walter quickly took his phone out and started typing.

"done" he said after a minite.

"good boy" I said in the same tone and we all burst into laughs.

In twenty two minutes the food came and we started eating like hungry wolves not that I have seen any eating.

"so when are we going tomorrow" I asked right after closing the door when walter left for home.

"seven" she said blushing. Wow this girl is really shy.

"walter did not agreed to let sky come and take us. He said he would bring us." Yeah that sounds like walter.

"one thing girl don't ever say anything stupid like before. You know I don't like those things" I said faking angry.

"okay my anti dating foreigner" she said and guess what we laughed.

Night went well and the next day too. Reez asked me to come an hour early and I did.

When I reache home. She is literally freaking out.

"PRIYA, thank god you came early" she hugged me.

Wait, I came early and why is she thanking god? She should thank me.

"what why are you shouting"

"I am so scared priya"

"oh oh oh now breathe and think. It is a date not your marriage. Get a grip girl. If you continue like this you'll have to have your date in the hospital"

"I know it is not my marriage but what if he don't like me"

"why didn't you tell me before that he is mentally retarded"


"yeah only those people can reject you" she smiled at it and hugged me.

"now get ready you have a date to attend" I said pushing her in to the room.

"yeah you too"

"hey I told you not to"

"just kidding"


Then she started again with what to wear.

Really ? someone like her will look great no matter what they wear. I don't understand why they even bother. I chose the cream colour dress from all the dozen dresses she showed me to pick one. Yes guys if you don't believe me I am telling you again she showed me dozen dresses. It is a fact.

She bugged me to wear a dress but hell no. I didn't react to her pleadings, anger, love, orders. No matter what it is not my date and I am not gonna look like I am having one.

"you are one stone hearted girl" she said realising she cant win this.

"yeah I love you too" I said laughing.

We are ready by six. Reez called wall and he said he'll be here by six thirty.

We waited patiently. Well to be exact I waited patiently and she waited like merit student for the results.

"it is six thirty why isn't walter here priya"

"calm down reez everything will be alright. He will be here so"

Ding. Dong. The door bell rang.

Reez ran to the door and opened it. I know who is it so I took our bags and went to the door.
"you should not look this beautiful for him" wall said looking at her.

'wow he really is a big brother'

"shut up and make her feel good." I know I am acting like a school teacher but what can I do if they are acting like spoilt children.

"yes maam" he sais sarcastically and started staring at me.

Why is he looking at me like that. As if I did a great mistake. Oh I forgot, it may be my casual jeans and shirt.

"it is not my date so don't have to look good"


"can we start now?"

"that's why I am here"

"then lets move" i said looking at reez. She looked scared.

"reez I promise you this will be good trust me" and that did it she smiled and we left if.

Wall almost ate our brains telling what to do and not trust sky easily. He realy needs to be shut up. He is talking too much recently.

"we are here" he said slowing down the car.

Not just reez I also felt scared and excited. This is a very big day in my best friend's life.

'krishna please make everything fall in place'

We went in the restaurant. Wall is in front of us. I alredy warned him not to do anything stupid. Hope he wont do anything stupid.

"hey " a new voice wished us and reez next to me froze and squeezed my hand. I held her hand and tapped it slowly.

"hi" reez said almost unaudible.

Now let me tell you about him. He is tall, taller than walt may be 6'3. He iis good looking and his face is always smiling and his eyes are not leaving reez.

"thanks for coming" he said to reez. Well he may still have not realized that me and wall is also here.

"ahem" wall made a sound like he is there too. Then sky's eyes snapped to the world.

"walter my friend" he said smiling brightly.

"actually we are not friends" he said and I did internal face palm. How can someone be so idiotic and foolish and brain dead and sadistic and inhuman and stupid and insensitive and unfriendly.

'you are such a disaster walter evans I want to kill you'

"he means he thinks you are his friend even if you think you don't match his level" I know it is rude but he deserved it.

Then sky snapped to see me. I smiled politely.

"who is this goddess of kindness" he asked looking at me.

'do I look that kind?'

"my best friend" reez said. For one second I was scared that walter may open his mouth. Thank god he didn't.

"nice to meet you I am sky"

"nice to meet you too. I am priyanka"

Then he turned to reez said

"I finally get to meet you. I missed you so much" he took her hand into his. Walter moved but I stopped him.

"please" I begged slowly only he can hear and he stopped.

'i think it is not hard to control him'

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