Vampires are just trouble

By litteraturegirly

27.8K 429 148

One concert.. That's all it took to change my life. My name is Clarrisa Walker and I know something you don't... More

Me...Clarissa Walker
The Meeting
The Surprise
Harry and Liam?
The Full Moon
Niall and Roxy
The Date
Where am I?
Love him. Love her
The Escape and The Fight
New Born Vampire
Vampire Power
New Member
Mind Blowing
Mood Swings
Rose As a Vampire
Full of Surprises
Everything At Once
Prank Day!!!
Two Other Kidnappers?
Miss You So Much That I Would Kill For You
One More
He Returns
I Think I Saw A Vampire Ghost
I'll Come After You
Goodbye Sweetie *The End*

Death (OMGG!!)

96 9 3
By litteraturegirly


Harry's P.O.V

"The babies are coming" Clarissa said

*FlashBack Over*

Harry's P.O.V

"Wha-what?" I asked

"BABIES IS COMING! WHAT DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!!?" Clarissa yelled at me angrily

"Calm your tits!" Zayn said as Tiffany hit his arm jokely

"Guys! Car! Hospital! NOW!" Clarissa added

"oh yeah c'mon babe!" Liam said and took Clarissa's hand one more time and followed her to

the car

What's up with them?

They can't be ... Be together? No! I'm just being paranormal...

Wait a sec... My babies is coming

"Wait for me!" I shouted and ran to after Liam and Clarissa

"We follow you in our cars!" Louis shouted to me after I was out the door and in Liam's car

Clarissa's P.O.V

When we had a group hug, my water suddenly broke

Isn't it too early?

When I first think about it. My stumach has grown very fast in a short time

I have had the babies in me, in just five months.

Doesn't the baby, or babies, stay in your stumach in nine months?

Or am I totally wrong there? I'm really not sure at all

"Hurry UP!" I yelled at Liam who was driving through all of the paine

"Yeah I will!" Liam answered, trying to be calm around me

"Mr. Payne" I said

"Yeah?" He asked

"I'M IN PAYNE!!!" I yelled and joked

"That was a good one" Harry laughed in the back seat

"Shut up!" I said bitchy

I am pregnant and I will be like this untill I get out these babies

"Bitchy mode" Harry whispered and though i didn't hear him but i did

'SHUT UP!' I yelled in his head, letting him get a headache

"OUCH! That really, really hurt" Harry said coping from Louis.

You know, when he had tape on his mouth and the boys ripped ot off fast causing him to say

'that really, really hurt

It was in one of their video diaries or somethin'

I felt the paine rase from my stumach to my head

"OH GOD DAMMIT! HURRY!!!!" I yelled

"I am driving as fast as I can" Liam answered

"No your not" I said and hit the gear

"HEY! HEY! Wanna get killed?!" Liam shouted and took my leg away from the gear

"Well, I surely don't wanna make birth in your car!" I shouted back

"Chill. We're there in any sec" Liam said

Then it got all dark and I felt nothing, I just heard stuff.

I couldn't move or so something. All I could do is to hear

"What happened to her?!?" I guess Harry said nervously

"She passed out!" Liam snapped worring about me

"Oh" Harry said. A lot of words there, Harry *Note The Sarcasm*

After three minutes Harry finally spoke up again "What's up with you and Clarie?"

Clarie? That one is new...

C'mon Liam! You can tell him. Oh shot.. That's right. He can't hear me

"Errm... Emm... Well.. Aajjh.. We're kinda.. Mmm. Together.. Ermm.. Now" Liam answered


Seriously Liam? That's the good explanation. No, not really

"What?" Harry asked surprised


"We need to hurry, Liam!" Harry said changing the subject

Why should he change it? To be honest, i thought that Liam would be the one who changed

the subject...

Whatever though.

"We're here!" Liam said as I felt the car stop, that wad causing me to fall, since I couldn't

move myself

"I'll take her" Liam said as he helped me up and carried me

"No! I'm the father. I take her" Harry said angry and took me from Liam's arms

"Careful" Liam added

"Of course" Harry said.

I can tell that Harry feel threaded by Liam now.

The drama comes once again...

"Help! Help! She's gonna have childred! Please help fast!" Harry shouted as I thought that

we're in the hospital

"Put her here" A deep voice. I know it's a woman, or a man. I'm actually not sure

Harry layed me down at something soft and good. I think it's one of those hospital beds or


I felt the bed move fast towards something. Probably a room

"What are we going to do?" Liam and Harry said in union, both worried.

That's cute, that they both are worried about me and the babies

"We need to cut them out!" The deep voice said again

Cut? Did she just say cut them out? WHAT?!? Someone ask what she meant!

"Cut?" Harry asked while Liam said "What ya mean?"

I could feel that we went through a door and in to a room

"She's in coma so she can't take birth of the babies herself. She can't push when she's in

coma. We need to get the babies out now, if you see!" The deep voice said again

See what? What do they see!!!!?

"Sorry, you need to go out of this room!" Another voice said and that was a man. Pretty sure

about that one

"But i'm the father!" Harry shouted

"Hey don't get angry at me and everybody except the docters need to go out now!" The other

voice said

"GET OUT!" The deep voice said, getting out of passion

"C'mon Harry" Liam said and then it was all silece untill....

"Get me that one" The deep voice said

Wait what? Arn't they gonna make sure I don't feel any paine or somethin'?

No they ain't, I thought as I felt a sticky think cut through my stumach carefully

Oh My FUCKING God! This hurt like hell!

I wanted to scream but I couldn't.







I screamed in my mind. Fuck these bad doctors!




FIFTH!! SO SICK TIRED OF IT!! SERIOUSLY!! Sorry... Should keep on writing the same thing

over again-.- fuck this phone.... Sorry for the language***

Then it got all silence. I didn't hear a thing. I didn't feel a thing. I dead?

No! I am still thinking, right? Or am I? Dead?

While I thought I was dead, I wished I thought of something else so I started singing in my

own mind of Change Your Life by Little Mix

'She captures her reflection when she throws the mirror to the floor,

Her image is distorted screaming is it worth it anymore?

Are you scared of the things that they might put you through?Does it make you wanna hide the inner you?

You're not the only one so let them criticizeYou're untouchable when you realize oh oh oh

Change change your life take it all,We're gonna stick together ,Know we're gonna get through it all,Change change your life take it all [Perrie](take it all)You're gonna use it to become what you've always known(become what you've always known)

His body starts to flicker like nobody wants to know his name,just another soul with feelings but nobody there to feel the pain

They can rip you bring you down down to their size,but they will never get to the heart you hold inside, hmm

You're not the only one so let them criticize,You're untouchable when you realize oh oh oh.

Change, change your life take it all, [Perrie](Take it all)We're gonna stick together , know we'll get through it all, [Jade](I know we'll get through it allChange change your life take it all, [Perrie](take it all)You're gonna use it to become what you've always known(become what you've always known)

Change change your life take it all, (change your life and take it all)change change your life take it all, (change your life and take it all)

You've got a right to show the world, something never seenWe wanna hear you scream it out, you're not alone

oh oh oh ohhhhChange, change your life take it all, [Perrie](take it all)We're gonna stick together, know we'll get through it all, [Jade](we're invincible)Change change your life take it all, (change your life and take it all)You're gonna use it to become what you've always known(become what you've always known)'

Liam's P.O.V

I had just dragged Harry out of the room, since the doctors said we needed to leave the room

"Why did you do that?" Harry yelled at me

"Cause the doctors said so!" I yelled back

"But she needs me!" Harry yelled right in my face

He need to calm down!


YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled at him pissed off. If you didn't notice

"Hey guys! Where is your kitten, Harry?" Louis said interrupting us

"She's in there" I said finally getting calm

After Louis, all of the others came in. Zayn, Tiffany, Niall, Roxy, Josh, Rose and Lorrie

"Where is she?" Roxy asked me *Lol... Roxy - Foxy that wasn't even funny

"I said she's in there!" I said louder, not pissed though, just almost.

Calm down, Liam! And you too, Woody! How can I really get horny now? CALM DOWN

WOODY!! FUCK (i want too.... SHOOT!!)

Think of unicorns (cars) , not Clarissa's hot bod... NO! UNICORNS!!!! (CARS!!!!)

***Sorry, I couldn't choose between Unicorns or Cars. I love unicorns but if Liam thinks about

Unicorns, it makes him gay, which he's not and cars are just so LAMEEEE, but not gay so

yeah, I kinda chose both***

"One of you need to be with her! I'll go in" Tiffany said

"You can't" Harry said to Tiff

"Why?" She asked confused

"Cause they are cutting the babies out" Harry almost whispered.

Bet no one heard him though

"CUTTING?!?" Lorrie and Zayn shouted in union, both had that worried, scared look on their


Everytime we do say something in union, we use to laugh about it, but not this time, I see.

"Yeah, she passed out in the car to a coma, so she can't push the babies out so the doctors

need to cut them out" I explained

"What?!?" Niall asked, also having that worried, scared look on his face

"Why couldn't they wait till the she wakes up from the coma?!" Rose asked as Niall said

something totally else

"What if she dies? What if she doesn't survive? What if she's too weak?" he said getting sad

"Why do you think so negative? We need to wish for the best for her!" Roxy said surporting

"You're right" Harry said and nodded

"Let's just pray for her. Now, right now" Harry said

"Good idea" Josh said

Harry went down on his knees and started praying. We all did as he did

*A Half An Hour Later*

Harry's P.O.V

We were still praying for her and for the children.

They can't leave me. She can't leave me.

I haven't even got the chance to say that I still love her and miss her with all my heart

I need her know. More than ever

One of the doctor's came out and I stood straight up fast as I could

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

Please don't say someone didn't survive!

"i'm sorry for your lost of th......" The doctor said but I blacked out at that

She died... I couldn't believe my ears. She couldn't have died, right?


"No..." I whispered to myself

"I'm sorry once more" The doctor said and left us here

"I'm sorry" Zayn said giving me a hug

"Liam you should tell them" I said

"Tell us what?" Lorrie asked

"About me and Clar" Liam said in tears

"What about you and Clar?" Roxy asked nervously

"I... I... I can't!" Liam shouted and ran away

"Group hug?" Tiffany asked

"GROUP HUG!!!" Liam yelled coming running back to us.

We all ended up in a big and long group hug, full with tears in it.


Soooooooo here is the sad chapter :( Surprised for what happened?

Please comment what ya think and vote if ya liked it :P


Lots Of Love Hearts From Me (SkySawyer)

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