Wolf Shifters ☆

By bclulu

13K 358 69

Werewolf story ideas More

💛☆ Bethany Jean ☆💛
* Faith *
💖☆ Haizley ☆💖
💜 Brandy 💜
** ♥️❣ Shera ❣️♥️ **
** ♡☆ Annissa ☆♡ **
** 💞✔ Derry Anne ✔💞 **
*** ☆♡ Maureen Wren ♡☆ ***
*** Terri Lee ***
** Heavyn Selena **
** Mylie Grady **
**💛✨️ Trudi Anne Yvette ✨️💛 **

*** Kathy Rosemary ***

1K 34 4
By bclulu

Kathy Rosemary

Wolf Shifters

Kathy was only 4 when she heard her wolf talk to her for the first time. Yeah she was really young to be speaking to her, but her home life was about to get rough.

Her parents were fighting, every single day. They argued until one or the other stormed out of the house and she would be left sitting in the corner of her room crying silently.

Now that her wolf spoke to her, comforted her when her parents would abandon her. She didn't understand what was happening until her wolf helped ease the blame from her young shoulders and put her to sleep.

A few days later, her parents bundled her up with all her belongings and took her to live with strangers. They abandoned her all together, but promised her they would be back.

But days, weeks and years passed and they never came back. She was left with a couple, both rogue wolves who liked to move around a lot, probably due to local wolves finding out about them living too close to their pack lands.

Then when she was 8, Kathy was abandoned again. They had moved closer to a city and both her caretakers took jobs away from where she was put into school. And one day they just never returned.

Kathy had walked home from school like she was told and when she got there, she found their things gone but hers still set up in her small room. That night, Kathy ate a peanut butter sandwich and drank the last of the milk, then curled up in her closet with her blankets and went to sleep.

The next few days, Kathy did the best she could, getting up for school, grabbing a box of cereal and eating it dry since the milk was all gone, then dressing and walking to school.

Her wolf was on alert, making sure she was safe until the manager who had rented the house to her caretakers showed up looking for the rent. Of course she was found all alone as the manager used his keys to get in.

He had looked around the place, and found her in her closet hiding. He swore when he realized what had happened and called the police right away. When they showed up, Kathy kept quiet as she was afraid.

The social worker bundled her and her things up and sent her to live with a temporary foster family. But things didn't work out well, they were cruel to Kathy, shaving her head was one of the first signs they were going to be abusive to her.

When the social worker found Kathy, she had a bald head and sporting bruises and some cuts from a thrown beer bottle that had shattered and shards hit her hard in the head. The man of the house had lost his job and he took it out on Kathy.

The man had said to her before he threw the empty beer bottle, ten years he had that job until she came into their lives, he then told her she was cursed. They man's wife explained to the social worker that she was at work herself so she had no idea what could have happened.

The next 8 years Kathy was placed in one abusive foster home to the next until she turned 16. She had kept quietly to herself, did her chores and spend the rest of her time outdoors to keep out of the men's hands as she had grown and developed breasts that the men drooled over and wanted to grab and touch.

When she turned 16, things changed. She shifted for the first time and had her first run as a wolf. While running, her wolf was explaining to her about their species, teaching her about rogues, about packs, and when they had stopped to drink some water, that was when she was attacked.

Seems they had come dangerously close to a pack territory and had to be taught to keep away. She refused to shift when they tried to order her, then when clothes were shoved at her and she went behind some bushes and shifted back, then dressed.

She sighed deeply when she walked around those bushes and they saw her human form for the first time. The three men, pack warriors, walked all around her body and asked who are you? Where did you come from?

She said I'm a newly shifted wolf, forced to live in a human city after being abandoned by not only my parents, but the rogues they left me with too. I have been living in foster homes for 8 years and the males of those homes are starting to get sick ideas in their heads as I grow older.

When asked for her name, she said my name is Kathy Ireland and I've just turned 16. They sucked in their breath and asked who my parents were? She said Christina and Wesley Ireland were my parents names but I don't know if they are still together, they were fighting so much that one day they packed my things and took me away.

They promised to come back and never did, mind you, the rogue couple they left me with moved around a lot so they may not have known where I was. But that is no excuse for abandoning me with them in the first place.

She said don't think that if I found them I would fall into their arms, glad to see them because I wouldn't. What they did to me is unforgivable. The three warriors said the reason we asked is because those two people you say are your parents, are members of our pack.

She crossed her arms, hugging herself as they then told her they have a new family, two boys and two girls and they never, not once said they abandoned their first child.

Kathy took a deep breath and asked if they could show her, where Christina and Wesley lived, so she could see for herself. She said I need to see them with my own eyes, because then I can move on, leave the city and find someplace else to live.

She said I can't live where I am any longer safe, because I'm afraid the man of the house is getting too close to raping me. He is trying to touch me every chance he can, my social worker is a joke because she sends me to the worst places to live these last 8 years and I can't take it any longer.

They asked what do you mean? I said well, it started with my first foster home they sent me to. He turned violent, he lost his job soon after I arrived and blamed it on me. He took out his anger on me. He shaved my head and would throw his empty beer bottles at me. One shattered and I have the scars on the back of my head as it ricocheted when it hit the wall, that happened when I was 8.

They asked what happened to the rogues you were placed with? I shrugged and said they packed up their crap and took off when I was in school one day. I was forced to live in that house we lived in until the manager came around looking for the rent, he found me and called the authorities.

They shook their heads and said we'll contact the Alpha, see what he says, come with us now Kathy. I said I'm going to be in so much trouble when I get home, it's late and past my curfew.

They snickered and said we'll protect you, he will not be raping you or anyone assaulting you again. I nodded and followed them over their pack border then stopped as I and my wolf were identifying the feel of the border so we knew what to look for.

My wolf went silent and said they're here alright, I can feel them. They asked what was wrong?, why did I stop? I asked if anyone was stealthy enough to go to where I live and pack my belongings because it looks like I'm leaving the area.

They nodded and said oh yeah, we can get someone to pack your stuff. I said thanks because my wolf said that they are here, she can feel them. They nodded and said come with us, we need to go to the pack house and see the Alpha couple as they want to meet you personally Kathy.

I nodded and said alright, as long as my parents don't know I'm here yet or ever. They started to talk about her school and asked if she had any close friends, may have told anyone about herself.

She replied, telling them she is doing great in school, high A's in all but math which she had a high B. She added she was a loner, as foster kids are looked down on and has no real friends just acquaintances.

They reached the pack house soon after and taken up to the Alpha's office. Behind closed doors, the Alpha and Luna introduced themselves as David and Mona then asked her for her full name.

She said my wolf has been with me since I was four, my parents never told me my full name, not that I remembered. But my wolf learned it, so my full name is Kathleen Rosemary Ireland, I was born on March 15, 1999, to Christina Rose and Wesley Carter Ireland.

My parents left me, abandoned me with a couple who were rogues when I was only 4 yrs old, then they also abandoned me when I was 8. I've been living in the human city, being shuffled from one bad foster home to another all my life.

I was asked why it wasn't until now that they learned about me? I said I was moved to this home I live in now for about a month, I am a loner in school as I get moved from foster home to foster home. I've just turned 16 and shifted tonight for the first time so it's a new area of the city I live in that is closer to the pack.

They both nodded, then the warriors mentioned abusive foster homes and the recent threat to me. The Luna looked up, then looked at me and said we can't have that. I said I've come because I would like to see for myself, that my parents have moved on and have a new family.

The warriors mentioned them leaving to go pack my belongings, make it look like I ran away so the foster parents will think I've moved on. The Alpha couple nodded then asked if I was hungry?

I nodded and said they don't feed foster kids too much, worried about getting them too fat to move. The Luna then left to get me something to eat so the Alpha sat there looking at me.

He asked the names of the rogues I was abandoned with and I told him their names. He growled and asked how in the world are you still alive?, those two are on our species most wanted list, they are deadly.

I said then what I want to know is how my parents knew them and when they left me with them, was I supposed to die at the rogues hands. The Alpha frowned and said both good questions Kathleen.

I nodded and said the rogues took me into their home, but were never too loving. They cared for me and I guess they just had enough of being caretakers. They packed up their belongings and moved on not caring they had abandoned an 8 yr old all alone.

I said we had moved dozens of times, I was told the packs that we moved close to told them to leave and we'd move. I said maybe they used me as a ruse, so no one looked too close at them as they appeared to just be a new family with a young child.

The Alpha lifted his brows and said you know, you have a point, no pack would look twice at them being rogues with a child. They would look like just a family trying to live outside a pack, not dangerous at all.

I listed the addresses I remembered us moving to, then said you can check to see if they attacked and killed anyone in those areas, then we will know if I was left alive because I was just being used to cover their tracks.

He nodded and wrote down the cities and states of all the places I had lived in those four years with the rogues. I said you know Alpha David, now this has me wondering if the rogues knew my parents lived nearby and they abandoned me thinking I would be taken back to live with my parents. Know what I mean?

He shook his head so I said, my parents take me and my belongings and leave me with a couple of dangerous rogues. I was moved all around the country for four years, brought back and abandoned within miles of where my parents now live with their new family.

Was I given to the rogues, to help them with their attacks, used as a ruse for that purpose. Was my parents told where I was left, so they could come get me and they refused. Gives me something to think about.

Am I really their child or not because who in the world would do that to their own child? I asked if they could do a DNA test to see if Wesley and Christina Ireland really are my parents?

He nodded and said I see what you're talking about Kathleen, like did they conspire with rogues and did they know all along that you were abandoned. I nodded.

Then he said I've called my pack's doctor, he will be taking a sample of your blood and doing a DNA paternity test to see if Wesley and Christina are your real parents or not. I said check all their kids Alpha David, who knows because this is getting way too unreal to believe.

He asked if I would like to join a pack, maybe not his but he can find somewhere safer I could live but in a pack. My wolf screamed out yes, yes take the offer. So I smiled and said I and my wolf would love to be a member of a pack.

The only thing stopping from joining your pack is my awful parents. I don't really want to be around them. They abandoned me and had replacement children, either to give them to the rogues like they did me, or to move on with their life. Either way, I don't want to live with them or even get to know them.

They abandoned me by choice not necessity to a couple of dangerous rogues, to further the rogues killing spree or to see me dead. Both look really bad once you think about it. There is the possibility that they aren't my real parents and that would mean, I have a new puzzle of who are my real parents and why was I living with them in the first place.

He said congratulations Kathleen, you are the first and hopefully last to give me a migraine headache on our first meeting. I stood up and said I can help with that on approval of your mate. When his mate walked in and heard me, she said go ahead Kathleen, if your helping him with his migraine.

I nodded and said I need to touch his shoulders, back and forehead Luna Mona. She nodded and said I'm in the room and that's fine by me. Instead I asked the Luna to come with me. I positioned her hands, then showed her how to use her thumbs and fingers to relieve his tensed up muscles, from his shoulders, back and forehead.

When we were done, Alpha David was grinning from ear to ear, happy his migraine was gone and his mate learned how, all in one go for the future.

Kathy was then told to sit and eat as the Luna smiled on. Alpha David was feeling much appreciation for Kathleen now his migraine was gone. Once Kathy finished her food, the doctor arrived to take some blood.

He smiled at Kathleen and said from what Alpha David has told me, you are supposed to be the eldest daughter of Wesley and Christina, is that correct? Kathleen nodded and said yes, I was raised by them until I was four.

He said oh, why only until you were four? He finished taking blood and I said they abandoned me with a rogue couple. I lived with them until I was 8, then abandoned again and raised in foster homes, in the city.

He said hmm, you don't look like any of their other children, I was there to bring them into the world, so I know they are all Christina and Wesley's children.

I nodded and said that is why your taking a DNA paternity test, to see if they are my real parents. He asked if I shifted yet? I replied yes, just earlier this evening as a matter of fact.

He said oh my, happy 16th birthday then Kathleen. She smiled and said thank you doctor. He then took his leave to go start testing my blood and closed the door. Alpha David and Luna Mona grinned and said yes, sorry Kathleen, happy 16th birthday.

They asked if I had been given anything for my birthday? I shook my head and said no, I don't expect anything either and I'm fine with that. My foster parents at the moment are not into birthday's, not even wishing me one this morning before I left for school.

But from the evil grin on his face, I don't even want to go back. He has been trying to grope me and I bet he wanted me home as his wife has to work this evening, to try to do even more. She shivered and said I don't want him ever touching me and now that I've shifted, I can hopefully protect myself better.

A little while later, the three warriors showed up with huge frowns on their faces. They must have said something to Alpha David because he growled in anger. Luna Mona then escorted me out of the office and we walked up to the top floor where I was shown to a room.

She explained that I was staying in the pack house temporarily until they found me a pack to join. She sat me on the bed and explained that it took the warriors so long because my room was occupied when they showed up to gather my belongings.

I frowned and asked by whom? When she said my male foster parent, I shivered and said see, he expected me back and had evil intentions for when I got back home.

The Luna said the warriors then had one knock on the front door to distract him, while the other two packed your things and brought them here. She looked at the small pile and said you don't have much Kathleen.

I shrugged and said no, it's not much and since they give me no money, I can't go out and buy my own things. The Luna said well, tomorrow you and I will go shopping, at least we can see that you have some decent clothes to wear, maybe a haircut too.

I nodded and said I normally cut my own hair when it gets to this length. My first foster parent shaved my head, so I don't trust any foster parents touching my hair. Luna Mona then asked what name I was going under in school and in foster care?

I said they put me under the rogue couple's as that was what they had me listed as, so Kathleen Morton. The Luna nodded and said so I will see you in the morning Kathleen, I will come get you myself, be ready to go out shopping right after.

After the Luna left, I closed the door and locked it, then found something to wear for bed and took a shower first then got ready for bed. My wolf quieted down now that we were settling in for the night and put us both us to sleep.

I woke the next morning to the smell of food being cooked and got up to get ready for the day. I dressed and made my bed then waited only a few minutes before Luna Mona knocked on my door.

Together we went downstairs and took our seats beside Alpha David and each were brought their meal. I thanked the lady who set my plate down, then dug in as I felt starved. I sighed with relief now that my stomach was full for the first time in forever.

After the Luna was done too, she kissed her mate then took my hand. We went to her car and got in the back as we had to take two warriors for protection and went shopping.

We spend a couple of hours shopping then after a snack in the food court went to have my hair cut. My hair was straightforward, it took only minutes for her to cut it. My hair was just trimmed at the bottom as it had reached down to the bottom of my butt and now with a few inches off was done.

We were sold shampoo and conditioner that smelled like coconuts and we were done. I thanked the Luna so much for what they had purchased then they stopped for a takeout meal and drove back to the pack house.

We got inside to find Alpha David hanging out in the kitchen, and in a better mood now that his mate was back home safe and sound. They all took seats and started to eat their takeout, splitting it so Alpha David could have some too.

We then took the bags up to my new room and the others disappeared so I could put them away before meeting the pack members living in the pack house. I had just freshened up when the Luna come to get me, we then went out back where everyone was hanging around, watching the nearby kids play and just chatting.

I watched a couple of kids play together so peacefully, and tried to think back if I'd ever had a playmate who I'd gotten along so well with. My wolf said no, not as long as she's been with me.

When the warriors stood and asked if I wanted to come for a run, I smiled and said yes please. Others joined as we walked to an area that was dense enough where we could strip our clothes without being seen and shift into our wolves.

It didn't take long before we met up and started to run. We ran the perimeter of the pack lands, then made our way back to where our clothes were before dressing and going back to the pack house for dinner.

I had fun, running with others, feeling like I was welcomed as one of them. But I knew it wouldn't be for long as I needed to move and then go back to school.

That came sooner than I thought. The doctor came calling just two days later with the results. He wouldn't tell me without the Alpha and Luna being present, so I knew it wasn't good news.

We met up in the Alpha's office and had the door closed. The doctor handed Alpha David the results and I asked who he tested my results against? He said he had taken my mother's a few years ago and had the results in his office already.

I thought, well he called her my mother. The Alpha then cleared his throat and said well Kathleen, looks like Christina is your mother. I said alright, but is Wesley my dad then, maybe he isn't my father and that is why they fought all time.

The doctor sighed and said I've got your father's here too, there is no denying, they are your real parents Kathleen. I slumped in my chair and said okay they are my parents, so why did they throw me away, why abandon me to dangerous rogues who are wanted for murder?

Alpha David sighed and said we will just have that to find out now Kathleen. I've called them and they are coming now. I just nodded then bit my lip as I really didn't want to see them.

When we heard a knock on the door, the door opened to reveal two warriors who entered and stood by my side to protect me. The Luna went and stood by her mate, while the doctor took the seat beside me.

I had to take deep calming breaths as the clock ticked the minutes gone by. When we heard a knock, the Luna went over and opened it. The two faces of my parents were engraved in my head, seeing them now brought everything back.

The fights, the yelling and screaming, the feeling of fright as to what was happening. The feelings of abandonment when they left me with the rogues, the lies they gave me when they made promises to come get me. The hopelessness of the endless moving and now the sick feeling I felt seeing them so freaking happy.

I sighed and watched as two chairs were brought in for them and they sat down looking at every person in the room. I felt the warriors' hand on each shoulder, not realizing I was trying to leave and they were holding me back.

I turned from looking at my parents to look at the frowning face of Luna Mona. Alpha David stood and said so Wesley and Christina we have a few questions we need answers for.

They both frowned and Wesley asked what about Alpha David? The Alpha said Margo and Robert Morton, rogues that are on the top wanted list by our species. The two froze up hearing those names, then Wesley said we don't know who you're talking about Alpha David.

The door opened up and a stranger walked in then closed the door. He apologized for being late as he ran into traffic. He took a seat and said continue please.

I could feel the energy spike in the room, the new face of the stranger looked nonthreatening but her wolf said he was strong and could be dangerous. Wesley cleared his throat and asked who are you? Why are you here? Should we leave and come back later?

Alpha David said no Wesley, this is Councilman Younger, the Head of Council. He too is interested in your answers of now not knowing who Margo and Robert Morton are. Christina then said we don't know them and haven't a clue why you called us here.

Christina then stood and said we left our kids home alone, thinking this would be a short conversation, not an accusation. The Luna said your kids have been picked up and brought to the childcare facility here, they are safe with Carla who is personally watching them. So take your seat Christina, you both have explaining to do.

Wesley repeated his statement and said we don't know who they are, Alpha David. He added I swear, we don't know them from Adam. Alpha David said let me introduce this young lady to you all.

They turned to me and I saw nothing in their faces to say they knew who I was to them. Alpha David then said I would like to introduce you to Kathleen Rosemary Ireland, the daughter you had 16 years ago and dumped on a pair of rogues when she was just four years old.

Wesley and Christina jumped to their feet and Wesley said we don't have another child, if she told you that, she's lying. I just nodded and waited as the doctor cleared his throat and said the only ones lying in this room are the two of you.

He said I took her blood and did a DNA paternity test and compared it against you both. She is your daughter, the DNA tests prove it. I looked at the Luna and watched the tears fall. I whispered it's okay Luna Mona, I'm fine.

She walked around the desk and knelt at my feet and hugged me to her. I said I'm okay, as I wiped her tears away. As the room had exploded in anger, the warriors moved in front of us. I wiped again and said their loss, right. She nodded, then took a deep breath.

She sighed as her mate yelled out for more warriors now. I told her to go calm her mate, he looks like he is going to shift. She patted my cheek then walked over to her mate and took his hand, calming him as he took a deep breath.

Once two other warriors showed up, they restrained Wesley and Christina with cuffs to their chairs and stood behind them with a hand on each of their shoulders. Councilman Younger then stood up, tall and proud as he looked first at me, then Wesley and Christina, and shook his head.

He asked what's your real name honey, the one you were born with? I said I never knew my full name until I got older, my wolf told me though, it's Kathleen Rosemary Ireland. I was always called Kathy by those two growing up.

Once they got rid of me, and abandoning me with Margo and Robert, I was called Kathy Morton. All my school records are under Morton and when I was placed in the foster-care system, I was still called Kathy Morton.

He nodded and said we have your records, I had them pulled off the system. You should be proud of your grades child, very impressive. I smiled and said except for math, I don't do as well in that subject but I try my best.

He smirked and said you've done well for someone who doesn't do well child. I said thank you sir. He asked if I knew where Margo and Robert were? I shook my head and said no sir, they packed up their belongings, left mine in the rental house while I was at school.

I said I believe they had contacted those two and told them where I was, why else would they abandon me in the city near where my birth parents lived now. I said check their phone records, I can give you both Margo and Robert's cell phone numbers.

He grinned and said wonderful Kathleen, that would help immensely. I grabbed the blank paper the Luna handed me as well as a pen then wrote down each number as I remembered.

Then Wesley growled at me, and said you ungrateful brat. I was about to swear at him when the Councilman growled back and told him to shut his mouth. He is in a world of trouble, aiding and abetting criminals, treason as well, which is a death penalty for them both.

That shut Wesley up and made Christina pretend to cry. I smiled at the Councilman and finished writing the numbers down then handed him the paper. I said if they are murderers, they deserve to be caught and punished.

Those two deserve punishing too, I've come to think they knew Margo and Robert for years, old friends like. I said they left me with murderers, knew who what they were. I think they were waiting for the rogues to kill me when they were done with me, and that the rogues contacted them to come get me when I was abandoned nearby.

That they ignored the call of my abandonment, just wanting me to be gone from their lives. Maybe hoping I would die so no one could find out they were working with murderous rogues.

Councilman Younger nodded and said we will get to the bottom of this mess Kathleen. He held up the paper and said hopefully these will help us capture them. I said they may have another child, one they kidnapped to make them look like a family instead of a couple. I said if so, catch them and return the child before it's too late, they really have no humanity.

He nodded then sighed asked me how I survived living with them? I sighed too, then said I had already been abandoned by my parents, was hurting internally at being tossed away. I basically took it day by day as I once believed the day would come when my parents came for me like they said.

But each move and those beliefs slowly lessened and soon I was just surviving with my wolf on my side. He frowned and asked when did your wolf start talking to you Kathleen? I said just before my parents abandoned me at four years old.

The Alpha couple gasped as did all the warriors, then the Councilman said that is the earliest we have ever been told a wolf has heard their wolf, are you sure Kathleen?

I said yes sir, my parents had been fighting, arguing and screaming for some time, I had curled up into a corner of my room feeling frightened when she spoke to me for the first time. She consoled me and a day or so later, was when they packed my belongings and took me away.

He nodded and said I believe you Kathleen, in moments of deep stress our wolves feel the need to appear and we become aware of them. Your just the youngest I've heard of, is all.

I asked are you taking those two away? He grinned and said most definitely, they will be thoroughly interrogated to find out everything they can tell us about the rogues. I asked what about their four kids, will you take them too?

He sighed and asked what do you think we should do with them Kathleen?, they are your siblings. I said they don't know me sir, they were probably never told they have an older sibling.

I said I think you should take them with you. Let the kids see their parents in a controlled environment. That way they won't feel abandoned like I was.

He sighed then asked you really think so? I said yes, even seeing their parents in cuffs or behind bars will show them they weren't abandoned. At least they will be able to still feel their connection with their parents, if not through their wolves then visually.

He nodded and said then I will see that they are brought along. I said good, I'm glad. The Luna then took my hand, she and Kathy exited the room so the Alpha and Councilman could start the interrogation.

She took me to the daycare center and we entered and took a seat. My siblings were called over before I could stop her. When they smiled and came over, I looked at each of them and couldn't see any resemblances to myself at all.

They all looked like either Christina or Wesley, unlike me who looked like neither. I sighed until the Luna introduced me as their older sister. They all shook their heads and said we don't have an older sister Luna.

I stood and excused myself and left the room as it hurt. I walked out back and then into the woods, stripped and shifted as even my wolf hurt from their denials. I should have known better, knew my parent's own denial hurt as they looked at me without acceptance.

I repeated the perimeter run we did just last night then went back to my clothes and got dressed. I walked back to the pack house then sat on the back porch in thought. When the warriors took a seat on both sides of me, they asked if I was okay?

I said I'm fine, it's just hard being denied. I shouldn't have had hopes of anything from Wesley or Christina. They sighed then moved closer then said well at least you don't have to leave now. I smiled and said that's why I asked if the Councilman was taking Wesley and Christina away.

They said good, you can join the pack, then have you enrolled in school. I smiled back and said that I can do guys, that I can do.


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