Written In The Stars : Guardi...

By GingerEyes

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Ava is the Collectors daughter and a woman known as the" Guardian". She is well known to go back in time ille... More

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Chapter One : Who?
Chapter Two : Busted
When I First Met Loki
Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*
First Kiss On Our Wedding Day
Chapter Four : The Midgardain Game
The Letter * ADDED ON*
Chapter Five : The Deal
Where Were You?
Chapter Six : Into Eternity
Chapter Seven : Siblings That Are Worlds Apart
It's Fine
Chapter Eight : Hello Again.
Your A True Princess
Chapter Nine : Family Blood
How The Prince Was Created
Chapter Ten : Deliverence
One Last Favor For Her
Chapter Eleven : For My Family
I Looked At You In The Eyes
Chapter Twelve: Kill Him
Make Me Scream
Chapter Thirteen : Everything Comes With A Price
We Are The Guardians

Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye

304 11 0
By GingerEyes

"Hey sugar!" Said a voice in the crowd. All of us had turned to the asshole who gotten all of our attention. Peter had crossed his arms as he had noticed that the alien's eyes were locked on me.  Peter had risen his eyebrows at me as he had seen the fire inside of my eyes from what had happened only earlier that day.

He was going to pay for taking my son away from me.

I don't care why he did it for money, but my son is everything !

I smiled trying to hide the anger on my face. My father told me to hide the true intentions to your foe.  So of course I am going to stop him but not too upfront. He would expect me to run up and kill him. It would explain why he had his hand on his belt, where his arrow rested.

Drax had wrapped his arms around me as he had seen  Yondu's attention was all on me. He had at first had placed his hand on his pant pockets, I can only assume that he has a weapon as well. I wasn't alarmed now because I am protected.

"So, this is the creamed up pie you been tasting behind Ronan's back" Yondu had came closer to me with a slight chuckle under his breath.   He then glanced up and down Drax who was so close to slay him on the spot.

"I am Drax, you of course had met me before" He said in a low tone " We worked together to save Ava and get the Orb"

Yondu licked his lips at me then had glanced at my body " I see, I see. I know we talked before , I just wanted to give your sweetie a second chance with me. She told me that I couldn't care for her and the child. But with the Orb, maybe I can."

 "I already said no Yondu" I muttered under my breath . Clearly he doesn't listen to a lady when she talks to a man. I don't think I am ever going to be interested into a man like that ever.  I have Drax, my strong protector.

"Okay, Okay my queen. I know that I owe nothing to you, but your friends do." He had turned to Peter who had the Orb in his hands.

Peter isn't serious is he? Is he really going to be as stupid to give off the Orb just like that because Yondu told him to. After all that we been through today this is how we are going to end things?

Sure enough, Peter had glanced at Gamora before  walking towards Yondu. Was this trip all for nothing. The idiot is going to blow up the entire galaxy at this rate!  He is far from capable from doing any sort of work like we are giving him.

Star- lord had given him the orb just like that.  Yondu had looked at all of us then chuckled.

"Thank you, I bless your children Princess Ava of Asgard. Maybe you might change your mind later" He had muttered.

"I don't think so Yondu. Hopfully I wont see you around" I said.

"Here? " Yondu had pointed to the ground " No, in your bedroom in a couple years? Maybe I might say tonight"

"I don't think so" I repeated.

Yondu had sighed heavily as he had turned away and begun to walk away. When he had left my sight, I had begun to give a piece of my mind to Peter.  He had a wide grin on his face.

"What the hell Peter?!" I asked.

Peter had shaken his head " You will find out soon enough Ava."

Afterword's, the gang and I had walked into the station where the Corp's officers had wanted to interview us about what exactly happened. They also wanted to give us gratitude for saving their planet by re-paying us somehow.

The rest of the gang had already went into the office to get interviewed, and I was the very last one to be spoken to. I hardly think that they are going to reward me with anything because of the way I was on the trip.

 I didn't help as much as Peter, Gamora, Rocket and Drax. I was only a person who was saved by them.  My role was only a damsel in distress. Plus I hardly didn't even use my weapon once.

As I had walked down the halls, with Drax holding my hand, I only had the feeling of anxiety of what was expected out of this. I still didn't understand why he had been walking with me. He refused to speak up, so I had no idea what was going on.

"What's going on?"I ask him again.

"Your going to see Corpsman Dey, He's going to talk to you about something. He just told me it's going to be life changing"

I guess that I am going back to jail. I don't blame him to do anything like that because I kind of am a  rebel. He had known that since he looked at my papers a few months ago.

"I'm probably going back to prison" I told him.

"You? You wont be able to stand a day alone in their without one of us by you. " Drax had said thinking that it would make the situation better. But didn't.

"You didn't help Drax, " I told him looking down. I begun to smell a strong fragrance that clearly wasn't made here in Xandor. It was something more from my home planet.

Drax had stopped by the next door. I can only assume that this is it. He had turned me around to face him. He then had knelt over to my ear and had whispered something that I wasn't too surprised to hear.

"That Officer Dey might need to re-check me in then."

He pulled me close to him as he came close enough to kiss me . His lips were so tempting that I had licked the bottom of his lip to ask permission to explore him a bit more. He had opened his lips wide enough for my tongue to slip inside.

We ignored when we heard the door open. We thought that it was hardly anything at the moment. He loved me for sure and felt the same way as we had heard a man clear his through.  We done it for a few more moments before I realised that I recognised his voice.

"Ava, "

I pushed away and had met eyes with my Father.  His dark eyes were enlightened when he had seen me again. I had quickly turned away from Drax to embrace in a hug with my father. My arms were around his waist as he had smiled and pulled me in closer to his body.

"My daughter" He muttered."Running away again I see"

I had pulled away. He seriously isn't mad at me because I had saved a planet. Well since he found out my secret I wouldn't be too surprised if he was mad at me. He freaked out way too much last time.


"You deliberately disobeyed me,  and whose this?" He had pointed at Drax.

"That's um..." I was trying to tell him the easiest way possible . But it wasn't too easy for me to explain since I just had given birth to his grandson.  He seen me depressed so of course he wasn't going to be fine with it. But I have my reasons to be mad at him too. He tried to make me remember good times with Loki for him to have sex with me, unbelievable.

"I am Drax the destroyer" He had said shaking his hand.

"I mean what are you to her? Peter Quill had already said that he's dating Ava"  He had given me a puzzled look at me. " I know who this guy is, he's the killer out for revenge"

I laughed. That was the silliest thing I have ever heard honestly. He was trying to kill me from laughter. Cause if he was, it was working. But he didn't seem to like Drax too much at the moment.

"No" I said with a smile, but he didn't find it too funny.

Drax had smiled lightly too. "I know we haven't properly met , but I am asking for your blessing to be your daughters suitor" .

Father had smiled politely. Well that was a close call for a second I thought that he was going to completely reject him on the spot. I guess that he might have to get to know him better .

"I am unsure about yourself because my daughter just is going through a crisis" He had said. " I have been told my grandson has been taken from her"

I had looked down. I didn't want him to know, but I suppose that he did find out anyways.  Now he is going to go all psycho, even though I already know where he is . He's in Asgard .

"I understand, I want both of them to be okay, I swear to be a good father to him and a love to her." Drax had looked at me then smiled lightly.

"I see, let's talk the officer wants to speak to Ava " Father had walked past me with a small grin as he had walked next to Drax.

I really hope that this one works out for me.

"Princess in here"

I had heard his voice call me inside and I had smiled lightly at the officer who had arrested me months ago. This time he wasn't in a mocking mood with me. He had styled his hair differently  and worn a newer suit for the occasion.

I sat down on the chair and we had begun.

"First of all congratulations on saving the universe, again" He had said.

I guess that I am here for some sort of prize for that occasion. I am no  doubt going to decline this, he really wasn't there to see it himself.

" I didn't, " I said. " I was only on the scene"

The officer had grinned wider and laughed a bit " Of course you were. You helped the Guardians of the Galaxy, and you killed your own brother Herc, you deserve something for that .He was a enemy for our unit ever since we started!"

Well I guess that I did help a bit in that way.

"Thank you" I said.

" You don't need to thank me. We just wanted to say how grateful we were for that. Your going to get rewarded later . For  now, we are going to ship you to..."  He had looked on a paper " Midgard in a weeks time."

I had tilted my head. I been there only a couple times, so I am surprised why I wasn't going to be shipped to Asgard, where my son is. I can bet a million dollars that's where he is.

"I don't understand, I live in Asgard."

"We know, that's where your missing son is. Under a faculty named "SHIELD" " He had pointed out sounding rather confused.

I am familiar with this SHIELD, Thor works with this team sometimes and I hear great stories about them. I now wonder why my child is located there. Loki must have placed him there himself.

"Alright then" I had looked down " How long is this journey going to take Corpsman?"

"I am not sure how easily they are going to let you take him. So I would say a month to earn their trust and such. But then your brother in law is on the team so maybe he will let you join the group"

 I smiled lightly at him " I guess so"

" I am also allowing you to take someone as a partner, this job isn't going to be an easy one"

I would love to take Drax, but he just would make it more obvious that we were up to no good. Same goes for Gamora and Rocket. I am going to have to invite someone who seems more normal looking to them like myself . My father would refuse of course, so I think the only option would be Peter Quill.

As I had gotten packed up on my trip to Midgard, I had thought about the choice of bringing Peter along with me. Hopefully Drax didn't take this the wrong way as I didn't take him. But surely he will understand that he would make our mission more obvious. 

I had tried my best to pack the more "Midgardian" clothes that I could find in my closet . Hopefully transparent skirts and tights are in right now, or else I am screwed for this entire trip. I might need to do my hair differently, I haven't been to Midgard for a long time so I don't know what to look like exactly.

"Need a hand fitting in?" Peter said from behind. I turned to him an he had smiled " I can help with that right now, I been reading magazines"

I tilted my head "What?"

"Books about fashion" He had told me " I know what's in style, you might as well try to fit in. For starters." He had came close enough and had shaken his head " It's time to cut your hair and dye it a different color, we have a few hours before we have to go"

A little change wont hurt me. So why not?

"Sure, might as well. I want to try to fit in. " I said.

Peter had a box in his hands. " I only know how to do ombre, its the fading of one color to the next. It's rather easy and I think that if I put some black on the bottom of your hair, it will look hot"

"Hot" wasn't the best word for that.

"Sure let's do it" I said. I didn't know what I was expecting.

SHIELD's  Headquarters : Sam Wilson's P.O.V

In the room where they had all of their projects, the most important one was sleeping in a glass box.

Everyone doesn't know where the child had came from, it had just fallen from the sky they say. We want details about the baby, but Nick is refusing to give away any. Besides what can the damage of a small baby do to hurt us?

For the past few days, I had been visiting the child and feeding it.  It seems to be taking a liking to me though, I caught him smiling a few times whenever I feed him food. I think I am the only one he likes. Others like Nat and Cint have been trying to get close to him, and he only cries loudly.

But I am sure that the baby's parents are looking all over for him. Thor thinks that it's his younger brothers child, Loki. Yea, the crazy one who tried to take over the planet before, who would want to marry him anyways?  But if it's true then we are in a lot of trouble when his mom decides to take the child back.

I had entered the room and approached the baby. Slowly, I had opened the box and had picked it up in my arms. He was so quiet and sleepy now, something that I would love to see someday. I want to be a dad, but I haven't found anyone who is worth my time yet.

Well there is this one girl, but she in some cases is too young for me.

She is this rebel child who has a god as her father.  Her past has been awful and I treated her rudely when we had first met. I had discouraged her to keep on going because she was only a child. But I see so much more now in her. I see the strength of herself ever since the "clock tower incident" . It's my job to watch over her, just like it's Steve's job to watch over Anne and Judith.

Lynnsey in some ways is complicated and strong, she just doesn't know it yet.

Just like this boy, without his strength, he wouldn't have been able to survive the fall from the sky.  If Thor wasn't there, then the child would very well be dead.

Ava's P.O.V

Here we go.

I had taken a moment to breathe. This isn't going to be a easy month for sure.  I will be facing challenges this way, compared to how I used to handle them .I am going to have to gain their trust somehow and I know it isn't going to be easy.

Drax had stopped me before I had entered the shuttle.  He had pulled me in for a hug and I had felt every single cell in my body seem to calm down.

"Be back" He said.

"You know that I will"

I let go and I had seen a rather upset father pull me in for a hug. In some point of the hug he had passed me a envelope. I taken it and placed it in my pocket.

"Stay safe" He whispered in my ear.

"I will dad"

Rocket had jumped into my arms and had glanced at me for a moment.

"Don't Die."

I told him exactly what I had thought  "Good advice Rocket thank you"

He hoped off and Gamora had hugged me. What's with hugs today? I am only going to be gone for a month, but I know its going to be  a long month for all of us. Believe me .

Instead she didn't say anything. But when she had pulled me away, she had given me a head nod.

"COME ON AVA WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY!" Peter had exclaimed.

He's right. I had turned away from my peers as I had went on my new mission to save my son. It's so hard to say good bye to someone you known for a while because you have grown an attachment with them. Drax and I are going to be separated for a while, and our relationship is going to be put to the test.

Just as the shuttle's window had closed, I had seen the face of Drax smile lightly and wave.

I really am going to miss that guy.

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