A New Life

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Starting a new is not difficult. What is difficult is leaving your old life behind. Our pasts have a way of blending into our present. So it is our job to keep the past in the past and to move on with our new happier lives.

"Jesse, are you ready to go home?" Noah asked me as I finished packing my bag.

With only a week left until Christmas, now was the perfect time to be leaving. But I had not expected to feel the way I did about it. I was nervous. Not sure how things would work. I wasn't going back to that lifeless house, but that house was all I knew in a lot of ways.

"I'm ready to start our new life." I replied and Noah beamed at me. I could see in his eyes how happy he was. Although he had showed it a lot lately. His eyes always seemed more expressive since I woke up. But I wasn't sure who had changed. I suppose in a sense we both had. Neither of us was the same as we had been.

"Baby this is going to be great. We'll live together for the rest of our lives. It's what we talked about at the lake." His voice was excited and childlike. Not the way I was feeling at all. Things were still tense when Nathan became the topic of conversation. I'm not sure how long we avoided talking about him altogether.

"Yeah it will, but don't forget I'm not used to 24/7 attention. Things will be different for a while. I'm not sure how I will handle being coddled." He looked at me and smiled sadly. I felt guilty. He loved me so much and I was upsetting him.

I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. Our eyes met and I could feel the tension melt from my body. We had reached a new level of our relationship, and things had changed since then. But one thing remained the same. Noah was still the only person for me.

"I love you." I whispered to him. "I love you too, so much." He whispered back and we stood there for a couple of moments. Just holding each other. Our bodies molded together. 

I basked in the warmth. The love. Everything that was Noah. It was just a perfect few moments. Ones where the rest of the world was shut out. It was just the two of us, and it was perfection for me.

Incredible, simply incredible. I could not be happier right now. How did I luck out with him. I will never take this for granted.

"Boys are you ready to go?" Daddy's voice startled us and we turned to see him at the door with mom. They both had huge grins plastered on their faces. Mom looked especially happy. It was unusual to see such open affection from a mom. Well towards me it was anyway. She always looked at Noah that way.

"Yeah dad. We're ready." Noah replied and took my hand as he led me out of the hospital room. Daddy grabbed my bag and mom linked our arms. We shared a mutual smile, one of thanks and promises.

"Excited?" She asked me as we passed the nurses and doctors.

I nodded and added. "Excited, nervous, unsure, happy. All rolled into one. It's strange, would be the best way to describe it." I told her honestly.

"That's to be expected. You are coming home with us for good. It will take time for you to adjust to all the changes in your life. We will give you all the space you need." She told me and Noah squeezed my hand.

"Thanks mom. It means a lot."

"No problem sweetheart. It is only normal to feel kind of strange at first. After everything you've been through I would be more worried if you just felt excited.", She said softly.

Once we got inside the car I took a breath. Everything was happening really fast and I needed a minute.

Wow. Things are developing so fast. It's all so surreal. Nothing feels the same anymore. But it's good that things feel different. I'm just not used to it.

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