Actress in Disguise

By The_Anonymous_Me

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The top actress in Hollywood, Jessica Raymond, goes undercover as a nerd attending a normal high school. What... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 20

739 34 16
By The_Anonymous_Me

Chapter 20~

I looked in the mirror and sighed bitterly. I picked up my makeup brush and started to add more layers onto my nose bridge and forehead. No matter what I did, the bruises from yesterday were too stubborn to conceal themselves. My makeup was already so thick and heavy, that I could imagine it being the result of my face after taking a skinny dip right into some innocent granny's mixing bowl. And poor old granny's still mixing her batter for her raisin cookies... Any more layers of that batter, and clumps of cookies will start forming on my face, if they haven't already....

Staring at my hideous reflection, I cursed a certain asshole. How am I supposed to participate in my interview and movie shoot later this evening, looking like the mistake child of a clown and a prostitute?

I sighed for the hundreth time. My career is officially over. Before long it'll be all over the headlines of every single newpaper and magazine that ever existed.

And social networks too... that shit spreads like cockroaches during breeding season! Oh I could already see it, in big bold letters, the headlines will read: "Jessica Raymond; Suddenly Attacked by a Vicious Basketball!" Or "Jessica Raymond's Attempted Murder; Near Death Experience with the Dangerous Round Object." Or something cheesy and way over exaggerated like that...

I was still panicking over my colorful skin, when I was startled by my own ringtone. While balancing my brushes in one hand, I fumbled my phone with my free hand clumsily.


"Je-Jessica! Jessica, listen- I... I-"

"Jeremy?" I called into the phone, surprised and suddenly alert by his voice. "Calm down, and explain to me what's going on."

"It's Noah..."

My heart sank.

I was so empty headed, that I didn't even notice I had lost grip of my foundation brushes, and they came crashing down onto my wooden floor. The sound of them colliding faded into the background, as my sweaty hands clutched onto my phone with great urgency.

I swallowed, and after licking my dry and cracked lips, my weak and raspy voice entered the phone. "What happened?"

"Noah..." There were signs of hesitation. "His baby sitter hit him."

"What?!" I screamed angrily into the phone. I was filled with uncontrollable fury, as I tried to keep myself calm. "She what? Wait... Isn't Noah supposed to be under your parents' watch?! What's with a babysitter?!"

There was silence on the other end.

"I- I don't know... My parents had something urgent so they- they couldn't care for him and I hired a babysitter... I don't know what happened but she kicked Noah into the wall... And now- he- He's in the hospital... She hit some vital organs, and his brain isn't fully developed yet... So the- the impact of the collision against the wall- I- I don't know. Jessica... I- I'm so sorry..."

It was as if my world froze... It just stopped. The clock stopped ticking, my breathing stopped, his voice stopped... It was as though nothing exists in the world.


"Noah!" I screamed with blurry vision, and an adrenaline filled head, as I hysterically bolted towards the operation room. I pounded at the door with every ounce of desperation I had, while fresh, warm tears tumbled down my bruised and caked face. "Noah!" I sobbed, tasting the salt from my tears. "Noah..." I pounded at the door, unable to think straight. With crazy hair and wild eyes, I banged with all I am worth, until I was pulled away by strong arms. "Let go!" I hissed at the well built men struggling to restrict my movements.

"Ma'am, I apologize. I understand you are in pain right now. But please, we can't have you causing trouble here. You're going to have to come with us." A deep voice resonated by my ear, as I felt my limp and helpless body being dragged away. Hopeless and weak, I sobbed loudly, not even bothering to care about the strange looks patients and visitors were giving in the halls.

"Noah... No... Noah! Let me see him!" I growled at the guards.

"Ma'am, please. Don't make it hard on us," I heard the other guy say. He sounded younger, and a bit troubled.


The guards stopped, and we turned to face Jeremy. He was dripping with sweat, with dark circles under restless eyes. He looked about as insane as I did. Rather than a hospital, we belonged more in an asylum.

"Jeremy..." I cried. "My Noah...."

He ignored me and turned to the guards. "I'll take her."

"Sir, she's not stable right now. We can't have her causing any trouble here. It'll disturb the patients," one of the guards started to explain.

"I'll watch over her, it's fine. Give her to me."

Sighing, they reluctantly loosened their grip on me. "Keep an eye on her. If she does anything crazy... Just remember-"

"Yeah yeah, I know. If she goes crazy, feel free to lock her up in an asylum or zoo, or your mom's house. I get it. Thank you sir. Great day to you too." Jeremy sounded awfully sarcastic, but I can tell he was just annoyed right now. He was angry at the babysitter, his parents, himself... He was angry at the world. I've known him long enough to understand at least this.

The guards grumbled disapprovingly to one another before going off on their way to attack the next unfortunate victim.

"Jeremy..." I embraced his toned torso tightly, sobbing into his shirt, dampening it in the process. He hugged back, gently stroking my back with his large hands. He rested his chin on my head, comforting me with a soft deep voice, close to a whisper.

"It's okay, Jess. Shhhh. Noah's fine. The doctors said he's stable for now..." I cried harder, as my grip on his abdomen tightened. He held me firmly, close to his chest. We remained in that position for the longest time... The adrenaline was still pumping through me, making my head so light and mind so blank, that I had lost sense of time...

All I could remember was the gentle cologne of Jeremy, his warmth, and the wet patch on his nipple thanks to my tears....


"I said," I screamed into the phone, annoyed. "I have something urgent, I can't film today! Cancel all my plans, and just leave me alone!" I hung up, feeling frustrated and sleep deprived. "Jeremy, in two seconds they're gonna be calling you too. Just wait, that stupid agency. I swear-"

"Gah da da"

I spun around to face my baby boy, who was in the lap of Jeremy.

"You're up," I said, approaching. Noah looked at me with his bright eyes. He seemed so happy and carefree despite being wrapped up in bandages. For the longest time, he stared at me, eyes twinkling like he had just seen Santa Claus. And then, he smiled.

"Ma," he blurted out.

I gasped, and two seconds later Jeremy mimicked. My eyes widened, and I saw so did Jeremy's.

"What did you say?" I asked, unable to believe it.

"Mama!" He screeched with little arms flailing in the air, giggling ever so childishly.

I ran to him faster than the speed I had been hit by the ball, and threw my arms around his tiny body, holding him so tightly he squealed from discomfort. I loosened up a little, just remembering about his surgery. "Noah... Say it again." I was grinning stupidly like a girl in love for the first time. The emotions washed over me like a tidal wave, drowning out all my previous worries and sorrows. Even if momentarily, at that moment I could not think of anything else. I was happy, content for the first time in years. I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes, as I pulled away from Noah, looking him in the eyes.

He opened his mouth. "Kkkk"

"No, not that! What you just said. Mama..." I repeated, dragging out the pronunciation. "Mama. Say it."

"Skkkkk" he giggled with those round puffy cheeks.

"Noah. Mama." I said, not letting go of the hope.

"Ma," copied Noah. I smiled, relieved. "Skkkkkk"

"What?" I asked, confused. "What's with the kkkkkkk sound?" I looked at Jeremy for a clue, who was trying to suppress his laughter. "What's so funny?!" I growled.

"Mask! Mask!" Screeched Noah. My heart sank.

He pointed to the doctor, who was just entering the room. The doctor chuckled, smiling at Noah.

"Oh this kid," he said to us. "Ever since being emitted to the hospital and going through operation, he's been obsessed with these surgical masks...." Jeremy and the doctor shared a good laugh.

"Ha ha ha, so funny," I retorted with every ounce of sarcasm I could muster. Grumbling to myself, I stomped out the room with arms crossed over my chest.

As I'm leaving, I could hear the doctor's voice asking, "What's the matter? Did I say something?"

"Nah," said Jeremy. "She's just PMS-ing. It happens every month. Don't worry about it."


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