Miss. Manipulation (On Hold)


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The best way to exert control over a man is to exploit their most obvious weakness, the same weakness every h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Four

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I couldn't help but gasp when I saw Rachel. How anyone could do this to someone was beyond belief. She was bruised, battered and bloody. Her small body looked minuscule in comparison to the hospital bed she was laid in. Numerous wires, machines and needles ran everywhere.

I had woken this morning and decided to push last night from my mind and just get on with my day. I had gone through my normal morning of walking salem and going to the gym and now here I was at the private clinic where Rachel was being looked after.

I kept asking myself the same question, how could this have happened? I still couldn't wrap my mind around it. Our guards were vetted, they were trained for every possible situation and they were paid huge amounts to ensure our safety... after all we made Daniel's money, he had to make sure we were well looked after. We were his inventory, if we were hurt, he lost out on money.

Daniel HATED losing out money.

I made my way closer to her hospital bed and placed the flowers I had brought on a small table to her right. I then sat in the guest chair and watched her sleep.

A little while later I suddenly heard her groan and I was on my feet instantly.

"Rachel?" I asked tentatively.

"E-Elle?" She croaked out, giving me a look of confusion.

"Hey, you need anything?"

"Can you lift my bed please with the button and fetch me some water?" Her voice was raspy and it was difficult to make out what she was saying, but I caught on eventually.

I slowly lifted the bed so she was sitting up and then went over to the small water machine to fill up a cup and get a straw. I fed her the water and put down the cup when she'd had enough.

"Not to be rude Elle, but your the last person I expected to be here when I woke up." She stated, her voice less croaky after the water had soothed her throat.

"I know but when I heard, I don't know. I just wanted to check on you. I wanted to find out how this happened and to make sure you were okay." I admitted.

"You wanted to check on me? Thee Elle Dominic wanted to check on little me? I'm honoured. I bet none of the other girls would get the same courtesy." She laughed before clutching her side in pain.

"No they wouldn't. They're bitches and if they got themselves in the same situation, it would have been because of their big mouths, I know that couldn't have happened to you."

"Do you always have to be so harsh?" She questioned softly.

"Yes, I do but truthfully if this did happen to one of the other girls, I would make sure they were okay, no matter how much I hate them." I admitted simply. "Enough of that anyway, what happened? I mean... Shit, you look fucking awful."

"Thanks for that Elle, I'm sorry that I aren't more appealing. I'll make sure next time someone beats me nearly to death that I tell them to avoid the face." She spat and I cursed myself for being so insensitive.

I wasn't good with these situations, I wasn't good at finding the correct words or the right emotions. I was either angry or neutral, every other emotion kind of blended together and I always did or said the wrong things.

"I'm sorry, that didn't come out right. I just, can you tell me what happened? Please?"

She sighed before a she laid her head back against the white pillow and a tear leaked from her eye.

"I was-" She started before the door to the room opened and Daniel glided in looking casual in his black shirt and washed out jeans.

He stopped abruptly when he saw me, most likely shocked I was here, but quickly composed himself and made his way over to Rachel's bedside.

"Oh baby, I cannot begin to tell explain how sorry I am that this happened to you." He told her softly before kissing her forehead, minding all the bruises and cuts.

Yes Daniel was a major tosser and he loved his money but deep down, he also cared for us. He didn't have a family of his own, I guess we were his family... his weird, messed up family that kept him well stocked in expensive cars and designer clothes.

"I fired Troy and my guys are out looking for the guy who did this to you based on the CCTV from the club when you left." He explained.

"It wasn't Troy's fault, he couldn't do anything." She told him.

"It doesn't matter, he still allowed this to happen. He's trained for this, in case this ever happens. His only duty is to protect you, he didn't, so he's fired." Daniel stated angrily as he took a seat opposite me. "Now tell me Rachel, what happened?"

She took a huge breath of air before she spoke as if to compose herself. "I was doing what I do every night, I found the guy, checked he was rich, started to get him drunk, everything I normally do. I decided that after a while he was ready and it was time to get him to take me home, we got in the taxi and we headed to his house but when we got there... It wasn't right, he lived in a crummy block of flats in the worst part of town. I knew that I needed to get out of there straight away so I quickly sent a text to Troy and told him he needed to track my GPS and come and get me.

"The guy was looking at me while I was texting and I don't know, he just had this weird look in his eye and I got the feeling something bad was about to happen. When the taxi man stopped I told him that I was going to stay in the taxi and go home. I made up an excuse that I didn't feel well but he didn't seem to be happy with that, he got all angry and pulled me out of the taxi harshly, he threatened the taxi driver and told him if he didn't leave and if he told anyone he would find him and kill him." By this point I could see the fear evident on her bruised face.

"It's okay, go on." I urged her.

"The taxi left and then I saw Troy pulling up in the distance before rushing over to me but then a different guy came out of the distance and grabbed him, they must have been working together. The other guy, he was massive, even bigger than Troy and he held a knife against Troy's throat and another against his stomach. I knew we were in trouble, so I started to run but he caught me and I fell face first towards the floor.

"After that, everything is a blur, I just remember him hitting and punching me and how much pain I felt with every blow. I remember him spitting on me and calling me a gold digging bitch, he seemed to know I was only after his money, well his fake money he lured me with... It was h-horrible, I thought I would never see my son again, I kept picturing his face." By the time she had finished, tears were flowing down her cheeks and I felt angry, angry that this had happened. I looked over to Daniel and saw his expression mirrored my own.

"We will find them. I promise you Rachel." Daniel promised her, offering her some tissues which she accepted.

"Don't fire Troy, it wasn't his fault and if he didn't bring me here, I might be dead right now." She told Daniel softly.

"He can't be allowed back in Rachel. He knows how to escape a knife, he's throughly trained. I can't risk this happening to you or anyone else ever again." He told her matter of factly, leaving no room for discussion.

"Daniel... I-I, I can't work for you anymore. I can't do it, I realised last night, this job... It's risky and I need to think about my son. I can't risk him not growing up without a mother. I just can't believe that it took me taking a beating to figure that out." She whispered.

I couldn't blame her, I knew she was making the right choice but one look at Daniel's face told me he didn't agree.

"You can't just quit Rachel." He pointed out, all concern for her gone.

Yes, the arsehole was back. He was back to thinking about his money.

"Daniel, you have to understand, I won't be able to work anymore. I'll be constantly scared and the guys will pick up on it. I just can't do it, I have to think of my son." She pleaded with him to understand but he was being selfish, as usual.

"Rachel, I don't have anyone in line to replace you. If you quit without a replacement, I lose money and just think of the time and effort it would take to find someone new, I won't have it." He bit out, standing up from his chair.

Okay, enough was enough.

"Daniel, outside." I ordered, to which I received a very scary glare.

Rachel looked at me in shock, nobody ever spoke to Daniel the way I did but I didn't care. Daniel just continued to stand there drilling holes in me with his eyes.

"Outside, now." I told him again before marching from the room.

I stood outside for a good five minutes before finally Rachel's door opened and Daniel walked out.

"You need to let her leave Daniel." I announced.

"Fuck that, she makes me more money than most of the other girls. The guys have a thing for whole innocent yet provocative thing she has going on. She's invaluable to the company, it would be like burning a bag filled with a million pounds inside."

"So, your going to force her into it then? If your going to do that you might as well run a god damn whore house and start beating us all into submission. You said from the start, this whole thing would be voluntary and the girls would choose their hours and choose the men, that we would work for ourselves as long as we hit the minimum target. By forcing her, you might as well be a pimp!" I pointed out angrily.

"You know, your hot when your angry." Daniel suddenly mentioned with a smirk.

"Seriously!" I growled, throwing my hands in the air. "Do you want a room opposite Rachel?"

He just laughed in response which pissed me off even further.

"Listen here, you let Rachel go or I will quit and you know how much money I make you. I won't work for someone who forces someone to work for them against their will. You know I could work for myself but I don't, I have some sense of loyalty towards you but that will disappear if you force her." I would never quit, I enjoyed my job too much but he didn't know that.

"Fine, she can leave." He finally surrendered after some thinking.

"Good. Now about finding the guys who did this. Where are you with that?"

"I have my guys on it, shouldn't take too long." He revealed.

"Good, make sure they get what they deserve." I told him firmly.

"Don't you worry about that, they will be punished severely."

"Good, I'm going to go now. I have things to do and this day's already had too much drama and it isn't even lunch time. Don't forget to tell Rachel before you go that she can quit, tell her I said bye and I'll visit her again sometime in the next few days. Laters." I told him before striding off, not sparing him another glance.


I was currently stood in a towel trying to get ready for my lunch date with Roman and his sister, his sister who's name I didn't even know yet. He had text me yesterday and told me I was to meet him today at an Italian restaurant I'd never had the chance to visit.

I groaned in frustration as I eyed the racks of clothes in my walk in closet, trying to find something to wear. I owned so many clothes but nothing seemed right.

I needed him to see my body and admire my curves but I also wanted to keep it classy. I couldn't dress how I normally did when I was working, that showed too much and it was to all done to entice men in.

Fuck it, I'll dress how I like and screw what they think.

I pulled out a pair of black leather trousers, a white vest and a black blazer. I then picked up a pair of peep-toe, heeled ankle boots and grabbed a gold choker to match it with. I then returned to my bedroom and laid everything out on the bed, starting to do my make-up and hair.

I went for basic makeup with foundation, bronzer and winged eyeliner. I then applied my red lipstick and smiled when my lips looked plump and seductive. I started to wear red lipstick when I first got my job, only wearing it when I was working because I knew men liked lips and red was a good colour on me. I then came to wear it all the time, loving how it made me look and feel. Also red was traditionally a harlot's colour and who was I kidding, I was one.

I moved onto my hair and parted it down the middle before pulling it back into a low ponytail, loving the length of my hair even though it was trimmed each month. I then dropped my towel and changed into my underwear and clothing before putting on my boots and checking myself in the mirror.

I looked good.

I grabbed what ever else I needed before putting it all into my bag and making my way towards the front door. I quickly grabbed my black sunglasses and put them on.

"Bye Salem, I'll be back later to walk you!" I shouted to my dog before leaving and making my way down towards the underground car park to fetch my car.

I quickly reached my car, which I loved, in no time. It was a matte black Mercedes SUV, similar to what Tyrese drove me in. I quickly pushed him from my mind, I still didn't want to think about what had happened, I was still angry and kind of regretful I had gone crazy bitch on him last week.

I started up my car, put on my seatbelt and turned my radio up to full blast. I drove easily to the restaurant and found it without any problems, I quickly checked the time and realised I was ten minutes late.

Shit. I knew that Roman wouldn't be one for late comers being a businessman and all.

I quickly parked my car and grabbed my bag before racing to the restaurant, only to be greeted by a young man who I could tell was checking me out... Nothing new there.

"Good afternoon, do you have a reservation?" He asked me politely.

"Yes, it should be under Roman Walden." I replied.

"Oh, he's already waiting for you. Follow me." He then lead to me to the back where I saw him waiting for me with a tall, young, yet very beautiful girl. Her brown curly hair laid just below her shoulders and her large brown eyes were rimmed with long eyelashes, much like her brothers.

"I'm so sorry," I immediately blurted, pulling off my sunglasses. "I didn't even realise I was running late."

"Sit down. I have to be back at the office for 2." Roman muttered without looking up at me.

Who did he think he was talking to? Where the hell were his manners?

"Excuse me? You don't get to order me around, get some manners or I'm leaving." I threatened before I could stop myself. This wasn't going to get him to like me but I wouldn't be spoken to like that.

I watched as his sister started to smirk, obviously liking that someone stood up to her brother for once.

He finally looked up and I could see his eyes rake me from head to foot, taking me in. Roman was wearing a well fitted dark blue suit with a black shirt and tie underneath, he looked delicious.

"I apologise. Please, sit. I didn't mean to sound so rude." He finally relented. I simply nodded my head in forgiveness and took a seat opposite him.

"I like her." His sister grinned to which I laughed.

"Elle, this is my sister, Naya." Roman spoke as he introduced us.

"It's nice to meet you Naya, beautiful name." I told her truthfully with a smile, liking her instantly.

I don't know what was happening to me. I never got on with other women and within the past week, I had communicated easily with three, without the ever pressing desire to rip their eyeballs from their skull.

"Thanks! Beautiful shoes." She replied back glancing down at my feet with want.

"I know, I love them, I got them from that litt-" I spoke but stopped when Roman suddenly slammed his hand on the table getting our attention.

"Do you two mind? I've been trying to talk while you've been discussing stupid shoes!" He ranted. I hadn't even heard him speak.

"I'm sorry Roman, I didn't mean to leave you out, you said we would get on and we're doing just that." I told him before placing my hand on top of his gently and smiling.

He stared at his hand for awhile before making a fist and pulling his hand to rest on his lap. Just as he was going to reply a waiter came over to take our drink and food orders. Roman decided in ordering three specials, not letting Naya or I decide for ourselves.

I turned and looked straight into Roman's dark eyes, watching as his pupil's dilated slightly as he stared back.

"You two need a room?" Naya quipped with a slight smirk.

Roman who seemed to be even more effected than me, quickly coughed before sitting up straight in his chair and quickly smoothing down his tie. A woman then came over and placed our drinks down before scuttling away.

I simply sat back in my seat and grinned at how much I was affecting him, manipulation was well under way.

"No we do not." Roman replied sternly, giving his sister a glare that could kill. "Back to why we are here in the first place. Naya, Elle here is going to give you self defence classes before you move away for university."

"What?! You told me we were meeting a business associate of yours! Not someone who's going to teach me self defence! This is bullshit!" Naya screeched. "No offence Elle." She quickly added looking my way.

"Watch your mouth and lower your tone." Roman warned with a look of fury on his face.

An angry Roman was a hot Roman, I internally thought.

"I don't need self defence, everybody goes to university Roman. Your acting like the world is full of murderers and rapists." She uttered before she crossed her arms.

"You don't know what this world is like, you haven't experienced it fully yet." He replied simply.

"Sorry I'm only seventeen and not fifty years old like you." She scoffed.

He was fifty?! He didn't look even close to fifty! Dear god, I had to seduce a grandad?

"You're fifty?" I questioned in a disbelieving tone.

Roman only rolled his eyes and his sister starting laughing. "Of course not. Do I look fifty? I'm thirty two."

"Oh." I mumbled suddenly feeling like a major idiot.

"Elle, can you please talk some sense into my sister." Roman insisted.

I really did not want to get in this whole sibling bullshit but if she didn't agree, Roman had no reason to speak to me anymore.

"Look Naya. I'm not going to tell you this is something you need in your life and that someone is going to attack you and you'll be grateful, because how do I know what's going to happen in the future? What I can tell you however is that your brother is looking out for you and doing this will give him peace of mind. Someone I know was attacked just last week, beaten nearly to death, she didn't know how to defend herself and almost died. This could have helped her, I'm just saying." I informed her.

"Is your friend okay?" Roman suddenly questioned in a soft voice.

"She's getting there." I responded.

"Naya. I would hate myself if anything ever happened to you like that. Please, can you do this? If not for yourself then for me." Roman spoke gently to his sister, his attitude had changed and you could see how much he adored her.

"Fine. But I wouldn't even consider this if not for Elle." She surrendered.

"Thank you Naya. Elle, you and I will talk on a later date about payments and what not." Roman stated as he turned to look at me.

"You don't have to pay me." I told him simply.

"Of course I'll pay you, I never expected you to do this for free." He challenged.

"Fine, whatever you say Mr. Walden." I told him with a salute to which I received a glare from him and a small laugh from his sister.

A waiter came some time later and placed down our dishes. It looked like some kind of pasta dish and I couldn't wait to dig in and try it. I quickly dug straight in, loving the combination of flavours on my tongue.

As I was quarter of the way through my dish, making small talk with Roman and his sister I suddenly felt my lips go tingly. I quickly picked up my iced tea and took a huge gulp.

"Elle, are you okay?" Naya questioned with a look of worry on her face.

"I'm f-fine, I just feel... A little... weird." I replied back, finding it hard to get my words out.

I suddenly felt like my tongue was too large to fit in my mouth and I started to cough.

"Elle, your skin! What's happening to you?!" I heard Naya shout frantically. "Roman do something, you idiot!"

"Peanuts... Bag... Shot..." Was all I managed to get out, I knew that I was having an allergic reaction.

Roman was suddenly on his feet and in my bag within seconds, pulling out the small pen injection that I used for emergencies like this. He quickly pulled up the sleeve of my blazer and stuck it into my skin and pressed down, emptying the liquid into my arm.

He then placed his hands on the back of my neck and rested his thumbs on my cheeks rubbing them against the skin soothingly.

"My god Elle, are you okay?" He asked me gently. I could see the worry in his eyes.

"I feel better now, thank you." I managed to whisper in reply after awhile.

He pulled away eventually after looking at me intently and checking over my face.I looked around and I could see everyone in the restaurant looking my way.

"Okay, you can all stop looking now!" Naya shouted making everyone quickly get back to what they were doing. She sure had a loud voice for a seventeen year old.

"Why didn't you mention anything Elle? You could have fucking died! That dish has peanut oil, is that what you reacted to?" Roman questioned.

"Yes, I'm allergic to peanuts. I didn't mean for that to happen, you ordered the specials for us and I just forgot to mention I'm deathly allergic to peanuts. I think I should go, I don't feel that well." I announced, taking a few more gulps from my iced tea before standing up.

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"No I'll be fine, thanks. Do you want some money for the food?" I asked knowing that he wouldn't.

"You mean the food that almost killed you? Of course I don't!" He replied astounded. "Look, let me drive you."

"No, I will take myself home." I told him firmly, giving him no room for argument. I didn't want him to be anywhere near me when I knew that I looked like a balloon. "Text me whenever. Also text me Naya's number and that way we won't have to always go through you. It was nice meeting you Naya, I'll be seeing you soon." I told her with a smile.

"Bye Elle, I hope you feel better." She replied gently and I could see her eyes looking over my face and neck. I was dreading looking in a mirror.

"Text me when you get home, so I know you haven't died on the way there." Roman told me seriously.

"Bye guys." I said before making a hasty retreat to my car, I don't think I could have got out of there any quicker.

When I reached my car I quickly pulled down the sun visor to look in the small mirror there.

Oh god.

I looked absolutely disgusting. My flawless skin was now covered in red patches of raised, angry bumps and I looked puffy and bloated. From past experiences I knew that even the littlest amount of peanuts would set me off, it was the most severe reaction you could get. Obviously other than dying...

I slammed my hands on the steering wheel in frustration. How could I work like this? I looked like a fucking walking disease, no guy in their right mind would touch me with a barge pole.

Daniel was going to just love this, I thought sarcastically. He was already losing money from Rachel quitting and now he would lose me for an untold amount of days until my skin got better.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCCCCK.


I was going clinically insane. I felt like clawing at the walls and rocking back and forth in my bathtub. If I didn't get back to work soon, I would lose all sense of reality.

Who knew four days off work would send me this crazy?

A little dramatic, I know, but I had done nothing for the past four days but walk Salem and go to the gym. Luckily my face had returned to it's normal state but the skin on the rest of my body was still a little red in patches and raised and bumpy. It was no where near as bad as a few days ago, but it wasn't perfect enough just yet to go back to work.

Daniel reacted just as I had expected him to, like a dick. He shouted and screamed and probably doubled his blood pressure but he knew at the end of the day that there was nothing he could do. He also enquired about how things were going with Roman but I told him he didn't need to know anything other than I was dealing with it and everything was going well so far, other than the fact that I had turned into a red puffer fish right in front of him.

"Salem, what can I do?" I groaned as I laid down on my sofa.

Salem just looked at me in reply before he carried on chewing his large beef bone happily, it was an easy life for some I thought as I rolled my eyes.

I knew staying in for another night wasn't an option, I decided that I would ask Brooke if she wanted to go out tonight, it was a Friday after all. I could also get to know her better. I would have asked Brent but I knew it being a Friday he would be busy down at the police station.

I sat up quickly and pulled on some shoes, ignoring how mismatched they looked with my black sports bra and cartoon pyjama shorts. I made my way out of my apartment and knocked on the door to my left where Brooke mentioned she lived.

When she finally opened the door she looked shocked to see my standing there. I saw her eyes take in my figure, scanning over the parts of skin that were still reddened.

"Elle? Are you okay?" What happened?" She questioned with concern.

"Oh, I'm fine, really, I just had a little allergic reaction, I'll be fine." I replied as I waved her concern off. "I came round to see if you wanted to hit a bar or something tonight, I've been stuck in my apartment for too many days."

"Oh, erm... I'll have to ask my boyfriend first." She replied quietly.

"You have to ask your boyfriend if your allowed out?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I'd never let someone dictate how I lived my life, ever.

"It's nothing like that," She answered quickly. "It's just, he works all day and I have to make sure he won't mind me getting in late because I wouldn't want to wake him up."

It sounded like bullshit to me but I wasn't going to dive into her personal life.

"Okay, well just let me know before seven or something." I told her with a small smile.

"Yeah, I will do. I'll hopefully see you later Elle." She smiled back before tucking her hair behind her ear shyly.

"Laters." I walked back to my apartment and made my way to the kitchen to take some of the anti-inflammatory tablets for my body. I then returned back to the living room and switched on the TV to watch one of the many mindless programmes they were showing that day.

I must have fallen asleep because sometime later, I heard a knocking on my door and Salem barking.

"Down boy." I ordered him when I reached the door.

I pulled it open and saw Brooke standing there playing with her sleeves nervously. This girl really needed to stop being so shy and grow some balls.

"Hi Brooke." I greeted her.

"Hiya Elle, I just came to say I'd love to come out tonight."

"Yes! You are a life saver Brooke!" I told her happily. "I can finally get out of this apartment!"

"If my apartment was as nice as yours, I wouldn't ever leave." She told me with a small laugh.

"It feels like a prison right about now. I'm so glad to be going out, go home Brooke, get ready and come back round to mine before nine and we'll head out." I rattled off. I was eager to go and change out of my sports bra and shorts.

"Okay, cya later Elle!" Brooke waved as she made her way back to her apartment.

"Come on S, let's go see what I can wear tonight that won't show off my hideous skin." I said excitedly as I rushed off to my room.

I couldn't even remember the last time I had gone to a bar for myself and not for work. I was excited, but I didn't know if I would be able to resist the urge of manipulating the rich men that would most likely be around, but I knew in order to solve that problem all I would have to do was take a look my skin and that urge would vanish.

The only sure thing I knew was that tonight, I was going to get well and truly wasted.

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