Be Mine Forever

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There is shine and rain in life but once the storm is over, we’ll see a bright shiny day again. Just like an umbrella, I’m always by your side whether it rains or the sun shines. One day when you think of the people who love you, I’m certainly one of them. If one day you are no longer loved by anyone, it’s because I’m no longer around.

Jamie’s first year of life went by so quickly. She was such a good baby to be around, and once she started smiling she never stopped. Her hair did turn blonde and everyone commented on how much she looked like me.

She was what I had always wanted in a little sister, and mom commented on how good I was with her. I loved learning to feed and change her diaper. It was not exactly glamorous job, but it made me feel important.

Noah and I grew stronger as a couple during that year. We found our own rhythm and when he had to repeat his junior sophomore year and it was strange doing the same work as him. The only sad thing was I no longer went to school.

I was lucky though that I could take my exams there and I was given permission to use the science lab. I also had permission to go into school for the day when the games were on. I was just not there for actual classes.

One of the best things that happened that year was Nick. He and Chris did meet and hit it off immediately. He became a part of the family and daddy often went out with them after work. They were like the three musketeers.

The best thing about Nick was he really seemed to fall for Chris fast. Noah really liked Nick too. He was given free access to his gym and took him up on the offer to use it when he liked. He built a lot of muscle over the few months he used the gym.

It was Christmas that year when I made the decision to further our relationship. Noah was after turning seventeen and I was almost sixteen. We were ready for more and I knew he would be happy about it; he brought it up enough to be happy.

Noah’s big game of the season was that May and I started planning. That morning started out like any other. I woke with my arms around his head, which was resting contentedly on my stomach.

Like most mornings, I watched him while he slept. His sleep induced sex talk had become a regular occurrence. He hated when mom or daddy walked in on him while he was groaning or shouting out about sex. This morning it didn’t happen.

“That’s it angel. You’re so tight and so hot, I want to make love to you until you forget your name and I am the only thing you know. I want to be the only person in your head.” His voice trailed off for a while.

“Jess, baby, you feel so good under me. I could take you here, now and you would love it.” His back arched off the bed, his eyes remained closed and his lips pressed a kiss to my stomach. I smiled down at my beautiful boyfriend.

A few minutes later he opened his eyes. They looked skeptical at first, and after a look around the room, he relaxed. His arms tightened around my stomach and he smiled up at me. At the sight of the love and adoration in his eyes I sucked a breath.

“Morning angel, did I talk dirty in my sleep again?” I nodded and he smiled at me. Leaning over he took my mouth and kissed me. He had gotten to be a devil for kissing me whenever he could. No matter where we were. The only bad time had been at a funeral.

“You excited for your big game today?” I asked him when I caught my breath. His eyes were gleaming when he answered. “Not really, I love the sport and always will. But, I’m looking forward to spending the night with you more.”

It was sappy but true lines like that that had me fall even more in love with him. The thing that amazed me the most was I found myself falling in love with him a tiny bit more every day. It was a great feeling when I realised that.

Forever & Always (Forever & Always #1) (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora