All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

5.5K 101 13

[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West

873 8 2
By MyMindAmusesMe

All Things Possible.

Part 1: -

So here I am, wallowing in self-pity. I'm alone, I'm horrid and I'm certainly not me. My best friend Katie has this friend, Dan; he's part of the infamous band, District3. Katie likes Dan a lot, so that's why she's keeping him around. I, however, hate his guts. Along with his friends Micky and Greg. Although, right now, I have some small feelings towards Greg. I don't know how or why these feelings came around but they were there and I hate them. It's as if all the feelings are fake but I can't help smiling whenever I see Greg or whenever I see them. That makes me egotistical but I don't really mind anymore.

I'm Elianna Borthwick, I'm 18 and I'm an idiot. I'm your typical blonde haired, blue-eyed monster. I'm not a Barbie and I'm certainly not fake. People envy me because I'm au natural but I hate it. I hate it because people see me as some dolled up Barbie but I don't even wear make-up. I'm not a slut, never done IT before. Yeah, I've been with boys but never had you know what. It's a forbidden thing to talk about between my family, since; my brother and sister are far too young. Lilly's nine and Conor's five so yeah, it's pretty weird.

"Eli, the boys are coming over. So, you best get changed" Katie said. Katie and I share a flat, it's small and compact but we make it work. What really pees me off is that fact that Katie leaves me to do almost everything. I do the dishes, I do the shopping, I do the cleaning and I do my washing. I don't touch hers because apparently she likes to be private.

I sometimes wonder, why I'm friends with Katie but she used to be a nice person but then she screwed up. She turned nasty and vile. I'm not a person for ditching people but sometimes I feel like doing it, I feel like just shoving her to the side and making a whole bunch of new friends. Like she doesn't do, anything and I have a big pile of college work to get through each day and I can't do it because of her. She invites the guys over without even asking me, she tells what the hell to do and it annoys me. I end up ranting and raving to my mum about it all because I can't take it.

"No thanks, Katie. I'm comfortable the way I am. And if you don't mind, keep them away from me while I do my college work" I said while a snarl.

"Whatever, grumpy!" She huffed. I'm tired of her nastiness, I'm tired of her bitchiness but most of all I'm tired of being her friend.

The boys arrived while I was doing my freaking coursework and let's just say they were noisy. I couldn't concentrate; I couldn't even take in two words. I was trying to learn how to do double entry bookkeeping and I couldn't keep up. They were annoying me like mad.

"Would you shut the hell up, some of us actually have stuff to do. Unlike you lot," I snarled.

"Oh look, the ice queen has arisen from the ashes" Greg responded sarcastically.

"I swear to god, Greg, I will rip your balls away from your private area and make you freaking eat them if you don't shut up then I will get the knife," I threatened.

"Feisty, I like it" He said. Ugh, men, I swear to freaking god he's getting it. I just huffed and walked away. As you may have guessed, Greg and I have a love-hate relationship and it's annoying. Neither of us can get along nor even see eye to eye just for one minute. We're always at each other's throats. Probably better that we don't get along anyhow because us two, happy? Not a chance, it'd be like hell on a plate.

I returned to my college work but shoved my headphones in to block out their noise. It's as if Katie doesn't care about anyone else but herself, it's as if she's only trying to be here for her. She doesn't like really show any emotion. I get that she's from a broken home and I'm from a loving family but is that anyway to treat your friends? Friends who love and care for you on a daily basis. I'm like her scapegoat, do everything and get nothing in return. Yeah, so not good.

A few hours later and revision done, I sat back and took in the information I've just processed. I'm not exactly good at bookkeeping but I have to learn and learn, I shall.

"So the ice princess is finished then?" Greg asked cheekily while entering my kitchen.

"And the biggest idiot is still in my house? Oops, hurt your pride there, did I? Well, I don't give two craps" I barked back.

"Ouch, the bitch got bark. I'm so hurt"

"You will be hurt when I do get the knife and cut your balls off. You see little Gregory, I have cousins that'd love to hurt you severely. I can easily call one up and get them down here to sort you out. However, I fight my own battles. Don't like getting others to do my dirty work"

"Sure you do honey bee. You know that I know that you don't really have many cousins. You see Katie's told me almost everything about you and I can use it against you"

"Like what? If you know everything about me then give me my life story...I'd love to hear your assumptions on my life" I said while placing my hand on my chin and stroking it.

"Well, let's see....Your birthday's December 20th, you have a little brother and sister. Your favourite colour is blue, you hate me, you dislike Katie to an extent and you hate college because you're thick" He stated, most of them were wrong. Way wrong.

"Let's see how many you got right," I said while counting my fingers, "Woops, just one" I said cheekily.

"Well, tell me your life story then?" He asked pleadingly.

"Wouldn't you like to know but not happening, that's for me to know and you to find out"

"Oh, I'd love to find out more. Then maybe use it against you"

"Oh but Gregory, I have nothing to hide"

"I'm sure you have something"

"I have nothing. I've not been a naughty girl. Might be blonde and blue-eyed but I'm not naughty"

"Oh, but I'm sure you are, Eli"

"Not a chance. Although, you'd love to find out. Wouldn't you?"

"Heck, yeah!"

"Never happening. I don't drop my undies for a stone cold loser"

"Ouch, that really hurt Eli"

"Was meant to. Douche bag" I spat sourly. This cold-blooded war was annoying me now. He knew nothing about me, and I didn't plan to let him find out. My life was my life and it was staying that way. No ands ifs or buts. Greg wasn't just gonna come in here and try to thrash me around like I'm some ragdoll. I'm not a ragdoll and I never will be a puppet either.

I gathered my stuff and walked away from Greg, I was fed up of his bull crap. I just wasn't gonna sit there and take it. Nobody will back me into a corner. I won't have it no way.

"Oh so you're gonna walk away from an argument?"

"Last time I checked, Greg, we weren't arguing and I can walk away whenever the hell I want so you can go sit back down with your groupies or leave my flat," I stated.

"It's not your flat babe," He said smirking. Ugh, the use of the word annoyed me. It really got under my skin and it was annoying.

"Oh but it is. It's my name on the lease papers. I'm older than Katie is so of course it's my name on those papers. You may wanna research a little more before you make assumptions. Now bye Greg" I said before walking off. He just really annoyed me right now but I just can't get rid of these feelings for him. These stone cold feelings that are annoying me. I feel like just shoving him up against the closest wall and riding him silly. That's how bad it is. I just feel like, I've let my guard down and let him in. I have had boyfriends before but because I wouldn't put out, they left me. I didn't love them, just fancied them.

I was wrapped in the sweet aroma of my bedroom, away from the sounds and stress of the hungry giant Greg. I was glad actually because I couldn't stop these repulses I keep dreaming of screwing him up against a wall or actually leading him to my bed and screwing him so hard here but then I think it's horrible and disgusting.

"Declan's here to see you" Katie said as she popped her head around my door. Declan was my on-off boyfriend, like we had an open relationship but no sex. I just couldn't give it away to him. Thinking back on the whole Greg situation, it makes me think about dumping Declan and pursuing Greg but that'd be a total fail since well, we hate each other. We'll always hate each other.

Greg's POV

Being around Elianna is amazing. Although we have this love-hate relationship, I just wanna get to know her more. I wanna get to know the real Elianna, no middle man and no hatred for each other. I like Elianna, always have since I met her but she's been in this relationship with the dude from college. I personally think she can do much better than this idiot but it's her opinion.

Her "beau" was at the door, waiting to see her. I really don't think she likes him but who knows? Not me anyhow. Her whole persona changes around him like she tenses up and she becomes scared. I don't know if he's hitting her or whether he's trying to pressure her into anything but if he is then he's dead. Elianna, is one of the most pure girls, I've ever met. I really liked how she didn't care what other people thought of her, she wore what she wanted and that she didn't really care how badly Katie was treating her. I don't know why she didn't care but she didn't and it was amazing.

"Hey babe" He said as Elianna came walking down the hall.

"Declan, I've told you, stop calling me babe. You know how much I hate it," She said as she reached him. I was sat facing the hall door so I could see everything. I wasn't prying or being nosy, I just happened to see them. I also knew that Katie was keeping us around for Dan because we all knew she liked Dan. Although Dan already has a girlfriend. He has Lottie all the way back in Windsor. She is moving down to London soon to be with us, just like Ella is too. I was dating Maria but we didn't work out, she couldn't leave Windsor when we left there to move to London. She had too much stuff to do there. So unfortunately, I broke it off. It hurt me to do it but it had to be done.

"Sorry Elianna but I'm here for a reason"

"Go on..."

"I'm breaking up with you," He said with no remorse.

"Oh, good. Maybe I won't have to share you with the whores you keep screwing every night. So glad I didn't give YOU my virginity" She responded nonchalantly.

"Wait a sec...I dated a virgin and I never popped their cherry," He asked shocked.

"Yeah, you'll never get that chance now so scram" She responded in a bored voice. Declan left without any more words spoken. I guess he learned his lesson in fighting with Eli. We all learn in the end.

Elianna went back to her room. No one even looked in her direction, although she didn't look like she was hurting but she probably was. Everyone hurts when they get broken up with. Believe me, been there, done that. Don't wanna relive it again.

I walked along the small hallway in the flat towards Elianna's room. I know I'm the last person in the world she'd want to see but no one else was bothering. I knocked on her door and then entered. She was crying for some odd reason.

"You know, it's no use crying over someone who slept with other woman constantly," I said softly. I don't know why I was being so nice but it felt good to be nice to her.

"Why are you so nice now? You've been nothing but a jerk lately and it annoys me like crazy" She blubbered.

"I'm always a nice person but we just have that love-hate relationship. We like each other but hate each other at the same time. It's common"

"Yeah, it's common to just automatically hate someone. I never got to know you and I just hated you. I still stick by my hatred rule but I don't know why"

"You obviously have your reasons Elianna but look give me a chance to see if you can like me"

"How so? Greg, we don't have anything in common nor do we get along like anyone else"

"Give me a month to make you, Elianna Borthwick like me, Gregory West or maybe better, make you fall in love with me"

A/n: -

It's a crossover, not actual information about TA, I just used Ella and Lottie from TA to keep me in mind of somethings :) I'm not giving anything away about that :) Enjoy maybe? Maybe as much as TA :3

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