Starting High School

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We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That's what connects us--that we're all broken, all beautifully imperfect.”

― Emilio Estevez

I sat at the back of the crowded cafeteria eating fries and a burger, watching the students as they walked to their tables. My first day of high school had been a success so far. No one had noticed me, which was good because it meant no one could bully me. A deep and sexy, yet teasing voice pulled me out of my wandering mind.

"Earth to Jesse, come back to me man!"

I looked up and met those chocolate-brown eyes of my best friend. Noah was sitting in front of me, all six foot four inches of him. You could just make out his light brown hair, from his tight military style cut. It accentuated his bright smile.

He fastened his Letterman Jacket so it showed off his well large, muscled physique. He was always smiling around me, even when I said or did nothing. He always saw the good in me. And we had been best friends since I was four years old, ten years later and he still wanted to hang out with me. 

"Sorry, got a bit lost there. How's the first day back going?"

Rolling his eyes, he reached over and grabbed a couple of fries off my plate and answered.

"It's going okay I guess. But you know I hate school, so what more can I say. I would prefer to play video games with you, or just hang out. How's your first day going? Has anyone started to bully you yet?"

His tone changed as he spoke the last part. His voice was now hard and angry instead of the happy tone he had used just minutes before. I got the shivers when he spoke like that. I could never figure out why, it just made me feel good to know he cared about me.

"No one has bullied me today, so for me it's a good day. I have a few more classes, but I do not think anything will happen before the last bell."

"Good, but tell me after school of anything does happen. Okay?"

I nodded and he sat back in his chair again. Casually Noah shoved his plate across the table to me and smiled. After finishing my food, I ravished his plate as well. He had ordered a sandwich and a side order of fries. Normally he ate one sandwich and a couple of fries and gave me the rest. This had been the ritual since we met.

"Are you still coming to my house after school? Mom left me money for Chinese food, we can watch a couple of movies and eat. You know like we do almost every day." 

"Sure, but I need to go home before eight. But I can stay longer the rest of the week." 

Noah flashed this heart stopping smile, the one he always got when he had an idea. It also made me hard every time I saw it. Sometimes I think he knew how it affected me, he always used it against me. Always. It was very unfair. 

"So why not stay for the week. You can bring some clothes to school tomorrow and mom will drop them off at the house."

"Sure, but I should bring some money as well. That way I can pay for my own food."

A scowl crossed his face at my words, it was always worth a shot. But I was never allowed to pay for anything when I stayed with them. The first time I had gone to their house I brought about twenty dollars. They took it off me and did not give it back until I was leaving, I never brought money again. Unless I thought I would get away with it. But I didn't.

"You do not have to pay for anything. My parents love having you over, and we can easily afford to feed you. Let's face it, you're part of the family. So do not bring money, do you understand?"

"Yes sir, sorry sir."

We both laughed and started planning our week together. It was not the first time I had stayed a long period at their house. Actually I practically lived with them. I only left when I knew my mother would be leaving. While she was gone I would not leave their house, it was like a second home for me. Well actually, it was home to me.

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