Forever (A Justin Bieber Fanf...

By jbizzlesavon

11.3K 271 30

Kendall, a model from Calabasas, meets a boy called Justin. Everything seems to be normal but she isn't quite... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

809 16 0
By jbizzlesavon

Three days have passed by and I haven't talked to Justin ever since the family dinner. I mean I didn't care, why should I? I barely knew him. Today would be the shoot and I have no idea how to act like in front of him. Kylie kept asking me about him but in fact I couldn't even reply anything. Because I didn't know him at all. Anyways, it's already 10 AM and I really gotta get ready because I have to be at the location in an hour. I was glad that I have already chosen an outfit because otherwise it would take forever. I rushed into the bathroom and took a shower. After that, I got all ready. I really wanted to talk to Khloe but I couldn't because they were filming for our reality show. I absolutely hated those camera men, they made me feel uncomfortable in our own house because I never get a lot of space, legit no privacy. That's actually why I always use my 'job' as an excuse for not being on the show that often. Sometimes I really wished that I would wake up and realize that my life was only a dream, I didn't like being followed by strangers or in general being known by people. It's something that freaked me out a lot. "Kendall!!" I heard a yell from downstairs that totally woke me up. "We really have to go! Or do you want to be late?" Mom said while I jogged down the stairs. Holy shit. Why does she always have to be SO hectic? It wasn't even 10:30 AM. She kind of gave me an 'I expect you to answer' look so I just nodded because I really didn't feel like talking to her at the moment. Not at all.
Mom stopped the car after she parked right in front of the location. It was beautiful: there was a huge pool and a lot of palm trees around it. The sun was shining and there wasn't one cloud to be seen. Right before we got in, mom asked me "What's the matter with you today?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm just very nervous, okay? Mom it's a huge deal to me and you know that" I explained. "I'm sorry, you're right" she smiled. "Let's go then".  I couldn't wait for the shoot, I haven't had one in a while. I went up the three little stairs and I could already see Justin chatting with Jason, the photographer. I said hi to both of them. Right afer, I changed into the CK clothes what Justin has already done. As I got out, he was sitting by the pool, looking straight into the camera. He was wearing a black and white unbuttoned flannel with black pants and of course - some white Calvin Klein underwear. I went up to Jason and asked him how he wanted us to pose. "Um, it would be nice if you could sit right next to him over there at first" he paused while pointing on Justin, "I'll tell you everything else while we're shooting" I thanked him and did exactly what he told me to. Jason took the first two pictures, "Okay, thanks. Now you should look into each others eyes but please don't smile" He looked through the lense. "Alright, and Justin" he paused "if you could just put your hand on her hair, pretending to go through it like this.." Jason tried to show him. He nodded and took a few pictures of that pose.
After 30 minutes we had a short break.
I went up to Jason and whispered: "I kind of feel uncomfortable with him touching me, you know"
Jason gave me a confused look, "Don't worry, there are only a few pics to go." I nodded and went back to Justin who just smiled at me, "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded, "Yeah. Just a little excited". After that we continued with the shoot. The longer we did it, the easier it seemed to be. "And for the last picture, I'd like you, Justin, to hug Kendall from behind. But please make sure that the CK signs are still seen". I could tell that Justin felt awkward too but I was quite okay with it by now. I mean it was only a shoot. What so ever, it's not that he's a total stranger to me. Justin wrapped his arms around my stomach and placed his head on my shoulders, I looked straight into the camera. Just like Jason told us to. "Aaand that's a wrap!! You guys did great! Thank you so so much." Jason let us know. We both walked towards him to see the pictures on a bigger screen. "Wow, they turned out amazing" Justin said while we were both looking at them. "I do love them!" I added.
Justin hugged me tight in front of the gate, "I had a blast shooting with you. Thanks". I couldn't do anything but smile, "Same to you, I look forward to seeing the pictures printed."
It was about 2 PM when we left. I was kind of exhausted but I decided that I would drive to my house instead of going to mom's. I really needed some space. I grabbed lunch on my way home and couldn't wait to relax.
As soon as I sat down on the couch, my phone rung. I didn't want to answer the call, my phone was in my purse anyways and I was way too lazy to get it. I wasn't even expecting a call so it wouldn't be important. After five minutes, it rung again. Well, maybe it is important. I walked over to the kitchen to get my phone. It stopped ringing when I was literally about to open my purse. Seriously? Now that I was already here, I wanted to know who it was:
(2) Missed calls from Justin
Omg thank you so much for reading!! I only started to write this fanfic and I really hope that you guys like it?? Theres literally SO much to come! I'm so excited for you to read the next chapters!! You may have noticed that there are only 3 chapters now, instead of 5. No worries, I just put some chapters together so that they would be longer!
Don't forget to vote Xx Love y'all


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