Loving You Later

By melissalynn88

1.3M 39.6K 1.9K

Lily Marsden. Fun loving and trying to forget the past... Or better yet remember it. Alex Stevens. Hard work... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Five

39.4K 1.2K 92
By melissalynn88

Alex's hand dropped mine instantly, my hand suddenly felt colder than it was five seconds ago, I didn't even realise how comfortable my hand felt in his, I felt like the missing piece of my life was somehow finally found.

For some weird reason the warmth of his touch reminded me of something that was still incomplete to me, a time in my life where a gap was missing, I literally couldn't remember a part of my life, and no one had ever explained it to me, I can’t even explain the feeling I felt but his touch made me feel at home, it made me feel safe and surprisingly loved.

I looked up at Alex and his expression was what shocked me, it was like he had felt the exact same thing I felt, his eyes never left mine, as his hand reached out and touched mine again, his fingers so softly running through mine “Feel that?” He whispered quietly.

“Yes” I whispered back, I didn't even know what it was but it was like an out of body experience.

“Alex” A loud voice spoke snapping us back into reality, our hands parted again and I turned to face the voice.

I heard Alex let out a groan as the woman stood with her hands on her small hips, tapping her feet waiting for an answer, she was quite pretty, but nothing to special, she was the type of girl in school who got by on her back with her legs apart. Or so I would imagine.

His girlfriend who was a nurse, she was in pink scrubs and I was guessing she delivered babies. That was just too perfect.

“Sarah” Alex spoke in his deep voice “I've taken leave”

“Who's she?” She glared at me with a scowl over her face.

I didn't respond because I didn't exactly know what to say, I mean was I meant to shake her hand and smile as I spoke 'hey I'm the girl he knocked up one drunken night'

Instead I didn't have to open my trap because an arm slipped around my waist and I found myself being pulled into Josh's chest “She's my pregnant girlfriend, we just had a scan”

Alex and my head snapped toward Josh, what the heck was he doing?

“I didn't know you was in a relationship like Alex and I” she looked between us warily.

“We were keeping it quiet, but now we're having a baby no need to any more I guess” he placed a hand over my stomach which earned him a hard glare from Alex.

“What are you doing?” I whispered as I looked up at him trying to act all in love.

He mirrored my expression pulling me closer into his chest “Saving Alex's ass, she's a crazy bitch who will flip out if she knows your pregnant to him” he whispered softly.

Great on top of my baby daddy having a girlfriend, she also turns out to be a crazy bitch as well.

Alex spoke away from us to her, it was weird because I was standing there wishing he was single, I didn't know him from a bar of soap but still I was wanting to be with him, I didn't like the idea that he was with someone else but I guess there was nothing I could have done.

Josh was now in total boyfriend mode, he reckoned he was going to make Alex jealous enough to break up with her, yeah I didn't believe that at all.

“So, I really need to head off babe” I emphasised the babe part loud enough for Alex to hear, which he did since he spun around so fast I was surprised he didn't give himself head spin.

“Ok my beautiful pregnant girlfriend I will see you after work, I can’t wait for the hot sex tonight” He winked, I slapped his arm giving him a glare, which he just chuckled and pecked me on the cheek walking away.

I didn't even stop to talk to Alex as I turned and headed to the stairwell, just because I was now pregnant didn't mean I could be lazy and get a lift downstairs.

I unlocked my car door and sunk into the black leather seats of my S3 red Audi, I got the car only two months ago and I was definitely in love with it, I went to start the ignition when the passenger seat door opened and Alex slid in.

“Umm hello?” I looked at him confused

He gave me a grin “Drive quick” he ducked his head down between his long legs and I see why, Sarah was storming towards the car at a rather fast pace.

I swear I could have been a rally driver and it was all thanks to my skills on the PS3 playing need for speed until I unlocked all the highest scores sure did pay off, I was out of that car park within seconds, well ok, Not that fast but fast enough so Jane couldn't see that Alex was in here with me, that reminds me.

“What are you doing in my car?” I let out a laugh as I drove onto the highway, giving him a quick glance.

He buckled his belt and moved the seat back, since Emma isn't so tall she has the seat more forward, unlike Alex who had legs like a daddy long legs spider he needed it back quite a bit.

“Drive to your place” he spoke ignoring my question.

I turned my cd player on and switched it over to the MP3 player, Olly Murs filled the quiet car, I was completely in love with him at the moment, something about his voice just brought me back to my country living, growing up on a farm or so I was told, I don't really remember that part of my life, I remember parts of it, I love horses and apparently I owned one but I can’t remember if I have ever ridden a horse before or if I had even touched one.

I had been in a car accident when I was 17 and banged my head up pretty badly, I have a small scar from my ear on the right side to just above my eyebrow it's along my hair line so it isn't that noticeable unless I point it out, it's from when the windscreen smashed and a chunk of glass went into the side of my head, knocking me into a coma for months.

I don't remember anything, I don't even remember much of my childhood or who was in the car when it crashed, I had asked my parents numerous amounts of times but they never told me, they didn't want to rehash old memories that would only upset me, or so they thought, how could they know if something was going to get me worked up or not if they didn't bother talking about it.

What sucks is I can’t even ask them now, they died and I had been living with Emma's ever since, she was my sister and my whole family, that's all I needed, her and this little invader growing inside my stomach.

I pulled into our driveway after singing along to the music and slightly bopping away, I did notice Alex watching me curiously every now and then which made me nervous that he was eyeing me so closely, considering my car wasn't that big.

“Coming inside?” I asked then realised how stupid I was to even ask that, of course he is dickhead if he was in the car with you!

He followed behind me closely still not saying anything, I guess he was thinking as much as I had done, he had only just found out I was pregnant an hour ago, so it was understandable he was being so quiet, plus there was still the fact he had a girlfriend which was looming above my head.

“Lily how was the scan” Emma's loud bubbly voice echoed through the house, I kind of forgot she was even going to be home.

Her eyes widened once she spotted the man behind me, ugh this is going to be fun since Emma is known to be an interrogator, especially since my bad history with men.

“Emma this is Alex” I gave her a wide eyed look, hoping she got who I was talking about.

She did and she let out a loud squeal “Oh shit, well if it isn't Mr fuck me til I can’t walk in the flesh”

Oh god. Did she really have to say that, I heard Alex laugh behind me “Nice to meet you Emma” he held his hand out and she shook it. Ok, so he is either polite or very uncomfortable around her.

“So how was the scan?” she pressed still keeping her curious eyes on Alex.

“Everything is good as can be, I go back in three weeks for another check-up” I passed her over the photo and she grinned wide walking to the kitchen and sticking it right in the middle of the fridge.

“You’re having a girl, although I would love for it to have been twins, maybe the next one you guys have will be twins” she winked walking off.

I didn't even bother to turn around, twins? The next one we have? Ok this was my first and final baby I was ever going to have!

“So where is your room, only fair since you've been in mine” Alex spoke breaking the uneasy tension after Emma and her big mouth spoke.

“Follow me” I turned giving him a smirk.

“Gladly” he grinned cocking his head to the side.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out as I walked backwards “No funny business and hands to yourself”

He let a bark of loud laughter as his eyes went darker, his hands pulling me to his chest and I felt his very hard thing pressing against me “Oh baby, your already pregnant, and I know for a fact you’re wanting it as much as I am right now.”

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