I've been looking for you for...

By annaivorytusks

3.9K 35 2

Dougie Poynter and Anna Simmons were best friends. They were all each other had. They both went their separa... More

Everything is different now...(McFly AU)
1. Ink paper and TOMs
2. Fletch.
3. Oh the irony.
4. Hug.
5. Dreams
6. Four years
8. Mr. Perfection
9. Yellow, Red, Orange Paint
10. Chocolate cake.
11. The film geek and rockstar.
12. Advantages of a toned body
13. The past is the past.
14. $0.99 Pizza
15. I haven't seen shortie!
16. Hearing but not really
17. tats and the past
18. the truth about alcohol

7. Games.

204 1 0
By annaivorytusks

Anna POV:

As Dougie and I walked back to the room where all the guys and Sarah were, I let go of his hand and ran away from him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, jogging after me, trying to catch up.

"I'm getting my jacket." I said turning around and looking at him.

He took off his suit jacket, and handed it to me. "Here. It's probably big."

I smiled. "Thanks. I have to get something else. I lied."

He looked at me in confusion and followed me upstairs. I looked at my wrist for the key to my office and realized I had put it somewhere, hidden. Dougie was standing next to me, clearly confused because I was just standing there.

"What are you doing?" He asked laughing.

"I have to get my key for this office." I stated, he leaned up against the wall outside my office.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked.

"It's hidden." I informed.

His mouth formed an 'O' shape. "So get it. I won't tell."

I blushed. "Alright." I said, I looked over at him once more and he started laughing.

"See nothing has changed. You're still crazy!" He recalled.

"Shut up Dougie!" I yelled back at him.

"Where's the key?" Dougie asked. "Is it like somewhere up high?" He asked standing on his tippy toes.

"No." I said, finally having the courage to get the key. I reached into my bra and got the key.

"Nice hiding place." Dougie said, cheekily smiling.

"No one can get it!! So shut up!" I said, opening the door.

I walked in and sat at my chair. I leaned forward under my desk looking for what I came here for.

"No one can get it huh? What about me?" He asked clearly happy.

"No one...besides you..." I sighed, looking effortlessly for that old camera.

He laughed and I heard him sit down in a chair. I chuckled and finally found the camera.

"Nice red lace bra by the way." He said as I resurfaced from under my desk.

"Don't be cheeky, Doug." I said, seriously.

He rolled his eyes and focused on what I had placed on the desk.

"Is that the camera...?" He asked.

"Yep. The one you bought for me. I kept it." I said.

He looked at me then smiled. "I now understand your tattoo."

"Finally." I mumbled under my breath.

He got up from the chair and picked me up, threw me over his shoulder.

"Dougie!!" I screamed. "Put me down I have a dress on."

He ignored my demand and carted me down the stairs and trudged down the hall to the dining room. It was pointless to try to get away. I could run but I couldn't hide.

He tried to open the door, but couldn't get it. "Hey, can you open it?" He asked me.

I sternly said. "Nope. Put me down and I will."

"Nevermind. I can just knock." He said being his stubborn self. He knocked on the door and not a second later, Tom opened the door.

Tom looked at us like we were Siamese twins. I'm sure it looked ridiculous, being carried by his friend and he had no knowledge of our relationship at all.

He walked into the room, and everyone looked at us. Once he finally put me down, I ran over to Sarah and sat down.

She gave me a questioning look. I smiled and she smiled.

"Harry! Tom! And Danny! I have something to tell you guys." Dougie yelled, putting his hands up, like he was preaching.

"Alright. What do you have to tell us?" Danny asked, clearly confused.

"Umm. Where to begin?" Dougie started, god he was so cute.

I cut in. "So it just so happens that this world is not so small after all..." I said and the looks on Tom, Harry's and Danny's faces were even more confused than before.

I sighed. This was going to be hard. "Oh gosh. You know how I said I grew up in Essex?" I asked them.

They all nodded. "I grew up in Corringham. Just like Dougie. I went to Gable hall of Performing Arts too." I said.

"So you guys know each other?" Tom asked.

"Yes. We do." Dougie cut in. "You know how I've told you I didn't have any friends except one? Anna was my only friend." He explained.

"It's true. We were best friends for 6 years. No one liked either of us so we just kept to ourselves. The two geeks that everyone hated." I said.

"Mate, how come you didn't tell us?" Harry asked.

"I told you about my friend. I didn't tell you guys who it was and that it was a girl. I really don't know why..." Dougie said.

I looked over at Sarah and she was in shock. I talked about Dougie probably once in those 4 years.

"So. To inform you, I dropped out of school half way into junior year. I left Dougie there, alone with no one, no friends. It was because I was bullied so much that I couldn't take it anymore so it was either leave and try to be happy or stay and most likely kill myself." I explained.

The guys sat there in shock and Sarah did too. I looked over at Dougie and he looked shocked too. I never really explained that if I stayed I would have killed myself.

I took a deep breath. I looked at Dougie once more and just decided to finish the story.

"So these past 4 years, me and Dougie haven't seen each other. Don't laugh at us, but we love each other." I said.

Sarah looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"So are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?" Danny asked.

"Yeah." Dougie sighed.

"That's so cute!!! Oh my gosh that's the sweetest thing I have ever heard. You guys are adorable." Harry's started blabbing.

"Thank you for understanding guys." Dougie said.

"It's fine. You're cute, Anna's cute. Perfect couple right there in front of us." Danny said.

"Yeah. We don't really know what to say. So wanna head upstairs and finish the photo shoot?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." Dougie said smiling at me.


"Dougie, no. Go on the OTHER side of Tom. Yeah." I said instructing a very difficult person.

The guys changed their clothes and now they wanted to take pictures with their instruments. Harry couldn't really bring drums so he had drumsticks.

I took a bunch of pictures. Tom was sitting down, then Dougie stood on the left side of him and Danny stood on the right. Harry stood behind Tom. It looked perfect. After I shot different angles and multiple pictures, we were done for the day.

The guys walked over to put their instruments away and I had to bring my cameras downstairs.

"You guys can stay as long as you want. Where are you staying anyways?" I asked them.

"Management has us in a loft apartment for a couple months while they situate concerts and stuff." Tom explained.

"Ah. So you guys aren't touring for a couple months?" I asked.

"Not here yet. We toured already in England. We came here to arrange shows. Fletch is having us do some interviews next month." Dougie said.

"Ah. Makes sense." I said pulling one of my cameras over my head and holding the other two.

I walked over to the elevator and went down to my office. I opened the door and set the cameras down on my desk. I sat in the chair and booted up my computer.

I hooked up the first camera and exported the photos from my camera to the computer. I did the same for the other pictures and begun a new file.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in freak!" I said as I saw Sarah standing there.

She laughed. "Love you too Anna." She said.

I laughed. "Of course I love you!" I announced. She laughed and sat down.

"So I see everything went well with Dougie?" She asked already knowing the answer. She just wanted to hear it from me.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p' and scrolling through random pictures of the band.

"What are you doing on there?" Sarah asked.

I smiled. "Wanna see something cool?" I asked.

She nodded and got up and sat on my desk as I edited the picture I had in front of me. I went on safari and got a image of the bands logo and put it in back of them.

I then took my cool photos software and edited the picture. I added black, red, blue paint splatter in the background and made it look really professional. They weren't looking at the camera so it looked cool.

"Done." I said and turned the computer slightly to the left so she could see it.

"Wow. That looks amazing. Especially the emphasis that the background has with those three colors." She explained. I lightly laughed.

"Thank you. I'm a professional, I know what I'm doing." I said laughing.

"So how long will it take you to do all the others?" Sarah asked, leaning back on her hands.

"I don't know. Maybe tomorrow and they'll be done." I said.

"That's cool. So I'm curious, what happened with you and Dougie? Like did you talk?" Sarah

"Yeah. We talked about everything. Like all the times we shared and stuff like that. Then he told me the day I left, we was gonna ask me out and then he hugged me cause I started crying and yeah." I explained mumbling the yeah part.

"What happened after that?" Sarah asked being the nosy freak she is.

"Ladies don't kiss and tell." I said.

"Oh my god! You guys kissed?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not. " I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Yes you did! Anna! You're blushing you did!" Sarah said laughing and freaking out.

"You got me. But note I did not directly say we were 'kissing' though." I said, speaking the truth.

Sarah raised her eyebrow. I brushed her off.

"Found them!" I heard someone scream. I looked in the doorway and the guys walked in, not even knocking.

"We'll, they invented this thing called knocking about, I don't know, a million years ago." I said sitting back in my chair.

"Oh pish posh, knocking is so last year." Harry said.

I laughed and Sarah hopped off my desk and moved over to the table behind my desk.

"Alright. I don't know what has changed in England but the polite thing to do is knock." I said lightly laughing. "So wanna see what I did?"

They looked at me and nodded. "What is it?" Danny asked.

I clicked full screen on my computer and turned it around so they could see my beautiful creation.

"Wow." Dougie said which caused me to laugh.

"How did you get our logo to go on there so perfectly?" Dougie asked.

I leaned back and clapped my hands. "It's what I do."

"I really like the paint. That's raunchy." Tom said which caused me to chuckle.

"Thanks Tom Fletcher. It means a lot." I said being my awkward self.

"No problem Anna Simmons." He said mimicking me.

I smiled. "So what do we do the rest of the day?" Sarah asked.

"Me and Danny were going to go out for a drink." Harry said.

I turned my computer around. It was 6:28. Wow. Today went by fast. Well we did have a long emotional day, time seemed to have flown by.

"I was gonna go with them." Tom said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Something was up with them. Like they were planning something.

"Alright so that leaves me Sarah and Dougie." I said.

Sarah cut in and put her index finger up correcting me. "Actually. I'm going out tonight." She said.

"Alright so I guess it's just me and Dougie." I said as the guys smirked.

Alright they wanted to play a game? A game they would lose...possibly win, but who gives a shit.

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