don't forget about me | ethan...

By obsessingxchandler

350K 5.1K 8.3K

"Ethan, promise me one thing." "What?" "Promise you won't forget about me." "I won't. I promise. Pinky promis... More

please read!
small lil rant
im horrible
please read!
hello friends
hey hey hey


12.2K 219 899
By obsessingxchandler


It's almost five in the morning and I'm wide awake at Brooke's house. She fell asleep on the floor and I'm still sitting with my foot up on the table because, hey! There's a big ass cut on the bottom of my foot and I can't walk. 

I had to turn off my phone to stop the spam of messages coming from my family or else my phone would have died. 

I wish I had a power button. I wish all humans did. Then we could just turn off whenever things got bad, or turn off someone we didn't like. Of course you could turn back on again but unfortunately some people wouldn't. They would stay turned off forever.

"Hey, you still awake?" Brooke's groggy morning voice asked, pulling herself up off the floor and sitting down in front of me with a first aid kit. 

"Yeah," I nodded. "I fell asleep for a bit but I woke up an hour ago and couldn't fall back to sleep."

Just as I finished my sentence, more rubbing alcohol was poured on a cloth and held to the cut on the bottom of my foot, forcing me to grab the arms of the chair and hiss in pain. 

"Well, it looks a little better, it finally stopped bleeding!" She smiled, applying a cream to it. "I'm gonna wrap some new bandages around it then I'm gonna make up some breakfast. I hope you like day old nachos!"

"I can take us out for breakfast. We can catch up. Let's go to that small restaurant up the road, they open early."

I always keep fifty dollars in my phone case for emergencies and this is definitely one. I'm not fond of soggy, cold, day old nachos or going home to eat anything. 

"Okay. I'll go grab us some clean clothes." Brooke said, disappearing upstairs and returning a few minutes later with clothes. 

"I got changed upstairs, do you want me to leave the room or do you need help?" She asked. 

I took the black shorts and grey tee shirt and told her I could manage myself. 

After what seemed like hours, I emerged from the bathroom in clean clothes, brushed teeth and my hair in a clean pony tail with my phone and money in hand. 

Brooke helped me out the door and we walked up the sidewalk, arm in arm. I couldn't put much pressure on my foot so whenever I had to lean on it, I would lean and put my weight onto Brooke which she held up no problem. 

The sun was just beginning to come up, making the sky a mixture of blues, oranges, and pinks. 

"Brooke?" I asked. "Why did you help me?"

She looked at me with raised eyebrows, "Why wouldn't I help you? You're my best friend."

"I thought you were still mad at me... You know, since what happened at school. Which I'm really sorry about. I over-reacted way too much and I honestly thought that I lost you."

"I'm sorry too. It's in the past now so let's just forget it ever happened okay?" Brooke smiled as she held the door open for me. 

The restaurant only had a few people at the tables, some old and enjoying a meal with the love of their lives, and some shoving food in their faces before going to work. 

We chose a booth by the window and sat down across from each other and picked up the menus on the table and chatted about whatever came across our minds. 

After our order was taken, Brooke piped up. 

"I've been meaning to ask you.. You and Tanner?" She winked, lightly kicking my knee under the table.

I smiled at the thought of my boyfriend. I couldn't help but feel sad, knowing I had to wait another week or so to see him again. But when I do, I'm going to give him the biggest hug ever.

"Yeah.." I blushed. 

"Don't take what I'm about to say in a mean way, but is Tanner just a distraction? Or like, a way to get over or get back at Ethan? You seemed to go back to him no problem and I just don't want you or Tanner to get hurt in the end."

I thought for a while, knowing Tanner was the only guy that's ever made me as happy as he can. But a small thought came to me. Maybe at the time I agreed to date him again I needed a distraction. I was hurting. 

Is Tanner really a distraction?


"Taryn, your parents have been calling me non stop for two hours now. You're gonna have to go home eventually. You can't avoid them all summer." Brooke sighed, flopping down beside me. 

"Well I can try-"


I groaned, holding back tears at the thought of going home and having to forgive Ethan for what he did. I'll have to spend everyday pretending that I'm happy he's back when in reality, I want to smash his perfect fucking face in.

"He's changed, Brooke. Something about Ethan is different. He's not the same Ethan I had my first kiss with a few years ago." I said sadly, a tear falling down my cheek. 

"Hey, please don't cry. He's not worth it. And of course he's changed. You've changed too, it's all part of growing up. You're going to have to go home soon before your mom and dad call the cops and report you as missing. I'll go home with you and stay with you for as long as you want. Ignore Ethan until you know what you want to say, okay?" Brooke explained quietly as she pushed the hair out of my face. "We can go back now if you're ready. I already told my mom I won't be home tonight probably, just in case you want me to stay."

I struggled to get up off the couch but once I did, I grabbed my things and walked out the door, one of my arms linked with Brooke's. 

After walking in silence for a few minutes my house finally came into sight and I slowed down once I saw my mom and dad standing outside talking to my Aunt Kelly, Kelsey and Ethan and a few neighbours. 

"It's okay." Brooke whispered, placing her hand on my back and pushing me along. 

I guess they heard my feet scraping along the sidewalk because their heads shot up and they all screamed my name and ran towards me. 

"Taryn! Where the hell were you?!" My mom asked walking up to me. "What's wrong with your foot?!" 

Everyone was crowding around me asking question after question, making it overwhelming. 

"If you all would shut up, I would explain to you why I went missing. Which you know, isn't too obvious." I smirked sarcastically, peaking at Ethan. "I was running and I cut my foot and I stayed at Brooke's over night. There."

"Do you want me to stay the night?" Brooke asked. 

"No, I'll be okay. I'll text you if I need you. Thanks though."

After hugging Brooke goodbye, I pushed out of the circle of people and hobbled into my house and slammed the door behind me. Blankets were all over the living room which I guess is where they slept for the night. 

Once I did a look over of the downstairs area, I walked upstairs into my room, prepared for it to be messed up and have used condoms everywhere but surprisingly, it was the way I left it. Nobody had been in here at all. 

I stumbled to my bed and threw the blankets over myself and waited for my eyes to shut. I could barely keep them open now so it's just a matter of time. 


I woke to the sound of my bedroom door closing, which probably meant I slept all day its it's now night time and my family went to bed. Hopefully.

I checked my phone and it read eleven on the dot so this means that hopefully, I'm the only person awake. 

Getting up, I changed out of my jean shorts and pulled on a pair of loose pyjama shorts. When I bent over you could see my butt, but it's my house. Nobody else is going to see. I kept on my grey tee shirt that Brooke gave me and took my socks off, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. 

Thinking I was alone, I attempted to skip into the kitchen but of course, my shitty foot had to stop me and I had to walk normally which put me in more pain. 

I grabbed a bag of sour cream and bacon chips and hobbled to the fridge to grab a drink while humming a song that I don't know that name of. 

"I didn't think I'd get you alone all summer." A deep voice said behind me. 

I froze in my spot instantly knowing who it was. Again, a cold sweat began but this time all over my body. My heart was beating so fast I'm almost sure he heard it, shocked if he didn't. 

Pulling myself together, I turned around and just about dropped what I had in my hands. 

There stood Ethan, wearing a pair of blue and black plaid pyjama pants and no shirt. Standing at least six feet away from me with his abs on full display. 

Not even gonna lie, I did find it really fucking hot but a good exterior doesn't mean the interior is good too. 

"You gonna say something, or do I have to do all the talking?" He said, stepping closer to me. 

My inner bitch came out and I hopped up on the counter and opened my can of Pepsi and took a sip. 

"I guess I'll start talking. I think you're a cocky asshole that's gonna try and use his body to get what he wants."

"What?" He laughed, walking between my legs and placing his arms on either side of me. 

"You heard me. You're going to suddenly start making out with me because hey! We're in the perfect position right? You think by using your body against me that it's going to make me forgive you for doing what you did."

"Taryn... I'm not using my body against you. It's just that, Kelsey scratches a lot, you know? And sometimes it hurts to put a shirt on. You know what it's like to scratch the shit out of a guys back because so much pleasure is flowing into you?" He asked, changing the tone of his voice. I felt his fingertips tracing up and down my thighs but I didn't stop him. 

I was going to play with his mind just like he did mine. I'm gonna get my enjoyment out of this. 

It stayed quiet for a moment and I felt as his hands found their way to my bum, squeezing it. Maybe I should have worn different pants. 

"No Ethan, I don't know what it's like scratching the shit out of a guys back because I'm always on top. I like to be in control." I lied, dragging my finger down the middle of his stomach, inching closer to the waist band of his pants every time. "Now if you'd like to help me down from here since I can't hop down because of my foot.."

Instantly he grabbed me from around my waist and pulled me into him and pulled me off the counter. I latched my legs around his waist and decided to wiggle around on his crotch a bit, smirking when he moaned a bit. 

"Thanks!" I smiled, getting out of his loose grip. 

"So are we good now?" He asked, trying to hide his boner. 

"No. You're still the biggest asshole. You think you can take off and ignore me for years on end, leaving me to think I did something wrong? Not even one single birthday or Christmas call from you, you dick!" I cried. "You were my best friend and you left me."

"I had to leave! It wasn't my fault!" He yelled. "Fuck Taryn! Why are you being so stupid?"

"Fuck you. I waited for months on end waiting for you to call me back or text me. Every time my phone went off I would jump up and pray it was you. But it never was. You ignored me for almost three years, Ethan. Was I just supposed to wait by the front window, picking petals off of a damn flower waiting for you to come back and jump into your arms when your car pulled up?" I laughed with tears flowing down my cheeks. "I can't believe I was actually considering giving you another chance. I wanted to be that one special person in your life again but no. You're dating my FUCKING cousin." 

He stayed quiet for a while. We stood in the kitchen in silence, just staring at each other. 

No words came out from either of us for at least two minutes so I decided to wipe my tears, grab my stuff and go back upstairs. 

I awkwardly walked past Ethan, praying he would keep his mouth shut but my prayers weren't answered because I saw his mouth opening. Walking faster, I hoped I could make it past him without words being said. 

"I still remember how your lips felt that night." 

I stopped dead in my tracks and shut my eyes and let the tears slowly fall. Placing my stuff down on the small table at the bottom of the stairs I turned around and looked at him once again, taking in all his features. His blueish green eyes were holding back tears and his arms were crossed over his chest. His hair was a little messy but I thought it was cute. 

"We were only nine Ethan, it wasn't that romantic." I whispered, looking down at my feet.

"Doesn't mean we can't make it romantic now." He chuckled walking towards me. 

He placed his warm hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could still smell the cologne he put on this morning on his skin and it made me realize how real this was. 

"Just tell me you don't want this and I'll stop." He whispered, placing his lips on mine. 

My heart began beating fast again when I realized what was happening and my mind instantly jumped to Tanner. My innocent boyfriend who was a seventeen hour drive away with his family, thinking all is okay at home when really, his girlfriend's ex best friend wants to get in her pants.

"Stop." I breathed out. Putting my hands on Ethan's bare chest, pushing him away gently. "This is wrong. I have a boyfriend."

I could see the anger building in his eyes and I knew nice words were not going to be exchanged. My body began trembling, thinking a yelling war was about to break out and my family would wake up to see me in tiny little shorts and Ethan with a scratched up back and messed up hair.

"You fucking slut." He spat, walking past me, knocking into my shoulder. 

Ethan turned around one last time with an evil look on his face. 

"Wait until your boyfriend finds out about you slutting yourself onto me."


hay so i hope you liked this chapter!

oh and i've decided that brooke is going to be played by bailee madison so yeah look her up and thats what i picture brooke to look like

please don't forget to comment and vote!

i love you guys<3 xoxo

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