Silence Is Louder Than Words

By AnimeAngelG

182K 4.2K 906

I'm sick of crying tired of trying. Yeah I might be smiling but inside I’m dying. They don't know me or what... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 3

6.8K 146 28
By AnimeAngelG

Heres the third chappie hope ya'll like it :D


Douglas seemed to be trying to get rid of her and I spun on my heel before he could see me. Apparently it didn't work since he ran to catch up to me a second later. "You have a one h*** of a punch." He commented casually, walking beside me like we were the best of friends. I flinched at his cussing and a flood of memories came back to me. I quickly pushed them away, this wasn't the time nor place for reminiscing.

"So are you and that dork together then?" He asked suddenly. I frowned and walked faster but he easily kept up. "I thought you wouldn't come again today..." He thought out loud. "I saw you right away though. Black may blend in, in the funeral home you come from but here it stands out."

That joke shot daggers strait in my heart. I stopped dead in my tracts and vacantly stared strait ahead. Nothing in my face showed how upset I was except for the increasing paleness. I slowly turned my body to face his and looked at him for the first time. I tried to figure out whether he knew or not and decided against it seeing his innocent face.

"Is something wr" He started but I backhanded him stopping his questioning.

The busy halls then filled with silence, the only sound being my echoing slap. This was my moment of spotlight, all eyes on me but I didn't look away from him. My face was scarily calm but my eyes burned with anger that he could clearly see.

"Ehmm..." Someone broke the silence and I tore my gaze away to see Erik's mother. I nodded her way before walking down the hall toward the principles office, her right on my tail.


After waiting a while I was ushered into the room by the secretary. I sat down on the brown leather couch opposite his desk.

"I just got informed that you attacked a student?" The stout, bald man, in a suit said like a question.

I nodded at Principle Elkin so he could continue. "Why?" That simple question set me off. All those memories that Douglas triggered welled up in that one moment. I closed my eyes and tried to control the oncoming tears but I couldn't.

I always knew one day I would have a break down from all the pent up emotions. I had hoped that it would happen at the park or in my room or somewhere secluded. I never expected it to be in the principles office...

"Oh, well this is unexpected." He stuttered coming around his desk and approaching my curled up body slowly like I was an untamed animal.

Wet salty tears were coming down my face in a constant flow just like the memories were. I tried to bury them back down but I couldn't. It's like every file that I so carefully locked and put away was open for the whole world to see.

I felt vulnerable... and I didn't like it one bit.

I closed my eyes and let one terrifying memory consume me until I was reliving it all over again.

"You little b****! I saw that! Don't even think of telling her or you know what will happen!" He said pressing his knife into my neck threateningly. "You hear me?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered seeing spots from how he banged my head into the wall.

"Good." He grinned. "Now it's time for your punishment."

"Yes sir." I whispered, terrified of what he would do to me this time. He brought his knife down from my neck and onto my wrist where he cut me mercilessly.

"Believable, but you won't die." He mumbled smiling. Before exiting out my window he kicked the wall so my parents would check on me. "Keep quiet and no one other than you will get hurt." That was the last thing I heard before the world faded to black...

With a jolt I was brought back into reality. I looked around and saw the principle holding open a file and rapidly punching numbers into the phone. I wiped away my tears and sat up.

"Hello?" He said into the phone. "Is this Victoria's mother?... Yes can you give her the phone... Hello this is Principle Elkin... Don't worry mam your daughter just had a little breakdown that's all... Yes, your daughter.... No, she didn't... Ok, thank you for your time... All right you too goodbye."

He turned toward me looking relieved I wasn't crying anymore. I cast my eyes down to the ground ashamed that I let myself do that here. "Your parents are coming to pick you up."

I nodded and stood up to leave. "You can wait in the hall but I would like to have a word with them before you leave." I walked out zipping up my hoodie in the process and then sat on a bench in the hall. Thankfully most people were already in class but a few dawdlers still lingered in small groups chatting.

Knowing it would be at least 15 minutes until they came I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them, shielding my face from the cruel world. I was emotionally drained and felt like going to sleep right there but decided against it.

I let my mind go blank as I closed my eyes just for a second. The next thing I knew someone was tapping me on the shoulder.

I looked up groggily at Erik. I must've fallen asleep because people were roaming the halls again. Erik smile at me before wrapping me in a bear hug. My eyes went wide and I looked to him for explanation. "I heard about you punching that one jerk and I was gonna come here and give you props but... You look like your having a down day."

I smiled at his sweetness before standing up and stretching my legs. Looking through the little window in the door I noticed Page and Steve were already talking to the Principle. Now grimacing I sat back down, wanting desperately to run for it instead.

"Parents?" I nodded. "Scared of them hearing about you hitting that one dude?" I shook my head. "You did something else?" His eyes widened as I nodded.

He looked thoughtful for a moment before smirking slightly. "Want to run for it?" At this my face brightened considerably but I was still hesitant. "I'll take you somewhere special." He bargained. My nose scrunched up as I imagined a fancy restaurant where people judged me. "Trust me." He said seriously, noticing my look of displeasure.

I turned the thought over in my head for a moment before doing something I wouldn't have done a week ago.

I took his hand and we ran out of the school pushing people out of the way and grinning like maniacs.

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