Thank you!

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Wow, it's all over. I hope you have enjoyed my story. It was an emotional time. My plan for this was to write a story and hope I got a few people to read it. I never imagined people would love it as much as me. I am sorry for any errors. I am not professional, but this story was from my heart and I'm sad to see the end.

In all honestly, I have tears in my eyes and my heart is aching. Saying goodbye is never easy. But, I've had fun and I hope you all have too. My fans and readers have kept me writing and inspired me so many times.

Don't worry though. I will be writing a sequel. But, I have other stories to be written first and one day I might even re-write this. When I am better and my writing has grown. You have all been amazing readers and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 

Thank you all my wonderful readers. Your support has been incrdible and none of you have any idea how much it means to me. I love you all.

Trisha :) xxx

Forever & Always (Forever & Always #1) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now