Pokemon FireRed: Adventure of...

By MilleniumFalconlord

913 52 1


Leaving home for a long time.
Journey in Viridian Forest
Battle for the Boulder Badge.
Making it through Mt Moon.
Bill the Maniac.
Misty and the Cascade Badge.
Meowth the thief.
The not-so-romantic cruise.
A truly shocking battle!
Deep Dark Cave
Performance Queen! Vulpix!
Eevee's choice.
Pokemon trainer Red

The basics of being a Pokemon trainer.

85 4 0
By MilleniumFalconlord

The first step into Route 1 was like a fresh new feeling. I felt unstopable, nobody could stand in my way now!
Suddenly, the grass rustled. Out came a wild Rattata and it didn't look happy.

The Rattata was a small purple rodent Pokemon with large teeth, he started to use Growl on Bulbasaur.
"Shake it off Bulbasaur! Now use Tackle!"
Bulbasaur charged into Rattata and knocked it down, weakening it.
Rattata grew more angry and then Tackled Bulbasaur into a tree.

"Come on Bulbasaur! Tackle one more time!" Bulbasaur nodded and used Tackle, knocking out the Rattata.
"Yes Bulbasaur, you did it!"
Bulbasaur jumped into my arms again as vines grew out of her bulb, also hugging me.

"Wait, when did you have vines? Wait a minute, you learned a new move! You learned Vine Whip!"
Bulbasaur nodded quickly with happiness.
They carried on through the route, battling wild Rattata that came out of the grass, suddenly, a Pidgey came out and attacked Bulbasaur.

"Pidgey! Pidge, Pidge, Pidgey!"
It was a small brown and cream coloured bird Pokemon, it looked less agressive than the Rattata she encountered, maybe it wanted to be caught...

"Alright, go Pokeball! Wait... shoot! I'm supposed to weaken it first!"
It was too late for me now, the Pokeball hit Pidgey and encapsulated it in the ball.
One shake, two shakes, three shakes, ding! Pidgey was caught!

I let Pidgey out of the Pokeball for a while, he was a pretty cute Pokemon so I wanted to see him properly. Pidgey flew close to me and chirped with happiness at finding a trainer.
I laughed and looked at Pidgey.
"Alright Pidgey, let's see what you can do!"
Pidgey nodded and saw a hostile Rattata about to attack Bulbasaur.

Pidgey flew closer at a quick pace and Tackled the Rattata out of Bulbasaur's way. Then Pidgey started to sweep sand from it's wings to make it difficult for Rattata to see.
"So Pidgey, you know Tackle and Sand Attack! That it so cool! Now finish off with Tackle!"

Pidgey Tackled Rattata again, knocking it out.
"Well done Pidgey! You did great!"
I felt unstopable, two Pokemon already and I didn't even have my first badge. I had no intetest in catching them all though. I just wanted to be the best.

Pidgey flew on top of my head and kicked my hat off.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
Pidgey then began to nest in my hair for warmth.
I laughed, it was cute he was doing that but we had to get to the Viridian City Pokeshop.
"Back the the Pokeballs, you guys!"
A red light beamed out of the Pokeballs, swallowing them both in.

"Ah, here I am: Viridian City."

It was a lot bigger than Pallet town, there was a Pokemon Center, some shops, a couple of houses and best of all... a Pokemon Gym.
"Maybe I should challenge it after I deliver that parcel to Professor Oak... wait, Oak's parcel of course! I have to get it at the Pokeshop." I exlaimed.

I walked into the Pokeshop, the shelves were covered with potions, Pokeballs, repels, escape ropes and for some reason: mail.

The shop keeper looked at me and smiled.
"Oh! Are you Leaf Green?"
I nodded,
"Yep, that's me."
"Fantastic, so obviously you came for Oak's Parcel."
I nodded again,
"You got that right."
The shop keeper's smile got even wider.
"Terriffic! Just take this parcel to his lab, okay?"
I had to leave before his smile got any bigger.
"Okay thank you..."

I was back in Pallet Town to give Oak his Parcel. I knocked on the lab door and his assistants let me in.
"Hello? Professor Oak? I have yout parcel."
"Oh, Leaf! How is my old Pokémon? Well, it seems to be growing more attached to you. You must be talented as a Pokémon Trainer. What's that? You have something for me?"

This confused me...
"Well Professor Oak you DID tell me to get a parcel for you..."

"Ah! It's the custom Poké Ball! I had it on order. Thank you!"

There you go, he remembered.

"Gramps! I almost forgot! What did you call me for?"

Of course, Blue is back. Maybe I can ask why he acted so different earlier.

"Oh, right! I have a request for you two. On the desk there is my invention, the Pokédex! It automatically records data on Pokémon you've seen or caught. It's a high-tech encyclopedia! Leaf and Blue. Take these with you. You can't get detailed data on Pokémon by just seeing them. You must catch them to obtain complete data."

Boy, Professor Oak sure liked to ramble on.
He was still talking at this point, too.
Professor Oak still rambled on.
"When a wild Pokémon appears, it's fair game. Just throw a Poké Ball at it and try to catch it! This won't always work, however. A healthy Pokémon can escape. You have to be lucky! To make a complete guide on all the Pokémon in the world... That was my dream! But, I'm too old! I can't get the job done. So, I want you two to fulfill my dream for me. Get moving, you two. This is a great undertaking in Pokémon history!"

I nodded as me and Blue each took a Pokedex. Maybe I could fill it up when I finished my journey, but now it just seemed kind of pointless.

"Alright Gramps! Leave it all to me!"
Blue yelled.

We both left the Lab and it was time I asked Blue that question.

I started off.
"Hey, Blue?"

He looked at me funny.
"Yeah? What is it Leafy?"
Leafy was his nickname for me, I didn't have one for him.

"I just wanted to know, why did you act a little weird earlier? You're not usually this competitive..."
Blue's eyes fell to the ground and with a guilty look on his face he looked at me and said,
"Look Leaf, we both want the same thing, to be the champion of Kanto, we can't do this if we're friends, it would only break us apart. So until one of us is Champion, we'll be rivals and not friends.".

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Until one of us is Champion? Well then, I'm gonna have to do my darn best won't I?

We shook hands and parted ways, we still kept the Pokeball halves because they were important to us, but other that that, we were rivals, not friends. And believe me, that hurt me a lot!

I arrived at Blue's house to say goodbye to his sister, Daisy. We were good friends and she gave me a town map to use to help me get around Kanto.

Now I'm back in Viridian City, heading towards the gym until two trainers dressed in black stopped me.

"Hey pipsqueak! Our gym leader is very busy! Even if he wasn't he wouldn't have for little runts like you! Come back when you have seven badges! Now get lost!"

I scowled at him and made my way to route 2, the road to Viridian Forest, just past Viridian forest was Pewter city, home of Gym Leader Brock, a rock type user.

That would be my first badge.
Now my journey can really begin!

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