The Band Next Door

By TEEwaitforitHEE

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Meet six normal girls...finding their way through life. As if it wasn't already way TOO complected, guess wha... More

Chapter 01 - Butterflies.
Chapter 02 - The Fall and All
Chapter 03 - Somebody Save Me!
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 1)
Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 2)
Chapter 05 - (Christmas Special)
Chapter 06 - Cupcakes.
Chapter 07 - Bowling and bawling.
Chapter 08 - Community service.
Chapter 09 - Problem?
Chapter 10 - Drummer boy
Chapter 11 - The Pact
Author's note.
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 1)
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 2)
Chapter 12 - More like "Drummer GIRL" (PART 3)
Author's note : THE CHARACTERS!
Chapter 14 - A little too much to drink.
Chapter 15 - We surely cant handle our alcohol.
Chapter 16 - The hangover.
Chapter 17 - Consequences afterwards.
Chapter 18 - Heartbreaks and Mistakes.
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20 - Too many guys!
Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Chapter 22~ (too lazy to name the chapters now)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ;)
Chapter 26
Chap 27 (Muti-POVs)
Chapter 28
Chapter-28 cont...
Chapter 29
Chapter 32 (:
Chapter-32 (P*A*R*T*2 :D)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Rosalicious
Chapter 35: Major surprises!
Chapter 36

Chapter 21

397 32 0
By TEEwaitforitHEE

Sam's POV

I stayed back for a bit to work on my guitar. At home I never got the quietness one requires for music. An asshole of a roommate would tell me to shut up. Remind me again why I'm even rooming with him?

Anyway, I headed for my reserved parking lot. When I reached there I happened to see Ryan leaning against his car, looking as sexy as he ever does. He was wearing naturally torn jeans (you gotta love em') along with a sweatshirt. A guitar slung on his shoulders, like it usually does when he's not 'teaching'. It was a little funny because I also had my guitar slung around my shoulders the same way. I was in my 'yoga' clothes (yes, its a new subject that's been introduced) which were grey trackpants with a black spagethhi top. I'd decided that since there was nobody around, including Tanner, I could take it easy and stay in my yoga clothes. PLus it was convienient since I wouldn't have had to change again, after all we had it at the end of the day.

"Hey" I tried to say casually as I went over to my car and pressed the button to open it. I was feeling a little self concious though. He looked so much more sexy than me without even making the ffort. At the moment, I looked like a freaking hobo. Okay...maybe not that extreme but you get the gist, right? Plus my hair was also in a messy bun. Not hot.

"Hey" he said as he kept this eye contact with mine.

He smiled at me and then got out a bag. I eyed it curiously. He passed it to me and I, though a bit doubtfully, took it. I looked inside to clothes from that night.

I blushed immediately.

Then I heard a 'cluck' sound. I looked around briefly for a second and found no one. Then I diverted my attention back to Ryan.

I looked up to meet his gorgeous eyes. He slightly smiled at me and that gave me a chance to see his perfect and adorable dimples.

"I figured that since you and I might never be 'us'..." he left for me to make sense of his incomplete sentence. And I pretty much did. But then something gripped me. Fear.

"Why d'you say that?" I asked him as I tried my best to not make my incomparable nervousness and curiosity show.

"C'mon Shrita! You and Zayn!" he clarified for me.

"Ryan..." I looked at him, "It's a long story" I told him.

"Well I have the whole day" he stated matter-of-factly.

I took in a deep breath.

"Long story short, Zayn like this chick and I'm helping Zayn get his girl and that's why I'm fake-dating him to make that girl jealous and Zayn and I are only friends beyond that nothing more." I said at the speed of lightening. I also used too many ANDs but to be honest, I couldn't care less about my grammar or the rate at which I spoke. For some strange reason I had left out the whole of Tanner's part. Why, that I don't know.

"Um...what?" he looked at me, puzzled but by that mischievous look on his face I knew that he had gotten every one of my word.

"Oh you" I punched him on the arm playfully.

He gently smiled at me.

"Hey...can I ask you something?" he asked me.

I pondred over it for a moment but then gave in.

"Why so much make-up and dressing and a hot car?" he asked me. So...this is the last thing I was expecting him to say. But he went on, saving me from lying.

"You're beautiful" he said and then leaned in closed to my ears, "Just the way you are"

Before I knew what was happening, his face came closer to mine and within a second his lips were on mine. And this time, I could feel them in full consciousness without the alcohol blinding my senses and my mind. Whoa, he was a damn good kisser. My heart started pumping at speed of light and I tried to cherish every moment of the kiss. That is why I didn't push him away at first but then I did. This couldn't go on, right? I mean I had to chase Tanner. Tanner Chase. Chase Tanner. Whoa, I crack myself!

"Bye Ryan" I said and got into my car but there was just one little problem with my dramatic exit...

...I was smiling all the while.


"He had his eyes wide as he asked the captain 'Is that even possible?' and Captain Rodger just smiled." Mr.Adams, narrated some shitty chapter from our book. Whats the use of reading this again in class? He had given this as homework to us two weeks ago and me and him both know the captain's gonna die in the end.

I checked the time on my phone. '11:01 AM'. Half an hour to go.

I sighed and stared at the half bald man. The shiny moon on top of head was more interesting than the story.

I looked to my side to see Harry playing angry birds below the desk.

I looked back towards the old man. Damn, how the hell is Ryan his son?

After a little more looking around my thoughts automatically drifted towards the events of yesterday and day before.

It was a long weekend.

~flashback~ (le A/N- Damn, TOO MANY FLASH BACKS! :P Sorry. ACTUALLY YOU KNOW WHAT. NO FLASHBACKS. NOPE. Because I need 2 POVs. So.. Imma try something different.)

36 hours ago.


After going and spending time with T, like the old days, playing Wii, (omg, that rhymed~!) Eating pizza, laughing our asses off watching youtube videos and ofcourse baking! I headed back home at 11 PM.

"NIKITA!" I heard someone shout my name and I looked up to find the source. I saw Louis and Harry waving at me crazy from Liam's bedroom window.

I just ignored them and made my way to the house.

Aunt sophie and Tanner were washing dishes. I went over to my bed straight and resolved to change back from, uhm, Harry's clothes.

As soon as I opened the last buttons on the black shirt, I heard a knock on the door. I went towards it and opened it, but there was nobody there. Strange. I turned around and now faced my balcony.

I was taken by surprise and looked to find Harry smirking and leaning on the glass door of my balcony.

When I gave him a glare and he held his hands up in surrender and mouthed 'Carry on' and watched me expectantly.

I went up to the balconty door and drew the curtains. And just to be sure.. I went into the bathroom and changed into my night-dress. It was a baby-blue thin strapped silky dress, reaching my mid thigh.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. And I didnt even bother to switch off the lights.


Liam told me that she was at Tori's place. You know who I am talking about. The weird girl who's laugh sounds like a choking duck. Yup.

I needed to tell her that nothing had happened between us.

We were incredibly drunk. Check.

We ran away together in my car. Check.

There was stripping. Check.

We 'got some'. NO.

She was misunderstanding, and I needed to clear that out.

"Is she coming, bro?" I asked Louis as he looked through the binoculars.

"Nope.. they are dancing.."

"Let me see!" I said and saw them doing a hip-hop kinda thing. And now they were twirking.

"Go away you guys!" Liam sleepily shouted from his bed.

"Liam look! T and Nik are pumping their booties!!" Louis exclaimed excitedly. He only found it funny. Nothing else. Man, Zoey really has him wrapped around her finger.

"Oh for crying out loud! Get a life, you pervs!" He said, trying to sound disgusted but I could tell he really wanted to come up here and watch the show.

I looked through the binoculars again and saw them laughing on the floor. Damn, I could hear Nik's laugh from here.

"Aww, they stopped." I pouted.

"Good, now let me sleep."

We turned back towards the window and saw them hugging.

"Oh.. she's comming! shes comming!" Louis hurried me.

"Shut up!" Liam grumbled in the pillow.

"Oh god what do I do?!" I panicked.

"Im just gonna go into your room then." Liam got up with his pillow and left.

She got out the font door and I opened the window calling out her name.

"NIKITAAA!!" I waved from the window, Lou joined me.

And she just ignored and went into her house.

"What the hell?" I frowned.

"She's mad, bro." Louis shrugged.

"Im sure once I talk to her.. she wont be mad anymore!" I smiled and went to my room.

Liam was in deep sleep and we tried our best not to wake him up. I tippy toed down the room and opened my balcony door. She entered the room and I then noticed that she was still in my clothes.

She started to unbutton the shirt and my mouth fell open. I jumped into her balcony and crossed my arms over looking at her and my pants might or might not've gotten tight.

'Oh god, she's gonna strip! HARRY, FOCUS.'

I knocked on the door.

She suddenly turned towards her door and went on and opened it a crack. And I was trying to hold in my laugh.

She turned around now, bolting her bedroom door. When she saw me. I smirked at her, and wiggled my eyebrows.

She blushed yet somehow managed to glare at me and I held my hands up. She kinda looked scary that way. I noticed that the shirt was slightly open but focused my eyes on her. 'Carry on' I mouthed and stole a little sneak peak before she closed the curtains on me.

I headed back to my room, still smiling.

"So..?" Louis asked me, lying in his bed. Liam was not there anymore.

"I saw her almost stripping." I told him like it was an achievement.

"Did you talk to her?" he facepalmed.

"Yikes! I totally forgot!" I cringed.

He sighed and said, "Sorry bro, you cant come to bed then."

"What? Why?" I frowned.

"Because I said so. And your room's locked. The keys are with me." He yawned and made himself comfy in the middle of the bed. "Goodnight." He spoke before snuggling into the blanket.

I just shrugged and went into Liam's room to sleep.

28 hours ago (for those who hate maths- 7 AM)

I woke up with huge bags under my eyes. I had harly slept. Yesterday night I had kinda tried to take a ladder and go into her room via Tanner's room.

I took the ladder and started climbing up it. Nikita had closed her window so I couldn't get into her room directly. That is why my plan was to get into Tanner's room and then slip into Nikki's. Awesome plan, right? I know...I'm a born genius, why thank you?

I climbed up the ladder without

Ow falling at least and slipped into his room through the window with ease. maybe the window was already open, but DO cut me some slack!

The mistake I did make was...was exclaiming "Ow!" when my huge 'thing' got a little hit as I got my other leg into the room. Tanner murmured something but then shut up. Then I started singing 'Heartattack' in a hushed tone. I saw Tanner sleeping with his mouth slightly open. So don't take this the wrong way or confuse my sexuality but he was looking really cute. I really couldn't help getting distracted. I took out my iPhone and switched my camera to night mode. Then I went onto Tanner's bed and faced my camera towards him. I was in the middle of photographing him when my elbow hit his stomach slightly. That was enough for him to wake up. The moment he saw me, with the camera and tongue out sideways he freaked.

"Ah!" he shouted getting up immediately.

"Lookin' like you do-oo" I completed my line of the song and been singing.

"Holy $hit!" Tan seemed to flutter his eyes open. Though he seemed pretty composed for a person who had just been wacked in the chest in thae middle of the night.

"Um...sorry?" this not one of the few situations I usually get into.

"Is it Har-rey?" she sleeply asked. How the hell someone came still manage to be sleepy, don't ask me!

"NO! It's Justin Bieber!" I explained though my sarcasm was very ironic.

"What are you this time?" He asked me, ignoring my lack of sarcastic skills. Well I ignored his bad grammar too. Then again I guess that any sane person wouldn't check there grammar in the middle of the night. Haha bad grammar and sane together! I crack myself up. Lame! Wait...did I just call myself lame? I'm SO lame then again. Another haha. Okay, I'll shut up now.

"I-I'm here for..." I looked around the room, "This!' I finally explained as I picked up the pillow.

"That's a pillow, Harry" he replied as he tried to keep his eyes open.

"I know right?!" I stated as I hugged the pillow to my chest. Ah, that lucky pillow! It got hugged by 'moi'! (Damn...note to self: stop hanging out with Zayn so much)

Tan rubbed his eyes.

'I always take a pillow from your room" I stated matter-of-factly.

Tan looked a bit sceptically at me at first. Then he came to a valid conclusion.

'That explains the drool on my pillows" he finally stated and buried his head back into the pillow. His head landed on it with a 'thud'. How much did his head even weigh? Anyway it was the most difficult thing for me to surpress my laughter. Wow...I had a picture of Tan sleeping and now I knew that he drools. Awesome.

Um...wait a sec, since Tan was back to sleep, did that mean that I could slip into Nikki's room without any difficulty. Double awesome.

Just when I opened the door to his room of his room, with the fact that he slept like...something, I don't know, I suck analogies, he looked my way.

"Get her champ" He softly said and I smiled in reply.

I went towards her room and quietly turned the knob. I was pushing it when I noticed that it was locked. I sighed. All this trouble for nothing? I punched the door angrily and made my way back to tanner's room, went down the window and back to Liam's room.

But now I wont come back empty handed. Or maybe I will.


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