My Friend Taylor

By smelly-lelly

14.8K 538 184

It all started with a letter. A 10 year old girl had no idea what she would be getting herself in to by sendi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

770 34 10
By smelly-lelly

                Karlie let herself in the next morning with the key Taylor had given her at about 8am the next morning. She wanted to get there early to make Taylor and Luna breakfast and have it ready for when they woke up. As she walked in, she turned a lamp on in the living room, which released a groan. She looked around the room, searching for the source of the grumble, but she had no success, she only found Olivia sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"Silly kitten." Karlie said quietly, scratching Olivia's head. Karlie noticed what seemed to be a pile of blankets sat on the sofa beside where the kitten was sitting. "I think something's wrong with mommy too, leaving blankets untidy." Karlie joked as she picked some blankets up revealing Luna underneath, still asleep. Karlie quickly covered her back up, turned the lamp off, and retreated to the kitchen to start on breakfast.

Karlie had bought all of the ingredients for waffles and she'd brought along some of Taylor's favourite toppings. She started mixing the ingredients together while the waffle iron heated up, when a very sleepy Luna walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Karlie smiled, pouring some batter into the waffle iron.

"Morning." Said Luna, rubbing her eyes and walking towards the fridge to get some orange juice. "Did you turn the lamp on and uncover me just now?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't know you were there." Karlie said, setting the timer and waiting for the waffle, "What were you doing there anyway? Why didn't you sleep in bed?"
"I couldn't sleep. It didn't feel right in there." Luna said quietly. "I mean, it's not that it didn't feel right, I didn't feel right. I felt awful so I came to lay on the sofa for a bit, I fell asleep there." Luna took a sip of orange juice and sat on a stool at the breakfast bar.

"How are you feeling now?" Karlie smiled, waiting for the waffle to cook.

"Okay, I guess." Luna gave a half smile to Karlie who was standing across from her. "Yesterday was shit, here's to a better today." She raised her glass as if she was making a toast ad took a sip.

"Today's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay, everything's gonna be okay." Karlie smiled, getting a waffle out of the waffle iron and plating up. Luna nodded and ate a strawberry, "We'll cook all of these and pounce on Taylor to wake her up." Luna nodded as Karlie finished making the waffles and they went to wake Taylor.

Luna stood at the foot of the bed while Karlie went and jumped on the singer to wake her. "What even." A tired Taylor grumbled, turning over to look at Karlie.

"I made you breakfast!" Karlie said excitedly.

"Good morning." Taylor said, leaning up on her elbows and embracing Karlie in a passionate kiss, not knowing Luna was at the foot of her bed.

"Morning." Luna said, surprising Taylor as she quickly pulled out of the deep moment she was having with the model.

"Oh hey, morning Luna." Taylor stuttered, in shock that she'd gotten that deep with Karlie while her adopted daughter was watching.

"Come eat breakfast." Karlie said, excitedly. "We made waffles!" She added, including Luna in on the making of the food.

"Well, I just sat and watched for the most part, I did however, arrange the fruit in a bowl and eat some while Karlie wasn't watching." Luna smiled, Karlie threw a pillow at her, hitting her in the face.

"You ate the fruit? I wondered why there was less than when I bought it in!" Karlie laughed as Luna unexpectedly threw the pillow back at her and hit her shoulder. "You little shit Luna." Karlie laughed as she chased the youngest girl around Taylor's room. When she eventually cornered her, she easily picked her up and threw her over her shoulder so she was holding on to her by her knees. "Come on loser, we're getting breakfast." Karlie said, grabbing Taylor's had with her spare one and walking them to the kitchen.

Karlie threw Luna down onto the sofa, and proceeded to the kitchen to get some breakfast, Luna and Taylor following.

"How did I not realise she ate the fruit?" Karlie laughed to herself, looking at the fruit which was neatly placed in a bowl on the breakfast bar.

"Shut up moaning and eat your breakfast." Luna teased, as Taylor ate a strawberry and threw the stem at Karlie.

"You're both bullies." The model shouted, as she prepared her own waffle and sat down to eat it, the other two girls doing the same.

"Oh we're the bullies? You jumped on me, and you carried Luna out of my room because she ate some fruit." Taylor joked, making herself and Luna laugh.

"Ugh, whatever." Karlie tried not to smile, crossing her arms in a strop. "You're both losers anyway." Luna and Taylor both looked at each other and nodded, both having the same brilliant idea. They raised their right hands and made their finger and thumb into the shape of an 'L' and put it on their forehead, teasing Karlie.

Karlie shook her head, not lowering herself to their level, and kept eating her breakfast. "We win then." Luna wiggled her eyebrows and high fived Taylor.

"Man, my last morning in New York for a week and you're picking on me." Karlie said, trying to keep a straight face, "I mean, I could always go home, I'm clearly not wanted here." She added, dramatically.

"Shut up Karlie, you know we love you." Taylor smiled, "I'm gonna miss you this week."

"Me too" Luna smiled.

"Don't, you're gonna make my cry and I'm not going to do that until later. I'd rather stay here in New York with you guys anyway, as much as I love London, I'd rather hang out with you guys!" Karlie smiled, collecting all of their empty plates and putting them by the sink, washing them up.

"You do want to go honey, we're going to have a miserable time without you, I promise." Taylor smiled, drying the dishes Karlie had washed.

"We'll make sure of it." Luna smiled, making Karlie feel better about going away.

"You guys!" Karlie smiled, pulling them both into a group hug. "So, what are we going to do this morning?" She asked, finishing the dishes and all three of them walked and fell onto the sofa.

"We have a whole load of paint and a bedroom to paint." Taylor stated, but Karlie just stared at her.

"I have to catch a flight in these clothes, I don't fancy painting right now. You two do it while I'm away to occupy yourselves!" Karlie smiled.

"I feel like we should have a chilled morning." Luna said, her voice croaky as she felt a sharp pain in her leg again, she shut her eyes tight, trying to get the pain to go away.

"Sounds good to me." Taylor smiled over to Luna, but realised something was up. "Luna, I have something to show you, come with me. Karlie, you stay here." Taylor said, looking sternly at Karlie but helping Luna up the stairs and into Taylor's bathroom. "What's wrong? What is it?" Taylor sat Luna down on the bath.

"It burns. It really burns." Luna mustered out, her voice a soft whimper.

"Let's take a look at it, bandage it up again." Taylor said, gently taking the bandage off, revealing the word Luna had cut, the same as they'd left it. "Okay, it will be sore of course, but I can't see any infection or anything. You're okay." She added as she cleaned up the cuts once again and bandaging them up again.

"Thank you Taylor." Luna smiled, staring into the older girls eyes, "Thank you for taking me in, for looking after me, and most of all, for putting up with my shit."

"Hey, I love you okay. There is no way I'm not going to look after you and you know how I feel about the idea of you going back into care. Don't be silly." Taylor smiled, sitting on the edge of the bath next to Luna. Luna wrapped her arms around Taylor and embraced her in a long hug.

"I love you too mom." Luna smiled, looking at Taylor, who was shocked to say the least.

"Honey, do you want to call me mom now instead of Taylor?" She finally addressed the being called mom situation which was burning away in her mind, "It's cool if you do, or you don't, you've just called me mom 3 times now." She stumbled.

"I don't know, it just kind of comes out." Luna covered her eyes with her hands and slid them down her face. "You just remind me of her and I don't know. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." She sighed.

"No, no, you didn't make me uncomfortable. You call me whatever feels right, I don't mind." Taylor smiled, being uncomfortable herself was the last thing on her mind she just wanted to make sure Luna was as comfortable and happy as she could be.

Luna rested her head on Taylor's shoulder, "I feel like it's just going to be a mix up of

different names."
"That's perfect to me." Taylor said, holding Luna tightly. "Come on, we should get back to Karlie. I've got onesies we can take back to the front room to put on if we're going to have a quiet one." Taylor smiled standing up from the bath. Luna stood up slowly, but lost her balance and grabbed on to Taylor quickly. "It still hurts doesn't it?" She asked, Luna nodded slowly. "It'll be okay sooner than you know it. We're just going to sit around all day today anyway, until Tree comes but I can help you get ready for that." Taylor smiled, walking Luna out of the bathroom, and sitting her on the bed to grab 3 onesies, they then took a slow walk back to meet Karlie.

"Everything okay?" Karlie asked.

"Everything's going to be okay." Taylor smiled as she threw a onesie at Karlie and helped Luna get dresses into hers, the putting her own one on. "She twisted her ankle, she can't stand or walk properly." Taylor laughed.

"You silly goose." Karlie laughed, putting her onesie on as all three girls settled down on the sofa to watch movies together.


They'd had lunch and it was time for Karlie to leave for London. Luna stood up and Karlie embraced her in a long hug, them both exchanging goodbyes in the front room so Luna could sit and rest, Karlie was also thankful for some time alone with Taylor for them to say their goodbyes.

The two blondes strolled to the door of Taylor's apartment and waited, neither one of them wanting to say goodbye first.

"You have got such an important job to do for me while I'm away." Karlie said, the seriousness in her voice slightly scared Taylor.

"And what would that be Miss Kloss?" Taylor asked, raising her eyebrows.

"You need to look after Luna, more than anything. Keep an eye on her, she was asleep on the sofa under a mountain of blankets this morning because she said she didn't feel right so she went and sat in the front room and fell asleep there. Something's not right and I need you to keep me updated, because I love her and I want to make sure she's okay." Karlie said, quietly so Luna wouldn't hear.

Taylor ran her hands through her hair and took a deep breath. "I love her so much too, I want nothing more than for her to be okay." Taylor took a long pause, "I'm going to talk to her about this soon, maybe before Tree gets here. I'll keep you updated, I promise." The singer pressed her hands against her eyes, "I'm going to miss you." She added quietly, moving her hands away from her face and wrapping her arms around Karlie's waist.

"I'm going to miss you too." Karlie said, her words warm against Taylor's face. The singer tiptoed and placed her lips against Karlie's, leading a very passionate goodbye kiss. Taylor broke away after a short while.

"You're going to be late. Have fun in England babe!" Taylor said, moving her hands from around her waist.

"Promise to update me?" Karlie added, holding out her pinky finger, which Taylor took in hers.

"I promise." She smiled to herself. "I love you."

"I love you too." Karlie smiled as she walked out of the door and down the stairs of the apartment block.

Taylor took a slow walk into the front room and jumped onto the sofa, next to Luna. "So."

"So." Luna repeated.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor played with the tassels of the blanket which was thrown over the back of the sofa.

"I'm okay I guess." Luna shrugged, not wanting her problems to be more of a burden on Taylor.

"No, tell me what's wrong." Taylor said, leaving the tassels and sitting cross legged facing Luna on the sofa, giving her full attention.

Luna sighed heavily. "I don't feel right Taylor." She paused for a moment and soon continued to explain herself. "I feel like crap. I don't feel like myself, but I don't know how to explain it." She sighed. "I slept out here last night." Luna said quietly, hanging her head, ashamed of what she'd just said.

"Karlie said." Taylor replied, just as quiet. "Explain to me exactly how you feel, what's going on in your head that makes you not feel yourself?" Taylor smiled, reaching over and squeezing Luna's hand to reassure her.

Luna looked up and slowly shrugged her shoulders, "I just. Sometimes I feel like it's not me controlling my body all of the time, or my mind at that. I feel like every so often something takes over my mind and controls me, it makes me do bad things, but I don't know I'm doing them until after." Tears escaped the young girl's eyes slowly. "Something's not right Taylor, and I'm scared. I don't want to die, my life's just got good, I don't want to die." Sobs were prominent in her voice as the tears streamed quicker.

Taylor fidgeted forward and embraced Luna in a tight hug. "Hey, you're not going to die. Why do you even think that?" The singer rubbed Luna's back to help calm her down.

"I don't know, I just know that I don't want to." Luna had a huge lump in her throat due to how upset she was, and it was hard to get words out.

"Oh honey." Taylor said as she held Luna tighter. "You're not going to die any time soon, I promise. We're going to sort this feeling of yours. Both me and Karlie have realised you're not yourself, and we want to help you out okay?" Luna gave a small nod and Taylor could feel it on her shoulder. "I told your mom I'd look after you while you were in my care, and that's never going to stop. I'm always going to look after you, I'm going to help you in any way I can, and I'm going to protect you, you have my word. Nothing bad is going to happen to you while you're with me, I promised your mom that months ago, and I will carry that promise to my grave. I love you so much Luna, so so much, and Karlie loves you too. While you're with Knockout and Catastrophe, nothing bad an happen." Taylor smiled, still holding and comforting Luna.

Luna sat up from the hug and looked Taylor dead in the eyes, "I love you Taylor, and I love Karlie too. I couldn't have asked for two better people to fight my corner. Thank you." She smiled, and Taylor smiled back.

"We both love you too." Taylor smiled. "We're going to sort this, we'll get you some professional help and we'll sort this once and for all. You're going to be alright Luna." Luna leaned forward for another hug. "I need to know one thing though. Did you do anything last night?"

Luna shook her head. "Not that I remember. I just came and sat out here because things in my mind didn't feel right, I was all anxious and agitated, and I was going to sit and calm down for a minute with a drink of water, I just fell asleep." She smiled.

"If that happens again I want you to come and wake me up so I can help you calm down. Anxiety sucks and I know from friends experiences that sometimes being with someone can calm you. I want to help you out, no matter what time." Taylor smiled.

Luna gave a small nod, "Thank you." She said, almost inaudibly.

Taylor smiled over at Luna, "Come on now, we've got to get ready. Tree will be here in an hour." She said standing up from the sofa and helping Luna up. "Does it still burn?"

Luna nodded, wincing as she started walking on it. "Yeah. It never used to hurt this much." She said quietly, scared for her injury dies to her stupidity.

"This is a big one Luna, it's going to hurt, but you're also going to be okay." Taylor smiled as they hobbled up the stairs, "We'll clean this, I'll let you get bathed and I'll take you back to your room to get dressed and ready for Tree." Taylor smiled as they made their way to the bathroom and Luna sat on the edge of the bath as Taylor cleaned her leg, she then left her to bath and told her to shout when she was ready.

The bath was full and Luna was sitting in it, relaxed, her leg pain soothed. She felt as though she could have fallen asleep, she was so relaxed and it was so peaceful, but she fought it, well at least she tried.



Sorry this was such a short chapter, it's 4am and I have work at 11:15 oops. I've had serious writers block and I've not been very happy lately, so I'm sorry this chapter is a bit of a downer. I'll update as soon as I can. Thank you for reading! <3

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