Loving You Later

By melissalynn88

1.3M 39.6K 1.9K

Lily Marsden. Fun loving and trying to forget the past... Or better yet remember it. Alex Stevens. Hard work... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Eight

34.6K 1K 47
By melissalynn88

“Bullshit” was the first thing that came from his mouth “fuck off” was the second.

I picked up the clothing and sat down on his bed, the bed still messy from our round between the sheets “I grew up there but my parents and I left when I was around 17” not wanting to give him my full history, I would only seem like a crazy weird chick who only has half a brain functioning, that would surely send him running for the hills.

That and thinking his baby definitely wasn't going to be a smart surgeon.

“Fuck, I grew up there as well, I moved down here when I was 20” he ran a hand though his hair, little water droplets falling over his bare shoulder.

“That's freaky, we lived there around the same time and left at the same time, how do we not know each other?” I let an uncomfortable laugh out sitting down next to him.

“No idea, the place isn't that big either so I would have been able to remember a face like yours though” he grinned, I must say his grin was definitely cute on him, loving the way he looks when he's not frowning or pissed off.

“Same, I don't remember much about that place”

“Nothing to remember there anyway” he smiled lightly as he fell back on the bed pulling me on top of his chest.

We ended up falling asleep on his bed, both of us only to be woken when a mobile phone started ringing loudly, not a good idea to fall asleep with a phone next to your head, and no it wasn't mine either.

“Who is it?” he groaned sleepily letting out a loud yawn

I yawned back moving off his chest, my neck was all stiff from being on a certain angle “it's your phone not mine” I passed it to him.

“Its work” he spoke standing up and leaving the room to take the call.

I also realised I was still at Alex's place and I didn't tell Emma I was going to be here, I never even meant to fall asleep, I reached out picking up my phone.

One new message from Emma, I guessed your with your baby daddy, good because I have a little sleepover myself, have fun, I know I will! Xx

Yuck, I didn't want to know all about her sexual play dates as she often called them, I stretched out underneath the covers deciding since it was already 2am I was staying the night, Alex strolled in letting out yet another yawn and pulling his shirt off.

“This is why I don't take time off, they seem to forget that they can’t call me” he pulled the heavy white cover off and laid down next to me.

“That would suck” I whispered feeling sleepy again, in a matter of seconds I was against a warm body and fast asleep, enjoying the comfort I got when I was next to Alex.

I woke to the smell of something burning, it smelt like burnt onions, or more so a dead animal, I thought Alex must be trying to cook but he was still next to me, his arm tightly wrapped around my stomach holding my back to his chest, little feather kisses were being placed over my shoulder as I felt him moving.

“Josh is cooking” he whispered moving on top of me, I held my arms around his neck as he lowered his head giving me a good morning kiss.

“He lives here?” I asked confused

“Yes, in the other room” he grinned still looking half asleep

“Was he here that day you and I?” not even wanting to think about the possibility he was here for the whole thing.

“The day we made a baby?” the day of our one nighter was now obviously called 'baby making day' it actually fits better than the whole thought of random sex with a stranger and even better since Alex is no longer a stranger but in fact my boyfriend, my very hot of a morning boyfriend.

“Please tell me he wasn't here then”

The serious look across Alex's face just gave me my answer “No, no, no, no” I groaned “How embarrassing”

Mortifying was actually more the better word.

“Don’t worry he reckons you sounded like you was about to explode, which you did a lot” Alex teased nibbling down on my lower lip.

I pushed him off me and ran to the bathroom getting ready for another morning of fun spewing, I was pretty much over this by now.

Alex was behind me leaning against the door “When did you start chucking up?”

“Week ago, thanks a lot” I kept my face away from him, even though I wasn't throwing up huge chunks of food it was still gross having the flem crap coming out of my mouth.

“My pleasure baby, just use my toothbrush we'll have to get you one for here” he then walked out of the bathroom and left me sitting on the floor half confused he didn't mind if I used his brush? Seriously Mr clean and neat didn't mind swapping mouth spit? Well I guess we do that anyway but to use his brush was another thing.

So I did what any normal person would have done in that situation, I brushed my teeth and gargled mouth wash. My breath was now minty fresh!

Strolling out into the kitchen after actually swapping spit with our mouths for a while we figured out what that god awful smell was, Josh had tried to make pancakes and eggs.

The eggs were rock hard and half uncooked, I had no idea how he managed that, and the pancakes were black but not only did he not use sugar he also used half a cup of baking soda, yeah the recipe only called for one teaspoon.

“So who wants to go out for breakfast?” he grinned tossing the remains in the bin.

“Sit down and I will make you a breakfast worth staying in for.” If it was one thing I knew how to do then it was cooking, I loved to cook.

Josh sat up at the counter watching as I whisked the eggs and poured them into the frying pan, I was making sure he knew how to do it for next time, Alex took off to make a quick call to someone, and I wasn't really paying attention much.

“So barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen suits you Lilly” Josh smirked

“Don’t think this is going to happen a lot, you can take notes Doctor” I grinned,

His smirk got even wider “You know when I first met you I had no idea you was the vocalist in the bedroom next to mine that fateful night, at first I thought he was watching porn since Alex has never brought a chick back here for sex but no, hearing the words Alex chanted over and over sure threw that one out the window”

I burst out laughing, I couldn't deny it or even get embarrassed because thinking back to how it must have sounded for him just would have been even funnier “So you pulled off to Alex and me making a baby?”

I glanced up to Alex who walked back in the room with a pretty cute smile “Damn straight we made a baby that night” his hands wrapped around my waist as he rubbed a hand over my belly in slow circles.

“Well I did have some chick sucking me off, for about five minutes until I kicked her out, turns out listening to your best mate screwing for most the night and all the next day is a major softie” he winked “Actually I do have to give you props for stopping only to find out each other’s names then getting back into it”

I didn't have a comeback for that, because now I did get embarrassed about him hearing us, lucky for me the eggs were cooked so I just moved with Alex still attached to my waist.

I sat at the round dining table big enough for four people with Josh and Alex, they were both eating and in a deep conversation about this whole trip back to the farm they were off too, I didn't eat much or really pay any more attention to them, in fact my mind went back to the past, the way Alex ate his food, using bbq sauce to cover his pancakes then place the eggs on them just seemed familiar, like I had seen another person do that before.

I sat curiously trying to think but I came up with nothing, it must be a Sunshine Acres thing because I ate my food the exact same way, I seen the look of shock his face as I had done the same before he made his plate up, he didn't say anything thought but I knew he was curious about something.

“So when do you both leave?” I asked interrupting their talk.

Alex cleared his throat setting his fork down “We actually leave in about three hours”

My heart sunk, he was leaving already for however many weeks and I wouldn't get to see him, before I could open my mouth to respond Josh looked at me with a huge grin.

“Don’t worry you and Emma are coming with us.” Say what?

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