Deutschland(Germany x Reader)

By MikuStoleItalysPasta

61.1K 2.4K 678

Life has always been rough on you, so when you lose your job you are forced to move back to your home land, G... More

A New Beginning
Meeting Ludwig
The New Job
Training Mistakes
Play Something for Me
Authors Note
Secret Hobbies
The Confession

I'm Moving Out

4.1K 211 11
By MikuStoleItalysPasta

A/N: WHOA! HOLD THE PHONE! 200+ READS AND 12 FAVORITES?! Seriously guys thank you, you are my motivation to keep writing. Also, I was thinking about writing a Free! oneshot for my Random Book of Oneshots. I'm not sure when it will be written or if it will be written but I'll try to keep you guys posted. :) Now onto the story!

It has been a couple months since the incident with Feliciano and Ludwig and I can't get it out of my mind. Seriously what was he going to ask?! I shook my head to try to get the thoughts to go away and focused back on my laptop. I scrolled down the page with multiple house listings trying to find one to buy. I haven't told Ludwig or anyone else that I'm thinking about getting my own home. I'm scared that they will think I'm being ungreatful for everything they've done by moving out. Yet, I can't stay here forever. I need to learn what it's like to be on my own. I mean, I grew up here in Germany but things have changed since my move to America.

I sighed, all of the houses I looked at looked run down and out of my budget. I wonder if Ludwig will still let me work here even after I move out...I laid down on my bed closing my eyes. How was I going to find a house within my budget? "I guess I'll just have to keep searching." As I was about to get up from my bed Feliciano ran into my room. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Let me see your laptop! I just a-have to show you this new pasta recipe I found!" Before I could protest Feliciano was already on my laptop and by the look on his face I knew he had found out. I forgot to close out of my internet tab.

"(Y-Y/N)...why are you a-looking at homes?" "I can't stay here forever Feli," I admitted sitting next to him. "If I live here and depend on you, Kiku, and Ludwig all the time how will I make it out in this country by myself? Besides, I've always felt guilty living here and not even paying rent." Feliciano looked away from me sadly, "You know we don't mind having you live it something we did?" "Of course not Feli! Like I said I just need to learn to depend on myself for a change." He sighed, "Does Ludwig know yet?" I froze, "No...I just don't know how to tell him. I'm afraid I'll lose my job because of this."

"(Y/N) you're our friend, Ludwig's friend, there is no way he would a-fire you. Plus, Kiku and I would never let it happen." I smiled and hugged Feliciano, "Thank you. I'll tell him after I finish work for the day." The Italian got up and left the room heading off to get prepared for the day. "I guess I better start my shift."

~Time Skip~

I stood in front on Ludwig's office and knocked. I could feel my hands getting sweaty from nerves. "I'm not going to get fired, I'm not going to get fired..." The door suddenly opened and Ludwig looked down at me. "Can I help you (Y/N)?" "Can we talk for a minute?" Ludwig gestured me to enter his office. I walked over to a chair and sat down, as did Ludwig. "What can I help you with," Ludwig asked. "Oh um...I have some news that I felt I should share with you." Ludwig leaned back in his chair and I took that as a sign to continue. This was the hardest part. I took a deep breathe and- "I'm moving out."

Ludwig immediately sat on the edge of his chair. "What why?! What did Feliciano do this time? I swear I'm going to-" "No Ludwig nothing like that! Its just, I feel I need to be more independent. In some way I'm sure we both knew I couldn't stay forever." Ludwig looked down with what looked like softness in his eyes, like he wanted to say something. However, as quick as that look was there it was gone. Ludwig sat up straight with a cold attitude. "If that's what you want then that is fine, I won't stop you from doing so. Just know that I still expect you to be here and start your shift on time. Just because you are moving does not mean I will accept tardiness."

Whoa where did that come from? One second he was concerned about me and then the next he was concerned about my work preformance. "Y-yes I understand." "Good, now if you don't mind I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I have paper work up to my neck and can't spend anymore time chatting," Ludwig said standing up. I stood up as well and made my way to the door, "I understand, I'll see you later then." I walked out of the office and closed the door. What was up with him?

Ludwig's POV

(Y/N)....moving out? I sighed and put my head in my hands. Why was I so upset over this? I should be happy for (Y/N), this is a new step in her life and I should support her in her decision. Besides, she'll be here for work everyday so it's not like I won't see her ever again. Then how come I'm not happy? 

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