What is a Toaster? | Sabriel

By CasDesDean

197K 11.9K 18.1K

When you forget everything, what are you supposed to do? More

Bad Things Happen to Good People
From the Minds of Learners
I'm Coming Home
Castiel is weird...
Tutors and Suits
I Don't Understand the Luck of this Boy
Don't You, Forget about Me
Welcome to the Wedding
It's Awkward, but We'll Work it Out
Gabriel's True Nature is Revealed
Author's Note
Even the Darkest Days Have Light
Why is the World Against Sam Winchester?
Don't Take Him Away From Me
I Know What I'm Fighting For
The End


7.1K 581 537
By CasDesDean

"How does it feel buying your first home together?" Dean asked, laying four glasses of soda on the table and a sippy cup beside that, filled with Apple juice. Sam smiled, handing the cup to Mary, who was having a little bit of a hard time reaching it. She took a small drink before putting it down, her nose wrinkling.

"Its going great. Thanks for watching Mary while we move everything in." Sam replied, sipping on his own drink a little as Gabriel beamed, his eyes sparkling.

"I can't wait to get in there. I'm going to plant so many pranks now that Sam doesn't know where any of the hiding spots are." Gabriel said, his mischief clear in his voice as Sam rolled his eyes. He nudged his husband gently, a smile crossing his face as he smirked at the smaller man.

"How do you know I won't plant some of my own." Sam said, grinning at Gabriel as he met his challenge with a cheeky smirk, leaning in and pecking him on the lips.

"Game on, moose." Gabriel said before he heard a snicker come from Dean and Castiel. Sam frowned, looking over and saw his cup missing from where it had been moments before. He turned his head, greeted by the sight of Mary sipping his drink like he had done earlier.

"Are you drinking my soda?" Sam asked, arching his eyebrow at the blonde headed five year old. Mary lowered the drink from her mouth, her puffy little cheeks making her twice as cute as she gave the look of innocence.

With a grin that reminded Sam so much of Gabriel, she quickly took gulp after gulp until it was all gone, setting the empty glass on the table with that same grin on her face.

"What soda ?" She said, her voice dripping with that fake innocence and Sam had to do all he could not to smile when Gabriel let out a snort at the adorable girl.

"I'll go get you another drink." Gabriel said, grabbing the glass and pointing at Mary. "Come on you little rascal, let's get you a little bit of soda so you won't steal your dad's."

With a cheer, Mary followed her adopted father and Sam watched both of them leave with a smile before Dean got his attention, a worried look on his face.

"Have you told him yet?" Dean asked, his voice low in case Gabriel was close enough to hear. Castiel leaned forwards as well, listening carefully as Sam sighed, shaking his head.

"You should tell him, Sam. A secret this big can't be hidden forever. It's been two months already." Castiel inputted, his voice full of nothing but wisdom and kindness. Sam nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'll tell him when I find the right time."


"Gabriel! I swear to all that is right in the world that I will shove hot sauce up your ass!" Sam shouted, chasing his husband down their set of new stairs, drenched in what he thought to be honey and a layer of baby powder of the top of it.

Honestly, he should have expected it when he walked through the door to one of the bedrooms and saw that it was oddly empty when the rest of the house was full of boxes. Yet, he walked right under the bucket of honey, and stumbled right into the hidden box of perfectly placed baby powder.

Gabriel sure seemed to get a kick out of the state he was in by the way he let out a laugh of triumph, hiding on the other side of the island counter. Sam glowered over at him, lunging out with his long arms and catching the edge of his shirt, pulling him closer.

"You're a jerk, you know that?" Sam said, a loving smile escaping his lips as he pulled Gabriel almost onto the island, using his free hand to wipe a glob of honey and baby powder onto his husband's face.

"But you love me anyways." Gabriel said, seeming unfazed by the sticky substance as Sam let go of him. The taller man nodded, feeling a pang in his heart as remembered what he needed to tell him.

"That I do, Gabriel. I love you more than I can describe."


"Finally, all finished." Sam said with a grin, flopping onto the couch of his new home, surveying the room. It had took almost three days of moving and unpacking things, putting them into place and rearranging them to suit the house's layout, but it was so worth it to finally have a home big enough for all three of them, especially when Mary reached her troublesome teen years.

"What do you say to a dance to celebrate?" He heard Gabriel say behind him before soft piano music began playing in the background. Sam grinned, knowing how much his husband loved dancing and nodded, standing.

"Would you take this dance, Gabriel Winchester?" Sam asked, holding out his hand politely and grinning at his husband. Gabriel took the offered hand, a cheeky smile splitting his face that had Sam's heart pounding.

"Of course, Sam Winchester." Gabriel replied, allowing himself to be easily pulled into Sam's arms as they began waltzing around the living room, swaying to the music in a way that made Sam never want the moment to end.

They spun slowly, their bodies moving closer and closer together until eventually Sam was holding Gabriel around the waist, the smaller man's head resting on top of Sam's chest with a pleased sigh.

"This is nice." Gabriel sighed into Sam's shirt, his fingers digging into the fabric on Sam's back. "I could stay like this forever."

"It reminds me a lot of Dean and Cas's wedding." Sam commented, feeling his husband tensing underneath him. He looked down, giving Gabriel a knowing smile and nothing could stop the tears of happiness that sprang and spilled from his husband's eyes.

"You remember." Gabriel breathed, as if unable to truly process it. Sam smiled, leaning down and kissing him gently.

"I remember you."


So, guess what day it is? It's my one year anniversary for my first story! So in celebration, I hope to get as many chapters as I can out today(even though I'm typing on a phone XP) so I hope you enjoy today!

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