Pregnant With The Player

By xoBellalaxo

177K 3.5K 352

What would you do if you had everything? Money, good grades, and great friends! But as soon as you hit highs... More

Chapter 2 - Guys Are Like Mascara, They Run At The First Sign Of Emotion
Chapter 3 - Guys Are Like Curling Irons, Always Hot & In Your Hair
Chapter 4 - Guys Are Like Commercials, You Can't Believe a Word They Say
Chapter 5 - Guys Are Like Lava Lamps, Fun To Look At But Not Very Bright
Chapter 6 - Guys Are Like Vacations, They Never Seem To Be Long Enough
Chapter 7 - Guys Are Like Laxitaves, They Irritate The Crap Out of You
Chapter 8 - Guys Are Like Bricks, Waiting To Be Laid
Chapter 9 - Guys Are Like Cars, Always Going Way Too Fast
Chapter 10 - Guys Are Like Dollar Bills, They Never Do Last
Chapter 11 - Guys Are Like The Wind, All They Want Is A Blow
Chapter 12 - Guys Are Like Placemats, They Only Show Up When Food's On The Table
Chapter 13 - Guys Are Like Bananas, The Older They Get, The Less Firm They Are
Chapter 14 - Guys Are Like Cola Lovely & Bubbly But Soon Go Flat
Chapter 15 - Guys Are Like The Sun, They Think The World Revolves Around Them
Chapter 16 - Guys Are Like Easter Eggs, They're Hollow
Chapter 17 - Guys Are Like Fast Food, Cheap, Greasy & Bad For You
Chapter 18 - Guys Are Like Miniskirts, Be Careful Or They'll Creep Up Your Legs
Chapter 19 - Guys Are Like The Weather, Nothing Can Be Done To Change Them
Chapter 20 - Guys Are Like Department Stores, Their Clothes Are Always 1/2 Off
Chapter 21 - Guys Are Like Copiers, You Need Them For Reproduction & That's It
Chapter 23 - Guys Are Like Chocolate Bars, Sweet & Head Straight For The Hips

Chapter 1 - Guys Are Like Roses, Gotta Watch Out For The Pricks

17.6K 312 13
By xoBellalaxo

"Aren't you excited?" Quinn asked, as we walked up the front steps to the school. She was talking about the party my friend Tristan was hosting tonight at his house while his parents were out of town.

"I guess, but we've been to parties before." I told her, as I laughed at her while she nudged my hip. Everyday before a party Quinn got super excited about it even though we've been to plenty of them, there was something about them and it all went straight to her head.

"I know but Tristan always throws the best parties," she said, as she laughed and we met our group of friends near the front doors. The school didn't seem very crowded this morning, but it was awfully loud.

"Ew Hadley, leave." My friend Tyra said jokingly, as a smile appeared across her face. It's something she's always done and she loves it, but I don't mind it either.

"Hey bitches!" Jayden shouted, as she nudged my ribs with her elbow as she stood beside her boyfriend Sam. Those two were so in love, they've been dating for two years now and I'm almost positive they'll get married one day. I might be wrong, but everyone thinks they are perfect for each other.

"Okay Tyra, but we all secretly hate you." I began as I smiled jokingly at Tyra. "Jayden it's not nice to call people names."

"Oh Hadley, I'm not calling you a name. I'm stating what you are." She said,as she quickly apologized after that because she felt extremely bad. I laughed at what she said, and it was definitely good, but Jayden always feels bad afterwards.

"Well that was sort of mean but okay." I said as I laughed not really knowing what to do. As I was laughing I heard a loud wolf whistle and turned around. I groaned.

Walking up the stairs toward the front doors were our two school man whores, Connor Defoe and Cole Day. They slept with many different girls and each time the girl would end up heart broken.

Connor came to be a well-built, attractive senior while Cole was almost the same, yet a little smaller. They were both the exact same in personalities though, neither of them had one, yet somehow everyone loved them.

"Here come Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Whore." Said Quinn as she rolled her eyes annoyed. To this day, Quinn hated them for everything. That night, the last four years and everything between the time we met them until now. They drove people away, but girls still fell for their crooked smiles.

"Oh look, it's Hadley, Quinn, Sam, Jayda, Europe, Teera and Michael." Said Cole as the two of them walked past us as they messed up everyone but Quinn, Sam and myself's name. They did it all of the time, we've gotten used to it by now.

"You guys are such asses! Oh, and just so you know we don't want whatever you're selling!" Yelled Quinn angrily, which she rarely does. Quinn hates fights, but she'll have one if it means that she's protecting someone she loves.

"What was that?" Asked Connor as the two of them turned around and walked back towards us, angry expressions across both of their faces.

"You heard me. I said, you are such asses and manwhores." Quinn said, with clear confidence in her voice. For once she stood up to them, despite the large crowd forming around all of us.

"I'm sorry. Did it upset you we didn't get their names right?" Asked Cole with a whiny voice, as if he were a baby. He was obviously attempting to mock us, although Quinn didn't seem shaken by it.

"That's not the only thing that upsets me." Quinn spat, as if she were going to punch one of them in the face, which I would enjoy seeing.

"And what else upsets you there, Quinnie?" Connor asked, as he shook his head annoyed with Quinn. These two were never called out, so this was a first for both of them.

"Your faces." Quinn said to them, as a smile grew upon her face and she began walking away.

"You little bitch!" Cole yelled as he reached out to grab her blonde hair. He was about to grab it when the bell rang indicating we should be heading to class soon.

As the bell rang the circle formed around us began to grow smaller until we could all walk inside. Of course, we were all laughing because their reactions were priceless. For about five seconds they didn't have any amo to fire back at Quinn, although she should be expecting them to get their revenge on her for the embarrassment.


"So a nurse?" Quinn asked as her, Asia and I all sat on my bed reading magazines about clothes.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to be one." I told her as I smiled brightly thinking about how in a couple of months I'll be done high school forever.

"Well I'm excited to start culinary school next year." Quinn said, as I remebered we were going to the same school in September, which we planned.

"I'm just going to school here in Nashville. I feel lame, but oh well." Asia said as her cheeks turned a rosy color.

"On the bright side you don't have to pay for a place to live," I said trying to cheer her up. Asia always said she was never going to leave her family because her parents fight all of the time and her younger brother has some disabilities.

"That is true. I also get to see you guys every weekend, whether I visit you or you visit me." She said as she smiled sneakily at us knowing we wouldn't not visit her next year. The past couple of years Asia and I have grown really close, although she is usually off with her boyfriend Mike.

"Alright. Well I better head home, I think my aunt is at my house right now." Quinn said, as she sat up from the bed as her face when a big red. She doesn't really talk to many distant family members often, yet they still bring her gifts every time they visit.

"Yet they still love you, even though you have no idea when and if they are visiting." I said,as I shook my head at her as she slipped her brown jacket on quickly.

"Oh it's not just my family, everyone loves me." She said, as she laughed happily while the three of us walked out of my room.

"Okay so I'll pick you up in about two hours then?" I asked her as we all walked down the stairs to the first floor.

"Yes and thanks for the dress. I'll see you two in two hours." Quinn said as she left to go and visit her aunt, then get ready for the party. It was five now and the party began at seven so we still had plenty of time to get ready.

"So shall we go on the trampoline?" Asked Asia as she looked towards the kitchen entrance where the back door was as a smile crossed her face.

"First one there wins!" I yelled to her as I took off towards the back door excitedly. My friends rarely want to jump on my trampoline with me, but Asia loves it.


"Hey," Quinn said as she hopped into the back seat of my car quickly. She was dressed in the red dress I had given her to borrow for the night, I was in a dark blue dress and Asia was in a purple one, of course we all looked great.

"Hey, ready to have fun?" I asked her as I backed out if her long drive way so that we could drive to Tristan's house for his party. We were all so excited about it because it was going to be huge.

"You know it! I can't wait to get my grove on," she said as she smiled at me with a sparkle in her hazel eyes.

"Gonna shake your booty?" Asia asked as she laughed happily. Asia definitely seemed excited, although she rarely went to parties, usually she baby-sits her younger brother on Friday nights.

"You bet your ass I am!" Quinn said as we all smiled and laughed as I drove down the fairly busy road so we could get to Tristan's houses.

"Oh really now?" I asked as I smiled brightly at Quinn who was bright red with excitement.

"Yes really Hadley." She said in a serious tone although you could tell she was joking.

"Let's just go," Asia said as she smiled at me as I followed a white car down the road.

"Hadley, are you planning on shaking your booty tonight?" Quinn asked as she winked at me with a smile across her face. She seemed so enthusiastic and I was happy, lately Quinn has seemed off. I know her parents have been fighting a lot, but she doesn't seem the same and I've been worried about her.

"Yes I am planning on doing that," I told her as we all laughed happily. Not fake laughter, real laughs. I love the sound of real laughter, and I haven't heard it in a long time.

"Well we have to get to the party before you start doing that, Hadley," Asia said as she just smiled and shook her head at us. Asia seems strict but really she's just excited, she loves to party.

"Well we are almost there, just a couple of more streets," I said as I looked at her quickly with a grin. This is our last highschool party, and this is going to be the best. The only other party this year is the post-grad one I am lucky enough to host, which isn't until after graduation.

"Well hurry Hadley! You're so slow," Quinn whined from the backseat jokingly.

"Would you like to drive?" I asked her with a smirk as I turned into another neighbourhood. In this area of town the houses were about the same size as mine, although they had less property.

"I would not like to drive," she replied as she leaned back in her seat slowly. I continued driving as we all hummed along to the music playing on the radio as I continued to turn down different streets. It was a bit confusing but I had been to Tristin's house so many times I knew it like the back of my hand.

"Are we almost there?" Whined Asia as she looked down the street to see Tristin's huge house. People were gathered outside with red solo cups lying everywhere. The music was fairly loud and many people were already drunk. It was fairly crazy.

"I am so ready to get my party on, it's been too long of a year." Quinn said as I parked the car beside the sidewalk a couple of houses down where it was less crowded. Once the car was parked the three of us got out and began walking towards the loud music.

"I know exactly how you feel, I just want to let loose." Asia said as she sighed happily as the music began to grow louder and louder the closer we got to Tristan's humongous house.

"Well we get a night to just relax and let it all out," I said as I smiled brightly at them with excitement. It was the second party being thrown for seniors this year, so most of us are awfully excited. We all just want to get out of high school and out of this town.

"Let's do it!" Quinn said as we hurried up the front steps the the door that was open a slight crack. As we walked in we could smell the alcohol and sweat from the crowded house. People were everywhere and it was super hot inside, obviously more than one high school was here because it was really busy.

We pushed our way inside and ended up in the kitchen to be greeted by a countertop full of different alcohols. I wasn't that big into drinking, but tonight I needed to relax and lose myself in he night; which doesn't mean getting high and robbing a bank, just a couple of drinks.

"I don't know about you two, but I think it's best if I start now." Said Asia as she reached for and empty cup and began pouring different mixtures of drinks into it. We were all yelling at each other over the music trying to have a simple conversation, but it was no use. Eventually after a couple of drinks we were all split up.


"Hads! I'm so glad you could make it!" Tristan said as he came and stood beside the pool with me. I was watching random kids that I didn't recognize recklessly jump into the pool while doing different tricks each time.

"Yeah, I figured I needed to have a night for myself." I told him as I smiled not being able to completely think properly.

"Well are you having fun?" He asked as another kid jumped into the pool, which ultimately ended up splashing us. I ignored my soaked dress, I didn't even notice.

"It's a good party, so I guess I am having fun," I told him as I looked back to the house as I wanted to dance.

"Okay well I need to go and find Gracie, have fun the rest of the night." He said as he turned and began to walk away. As he walked away from me I walked into the house so I could go and have some fun dancing with strangers in the dark.


"It's a good party, hey?" Asked a guy as I danced with him. I couldn't see who it was but he had a muscular build, not too big but he did have nice biceps. He was also tall, and mysterious which was nice.

"Yeah it's definitely better than the last high school party I was at," I told him almost yelling because the music was so loud. We continued to dance together to up beat songs, but then it began to slow down.

He grabbed my waist with his hands and we began to sway back and fourth.

"Your dress is all wet, aren't you cold?" He asked as I finally noticed how cold I was getting. I remembered being splashed b the pool and suddenly I began to shiver.

"Now that you mention it, I am a bit cold." I told him as we both stopped moving when I finished talking.

"How about we go and get some towels or something?" He asked as I nodded at him. He grabbed my hand and we began to make our way through the crowded rooms towards the stairs.

"I-i don't feel too good," I told him as he alcohol began to get to me.

"It okay we'll go find a towel for you," he began but I didn't let him finish because all at once everything went dark. All I could here was the light beat of the music, yet I couldn't think about opening my eyes.


Okay first chapter, it's a little short but that's okay because it's just to get the story started. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll update again soon<3

Xoxo Bellaaaa <3

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