MR♚ NGSB (No Girlfriend Since...

By princess_kookie

80.7K 3.4K 1.2K

A girl who loves to collect boyfriends found Mr. NGSB, the guy who never had a girlfriend. [MAY 03, 2015- JU... More

Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Thirteen

3.2K 173 32
By princess_kookie


I can't move, my heart was beating fast. It's them, my friends, my classmates, who have disgusted me, who have resented me, they're here.

I see my three bestfriends holding a cake, with Kenji beside them, smiling at me sincerely.

"Kyle!" Casey ran to me and hugged me tight, snapping me out of mt agape.

"I'm so sorry bestfriend! I didn't mean to resent you, I was only out of my mind back then. Forgive me." She cried.

I smiled and patted her back. "I-it's okay." I also cried.

I can't believe it. What has happened? Why did they stop resenting me?

"We're all sorry, Kyle." Said Jen. "We were wrong, we shouldn't have believed the rumors, we should have believed you. We're so sorry." Jen said as she also hugged me.

"Thank you.. thank you so much." I said can't stop myself from crying.

My eyes then searched for Suga, but he was gone. My phone then beeped. It was a messaged from him.

[Take your time with them, I'll wait for you here at the benches.]

I smiled as I read it.

How could I thank him?



I am now here, sitting alone on this bench, holding the necklace in my hand. It's actually a couple necklace, and I don't why I bought it. This is totally embarassing. I keep on doing things I never thought I would ever do. Now that I know, that this how falling in love was. Doing great things to keep a relationship strong.

I felt as though I have found the one, the one whom I could be with, forever.

It was already an hour since I left her in that room, as I can hear, there's so much happenings in there. I'm relieved, now that she's finally happy. I felt as though I have removed the big thorn in her heart. And I couldn't do it, if not for Dino and Kenji's help.

While Dino and I were on our way back to their house, we saw Kenji, standing right in front of the school. Talking with someone. Dino said to stop by, and though I hate it, slightly, I stopped and we had to talk to him. We asked him what he was doing and he told us that he was making the request of Kyle.

I was quite amazed about how he was a little bit cool , just a little bit cool, for doing it, despite the bad things we've done to him. I asked him why was he doing it and he told me that he realized what he've done and mustered up his strength after a long time, to go against the one who manipulates him. It was the guy they call Leo. The guy who did all the rumors and things that ruined Kyle's life.

I learned everything and helped him, so did Dino, that was why we were back late. We apologized for everyone, we went to their houses and it was not easy. We were convincing them not to hate her, and I invited them here, and now I'm taking this chance, for me to ask her if she loves me. To ask her be my girlfriend, formally amd officially.

I still feel burdened, this is not going to be easy. My heart was pounding fast and loud as though it wanted to jump off my chest.

It's my first time to do this, and I am so nervous. I'm normally not into romantic stuffs, but I am doing this, for a reason, for her. For Kyle.

"Hey...." I was shocked when Kyle suddenly appeared in front of me.

I stood up, hiding the necklace in my pocket quickly that she didn't notice.

"Suga, listen." She said, smiling at me beautifully. The most weakening and the prettiest smile I've ever seen.

Her eyes were teary and I'm guessing it because of joy.

"I love you." She said.

I felt the world stopped, and everything around us was gone, my heart continued beating like a rolling drum.

"Thank you for everything that you've done for me." She said, shedding tears. "This is the first time someone has cared for me this much. Suga—"

"Wait. Let me say it." I cut her sentence.

I then again pulled the necklace out of my pocket and showed it to her, a gold necklace with a gold keypendant. "Can you keep my heart's key and lock yourself in it?" I asked.

I wanted to laugh at my corny words, but I held in for my own sake.

She giggled. As expected she likes to mock me.

"That's corny." She said.

I sighed.

"Of course, I'll keep it and never give it back to you again." She smiled.

I smiled uncontrollably widely with a little laugh.

I then turned her around and wore the necklace around her neck.

She turned back around and faced me smiling very very beautifully. "Suits you well." I commented.

"Now wear this to me, too." I held out the othe necklace, it was silver having a silver key pendant. "If you want me to keep the key of your heart too." I chuckled so she did. We were both laughing at my words' silliness.

She wore it around my neck then.

I held her hand as we both were wearing it already. "Can I kiss you?" I asked, as I held her cheek.

She nodded smiling. Then I bent my head down to reach for her lips. Slowly moving closer and closer. Until I could feel her warm breath. I involutarily closed my eyes as she did, and kissed her on the lips.

This could be the best moment that has ever happened in my life. Kissing the girl I wanted to be mine. I'm not letting go. I'm not going to let her go anymore.

We both smiled as we both pulled off together.

But then she frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She remained silent and just looked away. "You have to know something. Promise me you won't leave me like others did." She said.

Was she finally telling me what her secret was?

"But if it will ruin our relationship, I prefer not to know it. Please." I begged.

She sighed sadly and held my both hands tight. "You have to know it,  you have the right to know it. If you won't I sould only feel as if I was cheating on you." She insisted.

I sighed.

"Okay. Tell me, what is it?" I asked.

She was silent for a seconds, mustering up her strength to say it.

Untill my phone rang first. At first I didn't want to answer it but she told me to.

"Answer it first."

I modded, then grabbed my phone out of my pocket. My anger suddenly erupted inside me, it was him. The guy who threatens me to leave Kyle.

I walked a few distant away from Kyle and answered his call.

"What now?" I asked coldly.

He laughed sarcastically, and it sounds as though he was damn teasing me.

"What do I need? YOU need something from me. It seems like you've definitely fell in love with her, and I guess it's the best time to tell you something that have caused every guy to leave her alone."

"I don't need your help, she's goind to tell me right now." I answered.

"Oh really? Awww, then she must be trying to tell you a lie, and try to act as though she isn't a nasty girl."

"Fck it. What's your deal?" I asked him firmly.

This guy won't leave us alone. He's really getting on my nerves.

"She doesn't deserve to be happy." He laughed. "If you want to know the truth, let's meet up. I'm just behind the school campus. I'm trying to help you." He said laughing in a sinister way. Everytime he laughs makes my nerves go insane.

He's just a piece of crap who can't accept the fact that he's alone in this world. And I'd better make his mouth shut, to stop annoying me.

I walked back to Kyle.

"Wait for me here. I'm off to meet someone." I told her.

She frowned. "What? Who?" She asked.

"You don't have to know." I smiled. "I'll be back. Wait for me here. We're not done yet." I grinned.

She then smiled and nodded.

I ran towards my car and veered around to the back of the school campus. There was an alley where I pulled over, between the tall wall of the school and an apartment building. There was then a fire at the center of the narrow alley, which gives enough light for me to see him standing in front of it. Wearing a black cap and black suit.

I jumped off my car and walked towards him slowly. As I've reached a meter of a distant from him, he removed his cup and looked at me. Grinning like a psycho.

I could say he is quite a good looking guy, but I prefer my looks. He only had those better features on his face. But I like how my looks is different. So yes, I've started comparing myself and him. But if it's sanity, I've definitely won.

I also noticed a tattoo on his neck. It was like an anchor.

"You better stop. If for some reason you hate her, it's still not a real man to do things you do, after they've been hurt. If she'd hurt you back then, I advice you to get a life and move on."

He laughed like a total idiot.

"Oh no no. Do you think I'm like Kenji? Fckng no. No no." He chuckled annoyingly.

I furrowed my brows watching him chuckle. Until he stopped and wore his sinister expression again.

"She's totally an actress" He laughed. "She fooled you that easy, you dumbass idiot. You don't know what she's really in to you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked beginning to be curious.

"She is not that type of girl you think she was. The rumors were true, Min Yoon Gi. And she is the one who's lying. She lied in everything she has told you...... You know what, to make it clearer, let's just say that, Kyle is a btch." He said walking around the fire and me.

I clenched my hand into fists, hearing these dirty things he says about Kyle. But I can't speak, for some reason I'm worried about this truth I was dodging to know at first.

"Kyle, was my girlfriend and I admit I have loved her, much more than I loved myself. Until the 'rumors', have spread in our school. It's okay if it's only a rumor, I didn't mind, but it wasn't JUST a rumor, it was true. Do you want to see the photos for yourself?" He asked as he stopped in front of me, holding an envelope in his hand.

I felt my body started shaking. As though I'm about to face death.

It's not that I don't trust Kyle, but she herself, was afraid to tell me her secret, causing me to doubt more.

"Why would I believe you?" I asked.

"No, don't believe me. But look at these photos, and if you want to, you may also watch the video. So what do you prefer?" He asked.

He was handing out the envelope, and I absent-mindedly reached for it. My heart was telling me not do it, but my mind was urging to know the truth.

I opened it and saw pictures that have made my world fall apart.

It was Kyle, and a guy who's face was blurred.

I felt anger erupted in me. Anger that I haven't felt since long time ago.

"This is not real." I muttered trying hard to hold back my tears back in.

It was hard to say it was fake, the photos were crystal clear. But my.mind can't accept that fact.

I was afraid to know the truth because I knew it could hurt me, but now that I know everything, why do I feel as though I have lost.

"Tsktsk. You don't believe it? Here, watch the video, you can't be fooled for the rest of your life Min Yoon Gi. She isn't worth it to be your first girlfriend. She's a liar." He then handed me a phone.

"Watch it yourself. Or do you still want to keep the truth hidden from you? It's your choice." He then left.

But I threw the phone he gave. These photos were enough for me to know the truth.



My tears streamed down.

He told him  he told him about it.

I shivered and felt as though my life was over.

It was him. It was really him who was trying to make my life miserable.

Now that Suga know about it, what should I do now? How can I face him? How can I defend myself?

I have fooled him. I feel guilty about it.

My tears didn't stop streaming as I ran away back to our house.

I want to apologize, but for some reason I want to hide, I can't show myself in front of him. I can't face him.

It hurts, it really hurts me inside. I love him, and I have already decided to keep the truth from him because I was afraid. I am afraid that he will leave me like others did.

"How does it feel?" A voice made me stop running.

I turned around and saw Leo behind me, smirking at me.

I stepped back, and wiped my tears. I started to quiver and sweat. He wsn't the guy I have know  before. He has totally changed. He never had that sinister look on his face. But I understand why he's changed, I understand how angry he must have been feeling.

He stepped forward to me, slowly, as if he was threatening me.

"I'm sorry, on behalf of my father. Please... Leo." I cried.

It made him stop.Maybe because he was surprised that I already know about that incident.

"I'm sorry, Leo." I cried harder.

But it seemed as though I have only angered him more. He glared at me sharply and walked near me. I stepped back untill my back hit the lampost and there's no more space to step back.

He was too close and was only glaring at me.

"Sorry?" He chuckled. "Could your sorry bring back the lives of my family? Huh?! You deserve more pain, because the pain you feel right now wasn't enough compared to how I felt!!" He yelled.

I cringed in fright and cried while mybody's shaking.

I don't have anything to say because I feel guilt. My father was the reason why, and I really know how it feels like to lose just a single parent, because I have lost a father too. But what I don't know is that how it feels like to lose  your whole family, in just a second.

I blame myself. If it wasn't for us, mother won't have an affair with another man, just to send us to school. It was all my fault. Because I was the one who insists to go to school. I cried a lot begging for mom to send me to school. That is why she did it. She did it for me, for us.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I again cried. It was all that I can say.

He cried in anger and yelled again. "Shut the fck up!! I don't want to hear those words from you! I don't want to hear your sorry. I want you to live a hell life like I did! You got it?!"

He then grasped my neck with his hands tight, causing me to choke.

I cried, I begged for him to stop, but he wasn't doing it so. He continued choking me untill I could hardly breathe. My face turned to red amd I thought it was the end for me.

"You might as well die too! I hate you! I rssent you! You're the reason why I'm living a life like this! I don't deserve this! Why did you do this to me?!" He cried.

It felt as though he's stabbed me on the chest repeatedly. Knowing that he hates me was enough, but hearing it from him was hurting me too.

I cried in fear, agony and guilt. I don't even know how to feel now. I felt as though I have lost everything too, and it didn't feel.good.

If he was trying to hurt me, or give me a hell life, losing my Suga was enough. It was already the end of me. He's already won.

He continued choking me untill I my sight blurred. Then someone pulled him away from me, and hit him until he stumbled down.

Weakly, I sat down and held my throat, trying to ease the pain, but my eyes didn't stop crying.

Then I saw Suga, it wasn't clear, but I know it was him. He was so angry, beating up Leo mercilessly.

I cried. 'Till the end, he still cared for me. He still cared to rescue me.

I could hear him yell as he was exchanging punches with Leo, yelling as though he was badly hurt and dangerously angry.

I can't see his face clearer, but I'm certain that he was shedding tears.

"How dare you?! You fcking bastard!!! Die!" I heard him yell.

I wanted to stop him, but I felt weak even to stand up.

He then  stopped when Leo was already out of conscious.

I wanted to run, as he turned to face me.

He walked close to me and I managed to stand up.

We looked at each others eyes for a second but then I looked away.

My tears stubbornly rolled down again.

He probably hates me now. So I turned to walk away though I was a bit limping.

But he stopped me by gripping my wrist.

I removed it, as I saw his expressionless eyes.

"Go. Leave me like they did. I know, I'm not the girl you wanted. I'm not the girl for you. So I'm setting you free, as earlier as now." I said with a shaky voice.

It was painful to emd our relationshil this early, but I can't help it. Even if I want him to stay I can't do it.

I'm embarassed to myself, and ashamed at the same time. The photos he saw was real, but that happened whe  I was kidnapped and made me drink a wine that contains a powder that drove me insane that night. As though I was out of control and just did what that merciless disgusting man told me to. Though I didn't like it, it was me. I was dirtied by a guy who was trying to screw me.

Suga doesn't deserve me. He deserves much better. He deserves someone who is clean, who won't use him ljust like I did.

But I swear to God I love him. I love Suga. And I don't to hurt him.

So I again turned around,aiming to leave but he again pulled me to him and hugged me tightly..

I was flustered.. Then I hear him cry.

"It's okay....." He cried.

This was the first time I heard him cry, his whole body was shaking as though he was feeling so much pain inside him. And that I wondered why.

"I'm sorry..... W-what should I do? ..... What should I do? Kyle?" He cried.


A/N: Annnd, tomorrow will be the final. π_π \/

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