Already Gone

By HiiPower_333

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Hailey a teenage girl living a hard life struggling with her inner dark thoughts, after her father's death sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 20

33 1 0
By HiiPower_333

Fact 20:

One in 10 young people exprierenced a period of major depression.


"So?" She grin staring at me like a proud newly polished trophy staring with awe and amazement reflect in her eyes making me smile at her amused. "What do you think?"

I've been looking at myself for the past four minutes trying to process who is this person looking back at me.

My dark long hair is pined a lose bun and it's curled framing my face perfectly and some how she made my hair look shiny. My make up is flawless with minimal makeup and just mascara, full face coverage with golden bronzer and light lipgloss. She chose a black dress with silver diamond like crystals surround the whole dress glittering in the light. It hug my body perfectly and not at all too tight, it has a low cut infront and the back too that shows a great amount of back skin and enough infront that makes me uncomfortable.

Bonnie keeps shaking her head at me trying to ease my insecurities and said I look hot. As promised my scars are hidden from anyone's eyes making me feel a little less insecure.

I've never seen myself like this, it's so different but I like it. I remember when I was little I always play dress up with fluffy gowns and even crowns on my head. I've always wanted to do things like this, dress up not even for a fancy dance but just going out for a special event with a group of friend or maybe dress up for a date but I never had those things. I've never got to experience it and for the time I feel pretty, I actually feel beautiful and it takes me so much strength to admit that to myself.

"Thank you Bonnie." I skim myself for the last time facing her.

She's been staring at me like a proud mom making me grin at her finding being with her more comfortable each time. She's been more of a friend to me then anyone else. She kept her word and kept it a secret and I knew that she will always because that's just the type of person she is.

"Oh it was pleasure." She grin. "You are going to take everyone's breath away." She winked.

I chuckled at her remark shaking my head when she looks better then I do and I'm sure all guys run after her and she flick them off her shoulder or simply get ignored but yet always seem so kind about it. She wore a beautiful white gown that is mermaid shaped at the bottom. It's so simple and beautiful radiating her beauty even more.

She also told me Jessica is going to be there since her father is well known in the society and the guess are a bunch of pretentious people. It's an opportunity for business people to form some sort of deal.  

My heart began to pound so loud I'm afraid it will break my ribs when Bonnie opened the door. She sense my nervousness and took my hand as if knowing exactly how my heart would pound, as if she heard the laughs in the back of my mind when I came out of that party with a new look. As if she understood my slight panic in every way. Her hand envolp around mine comforting my nerves no one has ever done.

She sent me an encouraging smile and I sent her a true smile knowing she will be a greater friend to me then any person will.

We walk down the empty hall with walls full of pictures and down the familiar marble steps. My breath hitched in my throat and my heart began to pound louder when I see him. He turn his head sensing us here. He looked up at me a wide smile spread on his lips, a charming smile any women and girls will fall for. He wore a traditional black and white tux with his dark hair as his usual style messily perfet that when he ran his hand through it carelessly his hair would fall in every perfect way without any flaw.

The only chance I would take my eyes off him was Bonnie who tug at my hand down the stairs. Heat flood over my face, my heart racing faster then the morning tide of the ocean, my smile grew wider like the sun just came out for the first time. This is how he made me feel. Unimaginable feelings that only grew more intense by every moment he gave me.

Once I reached the last step he approach me and I'm still holding my breath waiting for him to speak. He place his wine in Bonnie's hand making her scrunch her face in annoyance my smile turning into amusement. He then grab hold of my hand his face lit up with joy as mine reflect his.

"Wow." Is the word he used with a slight breathless way he said it had my heart skiping.

It feels like my smile could break half my face and it feels good. Then he did something unexpected he spin me around my eyes widening in surprise laughter surfaces in me. I threw my head back and laughed seeing the way his eyes ran over me in appreciation.

"Just wow." He pull me closer to him wrapping his arm around me. "I've never thought anybody could be this beautiful." His words only had me falling over and over for him and there is no way of getting back up.

Before I could say anything David and Amy joined us hugging all of us in a big group hug. Bonnie laughed joyfully winking towards me and mouthing 'I told you.'

"You girls are stunning." Amy both grab our face in a gentle motion kissing our cheeks.

"So are you Amy abosolutely breath taking," Bonnie praised her.

"You're beautiful." I agreed smiling at her.

"Oh you girls make me wish I was young again." She smiled pouting slightly.

"Well my dear love you me feel like a young boy falling deeper in love every moment I lay my eyes on you." David grab her hand kissing it lovingly staring at her with adortion that you could only wish to have that one day.

"I love you silly man." Amy blushed grabing her husband.

"Go David you got game." Bonnie cheering him on. "Now I know where your son gets it from."

All of us laughed agreeing with that statement.

"Okay everybody into the limo," David ushered his wife never letting a second go by without him touching her.

"How about you go with dad and mom." Sky nod towards Bonnie.

"Oh I see how it is." Her voice teasingly taunting as she move pass us eyeing us out playfully.

We were left alone with his arms around me and I lost all train of thought as my eyes found his that is already staring at me. His eyes drop to my lips and in a flash there is a moment when his eyebrows creased and darkness wash over his iris. For a moment I see want and a bit of lust in there and suddenly all I could picture is his hands around my neck pulling me into kiss while I grasp him pulling him deeper.

I see his lips moving but I couldn't listen to what he is saying not when my heart began to pound so loudly that's all I can hear.

"Huh?" I look at him dumbfounded.

"I hope no guy takes you away tonight." He whispered his face getting closer to mine.

"And why is that?" I whispered the scent of him swarm in my senses.

"Because tonight you're mine." He said with determination in his eyes and a promise that lingers in his voice.

Something between us is changing, I can see it but I never ever thought this moment could happen. Maybe it's my mind playing a cruel game or I'm just kidding myself but the way he is staring at me right now is something I wished for for a very long time. We are becoming something else and it's making me crazy thinking about it. If this thing isn't real then let me drown in my delusions.

A new sense of confidence wash over me.

"I guess that could only mean you're mine as well." My eyes wandered over his face.

A glimmer of surprise flickered over his eyes mixing with pure happiness. His large hands ran down my arm making me gasp softly as his long fingers lace through my hand locking our hands together.

"Shall we?" He smirk walking me towards the limo.

My heart became louder more then usual. We sat in the limo and all I could think about is the way he looked at me, it's him I've always wanted and every second I have with him makes me want to lose control in every way. To let go of the pain, to fall deep in love making me feel weak but yet strong at the same time, to let my emotions run wild that I begin to shake, to do what I want to do and not think, to be in complete utter happiness. To fall in love with him is bitter sweet because I don't know if he's thinking of me the way I do of him. The only thing I know is this feeling I have for him is real and I don't know if I make him lose his train of thought the way he does for me so easily. I don't know if I make his heart race the way he does when he is around me the way he does with a simple look. I don't know how he feels for me and that's the scary part of falling in love. 

The not knowing.

We were close by and I knew that for a fact because of paparazzi lining up behind the red rope like this is some sort of red carpet. The pavement is blocked by gaurds from keeping unwanted people out. Lights seem to climb all the way to the moon like it's Hollywood.

"What is happening? You never told me it's like this, I thought it's just a grand ball." I look out the window in awe staring at the big white building.

"It is but celebrities sometimes go to these type of things so chaos seem to be the theme every year. The mayor and his lovely family is attending this year that's why it's kind of a big deal."

"Oh my god." Do I live under a rock that I don't know anything about this city and its major events? "Arent' they going a little over board? These type of dances are filled with social climbing people that only has money and fame in their mind." I muttered staring out the window.  

"You're right they are all a bunch of assholes, attention seeking assholes" He grin.

"You got that right."

"Don't look so scared I'll protect you from the media." He winked over me grinning.

"You're always my hero aren't you?" I smiled holding a teasing tone but he saw the honesty in those words that I really mean it.

The truth is he really is. He saved me more times then he knows, he gave me hope when all I wanted to do is drown in my pain and let it consume me. All I wanted to do is fall in the sadness but he held me up even though I feel weak he held me enough for me to be strong again.

"I try to be." He spoke in seriousness a sad smile made it's way on his perfect features.

The limo stopped and someone opened the door for us with flashing lights blinding as if they are expecting someone big celebrities but they get two teenagers.

"You ready?" He grinned thrusting his hand towards me to take.

"Ready." I nodded taking a deep breath and placing my hand on his.

As we climb out of the limo everyone with a camera called out his name recognizing his name. My eyes snap towards Sky in surprise that they knew him in an instant. I knew he is popular in school but I never realize it's much bigger then being the golden boy in school. He is recognized by the media which means he has done something that caught their attention and they are loving every part of him.

He took my hand pulling me tightly on his side smiling politely at the camera nodding at them while I stare up at him in awe. He looked down at me in a knowing look seeing my surprise.

"Bunch of assholes." He mumbled supressing a smile.

I feel the redness creeping in thinking of the words I said back in the limo. I practically insulted him without realizing it. A deep chuckle escape his lips seeing my reaction, he shook his amused and lead me away from them towards the enterance.

"I didn't mean it, you're not an asshole and deffinately not an attention seeking social climbing, fame-

"It's okay Hailey." He gave me a genuine laugh taking hold of my face almost making me lose my train of thought. "The look on your face was hilarious, you always have your way of making my night." He grin ushering me down the long golden steps.

My eyes softening at his words. It's his words that always seem to make me fall deeper in love with him.

"Can I have this dance Hailey?" He spoke holding my hand tightly.

My heart hadn't stop beating wildly ever since I laid my eyes on him. I nodded afraid if I spoke I would let all my emotions run and show him that this girl infront of him is helplessly in love with you.

For the first time I look around in my surroundings a gasp escape my lips seeing how extravagant every inch of this place. The floor is marble marron colour, high cream ceiling with beautiful elegant designs on it. The whole room lit up with that one giant golden chandelier hanging down from the ceiling. A stage is on the far back where classical music is being played. Waiters are handing out champiegn. Everything is beautiful but it's him I focus on and when his hand slipped around my waist pulling me closer to him my skin seem to sizzle from his touch.

My eyes study his features seeing how beautiful he really is. His dark brown hair and darker brown eyes pierced into me. His strong jaw and prominent nose structure and high cheeks with a set of full lips. His tall figure so lean and strong he is towering over me easily. With his bronze naturally tan skin glows next to my pale skin.

He grab my shakey hand and raised it to his shoulder and grab my other hand and lead me. Dancing on the big beautiful floor our eyes never leaving each other. Our face inches apart and I'm afraid he can hear the way he makes me lose my breath.

The melody of the music sets the mood allowing me to dwell on every beauty that this moment holds. He lean his forehead against mine closing his eyes briefly and placing my hand on his chest feeling the fast beating of his heart.

"Look around everybody is watching you." He whispered opening his eyes giving me a proud smile.

My eyes lifted away from him seeing stranger's eyes on me watching my movements in fascination. Before I could respond to Sky he spun me around, my dress flowing in perfect movements. People seem pleased at that smiling widely causing me to laugh in joy. Sky's strong arms wrapped its self around me once again.

"Make them stare you might aswell make it worth their while." He winked.

"You could have gave me a warning." I chuckled.

"And miss out on that reaction? I don't think so." His eyes twinkle in amusement.

I lean my head against his but only for him to place his lips on my forehead instead creating a twisting feeling in the pit of my stomach feeling the way his lips lingers on my skin creating fire. He lets go of my hand and wrapped both his arms around me dacing around lazily tangled with each others touch. From an outsiders point of view we look like a couple deeply in love and I wish it's true.

  We dance for a little while longer until some people wanted to talk to Sky. He told me to come with him but I shook my head too shy to talk to his upper class friends. He slowly unlaced our fingers and for a second I see the resistance in his eyes making me grin.

His touch so sweet that gives me a glimmer of hope that he feels the same way as I do. Maybe even just a little bit and that's okay with me.

I went to the fruit table designed in all sorts of things a swan, a rose you name it it's all laid in the white long table for everyone to admire instead of eat. I don't know if it's for eating or for looking at but I ate it anyway.

"Boo." A voice whispered straight to my ear causing me to jump and yelp in surprise.

I spin around seeing a laughing Kyle in a dark maroon tux his white blond hair swept neatly back.

"Don't do that." I had the urge to punch him but his laugh is contagious causing me to laugh with him. "I didn't know you were coming, you should have told me!"

"You should have told me," He grin. "You should know dad loves the ball"

"Ah, now it makes sense." I smiled taking a bite of the grape

"Look at you," He smiled widely looking at my gown.

When I'm around Kyle he always seem to make things at ease, a little less intense and more realx. He always did that with me and I am never shy around him.

"Bonnie works with magic that is all I got to say." I shook my head.

"You under estimate your beauty Hailey." He shook his back at me snatching the strawberry out of my hand and eaiting it for himself.

"Thank you Kyle." I smiled at him.

"Who knew the Mayor's daughter is smoking hot." He looks over my shoulder.

I look aswell curious to see her. She wore a beautiful gown that wraps around her slim waist, tiny gem crystals created an elegant way about her. Her long blonde hair fell in a wave of curls down her back even her hair is shinny. She is a beauty.

"Got to go I'm going to make the mayor's daughter blush." Kyle winked devilishly.

"Stay out of trouble." I said over my shoulder.

"Save me a dance later." He grin back at me.

I shook my head at him amused thinking he will succeed in making the mayor's daughter blush. I return my attention back on the fruits.

"Well look who it is." A seething voice came to my right and without looking I knew who that voice belongs to.

I turn around to see Jessica in a long red gown with a plunging neckline that she pulled off without making her look like somebody's trophy wife. She had her hair pined up to the side, her diamond earings could blind any man. She wore matching red lips and flawless makeup.

Her eyes narrow at me chuckling in amusement as if I amused her.

"Who knew you could dress up a trash to this." She laughed harshly. "But even if you dress in the finest clothes surround yourself with people that is better then you and pretend to be a part of them but you will never be." She taunt moving closer to me in a threatening way. "Because you see Hailey you will always be nothing amongst these people. You will always be nothing to Skyler."

She stood right beside as I try contain my emotions, my throat tightening trying not to allow her to see any reaction out of me. She chuckled as if seeing right through my mask staring at me like I'm the most pathetic thing she has ever seen. Hatered and disgust mixed in her eyes for me.

"You are nothing compared to me I will always be Skyler's first love and first love is always going to be there." She smirk.

My face drop knowing the truth behind her words becacuse I believe that as well. The thought of us ever being together crumbles into ashes coming back to reality.

"He will come back to me eventually after he's done with you." She mocks laughing.

"What's going on here?" Sky appear out of no where his eyes snaps to me in concern but I refuse to look up at him for him to see how her words got to me as usually.

"Oh nothing." Jessica lean over and took a strawberry. "I was just saying how well Hailey cleans up." She chuckled darkly. "You look handsome as usual Skyler." With that she waved to him and walked away with a smirk on her lips knowing that she got under my skin.

As hard as I try to not let it affect me it does anyway. I spin around to the fruits pretending to be interested in it to avoid Sky.

"Hailey" He trail softly.

"These fruits are great, who designed all these?" I said quickly wanting him to drop the subject. "When the ball is finish where is this all going? Are they going to throw it away?" I asked stupid questions.

"Hailey." He took hold of my wrist spinning me around.

I stare at his bow tie instead of his eyes unable to contain the nagging taunting voice of Jessica in my mind.  

"Hey." He grab my chin forcing me to look at him.

His eyes filled with concern staring back at me.

"You would tell me if Jessica has done something to you right? Don't try pretend it's all okay Hailey tell me if she did anything." His slight protectiveness over me had my eyes softening.

"She didn't do anything Sky I'm alright." I smiled but the smile feels too tight and it hurts. "I'm okay." I whispered.

He stared at me eyes searching for any sign of my lies and I hope he doesn't see it.

"You're lying." He stated sighing deeply a frown place upon his lips.

Knowing that I'm the reason I killed our happy mood irritates me. It irritates me how weak I am, that I could never stand up for myself. That I don't have a back bone in me to stand up to her. It irritates me the way I let myself dwell on her words like she wants.

I wrapped my arms around him leaning my head against his chest surprising him, he wrapped his arms around me tightly in response.

"I'm okay now, I promise." I look up at him not removing my arms around his waist.

He stared at me searching my eyes before nodding. His fingers carease my cheeks making me truly smile. Even if he will never love me, I'll love him deeper for both us until it's not enough, until I break.

"Come with me I have a surprise for you." He took hold of my hand once again and once again he had my heart racing.

"Surprise?" I bit my lips to contain my excitement.

"Yup just wait and see." He led me through the crowd hand in hand all my worries flying away when I'm with him.


Stay tune for the next quick update in three days :)


"Let's get drunk!" Sky announced standing up.

There is something wrong. I can see it, he's not usually this dark and gloomy. For the past days he had his head hung low, headphones in his ear to avoid talking, dark circles around his eyes and lack of smiles had my chest tightening in worry. He thinks I don't see it but I notice every thing about him.

"Sky," I spoke in concern frowning.

He ignores me and went behind the mini bar looking for his alcohol.


He ignores me once again taking a bottle of gin and getting two glasses.

"Sky!" I spoke sternly catching his attention.

"What? I can't drink? I can't be sad even for one day? What Hailey? What the hell do you want?" He yelled in anger slaming the bottle down.


Stay tune my lovely I will update as fast as I can :) xx


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