Cigarette Daydreams ♱ Angel {...

By sethgeckos

108K 3.3K 339

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Angel FanFic (previously named Novice) ___________ Lindsay Bennett was just a high... More

01: buffy summers comes to sunnydale
02: suspicions and a dead body
03: daddy issues and the man in black
04: the truth and saving willow
05: vampires are real
07: dark tunnels
08: stopping the harvest
09: not a cheerleader type
10: milky white eyes
11: amy the not so teenage witch
12: missing teacher and sharing a kiss
13: head spins
14: insects are gross
15: family dinner and a quick make-out session
16: get your man
17: camo wearing vampire
18: odd behaviors
19: common ground
20: a hyena problem
21: making moves

06: hello again mr. handsome

5.9K 187 11
By sethgeckos

sorry for the long wait. I am going back to campus this weekend so I'm trying hard to get the next update after this done before than.

GIF MADE BY:  Light-Of-The-Moon

also: I recently posted a Dean Winchester fanfic in hopes to start it soon! please check it out.

*I do not own buffy or angel or anything involving the show. only Lindsay and her plot lines.*


The world globe spins around in the library as Giles talks. "The world is older than any of you know. Contrary to popular mythology, it didn't start off as a paradise," he says, stopping the globe from moving. He walks to a bookshelf, no doubt about to add to the collection already in his arms. "For untold eons, demons walked the Earth."

The bubblegum bubble pops and sticks to my lips. "Demons," I murmur, shaking my head as I wrap my arms around my torso. All of this new information is getting more than unsettling. The creatures I believed that were only in scary bedtime stories really do walk the Earth. I need to invest in a nightlight after this.

"They made it their home, their Hell. But in time they lost their purchase on this reality. The way was made for mortal animals, for man. All that remains of the old ones are vestiges, certain magic's, certain creatures," Giles adds, walking down the short staircase to stand alongside Buffy.

"And vampires," the blonde slayer adds onto what Giles just said.

Xander stops leaning against the railing and comes forward as Giles sits on top of the table. "Okay, this is where I have a problem. See because we're talking about vampires. We're having a talk with vampires in it," Xander says.

"Isn't that what we saw last night?" I add, propping my feet up on the chair across from me. Willow nods beside me.

"No. No. T-Those weren't vampires, those were just guys in thundering need of a facial. Or maybe they had rabies. It could have been rabies. A-And that guy turning to dust? Just a trick of light." Buffy says, sarcasm dropping from each word. I give this girl credit. She may look like a blonde prom queen, but she has some badass in her. I mean, I guess she has to be considering she fights vampires. "That's exactly what I said the first time I saw a vampire. Well, after I was done with the screaming part."

Willow's face seems to get paler. "Oh, I-I need to sit down."

Looking at my redheaded friend, I find myself fighting a smile. "You are sitting down," I point out, patting her leg.

"Oh, good for me," Willow responds, seeming like she'll pass out any moment.

"So, vampires are demons?" Xander asks, taking the attention off Willow.

Giles is there to respond. "The books tell the last demon to leave this reality fed off a human, mixed their blood. He was a human form possessed, infected by the demon's soul. He bit another, and another, and so they walk the Earth, feeding—killing some, mixing their blood with others to make more of their kind, waiting for the animals to die out, and the old ones to return."

Something inside me turns—in a bad, nauseating way. Things are about to hit the fan.


I tap my fingers against the table, my legs starting to cramp. We're still in the library as Giles and Buffy are trying to get us caught up in all the information needed. My head is starting to ache a little bit and a sensation of not feeling safe spreads throughout my body.

Getting off the demon topic for a little bit, Giles explains what a slayer is—what Buffy is. "For as long as there have been vampires, there's been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One."

"He loves doing this part," Buffy cuts in.

"Alright. The Slayer hunts vampires, Buffy is a Slayer," Giles continues, not seeming affected by Buffy's interlude.

I scoff, looking at the librarian. "We already put together that part."

Giles looks at me with a blank expression before shaking his head, getting back to business. "Anyway, don't tell anyone. Well, I think that's all the vampire information you need."

Sighing, I lean back in the chair. "Finally."

"Except for one thing," Xander cuts in and I groan internally. All this new information is really unnerving. "How to kill them."

"You don't, I do," Buffy says with an edge to her voice.

"Well Jesse's my-" Xander tries to say, but Buffy quickly cuts him off.

"Jesse is my responsibility. I let him get taken."

Shaking my head, I look up at the blonde. "I feel like it's my fault. So I should try and help you get him back."

Xander turns to me, shaking his head. "That's not true Lindsay. It wasn't your fault."

"If you guys hadn't shown up they would've taken us. Does anyone mind if I pass out?" Willow breathes out.

Resting my hand on her arm, we make eye contact. "Breathe," I command into her wide eyes.

"Breathe," Willow repeats, nodding her head slightly.

Buffy gets up from beside Willow and goes to Giles. "This big guy, Luke. He talked about an offering to the Master. Now, I don't know what or who, but if they weren't just feeding then Jesse may still be alive. I'm gonna find him."

"I want to come with," I add in a sharp tone. Buffy looks at me with a look of command, trying to make me realize it's all on her, but it's not. I feel guilty about leaving the three behind to help Buffy. Maybe if I would've been there Jesse wouldn't be where he is right now. As they talk about calling the police, against Buffy or Giles's advice, I think back to last night. Continuing to tap my fingers on the top of the table I ask Buffy, "How did the guy vampire—Luke I guess is his name—retreat so fast? I didn't hear a car or anything or those vampires attacking Willow and Xander. Where did they run off to?"

Giles tilts his head a little, his hand digging into the pockets of his pants. "Let's take an enormous intuitive leap, shall we, and say they went underground."

"Vampires really jam on sewer systems. You can get anywhere in the entire town without catching any rays," Buffy adds. "But I didn't see any access around there."

"Well, there's an electrical tunnel that runs under the whole town," Xander mentions, keeping his eyes on our new blonde, slayer friend.

Giles plays with his glasses. "If we had a diagnostic of the tunnel system it might indicate a meeting place, it would, uh...I suppose we could go to the building commission."

"We don't have time," I cut in, turning to Willow.

She nods. "Uh, guys? There may be another way."


After Willow worked her magic on the computer, finding the tunnel under the cemetery, and Buffy figuring out that Luke guy came out from behind her in the mausoleum I won the battle of going with Buffy—with the dislikes of Xander who wanted to go himself and Willow who is worried about me. I have to do this though. I can't sit in a library doing research. I need to be doing something active.

Buffy takes a side glance at me as we walk out of the school. "I've noticed the silver cross on the necklace and that I have the same one. Who gave it to you?"

"I don't know his name, but he was tall, dark, and handsome that's for sure."

"I wonder why he would give you one. He have it mine for protection because he knew I was the slayer, but I wonder why you?" She seems to be asking herself more than me.

Shrugging, I add, "Maybe he knew I'd be one of your sidekicks—even though I'd like to think I'm a heroine in this story."

Buffy chuckles, but suddenly stops when a voice behind us, belonging to the principal says, "And where do we think we're going?"

"We?" Buffy asks, slowly turning around and so I. The principal is holding the gate in his hand as we stopped him from locking us in the hellhole called school.

"We're not leaving school grounds are we?" Mr. Flutie asks, his hand on his hip and a dorky expression on his face. "Wouldn't surprise me with this you," he nods his head towards me.

Buffy shakes her head. "No! We're just—admiring the fence! You know, this is quality fence work."

"Totally," I add, sarcasm dripping from every letter.

Mr. Flutie looks at Buffy. "Because if we were leaving schools grounds on our second day at a new school, after getting kicked out of our old school for delinquent behavior. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

"Mr. Giles," I start, but he rudely interrupts.

"What?" he asks in his squeaky tone I'd wish I can cover my ears for.

Buffy fills in the rest of the lie for me. "He asked us to get a book for him. Uh, from the store, cause we have a free period, and we're both big readers. Did it mention that in my transcripts?"

"Mr. Giles?" he asks, one of his bushy eyebrows rising.

"Ask him," I say, not missing the attitude I intended to have towards this man who has made high school miserable since day one for me.

"Well, maybe that's how they do things in Britain," Mr. Flutie starts as he's shutting the gate, making sure Buffy and I are on school grounds. "They've got that royal family and all kinds of problems, but here at Sunnydale nobody leaves campus while school's in session. Are we clear?" After he locks the gate, Mr. Flute turns and leaves.

I groan. "He seems to always have a stick up his butt. Anyway, how are we going to leave now?"

Buffy watches the principal enter the building before smirking at me. She crouches to the ground before managing to somehow jump over the fence—need I remind you its many feet high.

"Okay, how am I going to get over?" I exclaim, putting my hands on my hips. Groaning I look at the blonde. "I'll find another way out."


I follow behind Buffy into the mausoleum. After managing to find a way out of the school grounds, we both ran as fast as me can to the cemetery to where we were last night. My legs feel like they'll collapse any minute, but I signed up for this. I'm not going to complain.

We walk slowly into the tomb, Buffy making sure to look all ways. Rats—or mice—squeak as the run along the sides. Sticking my tongue out in disgust, I step a few steps away from where the furry rodents are playing tag. Buffy and I make it to a door in the back. Buffy tugs on it to find it's locked. Hearing an exhale, I turn around to see tall, dark, and handsome.

"Mother," I exclaim, holding a hand to my heart. The guy's lips turn up a little at my reaction.

"I suppose you don't have a key on you," Buffy states, turning slowly.

The guy fully smiles, fixing his sleeves. "They really don't like me dropping in."

"Why not?" I ask, tilting my head to side and crossing my arms against my chest.

"They just don't like me," he says in another quick response.

Buffy purses her lips. "How can that possibly be?"

"I knew you'd figure out this entryway sooner or later. Actually, I thought it was gonna be a little sooner," the guy responds, answering Buffy's sarcastic comment with his own. In fact everything this guy says seems to be with attitude.

I scoff. "Please, lose the attitude. Is it your time of the month?" I ask in a pout.

The guy lets out a huff as a laugh. "I wouldn't talk. For all you know I can throw you to the vampires down there—easily."

Rolling my eyes I take a step closer. "I know you won't. I'm somehow valuable otherwise why would you give me this necklace?"

The guy shrugs. "Maybe I didn't want anyone getting to you first."

I glare at him. "You're such a little!"

"Alright," Buffy intervenes, touching my shoulder and pulling me back. "Look, if you're gonna be popping up with this Cryptic Wise Man act on a regular basis, can you at least tell me your name?"

"Angel," the guy says softly, making eye contact with me.

Buffy nods. "Angel."

"It's a pretty name," I add. "Too bad it doesn't match your personality." What? I couldn't help not throwing in another insult. I turn to the tunnel entrance, Buffy beside me.

From the corner of my eye I see Angel take a step towards us, his hand brushing my arm slightly. "Don't—go down there."

Buffy turns her head back to him. "Deal with our going."

"You shouldn't be putting yourself at risk, both of you," he says, his dark eyes not leaving my own. "Tonight is the Harvest. Unless you can prevent it, the Master walks," he says in a soft manner, but it somehow comes off as a teasing jolt to Buffy.

"Well, if this Harvest is such a suck fest why don't you stop it?" I ask Angel.

He chuckles, but it once again comes off half serious. "Cause I'm afraid."

Pursing my lips, I watch as Buffy kicks the door open, the locks forgotten. "Such a shame," I remark dryly to Angel.

"They'll be expecting you," Angel chuckles at Buffy eagerness.

"I've got a friend down there or at least a potential friend," Buffy says, looking at me.

Smirking, I look at Angel again. "Do you know what it's like to have a friend?" Angel lowers his gaze from mine, a look of sadness passes in his eyes. Something in me actually feels bad for the guy. "That wasn't supposed to be a stumper." His dark eyes travel back to mine, his expression blank.

"When you hit the tunnels head east towards the school. That's where you're likely to find them," Angel says to Buffy, ignoring the whole friend comment.

Buffy starts to walk down the entrance as I turn to Angel. "You going to wish me—us—luck?"

I wait for him to say anything, but he doesn't. Nodding in slight disappointment, I turn and follow Buffy. From a distance I thought I hear Angel say good luck, but when I turn he's no longer standing there.

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