Jurassic World Fanfiction...

By Crypt_of_Legends

333K 6.6K 1.9K

"Asset 2067..." "Rebecca" Owen interrupted "Rebecca" Clair said sternly " is our most dangerous attraction h... More

Ch 1. Im Rebecca
Ch 3. Meet princess Hoskins
Another A/N
Ch 4. The Indominus Rex
Ch 5. Lets put on a Show
Ch 6. Welcome to Jurassic World
Ch 7. This Is The Part Where I Break Free
Ch 8. You Shoot me Down But I wont Fall
Ch 9. How Could You
Ch 10. I Trust You
Happy Back to The Future Day
Ch 11. Memories
New story
Hey guys
Ch 12. I might only have one match, but i can make an explosion
Ch 13. You sit on a throne of lies
Ch 14. Cause for the first time in forever, i will be right here
Im sorry
Ch. 15 Almost there
Ch. 16 I really dont have a title for this chapter.
Ch. 17 Final Performance
Ch. 18 The End
Sneak peak

Ch 2. Flight Rebecca Down

18.2K 449 100
By Crypt_of_Legends


Rebecca POV

4 weeks later

It's been about four weeks since I woke up and it's been fantastic. I've been growing rapidly like they said I would. I'm already 6 feet tall, and 5 feet long.

I've been sleeping at Owens Bungalo
Since my home, or 'prison' as Owen calls it, isn't done yet.

I get off the ground where I usually sleep and see Owen snoring loudly in bed.

I stretch my legs and jump up to him, landing on him. In seconds Owen is up and looking purple. I realize I'm standing on him so I get off.

He starts to chuckle " Thanks for waking me up girl". I just shake my whole body in excitement because I knew I was finally big enough to start flying.

"I see you are excited to fly today, aren't you Becca" Owen said

He's been calling me Becca for a while now, I think it's a nickname, but oh well IM FLYING TODAY!!!!

---------- Time Skip To Flying Lesson Because I'm Lazy--------------

"Just open your wings and jump" Owen said trying to convince me to jump.

I shake my head no and cower back.
"If you don't jump now no pot roast for you" He says threateningly.

I paused. That is the cruelest thing, anyone could ever do to me.

Then I glared at him and gave in. I shake before I slowly open my wings and look down. It was very far. I suck it up and jump, then I realized how stupid I was. I start flapping frantically with my eyes closed while waiting for the ground to reach me, but it never came. I open my eyes slowly and finally realize I was flying, I WAS FLYING!!!!

I could here Owen hooting and hollering from below me and chuckle.
I start to fly higher and higher until I couldn't see the ground. I look around and couldn't see anything, no even Owen, so I panic. I stop flapping and start falling, I could hear Owen shouting at me below, but it was faint and far away.

I soon reach the ground with a thud and groan in pain. I stand up and take in my surroundings. There are trees everywhere and four long walls surrounding me. Suddenly I hear the trees rustling against each other.

I turn in fear and panic and take a fighting stance, waiting for the beast to pounce.

When a pterodactyl jumps out of no where and tries to tackle me. Emphasis on tries.

"Ugh, why are you so heavy", she complains.

I look at her and say "did you just call me fat".

"No" a voice quickly replies

I turn around to be met by a white raptor with grey stripes.

"I'm so sorry about Tashi, she can be a bit over baring" the velociraptor says.

"It's ok" I say "I'm Rebecca"

"I'm Snow" she replies.

"So what are you doing here" I ask

"What are YOU doing here" Tashi says back.

"Tashi" Snow says scolding her.

"It's fine, I fell in here on accident"

Snow looked nervous " are you ok? Did you get hurt? Why did yo-"

"Snow, calm down" Tashi said

"Sorry" Snow said sheepishly.

"I was flying for the first time, and kinda fell" I admitted.

Tashi started laughing. Snow nudged her.

"Why are you two here" I asked.
" We were left here, because we are different" I then noticed that Tashi's wings were different sizes making it so she couldn't fly. But I had no idea why Snow was here. I think she read my thoughts and said " they said I'm not full Raptor, that's why I'm white. And I guess they didn't like that so they put me here"

They both looked so sad. And I felt guilty. I was different but they kept me, and to make matters worse I learned that the people just forgot about them and they've had to break into the food containers which were almost out of meat.

Then I remembered that Owen had seen where I had fallen and was probably on his way. " Hey my Master is on his way and maybe I could try and get him to help you guys"

"Really" snow exclaimed

"Master?" Tashi says quietly.

Suddenly the doors opened and Owen was there with his friend Barry and Clair.

Tashi growled while Snow just stared.
Barry pulled out his gun but Owen pushed it down slowly. "Becca come" he said calm but firmly.

I slowly shook my head

"Becca" he tried again but sternly

I needed to communicate with him but how. Then I remembered that I'm a hybrid ( I know how could I forget )

I focused on changing and felt a tingling sensation all over my body.

I opened my eyes and everyone was shocked I looked at Tashi and Snow but they backed away.

I walked to where Owen was and looked up at him.

" t-they n-need h-h-help" I spoke softly

They all looked astonished. Then Owen spoke "Who needs help" I thought for a moment figuring out what to say before I spoke.

"Snow and Tashi" I reply. He looked confused then looked behind me at the raptor and pterodactyl. He pointed at them and said "them?" "Yes" I replied.

He went over to Barry and started talking to him. Clair came over to me with a blanket. She put it over my body and I looked at her confused.

"Your naked" she whispered

At first I didn't understand, I was naked all the time, and then I looked at my small body and noticed I didn't have my scales to blend with my body. I could feel the heat rise on my face as I blushed.

Clair guided me by my shoulders out of the containment area and over to a white vehicle that I had only seen once.

She opened the middle door and helped me in. She then climbed in the front seat herself.

I saw Owen and Barry head over and get in the vehicle as well. Barry in front and Owen right next to me.

"W-where are we g-going" I asked.

Owen looked at me and smiled. "Well since you changed WAY ahead of schedule, we need to show you around and teach you how to be normal"

I scoffed at the word 'normal'.

"Oh great your in your teenage years" Owen said rolling his eyes.

"How old am I" I ask finally without a stutter.

"About 13 in human years, as it appears".

I smiled and thought " When I'm in this form, where will I go when my enclosure is finished"

"You'll stay with me of course, we're family now" Owen said with a smile.

" So does this mean your my Dad"

I herd Clair and Barry laugh while Owen just shook his head while chuckling.

"Think of me more as your older brother, Barry as a cousin and Clair as your controlling Aunt"

Clair turned around looking offended
"Excuse me" she scoffed.

"Eyes on the road" Owen said.

I laughed at my family. Then I thought for a moment 'family'.

I smiled at them.

At my Family.

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