Pregnant With The Player

By xoBellalaxo

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What would you do if you had everything? Money, good grades, and great friends! But as soon as you hit highs... More

Chapter 1 - Guys Are Like Roses, Gotta Watch Out For The Pricks
Chapter 2 - Guys Are Like Mascara, They Run At The First Sign Of Emotion
Chapter 3 - Guys Are Like Curling Irons, Always Hot & In Your Hair
Chapter 4 - Guys Are Like Commercials, You Can't Believe a Word They Say
Chapter 5 - Guys Are Like Lava Lamps, Fun To Look At But Not Very Bright
Chapter 6 - Guys Are Like Vacations, They Never Seem To Be Long Enough
Chapter 8 - Guys Are Like Bricks, Waiting To Be Laid
Chapter 9 - Guys Are Like Cars, Always Going Way Too Fast
Chapter 10 - Guys Are Like Dollar Bills, They Never Do Last
Chapter 11 - Guys Are Like The Wind, All They Want Is A Blow
Chapter 12 - Guys Are Like Placemats, They Only Show Up When Food's On The Table
Chapter 13 - Guys Are Like Bananas, The Older They Get, The Less Firm They Are
Chapter 14 - Guys Are Like Cola Lovely & Bubbly But Soon Go Flat
Chapter 15 - Guys Are Like The Sun, They Think The World Revolves Around Them
Chapter 16 - Guys Are Like Easter Eggs, They're Hollow
Chapter 17 - Guys Are Like Fast Food, Cheap, Greasy & Bad For You
Chapter 18 - Guys Are Like Miniskirts, Be Careful Or They'll Creep Up Your Legs
Chapter 19 - Guys Are Like The Weather, Nothing Can Be Done To Change Them
Chapter 20 - Guys Are Like Department Stores, Their Clothes Are Always 1/2 Off
Chapter 21 - Guys Are Like Copiers, You Need Them For Reproduction & That's It
Chapter 23 - Guys Are Like Chocolate Bars, Sweet & Head Straight For The Hips

Chapter 7 - Guys Are Like Laxitaves, They Irritate The Crap Out of You

5.9K 144 9
By xoBellalaxo

"You know, I think I'm pretty good at making cake." Connor said with a small smirk on his face as we stood in the kitchen baking cakes because about an hour ago my Mom called and asked us to bake five cakes for a get together we are hosting tonight.

"Well, we'll see about that," I said with a laugh as I grabbed a couple of eggs from the fridge, "will you please sift the flower?"

"Of course," he said with a small smile as he grabbed the container of flour from the counter and the sifter.

"I bet you ten bucks I'm better at sifting than you," he said as he opened the container and looked over his shoulder at me with a challenging look in his eye.

"You're on," I said with a smirk as I cracked the eggs into a bowl carefully as I heard him begin to pour flour.

"I am absolutely great at sifting, you know, I could become a professional sifter," he began as I heard him dumping flour into the sifter. "Shit."

"What did you do?" I asked as I filled up a measuring cup with some water and milk as I heard him say that one little word, indicating he messed something up.

"Uh, nothing." He said trying to cover up whatever he did from me.

"I don't believe you," I said as I turned around to find flour spilt all over the counter and floor.

"Apparently, when you sift flour you need a bowl underneath where you're dumping it," he said with a small smile.

"This is why you are not becoming a professional sifter," I said as I stared at the huge mess we now have in my kitchen. "You clean up your damn ass mess, I'm going to continue on the cakes."

"That's probably a good idea," he said nodding his head as he agreed with me.

"I'm aware," I said as I turned back to the bowl trying not to laugh at him.


"Well Hadley, I'm impressed you did that so quickly." Said my Mom with a smile as she looked at all five nicely iced cakes when she arrived home from work.

"Oh, well I had some help." I said with a small smile knowing I couldn't tell her who helped me, because they aren't coming over for dinner until Thursday night, and it's only Tuesday.

"Well who helped you? They deserve to be here tonight, that way they can enjoy the cakes they helped create." She said with a smile as she was standing by the counter and grabbing things to make dinner for my Dads' work friends.

"I can't tell you, but he said he had plans for tonight anyways so he isn't able to join us." I said shrugging my shoulders as I walked around the counter so I could go and shower so I didn't smell tonight.

"Okay," she said with a smile as she began to chop up some lettuce to make a salad. "Oh, and your father has hired at new employee, he has a son your age, Kyle. They'll be here tonight, and he's finishing the last two months here, so please try and be kind to him."

"Aren't I always kind?" I asked her with a laugh as I began walking towards the stairs slowly hoping she heard the sarcasm in my voice.

"Thanks Hads," she called once again as I made my way to my bedroom.


"Kids, we have guests arriving so come on down!" I heard my Dad yell to us from downstairs loudly as I also heard vehicles arriving at our house.

"I'll be right there," I said as I closed my laptop and stood up slowly, knowing tonight was going to be a fairly hectic night.

As I walked towards my door, I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. My blonde hair was down and going into natural waves, I was wearing light skinny jeans with a blue shirt and dark grey sweater. I had some light make up on, and I was ready to go and attempt to make some small talk with the children my age from my Dads work.

"Hadley, hurry up! Kim is here!" I heard my Dad call loudly as I opened my door and began to go downstairs to see some recognizable people standing in our foyer as they removed their shoes slowly.

"Hadley, look how beautiful you are!" Called Kim's mom with a smile, she hasn't been to a dinner party in forever because her and her husband had been separated for a short period of time.

"Hello Mrs. Larim," I said with a smile as I stood on the very bottom stair and my brothers rushed quickly downstairs in some khakis and plain shirts.

"And boys, you two are growing to be fine young men." She said to them with a smile as they just smiled back not remembering who it was speaking to them.

"Alright, why don't you kids go in the backyard and hang out. I'll call you all back in when dinner is ready," my Mom told us with a smile as I nodded my head and indicated for Kim to follow me through our surprisingly clean house.

"So, how's everything going?" She asked me with a smile as we made our way through the crowded kitchen where food and wines were covering the countertops.

"It's going pretty good," I said with a small smile as I opened the back doors and the twins ran outside leaving us standing there. "No complaints. How about yourself?"

"I'm doing good," she said with a small smile as she stepped out onto our deck and I followed her. "I swear you guys have the nicest back yard."

"It's nice, but it's a lot of work." I said as I thought about the gardener we had to hire because of how much property we own, he comes about three times and week and just takes care of the plants and he'll clean up bushes and trees.

"I can imagine, there's a lot of land back here." She said indicating to all of the quad and riding trials we have in the trees right behind my house.

"Well how about school?" I asked her as we walked to my old tree house and sat down on the small, yellow swings.

"It's going really well! I am honestly so glad all of the high school drama is almost done." She said with a sigh and laugh as we each swung back and fourth.

"I know what you mean," I replied with a small sigh as I looked towards my still flat stomach, knowing eventually it will begin to grow.

"Oh, and aren't you excited about our parents going to Hawaii!" She said with pure joy in her eyes, even though the two of us weren't going. We were staying in town as our parents left, just for school and sports and other important activities.

"I'd be more excited if I was going, and it's not just our parents," I began remembering my brothers are allowed to go because my parents are too worried about them to leave them here because I won't be able to watch them the entire time, "my brothers are both going."

"Woah, your younger brothers get to go?" She asked as her swing stopped moving.

"Yes, my parents don't want to leave them here." I told her with a small smile as she looked mad about the situation.

That seems unfair,"she said as she looked over to see them throwing rocks onto a small pond we have in our backyard.

"I know, but we've both been before, they've never been." I said as I shrugged my shoulders not really caring that they get to go to Hawaii with my parents while I'm leg at home.

"Well, I'm going to see if I'll be able to go," she said as she shook her head.

For the next couple minutes we both sat there quietly, then we heard the door open and close. Looking up I saw two younger kids run out, Kaisley and Ethan, and then their older brother Alex came outside.

Alex was a year younger than us, but he acted older than he was. He has always been very mature, and he is a very sweet guy.

"Hey," he said as he nodded at us and came and stood beside the tree house.

"Hi," I said with a smile as I moved back and fourth still on the swing.

"Man, where are all of the other kids?" He asked looking around to see it was his family, my family, and Kim.

"I have no idea." I said shrugging my shoulders as Kim continued to sit there quietly.

"Oh well," he said sighing as Cody, Jacob, Kaisley, and Ethan all played together by the pond, "at least it'll be a quiet night."

"Yes, there is that small bonus," I said nodding with a smile.


"Hadley, come here for a minute please!" I heard my Mom call loudly from behind the screen door.

"I'll be back," I said smiling at Kim, Alex, Aleeah, and Adam as I stood from my swing.
More people had began arriving, and there were plenty of younger kids running around our backyard.

"What's up?" I asked my Mom as I walked into the warm house and my nose was invaded by delicious scents.

"Okay, the Kingstons will be here soon, so please tell your friends they need to be nice." She said with a smile knowing how hard it is for new kids to fit in, especially around the end of the year, but the group I was with right now is more of a family then group of friends.

"Alright, and is he the only child?" I asked her hoping that we'd all be able to fit in the treehouse.

"Yes, at least from what I'm told he's an only child." She said smiling as she mashed some potatoes together quickly.

"Alright, I'll go make sure they all know to be no evidence." I said with a smile as I walked out the back door and headed back over to the treehouse where my swing was still vacant.

"What's your Mom want?" Adam asked with a smile as I began moving on the swing slowly again.

"Well there's a new lawyer at the office, and he has a kid, Kyle, who is our age. They are coming tonight and we all need to be nice," I told them with a smile as they all just kind of looked at me knowing the drill.

Having a new family ,over here is nothing new, neither is saying goodbye to a family. Our parents seem to care a lot more about their jobs, than there friends, so my Dad has let go of many people, replacing them quickly.

"Alright, that's easy to do." Said Aleeah as she nodded her head slowly processing what I just said. We knew someone would be hired soon because a couple of weeks ago my Dad fired one of his other employees.

"Yes, he's in grade twelve, and he'll be finishing senior year with Adam and I." I said with a smile as I looked at Adam hoping he would be nice. He is a nice guy, but he is very quiet and likes to keep to himself if he doesn't know you.

"I'm gonna take that as an indicator to be nice," he said noticing the look I was giving him.

"Yes, you do need to be nice. You guys remember being the new kid, it's not fun." I said as I looked to them all hoping they remembered when they moved here, how hard it was to find some good friends.

"Alright, I can be nice." Alex said nodding his head as the rest of the, soon agreed to be nice.

"Good, because they'll be here shortly." I told them as we all just kind of stood there.


"Hadley!" I heard my Mom call as the back donor opened quickly. "There is someone I want you to meet!"

"Okay," I said as my friends and I stood up so we could go and meet the new guy.

"Everyone, this is Kyle!" She said stepping out of the way as a tall, and tan boy stepped out. He had brown hair that was the average length, and a toned body. He stood there with a small smile as, in some brown khakis and a light blue button down shirt.

"Hey," he said looking at us all with a smile.

"Kyle, this is my daughter Hadley, then Kim, and Aleeah, then there is Alex, and this is Adam." My Mom said pointing to each of us individually.

"Hi Kyle, wonderful to meet you," I said smiling kindly at him as he smiled back at all of us.

"Yes, great to meet you all." He said looking at us with a smile on his face. You could tell he would have no trouble fitting in, he seemed shy, but he also seemed like he'd be good at making friends.

"So Kyle, from, what I hear you'll be going to the same school as Hadley and Adam." My Mom told him as Adam smiled at him with his goofy smile, knowing that everybody loved him.

"Well, I guess I already have some friends to hang out with tomorrow at school then." He said with a smile as he looked at us.

"Alright, so now that we're all here how about we head on down for a walk?" Kim asked as my Mom stood there awkwardly with the rest of us still.

"Alright, have fun and be back in time for six thirty." My Mom said with a smile as she turned around and walked back into the house.


"So Kyle," Aleeah began as she walked behind him, while checking him out, "where'd you move from?"

"I moved here from Seattle." He said answering her questions as we all walked one of the back trails I usually go riding on.

"Wow, that's definitely a change in scenery." I said as I walked side-by-side with Adam.

"Yes, the weather is definitely different, and it's much hotter here." He said as I remembered a couple years ago I went to Seattle and it rained the entire time we were there visiting.

"Seattle would be a nice place to live." Adam said as he thought out loud while we walked.

"It's depends," Kyle said not explaining anything, so we continued to walk.


"Thank you for having us. It was wonderful to meet your lovely family." Kyle's Dad said to my Dad as we all stood near the front door. Everyone else had already left, but they stayed a little while longer.

"Yes, we are very excited for you to be working with us." My Dad said politely as they shook each other's hand.

"Alright, we better get going. We don't want Kyle to be too tired for his first day of school tomorrow." His Dad said with a chuckle as he looked over at his son who was standing there listening to the conversation.

"You know, if he wants someone to go with Hadley and her friend can pick him up tomorrow morning and bring him home after school." My Mom said as she interrupting the conversation and volunteered me to drive somebody I just met to school and back without asking me.

"Really?" His Dad asked as he looked towards his son and then towards me. "What do you think?"

"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to," he began as he looked towards his parents.

"Oh, of course she wants to drive you," my Dad began as he shook his head with a laugh. "Right, Hads?"

"Oh," I began as I looked at my Father, "sure, it's no problem."

"Alright, I'll email our address to your Dad when we get home." His Dad said with a happy smile as Kyle and his Mom stood there quietly.

"Alright, have a good night." My Dad said with a smile as they opened the door and stepped into the cool air.

"You as well as," replied his Dad as we watched the, walk to his vehicle.

When they were getting into their car, my Mom closed and locked the door slowly.

"Well, they seem nice." My Mom said with a smile as we walked away from the front door and headed to the kitchen to put the rest of the food away.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said as I grabbed two of the cakes from the table so I could wrap them up in something.

"Thank you, for agreeing to drive him. I know you've never been the new kid, but it's a lot harder than it looks," my Mom said as she looked at me with her dark brown eyes.

"It's no problem, but I wasn't expecting you to offer my vehicle up." I said as I placed tin foil over top of the cakes quickly do that I could get to bed.

"I know, I should've asked but you guys seemed to get along so I didn't think that you'd mind." She said with a smile on her face as she put a container full of steamed vegetables into the fridge.

"Alright, that's all of the food, so I think I'm gonna go to bed." I said as I placed the two cakes into the microwave.

"Alright, have a good sleep Hadley, I love you." She said with a smile as she stood at the counter and looked at me.

"I love you too Mom," I said with a smile on my face as I walked towards the stairs.

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