
By cvrvmvrie

1M 19.2K 7.2K

After aundreya has woken up as a vampire, there is a life of complications and suprises. More

Chapter 1 .
Chapter 2 .
Chapter 3 .
Chapter 4 .
Chapter 5 .
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 .
Chapter 8 .
Chapter 9.
Chappy 10.
Chappy 11.
Chapter 12.
chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Side note.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

20.2K 552 320
By cvrvmvrie

I stood there, shocked. What was he doing here? How did he find me?

"Damien? What are you doing here?" I asked.

I couldn't help but look him over. His Snow White hair was a mess, his dark, endless black eyes were locked on mine, he was wearing a pair of grey sweats, that hung low on his hips, showing off his "V", he wasnt wearing a shirt, so his abs were on display, and he was wearing plain black Vans.

Wow, i thought.

" I had to find you. I need you Aunderya. I can't let you throw away what we have. Our love is too strong. I know I've hurt you a lot, but i promise I'll never hurt you purposely ever again. I need you to hear me out. Please, baby?" He took a step closer to me, and his hands grabbed mine and held them tight. His aroma hit me like a slap in the face. He smelt so freaking good, all the time. This guy, is a fucking god. He is absolutely perfect in every single way. And it sucks that i'm letting him go.

"Damien, i dont know what to say. I came here for a reason. I needed to get away from you for a few days. I needed to clear my head. How did you even find me?" I asked, not pulling away from him like i know i should. Instead, i found myself taking a step closer. It was a tiny step though. I dont think he noticed.

" I followed your smell," he sighed.

" Baby please hear me out," he said, looking really upset.

I was just totally charmed by him right now, i couldn't help my actions. I pressed my body up against his and stared into his eyes, " and what if i don't?" I flirted.

He looked shocked, but smirked his hot, Damien smirk. He leaned his head down towards mine, his lips were two inches from mine. "Then I'll have to make you,"

"And how are you going to do that?" I smiled a bit.

As if he couldn't help himself, he crashed his lips against mine. I moaned at the feeling. I started to shake a little bit as he kissed me. I dont understand how he still does this to me.

I let go of his hands and tangled one hand in his hair, and ran the other one up his muscled chest, and wrapped it around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me.

" I love you," he whispered as he pulled away a tiny bit, and bit my bottom lip making me legs buckle underneath me, and him chuckle as he caught me.

" damn baby girl, i didnt know i still had this affect on you," he says, starting to kiss down my neck, making me instantly horny.

Oh god, what am i doing?!

" you totally did," i moaned as he nipped at my skin.

" what is going on here?!" A voice said sternly from behind me. Oh no.

I quickly pull away from Damien and turn and look at Jacob. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and he did NOT look very happy.

"Um.. I-" thats all i could get out before he interrupted me.

"Damien i think it's time for you to leave," Jacob said, angrily.

Damien nodded, never taking his eyes off of me. " I love you Aundreya. So much," he said with so much emotion it made me want to cry, before turning around and walking away.

I stared after him, before the door slammed shut.

"Aundreya what the hell were you thinking?! He did all this to you and he shows up with no shirt and you're just all over him? When he does shit like this it messes with your head. You're supposed to be away from him for a while, not making out with him in my doorway," Jacob said,not sounding too happy.

"I'm sorry okay? I honestly couldn't help it. He has this affect on me.. And-"

" Aundreya just stop. You are not to see him, or talk to him for the next 3 days. You got that?"

I sighed, "yeah,"

"Good" he said before walking back into the kitchen.

I ran a hand through my hair as i flopped onto the couch. I thought about what just happened. What the hell was i thinking? This was NOT helping me clear my head.

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