Puzzle Pieces

By casey_gutwein

179K 3.8K 327

"There it is. Her favorite coffee mug. It's still half-full from this morning. This morning. Before everythin... More

Puzzle Pieces
1. Another Day - Harry
2. Sleepless Nights - Rose
3. Sharing Stories - Harry
4. No Surprise - Rose
5. Hooked - Harry
6. Take Me Home - Rose
7. A Friend Like Louis - Harry
8. Moving Up and Out - Rose
9. Rising Up - Harry
11. Connection - Harry
12. Free Falling - Rose
13. The Great Escape - Harry
14. Counting Stars - Rose
15. Surfs Up - Harry
16. Lost and Found - Rose
17. Chances - Harry
18. Just Keep Swimming - Rose
19. Stuck - Harry
20. Meaningless - Rose
21. The Chase - Harry
22. Complete - Rose
Epilogue: Perfect Fit - Harry
Epilogue: Courage - Rose

10. Filling A Gap - Rose

5.4K 143 11
By casey_gutwein

Filling a Gap - Rose

I wake up the next morning to the sound of my phone buzzing. I look around the room I'm in and I forget where I am for a second before realizing that this is where I live now. This is what I'll see when I wake up every day after this.

I pick up my phone to see who texted me. I unlock it to find a lot of happy birthday messages. I forgot about that too. I'm 18 now. I'm also getting a tattoo today with Harry Styles. When I think about it, my heart flutters a little. Speaking of, he's the one who just texted me.

Harry: Might be a little late today, but I'm definitely coming!

I thought about it last night after Harry left, and I know exactly what tattoo I'm going to get.

I sit in bed for a couple more minutes, but decide it would probably be best if I start to get ready for the day. I scan my closet for something cute. No matter how many clothes I have, it always seems like there's nothing to wear. I finally choose a plain black t-shirt with jeans. I wander over to the kitchen and check the pantry for breakfast. No matter how much food there is, it always seems like there's nothing to eat. I give up and just snatch a banana from the counter and sit on the couch to wait for Harry.

About an hour passes when I hear the doorbell. I jump up from the couch and greet Harry at the door.

Once I open it he says, "You know, it feels weird using your door. I think I liked climbing through your window better."

"Well, you can come climb in anytime," I reply with a smile.

"That's good to know. Are you ready to go?"

"You bet I am."

I follow Harry to his car and he opens the passenger door for me.

"What a gentleman."

Harry walks around to the other side of the car and slides in.

"Do you know what you're getting?" he asks as he starts the car.

"I do."

"Are you going to tell me?"

"Hm, no. I think I'm going to let it be a surprise."


"I don't think so."

"Aw, c'mon. You're a party pooper."

"Maybe, but the way you're dying to know is funny to me."

The rest of the car ride is short. Too short. We make it to the tattoo parlor in London in no time, and Harry leads me inside.

"Hey, Jason," he says to the burly man at the desk. He's everyone's idea of a tattoo artist. He's bald with a goatee and many tattoos snaking up his arms.

"Hey, Harry. How have you been? Alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

Then, as if he's noticing me standing next to Harry for the first time the man, Jason, asks, "Who's that pretty lady?"

"This is Rose," Harry answers, pushing me towards Jason.

"Hello," I say, extending my hand.

Jason shakes it and asks, "Do you know what kind of tattoo you want?"


"Alright, follow me please."

Harry and I follow Jason to the back of the shop, to a row of curtains. He flings one open and gestures for me to go inside. Harry tries to enter after me, but I push him away.

"It's a surprise, remember?"

"But I want to come in!"

"Don't argue with the lady, Harry," Jason interrupts. "You just wait out here."

With that, Jason shuts the curtain, isolating us inside the small room. I take a seat in the larger chair while Jason sits down in the plastic one. It kind of reminds me of a dentist's office.

"First thing's first. I have to make an outline of what you want."

"Okay, I want a puzzle piece."

"That's it? Do you want a skull inside?"

"Um, no. Just a puzzle piece, please."

I watch as Jason makes the outline of my tattoo and I must admit, it looks really good.

"Okay, I'm done. Where do you want this?"

"The inside of my wrist."

"Got it. Now, this doesn't really hurt that bad. It just feels like little pinches."


The last time I checked, pinches didn't feel too good. Now I kind of regret not letting Harry in. If he was here, he could hold my hand. I flinch when Jason starts the needle. As it touches my skin, I realize that he was right. It doesn't hurt that bad. It doesn't take too long either considering that I only got a little tattoo. When he finishes, I call for Harry to come in. The curtain flies open, and his eyes search my body for ink. I hold out my wrist and he takes my arm into his hands.

"This is sick! Why a puzzle piece?"

"Because that's what I am."

"You're a puzzle piece?"

"Well, we all are."


"Each of us is just filling a gap. I'm just one piece in a universal bajillion-piece jigsaw puzzle. Which isn't to say that I'm not important. Sure, I'm just one jigsaw piece, but if that piece went missing, there'd be a gap in the puzzle. The universe would be incomplete. We couldn't frame it and hang it on the wall until you find that gap. What I'm trying to say is that everyone has an equal part to play, a gap to fill. We all fit together in the same puzzle."

"That was amazing, Rose."

"Thanks," I reply, trying not to blush.

"Do you, um, do you want to come back to my house for some tea?" Harry asks, scratching the back of his head.

"I'd love to."

As we walk out of the door, I shout out to Jason, "Thanks for the tattoo, Jason!"

"No problem, pretty lady! Come again!"


Credit to Mark Parsons on that bit about being a puzzle piece. He inspired this story by saying that. I love AAOOD and AAOOD2 oh my gosh they're hilarious.

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