My Human

By YamiBaki

51K 2.2K 879

Male!Reader x Amaimon 100 Theme Challenge "You're too obsessive over him, you can't see him or interact with... More

Introduction 1/100
Complicated 2/100
Making History 3/100
Rivlery 4/100
Unbreakable 5/100
Obsession 6/100
Eternity 7/100
Gateway 8/100
Death 9/100
Opportunities 10/100
33% 11/100
Dead Wrong 12/100
Judgement 14/100
Seeking Solace 15/100
Excuses 16/100
Vengeance 17/100
Love 18/100
Tears 19/100
My Inspiration 20/100
Never Again 21/100
Online 22/100
Failure 23/100
Rebirth 24/100
Breaking Away 25

Running Away 13/100

1.5K 70 10
By YamiBaki

Sitting back and watching people fight it out was normally fun for the king of earth, he would watch a multitude of fights with his brother. They would sit up in the sky and watch the whole thing play out, from world wars 1 and 2, to the battle Rin and Yukio had with their father. It was always so much fun. 

But when it involved his human, it was different. 

All he could do was squeak to stop himself from speaking, watching with rage bubbling up inside him as another demon tried to attack and harm the boy. When (y/n) had hissed in pain for spraining his ankle, Amaimon was sure he was going to lose it. But he had to fight it, his brother told him if he didn't and the boy as well as the rest of the exorcists found out he was the little  green hamster, they'd try to take (y/n) away and (y/n) wouldn't want him anymore. And he couldn't have that. 

When the demon had gotten a hold of (y/n)'s head, he began to lose it. He couldn't stand and watch anymore as some demon laid their filthy hands on his human. (Y/n) was blacking out, and Amaimon saw his opportunity to appear. When he felt his human's grip loosen and his hand grow limb, he waited until he fell to the ground with a 'thud!' before transforming. The woman's eyes had begun to widen when she saw him, blue flames and all. He took his beast form and growled, not allowing himself to enjoy the feel of his bigger body, already wanting to kill the demon standing before him. General Demon or not, he was not going to let him get away with hurting what was his. The demon must have sensed his anger, for he let out a whine and took a step back, not listening to the woman's confused voice telling it to stand its ground. 

"Y-You're the king of earth..." The woman stuttered, the blood draining from her slightly tanned face as she took a step back. The air around them began to grow heavy, with Amaimon's uncontrolled anger floating in the air. This only seemed to make both the woman and the demon shake with fright, they could feel the dread grow inside them as they stared at the angry, green haired male standing before them. As hard as they will fight, they both knew that it would be useless, Amaimon had no plans to show either of them any mercy. The green haired king of earth let out another growl,  tensing when he heard his human groan in pain behind him, before he closed his eyes and fell unconscious. His words were what set the king of earth off the most, probably because it's been so long since he heard his name pass through the lips he wanted to claim in a nearby future. 


Staring at the demon General that stood a few feet away from him with a blank expression, he stood there protectively and possessively in front of the unconscious boy. "How dare you," he began, taking slow steps towards the demon. The woman and the demon instinctively took a step back as they neared the wall of the warehouse, neither wanting to mess with the angry king of earth, as blue flames emitted from his body. "How dare you touch what's mine!" 

"Attack!" The woman screeched, not liking the fact that her companion seemed to freeze on the spot. He had to listen to the woman, due to the blood contract he had with her and all, but facing the king of earth was just suicide. With a rumble, Amaimon let out a loud roar, which shook the whole warehouse and caused them to flinch. He was going to rip that General to pieces, and he'll make sure the woman tells her friends of what would happen if they tried to go after his human ever again. 


Amaimon went into a frenzy, rushing the demon and kicking it into a wall, enjoying the loud crash that it made on impact as he broke a hole right through the warehouse. The demon barely had time to recover, as the king of earth stood by his side within seconds and threw a powerful punch to its face. As the demon laid there, the king of earth threw punch after punch, repeatedly getting him in the face with each punch being stronger than the last. As his hands began to soak with the demon General's blood, Amaimon stood and hopped back a bit, reeling his leg back and kicking the demon until he flew into the air. While the demon was in the air, Amaimon jumped and kicked him in the stomach with his  heel. The demon then hit the ground with a loud bang! Cracking the cement and causing the whole warehouse to shake. The woman growled and began to chant, biting her thumb and with her blood placing it into a multitude of tiny sheets she held in order to summon more demons to her aid while Amaimon continued to kick the General demon in the face as though he were just toying with him and not taking the fight seriously. It wasn't long before a bunch of demons began to appear, growling and hungry, waiting for her to shout her commands. "Attack him!" She roared, as they all immediately rushed to the green haired king of earth. This didn't worry Amaimon, he could handle low ranking demons such as the ones she summoned, it would end quickly and he would be able to get back to his human's side. Scratching, punching, biting and throwing demons left and right, the woman watched in utter terror as the king of earth ripped them into little pieces as though they were nothing but a piece of paper. He grabbed one of them by the head and began to smash him against a wall, blood flying everywhere as he did it all with an indifferent expression, not fazed in the least that there was blood all over his clothes, face and hair. 

He didn't care that he was covered in their blood, but when the big guy attacked, that was when he was starting to get concerned. Would his host's body be able to hold out? Throwing the now dead demons away, he quickly opened his arms and stopped the general demon's claws with his bare hands. Amaimon felt his feet slide against the floor, as the demon pushed on, his plan was to squish the king of earth against the wall and show no mercy. Amaimon could already feel his host's body giving out, the internal wounds he had received from his brother had yet to heal and although he felt nice in his full form, it put a considerable amount of strain on the body. "Go! Do whatever it takes just, kill him!" The woman yelled, desperation coating her voice as she watched from far. If her demon couldn't take down the king of earth, she would just grab the boy and make a run for it. 

Amaimon's eyes quickly moved to check up on his human, watching as the woman inched closer and closer to his unconscious body, glancing at them before turning to make sure (y/n) was still unconscious. This angered him, how dare she? She has no right to go near him, no right to touch him. Was she going to take him away? Was she going to hide him, or hurt him? The thought only fuelled Amaimon's anger, as he growled and began to push the general demon back, overpowering him as the ground began to quake. 

The woman let out a gasp in surprise, almost losing her footing as she turned to watch what was going on behind her. She had just been about to grab the boy before the floor began to shake, had the king of earth seen her? Her eyes widened when she saw it, the enraged expression on the king of earth that strikes fear down to her very bones. 

"Don't go near him!" Amaimon roared, pushing the general demon away and watching as he hit the wall. Running and leaving bloody footprints on the floor, Amaimon lifted his clawed hands and jumped, slashing the demon deeply and watching as his blood sprayed out of him. It wasn't long until the general demon died with a loud, long whine. Amaimon stood there before the disappearing body of the demon, huffing before turning slowly to glare at the woman from over his shoulder. She squeaked in surprise, turning on her heels and trying to make a run for it, forget the boy! She needed to save herself!

But Amaimon wasn't having that. 

Before she could even take her forth step towards the doors to the warehouse, the king of earth was standing in front of her in seconds. She let out a scream in surprise, stumbling backwards before falling on her butt to the blood covered ground. She couldn't help but shiver in fright, gazing up at the bright blue eyes that glared down at her, no expression on his face but that combined with the blood only made him look twice as evil. "Wh-What do you-" 

"My human." He interrupted, causing her to raise a brow at him in confusion. He didn't do much, just stand there, pleased that he had heard her before continuing. 

"My human, my (y/n). If I ever, ever see you lay a hand on him again..." He then leaned closer, reaching out and grabbing her shoulders. She jumped in surprise, before hissing in pain as his sharp nails began to dig inter her shoulder blades. Was this it? Was this how she was going to die? At the hands of the king of earth, who was being strangely possessive about a useless child? "I'll take you down to hell, and watch you get tortured. They will rip you apart every day, and regenerate you in order to do the very same thing nonstop forever..." The way he said it was like he was telling a little kid that they were going to go to the candy store, and if they were bad they were going to get into trouble. It was childish, but that only made it scarier. 

She simply gave him a shaking nod, flinching and letting out a curse when he dug his nails in deeper. Suddenly he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, as though she were nothing but a stuffed toy. She hit the ground with a loud thud, groaning in pain as she tried to stand, her arms and legs wobbled while trying to pick herself up. Turning around, she couldn't help but watch as the king of earth sat himself down next to the boy, watching him and lifting his hands, grazing his nails gently against the boy's cheek. He looked as though he wanted to touch him, but was unable to. "You better leave, or I can kill you if you want. Killing you sounds like it'd be much more fun than just letting you go..." 

She didn't have to be told twice, as she quickly got up off of the floor and ran faster than any Olympian track star, there was no way she was going to get herself killed. 

Amaimon just stared at (y/n), feeling his host's heart do that flippy thing again and beat faster. He wanted to touch his human, to play with him again like he used to, to eat candy and bother him and stop any stupid human female or demons from going near him. He wanted his human to pay attention to him again, to kiss his cheek when he asked for it, to cook for him, to buy him candy and even sit on his lap after a fight when he was tired. But he knew that at the moment, that was impossible. Reaching out, Amaimon allowed himself to gently graze his fingers alongside the teen's cheek, until they sizzled and began to burn. He was still unable to touch his human as his normal self, it hurt but it seemed to hurt more that we wasn't allowed to touch what belong to him. 

Seeing (y/n)'s open palm, Amaimon knelt down picked up the hand, rubbing his cheek against it. Sure it hurt and there was some sizzling, but he would rather take that than not being unable to touch him for long. "Mine..." He muttered, going into his hamster form and slowly falling asleep in (y/n)'s open palm. 



Two sugar cubes were dropped into the tea cup, as gloved hands began to stir happily. The suns shined brightly up in the sky, as it peaked through the large windows in his office. Mephisto was happier than normal, but he had many good reasons for it. Not only was this one boy so very, very interesting and entertaining, he had also found Amaimon's location thanks to one of his familiars, and to put the cherry on top of his metaphorical Sunday, they have already captured a multitude of cultists who are involved in the many kidnappings, murders and devil rituals. 

Of course they wouldn't talk or say who their leader was or where their comrades were, but that was not a big concern for them right now. They could always get them to talk using other methods, like mind control. Unless that was too much for humans, which was highly likely that it was.  

As he gazed out of the window in his office, his office door opened, revealing a nicely dressed Angel. "My, where have you been all this time?" Mephisto asked, turning his gaze away from the window in order to turn towards the blond male. Angel has not only been quiet, but he's been missing these past few weeks. He's been keeping up to date with Mephisto when it came to (y/n) and the cultist, but other than that not many people know of what he's doing, where he's going or where he's been. Walking in, Angel stood in front of Mephisto's desk, a hard, almost unreadable expression stayed on his face as he avoided the headmaster's eyes. "I have somewhere I need to be, so I was wondering that when you find (y/n), you keep an eye on him for me." He asked, hoping the headmaster would say yes. He had to, this was his student they were talking about. 

Mephisto hummed, turning to sit down at his desk and reaching over to pick up his cup of tea. "Oh? Where are you going? You did get the memo that we found the boy alive and fighting?" He received nothing but a nod in response, as silence grew between the two. This only meant one thing, that Angel had something to do, but did not want to tell him just what it was. 

The headmaster pursed his lips in slight irritation, if there was one thing he hated, it was when someone did something that he might not have the chance to figure out. If he wanted his little game of chess to go well, he needed to know he could trust each individual chess piece and have them within eye range. But whatever it was that Angel needed to do, it must be important, especially since he always did something big if it meant it would benefit (y/n) in any way. He had lost his position as Paladin for (y/n), so whatever he did next would also be beneficial to the boy. And if it benefited (y/n), it benefited Mephisto. 

With a smile, the purple haired male sent the blond a nod, agreeing to take care of the boy silently. But just as Angel heaved a sigh of relief, the headmaster lifted a hand, as though to stop him from doing so. "I will take care of the boy, however," he began, taking a quick sip of his tea before continuing. "In return, I want you to tell me where you went and everything else you know."

"I've already-"

"There are still some things you're hiding from me, and I want to know what they are if I'm to use my resources and put my job and life on the line to protect the boy." Mephisto interrupted, watching him with a smile as he drank his tea happily. It was no surprise that the blond was angry with him at the moment, but he couldn't afford to leave the boy alone and not have anyone look after him. He needed to go to that place, he needed to go see him. Swallowing his pride, the blond took in a deep breath, before exhaling through his nostrils and giving the headmaster the response he wanted. "I will tell you everything that I know... Once I return." He told him through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the smug look on Mephisto's face. 

"Wonderful!" Mephisto exclaimed, placing his cup down before clapping his hands together. "Then I'll be sure to take good care of your boy, in fact, by the time you return he'll already be here in my care!" Angel didn't say anything, as a vein in annoyance popped in his forehead. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave the boy with this man, but then again, who else could protect him from those cultist than Mephisto himself? Saying his goodbye, the blond turned and walked off, going out the door and closing it behind him. Mephisto stayed in his office in silence, as the previous conversation played over and over again in his mind. It wasn't long before he had leaned his head back against the chair to let out a small chuckle, that soon turned into a full blown laugh coated in nothing but joy.

"Oh I just can't wait to hear all about (y/n) and his deceased mother..." 


When (y/n) opened his eyes, he literally expected to be tied to a cross and be drenched in gasoline before being set on fire. But what he didn't expect was to find a cute, green hamster nibbling at his nose in an attempt to wake him up. 

"Midori?..." (Y/n) asked, groaning as he began to stand from his sitting position on the ground. His back and body ached, and it made him wonder just how long he had actually been there laying against the cold, copper column in the warehouse? His legs wobbled as he tried to hold himself up, before a hiss escaped his lips. 'Shit, I forgot about the ankle.' He thought to himself, hearing Midori, who was now sitting on his shoulder, squeak in concern. "I'm okay little buddy, I'm just fine." He reassured his little friend, making sure to rest all his weight on his right leg. He felt a little better, and the energy he had lost before seemed to have returned. The only downside to everything was that he was hungry, and would literally eat a demon if he saw one. Now that he thought about it, he wondered what demons taste.

Glancing around, he realized that the whole warehouse was now empty, not a single soul in sight aside from him and Midori. 'Now would be a good time to run away,' he though, trying to take a quick step forward, only to find himself on his knees on the ground and holding his mouth so that he didn't curse out from there to the high heavens in pain. 'Okay... I'll limp away instead.' Limping away as he had told himself he'd do, the teen found himself outside, seeing that the warehouse was near a forest which made it perfect for him to hide in case they came after him.  As he was about to limp away some more, he heard footsteps coming from the opposite direction. Cursing under his breath, the young teen quickly limped towards a bush and dove in, trying to hide himself as best he could so that he wasn't caught. Through some of the leaves, he was able to see her again, the same woman that had kidnapped him and tried to kill him. He was amazed that he was still alive actually, did she just up and leave him there to die instead of doing the job herself?

As she grew closer to the warehouse, (y/n) noticed a group of people wearing the same black cloak as her following behind, each one ranging from teenager, to middle aged, to elderly as they walk in a long crowd and into the warehouse. He waited a few more minutes for them to all be inside, before trying to silently get up and limp his way into the woods. That is, until he heard them speaking. 

"He's gone!" The voice of a young teen gasped, before a number of voices followed. 

"You let him escape! Now what are we supposed to do?" Another voice, female, asked. 

(Y/n) just rolled his eyes and continued doing what he was doing, why stay there and listen when he could be running off and finding his way back home? He wasn't an idiot, and Midori agreed with him getting up and getting out of there before they found him and did who-knows-what to him. 

"Lord Sasagawa will be disappointed that we won't be able to burn the boy at a stake in the graveyard..." 

'Oh hell no.' The teen thought, feeling his eyes widen. If he was caught now, they'll do exactly that to him, and he had no plans of dying. Hell no, not today son. Making sure Midori was securely on his shoulder, (y/n) nodded to himself and quickly stood, making crow noises to make the others believe he was just a bird. With that being said, he turned and limped as fast as he could into the woods. 

He needed to find his way back, and fast!


"Grab everything you can and pack! We need to hurry before they arrive!" An elderly man shouted, as everyone around him began to grab everything they could, packing frantically as they tried not to panic. Turning around, he walked up to the small office that had the door ajar and walked in, seeing the young male quickly stuffing some clothes and files into his bag. 

"Lord Sasagawa," the man spoke, hearing a hum from the man, indicating that he was listening. "Everyone is grabbing as much as they can, we should leave soon before the exorcists arrive." 

"Alright, go do your packing, then we leave." The young male told him, as the elder man bowed before turning on his heels, running out the door and closing it behind him. Sasagawa let out a sigh, before glancing around the room. They needed to leave, they needed to grab everything they could and get out of there as fast as they could. The Vatican was coming for them, and if they didn't get out of there to warn the others, then their whole group would be caught and all of those years will be wasted. Sasagawa growled under his breath, cursing the Vatican and their exorcists for capturing them and trying to stop them on their mission. They were just doing their work, just following the will of God, how could they stop them? 

Glancing up at his desk, he pursed his lips as he gazed at all the notes, pictures, files and papers that involved the boy and everything he's done in his life since the age of 4. He couldn't leave that behind, he needed all of that for when he finally captured him. 

As he grabbed all of that information, he stuffed it into his bag and grumbled under his breath. They had gotten a tip from one of their own who worked at the police station, according to him, the Vatican had found out where they were all hiding and were planning a raid later that night. Their previous locations had all been raided and their people were taken, so this news caused them all to panic and get their things to leave. They couldn't afford to get caught, not today. He was angry, but decided not to lose it, he needed to stay calm for the others. At that moment the same elderly man returned with wide eyes, almost as though the news he had for their leader was not good. "L-Lord Sasagawa..." The elderly man began, watching as their leader picked up the last of the files and rushed towards his back. "The boy named (y/n) (l/n) is being held captive at the warehouse..."

As expected, their leader stopped in his tracks with wide eyes, all while the files dropped to the floor with a soft thud!


The Vatican counsel men and women sat in a room holding a private meeting, discussing the events that had taken place. Many of them were surprised at how well Mephisto had been taking care of the situation, including the capture of a multitude of cultists which consisted of some of their very own exorcists. 

"Mephisto is doing a well enough job as it is, I don't see why we need to send in a spy." One of the elder counsel men spoke, not liking the thought of having to mess with the purple haired male. 

"True, but we need to pass judgement soon, this constant on again off again decision to execute the boy or not is becoming a pain." A woman spoke, taking a sip of her tea. They all murmured among themselves, chatting and wondering what decision they should make. It was hard for them to come to a proper conclusion that won't place the blood of the innocent in their hands, nor risk the lives of a multitude of people. They were still concerned about the boy's kidnapping, but did what they could to keep calm and quiet since Mephisto had assured them that he'd take care of it. As annoying and plotting as the headmaster was, he was still the most reliable. 

"Do we have any idea as to where the boy may be?" The youngest member of the counsel asked, causing the others to turn to him. Being so wise and so young, many of them had placed their trust in him. A young, fresh mind is just what they needed, and he has gained their respects with all the right moves he has made only having the Vatican and the exorcists in mind. "We don't really know where the boy is being held," the elder woman of the counsel told him, as the others nodded in agreement. "We just know that Mephisto is doing what he can to find the boy." 

"As for the cultists that we're holding in captivity," another elder added. "They refuse to speak! Even some of our traitors are there, how could they have turned their backs on us!" 

The Vatican has been trying for quite a while to get the cultists they had captured to speak, but they kept their mouth shut and did not say a word. The one time one of them spoke, they simply started shouting profanities at the Exorcists for capturing them when they were doing the world a favour. The counsel needed to find a way to get them to speak without resorting to torture, that was a method suggested by one of the exorcist but was quickly rejected. They would not stoop to their level, and torture would not benefit them at all. While they spoke, one of the counsel men heaved a sigh, tired of all this bickering, especially since it didn't take them anywhere. "We need to come to a conclusion eventually," he muttered, turning his head to stare at the raven haired male with a small smile. The young counsel man turned to him with a smile of his own, he knew the man was about to ask a question, so he was prepared to answer it as best he could. 

"What do you think we should do, Mr. Sasagawa?" 

A/N: So, I wrote a little sneak peek of what everyone can expect of the Mephisto Pheles x Male Reader story that'll be written once My Human is finished. The story, which is up on DeviantArt and Quotev, is called Let's Drink! I can't wait to publish the Mephisto version of My Human, which'll be called Immortal Exorcist. I hope you all enjoy the preview!

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