Chapter Twenty Seven

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Well that was a freaking scare and a half.

Turns out the blood was a big build up from the miscarriage and since I had stopped bleeding so soon it now decided to make another appearance, a bloody mess of an appearance.

Talk about yuck.

Alex was freaked out big time, he took me into the hospital to get a check up and everything was ok, nothing to worry about at all.

“I really thought we had lost another baby” Alex pulled me closer into his chest, kissing the top of my head.

“same, I couldn't handle loosing another one” I spoke quietly.

“do you still want to try?”

“yes, I want to keep trying to get pregnant” I smiled looking up at him.

I wasn't giving up that quickly, I knew we were going to be parents and when it finally happened it would happen.

We fell asleep talking, I don't know which one of us had fallen asleep first but we did snuggled up to each other and underneath the covers.

When I woke up, I could smell the scent of lemon and honey tea, my eyes opened and I sat up, leaning back in the pile of pillows that were underneath my head “morning” I yawned at Alex who was sitting on the edge of the bed watching me closely.

“I really love you, you know that” he smiled, scooting over more towards me.

I reached out taking hold of his hand “are you ok?”

“you just scared me last night” he sighed “drink your tea and you can stay in bed today”

“I have a wedding dress to go and buy today, we have one month until we're husband and wife”

“if you even think about getting out of that bed I will stick a needle in your ass and make sure it knocks you out all day” he narrowed his eyes.

I couldn't believe he was actually being serious now “your going to stick it in my ass?”

“either that or my cock?” he winked

“you wish, that's one thing you wont ever be doing to me” I cringed at the thought.

“we'll see” he got up off the bed and kissed my forehead, grabbing the remote and turning the tv on for me, then left the room.

I had no idea what just happened, I was on bed rest until he said and if I moved I was going to be sedated? This is just perfect.

I decided on watching greys anatomy, what's better than learning all about what Alex does than watching one of my favourite shows, Emma had joined me and brought in a huge bowl of popcorn each for us, I filled her in on our little hospital trip last night, telling her it was old blood that caused it all and now Alex had gone all bossy pants on me.

“Mc Dreamy” I called out which made Emma laugh.

“who do you reckon will walk in?” she asked keeping her eyes on the door.

Of course Alex walked in, I was partly glad because he is definitely my mc dreamy and mc steamy all in one package, followed behind him was Josh grinning widely.

I still hadn't spent any real quality time with him, I feel like I have to get to know my brother all over again, which was ok in a way but still it sucked.

“what are you watching this crap for?” Alex groaned climbing on the bed and laying on my side, I had to shuffle over so he didn't fall off.

“it's not crap, it's the best show ever” Emma leaned over me pushing Alex making him fall off the bed.

Definitely the funniest thing that had happened lately, Alex just laid on the floor groaning, pretending to be hurt when he wasn't, he was such a wimp.

“move over heffa” Josh lifted Emma by the legs and rolled her over, I couldn't believe he had just called her that.

She didn't care, she knew he was joking which was good, I would have hated to listen to the bitch fight that would have happened.

“do people watch you while you operate?” I asked not taking my eyes off the screen

“all the time, how would you like to come watch me in surgery next week?” Alex asked getting back up on the bed.

“like as in sit there and watch while you cut someone open?” I questioned

“sure” he grinned.

“I don't know, wont you get in trouble?”

Josh started laughing, I couldn't hear him but I was definitely feeling the bed moving, Emma was laughing also, somehow thinking it hilarious. Was I missing something here?

“babe I don't get in trouble” he leaned closer giving me a kiss.

Two more episodes and we kicked the guys out, they were complaining and comparing their job to the tv's, basically they thought the show was a heap of shit.

We started talking about wedding idea's and got on the internet to look up some themes, I had no idea what colours or styles to have, I just wanted a simple wedding, the lake was nothing fancy or over the top, it was a quiet place with light coloured flowers and a grassy lawn.

“tomorrow we should go and look at dresses if you want?” I asked

“sounds good” she answered.

I went and got in the shower, I felt so lazy for doing nothing all day and being in bed, Emma went to her room, she was going to call someone to hook up with, she was behind in her casual sex routine and starting to get a little grumpy.

The bathroom door opened and I glanced over my shoulder, Alex was stripping off to join me.

“about time” I spoke over the water running down my body.

“miss me?” he grinned, showing off those perfect teeth

“of course, I always miss you” I yawned slapping a hand over my mouth, how could I be tired if I had done jack shit all day.

“I've been thinking”

“did that hurt your head?” I teased

his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me into his body “funny girl, but I am being serious right now”

“ok talk” I looked up at him

“the house that you used to live in is empty right”

“right” I creased my brows wondering where he was going with this.

“let's buy it and do it up”

My brows hardened even more, he wants to buy a house that I grew up in, even though we didn't live down that way, I was confused as hell “why?” I half laughed “we live in the city”

he didn't look to impressed with my negative outlook on things, I fetl kind of bad as he let his hands go from my body and walk out of the shower, grabbing a towel and leaving the bathroom entirely.

Fuck he was worse than me on a period.

I groaned flicking off the water and grabbing a towel walking into the bedroom “Alex I didn't mean it like that” I stopped talking when I noticed he was dressed in clothes, neat and tidy clothes “where are you going?” I frowned feeling my heart rate speed up.

“Got called into work Lilly, cant sit around doing nothing all day long, unlike you I need to do something to keep busy” he muttered not taking his eyes off me.

“I think us moving in together was a huge mistake” I spat angrily, feeling a little ticked off that he was being like this, I wanted to punch him in the freaking hot face of his so bad right now.

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