Star Signs ✮ Malum

By GiraffeLegsLuke

108K 6.9K 2K

"You know Michael Clifford right?" "The name rings a bell. . ." - - - "That's Michael Clifford." She whisper... More

Michael Clifford
On Location
Chocolate Milk Party
Soups On
Pretty In Pink
Pretty Frickin' Punk
Award Shows Suck
Reward Miles
White Lights
Make It Up
First Move
We Don't Believe What's on TV
End Up Here
Season of the Dead
Strange Love
Fresh Start Fever
Roman Holiday
Waste The Night
2 Heads
For You, and Your Denial
Growing Pains
All You Are is History

Dial Tones

2.4K 175 30
By GiraffeLegsLuke



 "You've got to admit, I look like a pretty hot girl," Michael laughed, examining his make up in a small hand held mirror.

"You've been made to look exactly like Tia, you do realize that right?" I ask, gesturing to the girl standing off to the side with an awkward look on her face.

"Okay! We really need to start filming," Angie interrupted, waving her hands around to make sure she had everyone's attention.

"Places!" She yelled, clapping her hands a few times as she took a seat in the chair labelled Assistant Director. We all shuffled into place, Tia off to the side and out of frame.

They rolled a camera up beside me once again, I felt a little more comfortable now that Michael stood in front of me instead of some stranger. I let out a breath as Angie started to count down from five, there wasn't much I could do to get my nerves out.

Sure, I made out with Michael earlier that day but there wasn't a camera filming my every move, I couldn't get too carried away either and that was going to be extremely hard. Michael was one of those people that could take your breath away just by looking at them, and a smile like that could melt a billion hearts, probably had melted a billion already but the fact that he invited me closer, even closer than a friendly hug, closer than a loving embrace had my head spinning. 

I think it was safe to say I was far passed star-struck, I hadn't even heard of Michael Clifford months ago when I thought taunting Ms. Burns was the highlight of my week. Back when acting was just an idea at the back of my head that I never thought would flourish into much else. Here I was, leaning against a wall with someone counting down the time until I would be making out with this famous guy named Michael Clifford. 

Making eye contact right before the countdown ended was a bit of a mistake because I couldn't help the smile that tugged onto my lips and Michael couldn't help the blush that rushed up to his cheeks, he actually had to turn away from me because he didn't want me to see it.

"Two, o-Freeze." Angie groaned, putting her head in her hands. Looking up, she switched her gaze between us. "You better be ready in five."

With that she walked away, probably off to the buffet.

"Five extra minutes?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the already red boy. "What could we possibly do in five minutes?" 

Somehow, within a minute we both ended up occupying a single stall in the men's room. It wasn't very big, it is only used for waste disposal after all. We were both breathing in each others air and as I finished locking the stall I turned only to accidentally elbow Michael in the stomach.

"You know what? I have a better idea," I said, elbowing Michael once more as I tried unlocking the stall. Instead, I ushered Michael out of the stall and just locked the door to the entire bathroom.

Michael giggled when I turned around and immediately pulled him closer. Our lips met somewhere in the middle, even breaths giving out to hot need filled pants. I had no idea how I got to this point, I started today off as a teenager with no experience that hadn't done much more than high five people and here I am now, a little over halfway through the afternoon feverishly making out with the hottest guy I'd ever had the pleasuring of meeting.

Basically, I haven't had the pleasuring of meeting Richard Madden in real life so Michael was the next best option. 

It might have been slightly awkward to think about your celebrity crush when making out with your crush, as I'd just realized with a slight blush. Michael took no notice seeing as he was also quite flushed from lack of air and he also had his eyes closed.

It seemed weird having my eyes open if Michael's weren't so I also closed mine, I guess that's where it started going down hill or should I say, started to speed up.

With the five minute deadline baring down on us slightly things began to go a lot faster, Michael was running his hands through my hair and I was gripping his hips a little harder than intended but Michael showed no signs of disapproval at the pressure.

The room felt like it had risen in temperature and things were getting clumsier. Without trying to, I accidentally bit Michael's lower lip while we disconnected to gain our breath. He whined when I pulled away so as soon as my breathing was under control once more I started kissing him again, harder if possible.

"Y'know, I never gave you that love bite I promised..." Michael realized, trailing off breathlessly as he broke the kiss. A smile graced his pale features as he gave me short butterfly kisses down my neck. I hadn't realized as we were kissing Michael had easily backed me up against the wall and was leaning against me as he finally reached my neck.

"Hurry up," I whined when his cool lips didn't return to my skin. The taller boy chuckled at that, raising an eyebrow at me to postpone his actions even longer. Instead of waiting for him to continue, seeing as he was being a tease, I smirked and grabbed him by his tank top. It was a little awkward considering he still had the fake boobs but I managed to switch positions.

"Michael," I added, in some weirdly authoritative whisper I'd never used before. He'd flashed me that smile again, the one he used right before he'd slowed down. He paused, looking a little surprised by my change in tone.

"That was hot," He commented, also dropping to a whisper as he leaned in to give me a kiss.

"Seems you've got somewhat of a problem," Michael stated sometime later, directing his eyes to somewhere that was definitely not my face.

"Oh, um. Sorry?" I hadn't got a clue how to regard this type of situation, one because it had never happened to me before obviously and two, how do you react to someone telling you Calum Junior wants to make a guest appearance?

"Don't worry about it," Michael waved it off as he pulled me against him. "I can take care of it."

"O-Only if you're comfortable with that, I mean." He added quickly, seeing the surprised look on my face.


Hello, I mentally prepared for this moment by reading a bunch of malum one-shots but I noped at the last second so maybe another time. BUT AT LEAST CALUM KNOWS TO LOCK THE DOOR *directs pointed look at lashtonbros* >.>

Malum really needs to move on with filming, the movie is going to be so interesting. I have so much planned.

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