Forever & Always (Forever & A...

By TrishaHarrington

132K 3.9K 2K

"Hey, I'm Noah. Who are you?" he said, and that was how it started, how we started as small children in the p... More

Message From The Author
Starting High School
The Strength Of Friendship
A Not So Sudden Change
In The Light Of Day
Everything Comes Crashing Down
The Past, Part I
The Past, Part II
A Sudden Realization
A New Beginning
The Adjustment Period
Helping A Friend
A New Life
Facing The Truth
Celebrating Firsts
Return To The Lions Den
Hidden Suspicions
Friends & Foes
A Little Surprise
Time To Prepare
When One Door Closes...
Another Door Opens
Jesse's Fifteenth Birthday
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Finding Our Roles
The Wicked Witch
We Love What's Broken
Welcome To The World Baby J
Be Mine Forever
Let's Get It On
My Heart Is Yours Forever
Forever & Always
Thank you!
Interview with Jesse & Noah

A Fortnight In Paradise

1.7K 56 25
By TrishaHarrington

My point is that when you fall in love it's with a real person with flaws. Not with a perfect character from a fairy tale.

- Mette Ivie Harrison

The plane landed in Spain at nine am local time. It felt like a short flight, although both Noah and I knew it had been longer. Once we had found our seats it had been a journey full of kissing and touching, some people were not happy, but Noah showed them his ring and ignored them.

I was nestled into his arm for hours. It was strange to think we were going on our honeymoon. I had been on holidays a grand total of two times since I was born and both had been back in the states.

Noah rented a car at the airport and we drove for another hour. Spain was beautiful. The beach was in sight the whole journey. Beautiful clear blue water was glowing in the morning sunlight.

“You happy, baby?” Noah asked me, kissing the palm of my hand. He had not let it go at all that day; even on the plane his refusal to let it go had not wavered. I smiled at him and nodded happily.

“Great. We’ve got two whole weeks of sun, sea and sex. Nothing better comes to mind at the moment.” Noah’s answering chuckle made me feel warm inside. I loved hearing his laugh. “We should talk about the letter now, though. I don’t want this over our heads much longer.”

“You don’t want anyone else to know about the letter, I know that. It still doesn’t feel right to me; I can’t forgive her like you can. However, I can admit she was in a bad way her whole life. I still don’t like her though.”

I opened my mouth but he spoke first. “I know, I know, but we both know you’re the kinder of the two. You have a kinder heart by far and I’m just pointing out how I feel. It’s why I love you, the fact you can forgive her is huge.”

I leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Love, we both know your heart is just as big as mine. Just because you can’t forgive her means nothing to me. Look at Lexi, you like her now, or at least you tolerate her and that’s big.”

“Yeah well, I can admit she makes you happy and she’s been a good friend to you over the years. I’m not sure what I’d say about her though if she pulled any crap again. But I’m not an ass and I get she was sick at the time.”

“You like her a little bit, no matter how much you protest I know you have a thing with her now. You both enjoy winding the other up. It’s sweet.” His face at the beginning of what I said made me laugh.

“Calm down, big guy, I know you’d never cheat on me.” His face relaxed and he wrinkled his nose. “Hell, I don’t even like girls, besides she’s not that attractive. Boobs and stuff are not for me.”

He turned to me with a wink. “You on the other hand are hot as hell and I’m so lucky you wanted to marry an ugly bastard like me.” It was my undoing and I head to sit back up and put my head between my legs.

“Fucking bastard, you knew what that would do to me.” I muttered through my heavy breathing. The laughter had died down enough for me to speak, but Noah took over where I had left off.

“Concentrate on the road. I don’t want to die young.” His smile faded slowly, and he turned back to the road. His concentration stayed on the road while we drove through a small village. It really was a beautiful country.

I felt a kiss pressed to the top of my head and I smiled. It was starting to look like it would take forever to get to the hotel when I heard a sharp intake of breath. Looking up I saw exactly what Noah saw and it was stunning.

A glass hotel stood beautifully in front of crystal blue water. I was mesmerised by the sight and no doubt Noah was too. It looked like it was out of a movie. The water looked like it should have been a picture; I had never seen a beach like it before.

“I guess that’s what we can look forward to for the next two weeks. Wow!” He stopped the car in the parking lot and I started to get butterflies. The sight in front of us was like nothing I had ever seen and I’m pretty sure the same could be said for him.

Noah rushed out of the car and before I could open the door he was opening it for me, standing aside so I could get out, and then took my hand. I smiled and blushed like a girl when he pulled me along.

A woman at the reception desk looked up as we approached. She didn’t look overly happy to see us holding hands, but then again she didn’t look happy full stop. Her eyes were dark green as they met mine, I shivered slightly.

She spoke in a thick British accent. “Can I help you gentlemen with anything?” Noah didn’t say anything about the way she spoke and I breathed a sigh of relief. He was bouncing in place and I smiled when he spoke.

“My beautiful husband and I are here for our honeymoon. We booked the private suite with the beach attached.” His tone was more enthusiastic than happy and I smiled at the shock in the woman’s eyes.

“I see, well, Mr Grabowski, your suite has been prepared for you and you can go up at any time. Just call down to the reception if you need anything.” She handed Noah a key and finally added. “Have a nice stay.”

“Thank you, my husband and I can’t wait to get our honeymoon started. I think we’ll want our bags brought up because I want it to be us for the rest of the day.” Her jaw dropped and I laughed silently.

Noah pulled me along and we looked around the hotel. It was modern inside, and I felt as if I was in a glass house. The walls and ceiling were completely made out of glass and all the furniture looked like it belonged. It was stunning.

“Come on baby, we have to go see our room. We get to spend two weeks here!” Noah pulled me into the elevator and kissed me. His enthusiasm made the kiss one hundred times better and I was smiling into his mouth. I could feel his smile too.

“You have no idea how happy I am angel. No idea at all. This is what I have dreamed of for us. You and me, married, together and able to do whatever the hell we want. Two weeks of just you and me.”

He was bouncing again and I had to smile when he spoke again. It was like looking at a child in Disneyland. “You and me, baby. Just you and me with lots of sex and fun and maybe we could see dolphins!”

I smiled seductively at him. “Trust me; I know exactly how you feel. I have been dreaming of this since I was a kid. And some of my dreams might even come true this fortnight. So you better hope you can keep up.”

With that I went to my knees and opened his zipper. Noah’s cock was bulging out of his boxers and I pressed my mouth against the wet patch there. His sharp intake of breath and blush made me smile. I kissed him through his boxers once and did up the zipper.

I stood back just as the doors opened and a woman and two kids walked in. They were followed by a man and an elderly woman who scowled at Noah when she saw the bulge that tented his jeans.

The older woman glared at Noah. “You know in my day boys didn’t look like that over a girl in public. We had gentlemen and not,” she surveyed him sceptically. “Not boys who get off in public.”

She paused for a moment. “You look like someone who has just ‘jacked off’ in a public place. People like you need to be thought manners, and think of your poor friend beside you. He must be embarrassed!”

I snickered at the face Noah made. His face had reddened, but there was also a trace of green there. “Sorry ma’am. My husband likes to think about me a lot, it’s our honeymoon. He’s not normally this bad in public.”

She looked at him and his blush deepened. She finally spoke. “I think you’re lucky to have such a wonderful man, you would want to be careful you don’t lose him.” She winked at me as the doors opened.

The couple and kids were looking at the older woman and trying to hide their smirks. The kids were about eleven or twelve and the adults must have been their parents. The man didn’t look like the older woman, but the other woman looked like a younger version of her.

“Don’t worry ma’am. He treats me properly, especially when he’s ‘thinking’ about me.” She smiled at me and I pulled Noah out of the elevator. His face pressed into the back of my neck and I could feel the heat coming from his body.

It was hard not to laugh there and then. His face didn’t leave my neck during the walk to our room. Only reluctantly moving it when he realised he was the one with the key. I could see his face was red. Mine must have been too, but for a different reason.

I waited until he opened the door and we were inside before I let go. My laughter came out and I couldn’t stop it. Noah was looking at me with a serious expression, his hands pressed into his hips and it was my undoing.

I fell over and laughed on the floor. My excitement and his expression were too much and I laughed until he was too hard to breathe. Then when I caught my breath I laughed again until he was crouched over and kissing my forehead.

“You have made me so happy, you’ll never know, love.” My words brought a smile to his face and I couldn’t stop myself from kissing the frown on his face. I grabbed his hand, lacing our fingers and placed it over my heart.

“My hearts okay. It’s yours and nothing will stop it from beating, you can see it and feel it. But, I want you to hear it too. Put your head on my chest and lie here with me. It’s just us. No one else is in here.”

His head rested against my chest and I smiled. His lips brushed over my chest and I wrapped my arms around his larger body. The feeling of his head resting there felt so right, it was his heart and I wanted him to hear it beating.

At some point he pushed himself off me and helped me up. I was lead over to the bed and he undressed me carefully. His lips brushed every piece of exposed skin. I could see the want and need in his eyes.

I undressed him too, taking time to worship his body. The thrill that ran through me when he shivered was enough to bring me close. The way his body was trembling when I finished gave me enough satisfaction.

We kissed languidly on the bed. Our bodies pressed together and our skin touching. My mouth was his to claim and it felt as though he had set my whole body on fire from his kisses alone. Those soft lips were perfect against mine.

He made love to me both physically and mentally. His words of love were enough to make me come, but when he started kissing my body and loving it I was lost. His sweet way of making me crave him worked perfectly well.

Nothing could have stopped me from crying during those hours of love. I knew I was crying and instead of letting the tears take over, I would kiss him back. Every touch and kiss returned was what our love was about, we were equal.

The walls could have caved in or a storm could have started outside, neither of us would have noticed for those things were not important. The man whose arms were holding me close was all that was important and even my dreams were filled with nothing but him.

We woke the next morning and made love again, and a second time in the shower. It was fun not having to worry about getting up or doing anything. Noah even managed to get dressed so we could go down for breakfast.

It wasn’t what most people would think of as the perfect honeymoon, but for us it was. Taking things easy and eating together was great; nothing could have topped me waking up in my husband’s arms.

“What do you want to do today? We have so much time on our hands, it’s strange.” I was happy to see Noah’s smile when he answered me. I had worried about what he would do when the man beside us started protesting about the “fags” beside him.

“We could lounge around by the pool for a while, maybe get some down time and just relax. You know the stuff we never get to do because we’re so busy.” He looked over at the man beside us and smirked.

“Besides, we can always make out by the pool and maybe have some fun there, especially with this being our honeymoon. We have the perfect excuse to hang all over each other.” I almost chocked on my juice.

“When do we need an excuse to do that? I’ve never seen you apologised for hanging out of me. I don’t want you to start either.” Noah’s reaction was to lean forward and curl my hair through his fingers before kissing me.

It was not a peck, let me tell you that. It was a full on passionate kiss that could have easily led to us making out if I hadn’t pulled back when I did. His lips were puffy and red when I opened my eyes and he was looking at mine.

“Down boy, we can do that later. But for now, just eat your breakfast.” I smiled at him and we continued eating. The man’s eyes had fixed on me and I couldn’t stop myself from looking up once Noah had gone to the toilet.

“Have a problem?” I asked him, his sneer was enough to raise my blood pressure. He was older, maybe in his late fifties or early sixties. Not ugly, but definitely not that attractive. He was okay looking for someone older.

“If you want to suck a cock boy you should come here and suck mine. I’d shove it so far up your ass that you would never forget me.” His growl was replaced by Noah’s. He had been too far away to hear what the man had said, but my face had gone completely white.

Noah leaned close to the man. He spoke in a low growl so people wouldn’t hear. “If you ever talk to my husband like that again I will end you. Do you hear me you sick pervert? I. Will. End. You!”

The man laughed at him and Noah wrapped his arm around my waist to help me back to our room. It was hard to move with my body shaking the way it was. I did my best to fight back the tears that were threatening my eyes.

Noah led me into the room and I curled into a ball on the bed. His hands rubbed my back, offering comfort and giving silent permission to let all the emotions out. It was hard to let go, I felt like a failure.

“It’s okay angel, you can cry. There’s no shame in crying. I’ll kill the bastard for upsetting you. You are perfect angel, I’m sorry the world can’t see it.” He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck and tucked me against his body.

“Would you believe it if I told you I’m not upset? It’s stupid, but I’m scared not upset, scared that there will be men… Men who want to do those things to me again. I feel like that will always be hanging over me.”

I shivered and he kissed me gently. He told me not to worry and I fell asleep in his arms. They kept me safe and I was happy. Noah’s strong arms were enough to make me feel safe and secure no matter what was going on.

The rest of the day we spent in our bedroom. He had decided I needed to be shown how beautiful I was. I’m not sure how many times we got it up, but it was more times than most people would get it up in a week.

Our fifth day we finally made it out to the beach. Between having sex and going to the pool we had managed to forget the beach. It had been a great few days and I was starting to tan. My skin was a light golden colour.

“We should do this more often. I love being here with you like this, taking time for just us. We used to do that before we got together and our lake has been deserted since we started our senior year. It misses us.”

He was right; we hadn’t been to the lake as much as before. “Maybe we could spend more time out there when we move in. We’ll both be pretty busy for the next few years, but I can see us working something out.”

“As long as it involves the two of us I’m game. You have to admit we need to spend more time doing stuff, not just having sex. It’s fun and all but we have been neglecting the other things we used to do.”

“Yeah, we have. I miss it sometimes. Just hanging out and watching TV, eating pizza or Chinese. We always did that kind of stuff before. I can still remember the last time we watched South Park, it was just before we got together.”

He smiled at me fondly. “I remember it was that day you agreed to stay at my house. That was a fucking awesome day. I loved you back then and it’s hard to remember a time when I couldn’t do this.”

He pulled me into his arms and kissed him. His lower half grinding against mine told me how hard he was. I laughed into the kiss and we were both still kissing when a high pitched female voice interrupted us.

“Young man you must use Viagra to get your energiser bunny up like that every day as often as you do.” The old woman from the first day was standing behind Noah. Her face was memorable and I could see the humour in her eyes.

“Excuse me?” Noah sounded embarrassed and confused. I buried my head in my hand. Hiding the smile on my face was harder than I had expected. The way she just came out with the statement abruptly had me close to tears.

“You know those pills that help you to get it up. Sometimes they last enough for you to get it up more than once. I’m thinking you take them so you can fuck your husband like a bunny. You seem to be hard enough anyway.”

Noah’s face, well let’s just say it was redder than I had ever seen it before. My own face must have gone some shade of red to because she was not letting it go. She looked at me for a minute and smiled brightly.

“I have to admit you two make a wonderful couple. I bet the sex is hot, especially with the way you look at your husband. I’ve not seen a couple like that in decades, funny, they were gay too.” She sounded wistful.

“Does he get it up enough for you? I would say at my age it’s too much, but when you’re young and vibrant it must be wonderful to have someone who can get it up morning, noon and night.”

I was shaking hard when I answered. “He gets it up enough for me and I can tell you I don’t think anyone could be better at having sex than Noah is. He’s very, very good and he doesn’t need anything to get it up.”

“Your first?” She asked and I nodded. “My one and only too, and the only one I’ll ever need.” I replied calmly. She smiled at me and it showed how good looking she was and must have been in her youth.

“Good, it’s always wonderful when you can spend your life with one person. Now if you’ll excuse me, I don’t want to see your husband’s skinny white ass in the air when he takes you here. Gentlemen,” she nodded and left.

I looked at Noah who was standing there with his mouth hanging open. The smile I couldn’t hold back made my own jaws ache. It had to be said that Noah was one of those guys who didn’t like to be teased, especially about our sex life.

Noah’s eyes darted to my mouth and I kissed him. His eyes closed for the kiss and our bodies moved together. The beach was deserted and it should have been all ours, it was part of the package we had bought, the old lady must have loved teasing him to take the risk.

The growl that came from Noah’s chest was the only warning before my legs wrapped around his, trying to keep myself in his strong arms. With our clothes still on he walked us into the water.

Our kiss took on new heights and wet Noah was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. His body was solid and hard, strong and reliable. It kept us up right in the water and we kissed and groped in the water.

“I love you so fucking much.” He murmured into my ear and claimed my mouth again. The water was to my abdomen now and I didn’t care. I was in Noah’s arms, kissing my husband and alone on a beach with him.

Our lips were still connected when we left the water and my back hit the sand. Noah’s lips were nibbling on my neck and my chest. His tongue licked along my body and face. It was erotic and sexy wet dream come true.

Our clothes came off in a matter of seconds. His lips landing on mine again as his body covered mine. I groaned and broke the kiss mouthing lube. He smiled at me and reached for his jeans pocket removing a tiny packet of lube.

“Cocky bastard, aren’t you?” I muttered. “Your cocky bastard and you better believe it because I’m going to rock your world baby. You won’t ever forget me after this.” His voice was a guttural growl.

“Never could forget you, can’t forget my other half. Screw that, I could never forget the man who makes my heart beat and gives me a fucking reason to live.” His lips smashed down and we were done talking.

I moaned when his lips found my sweet spot. It was so much better than any dream I had ever had. This was Noah making love to me on a beach on our honeymoon. Nothing could compare to his lips or his body in my mind.

He moved down my body and I felt his tongue circle my hole. He had gotten good at rimming fast and it was one of his favourite things to do now. I writhed under him as he attacked my hole with his tongue.

“Oh God Noah, your tongue feels so good. You are… Fuck. Amazing.” I could feel the smirk on his face and I wasn’t able to look at him when I heard a tear and felt his fingers swirl around my hole.

He was slow and careful stretching me. No matter how badly he wanted me or how powerful his lust was he would never rush. His fear of hurting me was a major thing I loved about him, he could make himself hurt quicker and sometimes he did.

Once I was ready he slipped inside me and we rocked together. Our love making was intense, his eyes were looking straight at my soul and I shivered under him. His hips rocked back and forward, his cock hitting my prostate.

Our lips met and our fingers laced together over my head and he finished us off. Thrusting in so powerfully that I felt the air get knocked out of my lungs and finally we came. Our bodies melted against each other’s.

“Jesus Christ, I’ll never get tired of that.” Noah panted and collapsed on top of me. His body felt like a second layer. It was amazing to have him on top of me like a blanket. Nothing could beat the feeling.

Noah’s face was flushed and I could see the sweat on his skin. Feeling bold, I liked his shoulder lapping the sweat up. It tasted purely masculine and all Noah. It was funny how someone could taste like themselves.

“We need to do this again, and again, and maybe again.” I chuckled when Noah started kissing me. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth. I moaned and started nibbling on his lips then moved to his neck where I bit down hard making him shiver.

“You make me horny Jess, no doubt about that. I could make love to you all day and never tire of it. I’m already getting hard again, we have a long way to go before I ever need anything to help there, maybe I never will.”

I laughed and pulled him off me, snuggling into his chest and closing my eyes I fell asleep on the beach. Noah was there stroking my back and kissing my neck and cheek and forehead. He fell asleep before I did and that was enough to send me off too.

We managed to get some shopping done during the second week. Noah found a necklace mom would like and I picked up a cool baseball for dad. It wasn’t like one I’d ever seen before and Noah said the same.

I felt so free walking down the street and holding his hand, people might have paid a small amount of attention, but no one stopped to stare at us. I liked it because of that. Some young girls even waved like we were celebrities.

We stopped by a wishing fountain and I got to make the wish. Noah was smiling the whole time and when I had finished he kissed me deeply. Someone wold whistled behind us, but when we turned around no one was there.

We also had another run in with the woman at the front desk. We had been making out in one of the corridors when she walked by. Noah didn’t hear her, but when he pulled back I saw her looking at us.

“Come to enjoy the show? Maybe you want to watch us make love on the floor because I know you don’t have a problem with me kissing my husband. Do you?” Noah really enjoyed winding the woman up.

She looked startled for a moment. “I was just going to my room to relax for a while. No problems here gentlemen. I just have a tiny headache and you have your husband pushed against my door.”

Noah took it to an extreme and looked at her with a smile. “Sorry about that. At least you didn’t come by five minutes earlier or this could have been embarrassing. Oopsies.” Her face changed colour. I blushed at the lie and he pulled me along.

I heard the woman say. “The dirty fags screwed against my door. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I need to get a better fucking job. I don’t need to deal with this shit. This is fucking disgusting.”

Our final day was a lazy day. We had spent the morning having sex. Noah and I went down to get something to eat in the afternoon. Outside in the courtyard the old woman and her family were eating, she motioned us over.

“Well hello you two, enjoying the honeymoon?” She had a huge smirk on her face and Noah blushed. I had to laugh because no one had ever made him blush that much, apart from me and I was trying those times.

“We’ve had a great time, kind of sad it’s almost over, but I’m happy we came here. It’s my first time out of the states.” The kids looked at me like I had grown a second head which made me laugh, they were spoilt, and that much was obvious.

“How could you not have gone on holidays before? Everyone goes somewhere when they’re kids, even our friends go.” Noah snickered beside me at the horrified look on their parents faces; the old woman just rolled her eyes.

I leaned over to them and whispered. “I was really poor when I was younger. Not many people know that, but I had no family. Noah’s family have been really nice though and they have made me a part of their family.”

They had the grace to blush and I smiled at them. The old woman was watching me with a look in her eyes, something I had not seen in very many people. Those eyes looked familiar though, almost like I had seen them before.

We exchanged smiles and it was then I saw it. The woman looked nothing like her, but she had something. Something that was in her smile and I knew who she was. Noah was talking football with the man and the woman had her head in her hands.

I told Noah that I would be back and got up. It took a minute before I realised the woman was following me. She was smart enough to follow me, so I knew she knew. It was complicated to explain what was going on around me.

“How did you figure me out?” I was standing near a half wall, looking out at the beach. She stood beside me easily. I wanted to say I had always know who she was and that I had been waiting for her to say something, instead I answered.

“Andrea had the exact same smile, of course I only saw it a handful of times. She never wanted me to see it, but I know the way her face light up.” The old woman sighed, her face aged in those few moments.

“I guess what I heard isn’t just rumours so, she really did abuse you. My own daughter could abuse her child, never thought I’d see the day where I would be saying that, to the son in question.”

“She was abused too.” I told her. “Her father, he raped her and from what I know she didn’t have a good life with them. Not the type of like you would want anyway.” It was sad to see the woman’s face fall.

“They didn’t want me to have her. That man and his wife, they said they were staying together and would pass my baby off as theirs. She never knew I know that because I met her once, she looked horrible.”

“No, she never knew, but I’m glad I do. It’s nice to find out these things.” We talked for a short time after that, and agreed Noah was the only one who would find out the truth, she was impressed that we kept no secrets.

Noah grabbed my hand when we returned to the table. I told him what I had found out and he blushed. It was worse for him to imagine my grandmother talking about our sex life than a stranger. She just watched on in silence.

I got a text from Ricky while we were talking about something. I can’t remember what it was we were talking about.

Hey Jesse, hope you guys are having a good time. I found a new Kelly! She’s alive and it’s so cool because she’s just like the old Kelly. Now we have Kelly’s twins. They’re called Casey and Cassidy. Tell Noah.

Rick :

Noah laughed and rolled his eyes when I gave him my phone. No one mentioned anything which was lucky because I didn’t want them to think we had done drugs or something. The old woman was still enjoying winding Noah up though.

“So, how did you two meet?” Noah smiled and I couldn’t look at him when he answered. “We met on Jess’ first day of school. It was love at first sight for both of us. I’ve loved him my whole life.”

“You started young so.” I hid behind my hand and looked everywhere but there. “Started young? What do you mean I started young?” Someone snickered around the table and I had a feeling it was the man.

“Well, if you met when you were so young you must have been fucking like bunnies for a lot of years. Learned about wet dreams quite young not that there’s anything wrong with learning all this young.”

“We didn’t have sex straight away; well I did dream we had… Oh God, can you stop please. I don’t want to talk about my sex life with you.” He was blushing bright red again and I kissed his cheek.

“Oh I don’t believe that for a second. Especially when you use Viagra the body needs sex. You being on those types of things would have you rock hard, like I imagine you are now. I won’t be visiting your room again.”

She explained then that she had called by the night before and Noah looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up. I had given her our room number and much to Noah’s embarrassment she must have wanted to visit.

Feeling bold I rubbed my hand over his crotch. He squirmed in the chair and I smirked. The look on his face was priceless. The old woman noticed too, she was watching us and even peered under the table. I had removed my hand though.

“Everything okay Noah? You look a little flustered sitting there. Would you like a drink or maybe you want to go back to the beach?” He cursed under his breath and I could hear words like “shit” and “fuck” every few seconds.

“I’m fine, just feeling a bit uncomfortable all of a sudden. I assure you it’s nothing to worry about.” I brushed my hand against his now incredibly large bulge and he hissed. It was loud enough to make the people at the table across from us look over in disgust.

“Maybe you should go to the doctor to get rid of the problem. You’re too young to be feeling very uncomfortable in such a strange place.” Noah’s hands were clasped on the table and it took a great deal of strength for him to pull it off.

Noah and I said our goodbyes with a promise that we would meet up again that night. We went back to our room; Noah was worked up by the time I got into the bathroom. His body crowded me against the door.

“Someone’s been a very bad angel. Do you have any idea who that angel could be?” He whispered in my ear and I felt myself shiver.

“No,” I replied huskily. He kissed the back of my neck and I turned around in his arms. His body was flush against mine and his lips only inches from my own. I flicked my tongue out to lick his lips.

“Bad angel’s need to get punished, but my angel doesn’t get punished. My angel gets lots of kisses. Does my angel want kisses?” I replied my pressing my lips to his and his tongue snaked out into my mouth.

We kissed like men drowning in the beach. Our breathing was ragged and it was incredibly sexy when he started rutting and grinding against me. Our errections were rubbing against the others, our hands roaming the back of shirts.

I felt his hands tug on my hair and I let out a protest when his lips moved from mine and down my neck. The sounds we were making were loud enough to be heard by anyone passing by our suite.

We both came when he bit down on my neck. The feeling of his body vibrating against mine was enough to make me come. He dropped to his knees and hugged my waist. My legs almost gave way but he held me up.

“I love you angel, you’re my pretty angel and I love seeing you all happy and smiley it makes me very, very happy. I want to kiss you again.” He whispered the words into my abdomen and I pulled him up.

This kiss was softer and gentler. It was not rushed or horny, it was slow and really very easy. We only pulled apart when we couldn’t catch our breath. Neither of us moved away though and he held me in the doorway.

“I love my Noah. You are the one I have dreamed of since I was a little boy with no one who cared and now I have you. My big strong husband as well as my bestest friend in the whole wide world.”

We showered together and dressed in loose fitting shorts and shirts. Once inside the elevator I already felt a bit adventurous again. When I crowded Noah and kissed him he groaned in a minor protest, but I still dropped to my knees and undid the zipper.

His cock in my mouth was hard and so I knew he wanted me to take care of it. I felt his body shake in my hands and I finished him off just before the doors opened. A middle aged man walked in and looked at us with disgust.

“Fucking like horny teenagers in a lift, what the hell will be next? I ask you.” The man’s British accent was not as thick as the woman at the front desk. The doors opened again and she stepped in, looking at us and rolling her eyes.

Noah grabbed my hand and kissed me again. He was still blushing and looked more than a little flustered but he still kissed me. Our tongues swirled and explored each other’s mouths until we finally got out.

When we were alone again he pulled me in close to him and whispered. “I’ll have to keep you off the elevator if you’re going to do that every time we get into one. I don’t want others to see my bits or imagine you doing that to them.”

I smiled and kissed him before walking out the double doors. There was a full moon out and I saw the old woman and her family on the public part of the beach. They were waiting for us. Dozens of couples had gathered for the fireworks and music.

We spent some time there and said goodbye. The woman and I agreed not to keep contact, but I promised if I ever had any information that I would try to find her. She didn’t give me her name, but said there would be a way in the modern age.

That night when Noah and I were walking along our private beach he stopped me. I looked at him. “Want to dance on the beach? It’s always been one of those things you mentioned to me, we can make love again after.”

Before I had the chance to answer he was swaying to an imaginary music. We kissed and held each other. I pressed my lips to his neck and he pressed his to mine. I cuddled in closer to him and he held me.

“I love you, forever and always. I’ll never forget the past two weeks; they have been two of the best weeks of my life. I want to make love to you now on the beach on the last night of our honeymoon.”

I nodded against his neck and he did just that. It was a long night and I topped for the second time in our relationship that night. It was a beautiful and magical experience and it was one of the best nights of my life.

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