Am I Perfect Now?

By lisa5sosxx

5.6K 426 81

"You're perfect." he whispered. I flinched at the word. "Shut up." I shot back still sobbing. "I'm being se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Thank You
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23

92 11 5
By lisa5sosxx

"That was very much needed." Jake sighs when we exit the strange building we had gotten our massages in.

"Definitely." I agree wishing I was still in there getting my massage. "Mind driving me home?" I ask and he just chuckles.

"Nope. You're coming with me to confront that female dog." Jake announces not even asking me. He sees me hesitate and grabs my hand, practically shoving me into the passenger seat and locking the door the moment he jumped into the drivers seat. "There's no escape now. You're mine." He teases in a creepy tone as he starts the engine and the car roars to life.

"I hate you so much Jacob." I grumble leaning onto the window thinking of a way to escape a moving vehicle that is locked and has a psychopath in the drivers seat. Before I can find a non harmful way of getting out, he pulls up to the McDonald's household.

"Stuff's about to go down." He sasses as he hops out of the car, yanking me out of my seat as well. In no time at all, he rings the doorbell and Aleisha herself opens the door. The amount of hatred I feel towards her right now is not describable in words. It would be describable in actions but that would result in her in a grave.

"What is wrong with you?" Jake snaps as soon as he sees her face. It's no secret that she is taken aback. "You probably thought we'd never find out, didn't you? You thought you could be sneaky and we'd never know the true devil you really are. Didn't you." Jake interrogates and she stands there shocked.

"H-how'd you find out?" She asks in fear. Looking at Jake's expression, he looks like he's about to jump her and rip out her throat so I answer.

"Michael told us. Why did you do that? Why would you lie about me to people who you know I care about?" Her expression immediately changes as if she's trying to act tough.

"Shut up. I wasn't lying. I've been researching you, Kathleen. I found an 'old friend' of yours. Her name is Stacy, remember her?" She asks sarcastically knowing their answer. "She told me about all the fun you guys had." She continues chuckling fakily and provocatively. "Like the time she switched your hand sanitizer for super glue and you had to go to the hospital to separate your hands. You had to have bandages on your hands for a month so the skin would heel." She tells chuckling every now and then.

I remember that day vividly. That was the day Roselyn left me for them. It was one of the worst days of my life.

"You're a sick person, Aleisha McDonald." I say no louder than a whisper, my eyes welling up with tears at the old memories flashing through my mind. The look on her face confused me. It looked like regret and pride at the same time. It disgusted me so I did the first thing that came to mind. There was a loud smacking sound as my hand collided with her cheek and a loud gasp coming from the both of us.

"You deserved that." Jake says clearly as she stares at me clutching her cheek. I am in complete shock of what I had just done, staring at my now red hand like it was some alien from outer space.

"You so deserved that." A voice I identified as being Zach's said. Aleisha just stares at me and I stare right back in as much shock as she is in.

"I- I'm so s-" I begin before Jake clasps his hands in front of my mouth yelling something so nobody would hear my apology.

"No. You are not sorry. What you did was animal abuse, but this animal deserved it and much more." Jake tries to convince, spitting into Aleisha's foot. That came as a surprise and if I weren't still in shock that I slapped Aleisha, I would have probably laughed.

Aleisha starts dancing around frantically looking for something to while her foot on. Jake and I take this as our queue to leave. As I get into the car, I pull out my phone immediately, calling my dad.

"Dad?" I asks in a shaky voice when the line connects. "You're going back home for a business trip tomorrow right?" I ask trying to resist the tears.

"Yes sweetie. What's wrong?" He asks concerned but I ignore the question.

"Can I come with you? I have to visit... someone." I say unsure of who to say I want to see.

"Of course you can. I leave tomorrow morning at 6:30 and the jet picks me up at 7. I'm sure you can join." He explains in a soft voice and I am once again reminded of how lucky I am to be in this family. I mumble something that is supposed to be 'thanks' but sound like a drunk guy trying to talk and hang up.

During the car ride home, Jake repeatedly asks who I'm going to see but I ignore him, not in the mood to talk and get out without saying anything when we arrive at me house.

I head straight to my room and start packing. More like throwing random clothing into a suitcase. After I'd thrown a fair amount of clothing into the suitcase I just sit on my bed. That's when it hits me. Luke, Mike, Cal and Ash are in L.A. right now too. This is one of the time where I thank L.A. for being so big since the chances are one in a gazillion that I'll see them while I'm there.

Somehow while doing nothin in my bed, I manage to fall asleep.


I am awoken by somebody softly shaking me. Since I'm facing the window, I can just see that the sun isn't even fully up yet.

"Kate. Wake up. We have to leave soon." My dad whispers sweetly. I stretch and yawn as he exits the room. I can't be bothered to shower so I just grab a crop top, skinny jeans and a flannel not bothered to even try to look presentable. As I put on my jeans and top I begin to notice that they hang very loosely from my body. Had I been loosing weight? I looked in my full sized mirror for the first time in a long time and realize that I had, in fact lost weight. My ribs were now more visible than they were before and the gap between my legs had gotten bigger. I only then realize how little I've been eating these past weeks, not even intentionally trying to keep food to a minimum.

Oddly enough, I was pleased with the fact that I was, indeed losing weight. Since my skinny jeans and crop top didn't fit, I decide to go for sweat pants and a baggy shirt.

For the rest of the time before my dad fetches me telling me we have to leave, I lie in my bed pretending to be doing something.

Grabbing my suitcase and bag I descend the stairs to see the door standing open and my dad waiting outside, in his car. I hurry out the door, closing it behind me and put my bags in the back only taking my phone. The car ride to the private jet airport is short but feels like centuries. Even though this was a private jet it was for business use only and it didn't belong to us, but that's what people back in America thought. And they called me a spoilt brat because of it.

Our suitcases are taken by two muscly are taken guys who carry then onto a different part of the plane. The roaring turbines freak me out and I am only now reminded that I am going to fly in a plane. Again. To get rid of my anxiety, I turn the volume of my music up till the maximum and sit down on the jet seat as soon as I get in, closing my eyes immediately. Before the plane even starts, I fall into a deep, dreamless, sleep.


The impact of the jet landing on the ground jerks me out of my sleep aggressively. Confused and disoriented I frantically look around for dad and see him sitting across from me, reading a newspaper. How in gods name could he be reading a newspaper when the landing basically feels like an earthquake that tops whatever scale earthquakes are measured by.

I sigh in relief as the jet finally comes to a full stop. I catch my dads attention an he puts down the newspaper.

"Good morning sunshine." He greets cheerfully and I groan in response to his overly cheery behavior.

"What's so good about it." I mumble and he laughs.

"I had Emmanuela drive your car here so you can go straight to wherever it is you wanted to go." He informs me and I have to admit, my heart skipped a beat. Emmanuela was our housekeeper and she offered to keep our house in good condition while we were gone, for free, so we offered for her to stay at our house while we're gone. I missed Jessie. Yes, I named my car Jessie.

With a slightly better attitude I get out of my seat and exit the jet onto the jet airport which was just at the backside of the normal airport. The muscly guy brings me my suitcase and I ask hint k out it in my car, which I saw rolling up right to me, a very happy Emmanuela jumping out.

"Kathleen!" The little Mexican lady, who I've always liked to compare to a bundle of happiness, yells in her Mexican accent as she sprints up to hug me. I hug her back excitedly, realizing how much I'd missed her energy and bubbly personality. She handed me the car key and we continue to some small talk and catching up before I hear something I prayed to God I wouldn't hear.

"Kate?" An Australian voice called, which I could just hear over the sound of the dying turbine. I freeze and slowly turn around. Just as I had dreaded, there stood the four Australians with suitcases along with who I guess we're managers or something. Why? Why did they have to fly with a jet?!

My legs start shaking at the sight of Luke. He's staring at me with a look I can't decider from this distance I slowly start taking baby steps towards them and Ashton and Calum run up to me and hug me excitedly, Luke and Michael trailing along, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"How've you been?" Calum asks happily, not realizing how much j hate that question.

"Mhm." I nod faking a smile but they weren't buying it. They not start to apologize multiple times but I zone out the moment Luke is standing in front of me (well about 10 feet from me).

"Luke. I really didn't do it. I swear. We were climbing the tree and I got a pa-" I begin to explain but he interrupts me.

"Shut up, will you? Don't start with the whole panic attack crap cause I know its not true. Are you looking for sympathy? Attention? Cause if so then you're a sick person, Kathleen. Not that I didn't already know that." Luke snaps only then making eye contact with me. Once again my eyes fill with hot, unwanted tears and a lone tear echoes down my cheek.

"Don't you see what you've done?" I ask rhetorically with a shaky voice. "You trusted your ex girlfriend who, you know, is the most fake and manipulative person ever and you believed her about somebody who trusted you and you trusted back. Or at least I though you trusted me. Aleisha knows nothing about me and the things she said are complete BS." I begin wiping at my eyes fiercely.

"All I ever wanted to do was be happy, make others happy and be happy with myself. All I ever wanted to be was perfect. At least perfect in somebody's eyes. Am I perfect now? Now that you've ruined my life in any way possible and changed my life for, what I hoped, was the better but you completely destroyed it. Was I that unimportant to you that you felt it so easy to dump me on the side of the road of life and let me be run over by countless trucks? Am I perfect now that I'm broken and calling for help but not getting any? Now that everybody hates me for something I didn't even do?" I continue, in fits of tears by now but still managing to speak clearly.

Luke's gaze was in the ground and he only looked up a few moments later.

"Are you done now? If yes, be gone." He snaps and I take off towards my car determined to get away from them. Eclectically Luke. I ignore Ashton and Calum's calls for me to come back and even Michael is yelling for me to come back but I dash out of the airport.

In tears I speed up the all to familiar road past my old house. I take a few turns and stop right by the start of the woods to the huge haunting gates which resembled the gates of hell. Would make complete sense though.

I let my senses carry me to my destination and once I reach it I break out into more tears.

"Roselyn. Rosie, please help me." I cry out kneeling by the tomb stone with the words 'In loving memory of Roselyn Elizabeth Maior' engraved in it.


Yello guys

So this chapter was intense... may or may not have shed some tears while writing it... anyway... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS OMFG❤️ I love you guys so much and really hope you're enjoying this story🌹


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