Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

240K 12.9K 6.5K

Katniss and Peeta Mellark are currently living a rough life, but in all reality it's not all that bad and wil... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Nintey-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Nintey-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Sequel Info.

Chapter Ninety-One

2.4K 126 116
By cogdill

Katniss POV- (Friday night)

"You look beautiful, Katniss. And besides, after they leave, we can come back here and have some alone time." Peeta mumbles to me.

He got us a big room with a huge bathtub and cool electronics and fancy everything.

He spent a lot but it's worth it if he and I get to have some fun alone time together before Willow arrives.

I smile and sigh, walking away from the full body mirror, "Let's go. They all should be coming soon." I say and we walk down the hall and go to the elevator.

A really skinny girl in a skimpy bathing suit hops on right as we walk in.

I hide my protruding belly behind Peeta's body.

The ignorant girl, about our age walks right up to him and turns around, her buttcheeks hanging out of her black swim suit bottoms.

I could puke.

"Hey, could you untie this for me? It's in a huge knot and I don't have anyone in my room right now or at all." She asks Peeta, turning around and giving him a flirty wink.

His mouth gapes and he doesn't notice that I give him a look that says he better not even touch her. But, of course, he's Peeta Mellark and that's what Peeta Mellark does.

Helps people.

Peeta grabs the ties and pulls the strings lose, her breast flowing out of the top, luckily it doesn't reveal too much but I give Peeta a glare.

I can not believe he untied that for her.

"Maybe you'll be free tonight?" She asks, eyeing him-not even acknowledging me.

I move out from behind Peeta and clear my throat.

Peeta looks over at me and then back to the girl and stumbles over his words. Before he can get anything stupid out, I interrupt.

"Um, hey. I'm actually his wife. Been together for quite some time now. Oh, also, I'm eight months pregnant with his child. And no, he won't be free tonight or ever. So sorry." I say, extremely annoyed.

Peeta stands there with a dumbfounded expression.

The girl looks me over, "Maybe he just wants to have some fun before he's completely tied down to you."

I shoot her a glare, "Maybe he will have more fun with me anyways. Obviously when we did this, it was fun." I say, pointing to my belly, getting face to face with her.

She glares at me, looking down at my stomach.

"You're disgusting."

I'm kind of perturbed he's not stepping in but I'm sure he's too scared for that.

He knows he's in trouble with me now.

"Well, you're disgusting flirting with a married man right in front of his wife's face. Back off." I say hatefully as the elevator finally makes it to the first floor where the pool is at.

As soon as the girl hops off the elevator he turns, trying to apologize to me.

"Don't." I say, annoyed, slapping his hand away and walking out of the elevator.

He swiftly follows behind me to the pool area and he tries stopping me the entire time.

We get into the humid room where the huge empty pool is and I lay our bag down.

Peeta grabs my hand and I look up at him with annoyed eyes.

I sigh, "What, Peeta?" I groan.

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't do anything wrong."

"What the hell was that then?" I ask angrily, pushing him away from me.

"I'm sorry that I didn't do anything about her. I didn't want to get in between you if I didn't have to-no offense but you're kind of really scary right now." Peeta says.

I roll my eyes and grab ahold of his hand and we wait for Bristol, Annie and Finnick to show up so that they can have a little fun with us.

Right about then, Finnick, Annie and Finn walk through the door, wearing coats over their bathing suits.

It is still very much winter but it's been decent enough lately but luckily, the pool is indoors.

"You look pretty terrifying in that getup." Finnick greets me with a smirk.

"I told you." Peeta mumbles under his breath.

I turn around and glare, squeezing his hand as tight as I possibly can at the moment, "Do you need me to break that hand in advance?" I mumble to him.

He pries my hand away from his and
Finnick embraces me, "I kind of hate men right now. I would shut up if I were you." I tell him.

He chuckles and kisses my cheek and then hugs Peeta.

"Peetie, your wifey is in a bad mood." He tells him.

Peeta sighs, "I would have to agree that she's a little grumpy." He teases me with a shrug of the shoulders.

"I wonder why, Mellark?" I growl.

Annie and Finn walk up.

Finn is wrapped in a few blankets.

"Katniss, I love seeing your belly all bare. You look good, ignore him." Annie says.

Finn pulls at the blankets and manages them off his head, revealing him in a little swimming diaper and trunks.

I smile a little embarrassedly at Annie, "Um. Thank you." I shrug.

I feel really insecure but it's hotter than hell in this place since it's winter so I'm wearing a fucking bikini, plus, we are pretty much the only people here.

Nobody stays in District Twelve except maybe the obvious skimpy women.

"Come here, baby." I say excitedly as Finn lunges himself at me.

I hold his chunky body up high on my belly and kiss his cheek, "What are you doing, sweet boy?" I smile.

He grins and gives me an opened mouth kiss on my face.

I laugh a little, he's so sweet.

"Are you giving Aunt Katniss kisses, buddy?" Peeta asks Finn.

Finn smiles somewhat shyly at Peeta and he plays with the end of my braid.

I smile and look him over.

It's crazy how big he's gotten since he was born, it's crazy how big I've gotten too.

We conceived a few days after Finn was born so it's kind of cool to see progression with us both.

"I should give your Aunt Katniss some kisses too." Peeta says, titling me back just enough to peck my lips.

"I'm really sorry." He whispers to me, patting my back.

I don't say anything but I'm really not all that mad at him, just at that stupid girl.

Was it not obvious that I excite? I mean I'm huge.

Was it not obvious that we were together?

Or did she notice and just not care?

"Well, I guess we can get in now or we can wait for Bristol." Peeta says.

"Let's go now, Peetie!" Finnick cheers like a kid.

Annie and I give one another a look and roll our eyes, "Finnick, how about you and Peeta take Finn and go have some fun? Then Katniss and I will join when Bristol gets here." Annie suggests.

I hand Finn to Peeta and they go over and get in. Finn is just like his parents and absolutely loves the water and enjoys playing in it with his dad and Peeta.

I sit down at the table and Annie sits too.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Annie asks.

I sigh deeply, "Nothing, really. I'm just so tired of being pregnant."

"I know that feeling."

"And I just really wish she was here already." I shrug.

"Have you had any breakdowns about it like I did?" Annie laughs.

I groan, "No, not yet but I think it's coming up real soon. I feel like I could pop at any time." I tell her.

"Well, then you're doing just fine." She assures me.

"This pregnancy has been so exhausting. I sleep more than I can imagine and when I'm awake and doing things, I wish I was sleeping because I feel so drained."

"That's how I was too. Don't worry, it just gets worse after they're born." Annie breaks it to me.

I groan, "I know that."

"Well, maybe you'll get lucky and she will be calm."

I feel tears well up in my eyes, "I sure hope so because I'm so scared I'm gonna lose it."

"You won't, Kat. You'll be perfectly fine."

Tears stream down my cheeks, "I just wish she was here so she could spend time with us all. I want her and Finn and Carter to be best friends." I cry.

Annie sets her hand on my shoulder.

"I just want her here already." I sob into my hands.

"She will be here soon, Kat. Remember, she's just not ready yet but she will be soon. She's getting there if you're already being told you'll have her soon." Annie reminds me.

I try to remember the words I told her when she had her breakdown about Finn but it doesn't help because it's different with me-of course it is.

"I am just tired of this all. I'm fat and gross and ugh, Peeta probably hates me because I'm so bitchy all the time." I say.

"He doesn't hate you, Kat. He loves you and he understands you have it rough so quit crying. He is looking over here."

"No, I don't want him to come over here. I don't want him to see me crying." I say, shaking my head.

"Then don't cry. Hey, Bristol is here. Do you want to talk to her?"

I nod my head, "I want to talk to you both." I say.


"Hi, Annie. Katniss, what's wrong?" She asks, setting her hand on my back.

I bring my head up and look at her.

Carter looks down at me with a frown.

"I am just really upset right now."

"Do you want me to go get Peeta?" She asks.

"No." I say, a little too quickly and look over to where he is with Finnick and Finn.

He stares at me with concerned eyes.

He's asking if I need him to come over.

I shake my head a little, enough for him to understand that I don't need him right now.

"Okay, I'm just going to go take Carter to Peeta and then I'll be back." She says walking across the pool room to where he and Bristol make some small talk, no doubt about me.

He takes Carter and tries to start playing with her but mostly just stares at me every few seconds while the girls talk to me.

"It'll be over before you know it. You don't have longer than a month, I'm sure." Bristol says.

"I'm actually suppose to pop anytime. If I don't have her by the 8th of February, they're inducing me." I say.

"Oh, really?" Annie asks happily.

I nod my head, expressionless.

"That's good, see. And if you want us to, we will both be there for you."

I shake my head, "I don't want anyone but Peeta in there while I'm actually having her but I want you to be outside."

"That's okay, sweetie. I made you guys leave after I started actually having Finn."

"And you were there for Carter because I didn't have anyone else. You do what feels best for you and the baby." Bristol says, patting my leg.

I smile a little sadly, "I'm so scared. You both were in so much pain and I am scared to death of being in that much pain."

"We aren't going to lie and say it doesn't hurt but look at that." Annie says,'pointing to Finn, Finnick, Peeta and Carter all having a good time splashing around in the pool.

Both babies smiling ear to ear, the same with Finnick and Peeta.

"That is what makes it all worth it. Look at how much fun Peeta is having with the kids." Annie says.

I stare admiringly at them.

"Katniss, when the tables are turned and Peeta's over here while you're having fun with Carter or Finn, that's when Peeta doesn't shut up about how great of a mother you'd be." Bristol explains to me and I finally get it.

"All that pain and all that fear is absolutely 100% worth it. All the sleep you're going to lose and the fights you have had with Peeta over it are worth it because there's no feeling greater than having a baby with your true love." Annie explains.

Bristol doesn't say anything.

"Willow is you and Peeta in one little bitty person. I think it's pretty amazing. I know you're scared but we we're too but it's all okay now, right Bristol?"

"Yeah, Kat. Since Carter came into my life, I haven't been happier. Just because her dad isn't here doesn't mean I wish he was, he was just my love long enough to give me her. The best gift I've ever received." Bristol says.

I reach over and hug her.

She gives me a sad smile and I return it.

"I'm sorry guys. I'm just tired and cranky and fat and I'm just so ready. I'm jealous of you both because you two have stunningly beautiful babies and they're already here and I'm scared and anxious."

"Katniss, you and Peeta are hot. I'm not going to lie. Willow is gonna be the most beautiful little baby ever. Don't worry about that and she's coming now for a reason. Not sooner, not later, now. You have every reason to be nervous but you shouldn't be because it's all going to work out." Annie says and it makes me laugh.

I sigh, "Will you guys go over and tell Peeta I want to talk to him now?" I ask.

"Sure." They say and go over.

They slowly get in the pool and Peeta hands Carter to Bristol again and gets out of the pool.

He comes and sits in the chair next to me, his body soaking wet.

"Are you okay?" He asks, wiping a stray tear from my cheek with his thumb.

I nod my head, "Just having one of my daily meltdowns." I say sniffling.

He chuckles a little, "I'm really sorry about earlier with that girl. I just didn't want to butt in and make you mad at me or whatever." Peeta says.

"That's not why I'm crying." I tell him.

Yeah, that pissed me off but it's not even apart of the reason I'm upset.

I really don't even know what triggered this meltdown to be honest.

"Then why are you crying, Katniss?"

"I'm just tired of being pregnant. That girl said she was disgusted and ignored my presence and then you did too. I'm just tired of getting looks everywhere I go because I am pregnant. Whether you're next to me or not, I get looks."

"Don't worry about those people, Katniss. I'm sorry that I didn't say anything and I should've but we are one of the few people out there who did it right so don't take those looks to heart."

"Even when I went to buy the first set of pregnancy tests a few weeks after you asked me about possibly being pregnant, the cashier looked disgusted with me."

"Katniss, it doesn't matter what people think. Me and you know the truth and so do our friends so it shouldn't matter because they're stereotyping you."

"Okay, but we had sex and that's 'dirty' or whatever."

Peeta shakes his head, "No, it wasn't 'dirty.' We are married. We've known each other for years. We don't have any diseases. We never slept around. We were both virgins prior. That's not the point though. The point is that we didn't do anything wrong or right but we are in love and that's what matters."

"I know we didn't do anything really wrong but it's just a bunch of things that come from being pregnant too. I'm so mean to you all the time and I'm whinier than I was before." I go on.

He sighs, "Katniss, I'm going to make this short and simple. All I'm going to say is that I love you and nothing, absolutely nothing else matters because we are in love." Peeta says, looking me in the eyes.

I let out a deep breath, "Just forget it all. I don't want to fight or anything and we are missing out on having fun." I say, standing up.

He stands up too, "How about a hug?" He asks, his body still soaking wet.

"Um, no. Maybe after I get in the water, then you can." I say, knowing exactly what he's trying to do.

Peeta chuckles, "No. I'll just give you one now." He says and hugs me tightly, shaking his wet hair around.

"Peeta!" I squeal as he carefully picks me up sideways and walks down into the pool with me in his arms, screams escape me as Peeta goes deeper into the water and Finnick splashes me with the water, which is thankfully pretty warm.

"You guys suck!" I say as Peeta releases me.

Finn and Carter laugh and splash at me too as I walk towards the girls.

Carter reaches out for me and I take her slippery body in my arms.

"Carter, your Uncle Peeta is a brat." I say as Peeta makes his way over.

She slaps the water, just as Finn does and laughs an open-mouthed laugh.

"But you all love me." He says

Willow starts to kick.

Carter must feel it too because she looks down when she feels it.

"Do you feel Willow kicking?" I laugh.

Of course she's going crazy, Peeta is here and is touching me, plus there's something on my belly-she always does it when I set my food down or Peeta touches me.

Carter looks down in the water with wide eyes and starts mumbling something to us, even though we have no idea what she's saying.

Bristol laughs and so do we.

"You feel baby Willow kicking?" Peeta asks her.

She looks down and back up and points to my belly.

I widen my eyes, "That's weird isn't it?"  I and her with a laugh.

Bristol chuckles, "She's excited about it, I think."

"Are you ready for Willow to get here?" Finnick asks her and she smiles and lays her head on my shoulder like she's embarrassed or wants I ignore him, which I applaud.

"She's so sweet." Annie says in aw of Carter.

Bristol smiles and thanks her.

The rest of the evening, we swim and have so much fun with each other. Finally, about ten o'clock, the babies are almost conked out so they leave.

Peeta and I go back up to our room after making a trip to the vending machines, buying candy, sodas and junk food that we don't need and go up to our room to hang out.

My back is killing me so he convinces me into the huge bathtub.

Peeta and I pig out in the bath, stuffing our faces and just talking to one another about everything while he rubs my back and shoulders.

He talks about how we will have to do fun things like his with Willow one day and how we will have to take all three kids somewhere and do something fun. How maybe sometime Bristol, Carter, Willow and I will have to go have fun days together, so that we can have a good bond too, same for him and Carter and Willow.

He's just really excited about the future and it makes me more excited too.

"You feel better in here?" Peeta asks me.

I nod, "Much."

"Does your back feel any better being in this water?" He asks.

I sigh, "I'm not worried about my back." I tell him.

"What are you worried about then?" Peeta chuckles.

"Focusing on this moment with you." I tell him.

He smiles and I lean my head back and peck his lips.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too. Thank you for doing this. It's been a lot of fun so far." I say truthfully.

"We still have all of tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night to do whatever we want. Hell, we could go out and eat and go to the movies or something. She's already going to be here soon and Dr. Coles said you were off bed rest and could do whatever as long as you didn't overdo it." He reminds me.

"Okay, that sounds fun." I smile.

I don't really feel like doing much but it would be fun and I'm allowed to do whatever and if I go into labor, it will be okay for the most part.

I know Doctor Coles said she wants me to be as full term as possible but I really just want her out already and if she's not born by the 8th, I'll have her anyways.

I want her to be born when she's either ready to come or I push it enough. I'm not trying to be mean or sound like a horrible mother but I ache to hold her in my arms, for all these things we talk about to happen sooner than later. Of course, I'm not telling Peeta this, he would probably be upset in a sense, because if she's born before at least the 19th she's still considered early, which isn't always the healthiest.

But again, Peeta and I are almost positive that she's more developed than Dr. Coles says.

She's already huge but maybe she's just a big baby.

"Good. I just don't want you to overdo it, okay? I'm still going to be overprotective and annoying and it's not going to get any better after she's born." Peeta laughs.

I smile, "I didn't think so. You were already super overprotective over just me, then I got pregnant and it was worse. I know it's just going to get worse after she's here."

"That's right." Peeta kisses my neck.

"Poor Willow isn't gonna have a boyfriend until she's 30."

He laughs, "We will see. That won't be for a long time anyways. Don't get me started."

I laugh, "I'm so excited for the future, Peeta. I can't wait to see you be a daddy." I tell him truthfully.

"And I can't wait to see you be a mommy." Peeta whispers.

"We are really awesome. Did you know that?" I laugh.

He lets out a breathy laugh, "I did know that. Why do you say that though?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I just feel awesome about me and you."

"Good, I do too." He grins.

I laugh and smile widely, just feeling so happy and confident about us and our future.

"Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Peeta asks.

I shrug my shoulders but still smile, "I just had a mood change, I guess but I just am just ridiculously happy right now. Go with it."

He smiles, "Okay. Who am I to argue?"

"A very silly man."

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