Uta-Pri: New History

By AnimeAce

226 7 0

(Squeal to Modern Classic) Things have been going well for Jun and Akiko, but when things start going wrong t... More

Chapter 1 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 2 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 3 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 4 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 5 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 7 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 8 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 9 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 10 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 11 (Jun Megumi)
Chapter 12 (Akiko Rei)
Chapter 13 (Jun Megumi)

Chapter 6 (Akiko Rei)

18 0 0
By AnimeAce

Chapter 6 (Akiko Rei)

Most of the lights were off in my bedroom as I worked on the newest Modern Classic song. I was making good progress when all of a sudden a strange noise came from behind me. When I turned around I didn't see anyone, but the sound didn't stop. Then I noticed my whole purse was moving on the desk where I had tossed it earlier.

I grabbed it off the desk and dug through it, before finally finding the phone inside. It was another text from my stalker, but it couldn't be read from the main screen. I had also added a password, just for the sake of security. I unlocked the phone and opened the message, but closed my eyes and took a breath before reading it.

>Have a good day?<

I frowned. >About average, except for the development with you.<

>I'm hurt.<


There was a pause. >You are more of a sadist than I expected.<

>Only when it comes to creepy stalkers.<

>Some people enjoy things like that.< He replied, which sent chills down my spine.

"Why do you have to be such a creep?" I muttered under my breath. >I'm guessing you want something.<

>Yes, I have my first request.< He said. I sank to the floor with my knees shaking and swallowed before replying.

>What's your request?<

I waited anxiously for the reply, which seemed to take forever to arrive. >There's something I want you to see. Come to Concort Plaza tomorrow at 10.<

"Concort Plaza?" I mumbled under my breath. >10 am or pm?<

>Glad to see you are taking me seriously. 10 pm, don't be late.<

I figured that was the end of the messages and tossed the phone back into my purse, after turning down the vibrate setting. I sighed and glanced at the sheet music, but I had lost all desire to finish the song. Instead I put it all away and stepped out into the balcony.

The air was cold, and the wind was on the strong side, but it felt good. I thought about my stalker and wondered if I really shouldn't go to someone about it. I saw Ai down on the lawn and got an idea. I ran through my room and down to the ground floor.

He was halfway up the steps to his room when I caught up. "Ai, hold on a moment." I called. He stopped and turned to look at me.

"Akiko-san. Do you need something?" He asked.

"I just had a question for you, since you've been an idol for a long time." I said.

"Well, not a long time." He objected.

"Longer than me." I countered.

"That is true. What is your question?" He asked.

I took a breath, formulating how to ask without seeming suspicious. "Just in case it ever happens in the future is there a particular way to handle stalkers and people like that?" I finally asked.

Ai thought for a moment. "I suppose it depends on the situation. Ordinarily I would say talk to Shining or the police or even Nobuo." He said then turned to keep walking.

"What if they blackmail you?" I asked quickly, not wanting him to walk away.

"Blackmail?" He turned back around and looked at me. "Akiko, are you...?" He started to ask.

"Nope, just curious is all. It occurred to me that I didn't know so I just had to ask. That's all. Good night, sorry for bothering you." I turned and hurried down the stairs. I could feel his eyes on my back until I finally got out of sight.

I hurried back to my bedroom and closed my door. I let out a breath and, just to be safe, pulled the phone from my purse to see if I had received another text. Surprisingly I had.

>I will know if you act suspicious tomorrow so don't try anything.< I swallowed and put the phone away. I was considering trying to finish the song , just because it would give me something to do other than think, when someone knocked on my door. I opened it to see Yuki.

"Yuki? What's wrong?" I asked. I could tell tight away he was worried about something; his expression was full of concern and he was wringing his hands.

"May I come in?" He asked and I nodded, stepping aside to let him in. He entered and then paced for a bit as I sat down on my bed, after closing the door. "How do I explain this...?" He mumbled to himself.

"What is it, Yuki?" I asked. He took a breath then turned to face me.

"You're in danger." He said quickly. I smiled.

"How so?" I asked, pretending not to take him fully seriously while trying not to panic.

"It's... It's just a feeling. I had a dream and I heard you calling for help." He said.

"Are you sure it wasn't just the dream? Or did you leave ___ on the TV? I did have a short appearance in the movie and I remember calling 'help' on more than one occasion." I questioned.

"The last time this happened my mother was having a heart attack." He said and his eyes told me he was serious.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I said softly.

"She was fine, but only because the dream woke me and I was able to call an ambulance in time. Akiko, I'm worried about you. Please, don't do anything risky." He dropped to his knees and took my hands, practically begging me with puppy eyes.

"Okay. I promise to be careful. You should head back to sleep, Yuki. Everything will be fine." I said soothingly.

"Please, promise me. Stay at work or stay with one of the guards. Don't ride in any vehicle whose driver you don't know. Don't try anything crazy. Please." He begged.

"I'll be fine, Yuki. I swear I'll be careful." I kissed him lightly on the head then stood, helping him up. "You should really go to bed, Yuki." I encouraged.

He nodded and hugged me tightly. I patted his arm gently and he slowly let me go. He kept glancing back as he left and even as he walked down the hallway. I waved when he got to the end of the hallway and he disappeared around the corner. I smiled to myself before closing my door.

"You're in danger." His voice rang in my head and I shook it to clear it. I smiled when his words gave me an idea for a song. I set up once more and started composing, forgetting all about today and tomorrow and only let myself think about the music. Because I knew I was going to have a break down if I thought about anything else.

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